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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 25, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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piece together what happened. animal rescuers refuse to give up on a horse. and we also have a old walrus that still gets his grove on. >> you would walk around with mud butt than walk around and ask some goo for toilet paper? >> steven has our first video. there's dumb, and then there's really dumb. a man, with his head on fire at a bar. this is from augusta, georgia. beth, i know you're concerned, you would probably think why would somebody light his head on
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fire. he was highly intoxicated and he bet his friends that he could. >> here, you clearly see friends of this guy identified as 36-year-old william bonner user a lighter to light his head on fire. they doused him with bacar bacardi 151. listen to the bar owner. >> his face was read, glistening, almost, and had the consistency of melted plastic. >> he suffered second degree burns. investigators say he will probably be okay. he will not be charged.
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we talked to the sheriff's department. they said they think this guy suffered enough. >> when he woke up, was he thinking this hangover was so weird. >> my head was on fire, and i have the video to prove it. a fight involving teenagers was all caught on video and it led to 11 arrests. take a look at this video that we have from wsoc in charlotte. >> a girl fight? >> you see two teenager girls going at it in north carolina. this fight was over the break up of a girl and a boy. >> it's always a girl and a boy and another one is jealous. >> according to the sheriff's office, this fight was arranged
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by parents of the teens involved. >> and let's put it on camera. >> one of the parents was accused of setting this up. she denies it and told the teenagers to get off of her lawn. >> i said to get off the lawn and leave and then sh me. you will see the father get involved, this is this guy right here, first it's like he is trying to stop the fight welcome and he gets pulled into the fight. >> this is an episode of jerry springer playing out on the front yard. >> you see it involves a number of people, adults and teenagers alike, and this lead to 11 arrests and the charges were contributing to the oppose of
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drug paraphernalia. >> a sky diver lost his life, and he caught it all on camera. he was a experienced sky diver. he is there to tape two other sky divers, and it's from his point of view. the plane that they left from goes into a dive. alex's camera just goes into a spin. the wing of the plane hit him. the reason for the plane going into a dive, but the pilot was
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distraught. you see the camera going into a complete spin, his parachute deploys, but he hit a sugar cane field. they dump, alex is behind in blue, and now you see the plane go into a dive. >> why did he do that? >> you see the wing just clean up him which spent him into a spin. >> there's the damage to the plane. everybody else in the plane landed safely. >> a pet thamed thunder fell
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into a collapsed well in washington state, and it took firefighters and faubs to get him out. this is john parsons, it was his horse. neighbors came around and cut the wood top off the well to go to the horse. >> his nose was starting to dip into the water. >> and they pumped some of the water out. notice these tractors, neighbors brought tractors to make a ramp so it was easier to get thunder out pup the first time they tried it didn't work, but they didn't give up. it took them some effort, but thunder was able to climb out. >> everybody, thanks for helping. >> his owner says outside of a couple of scratches, she's okay. >> i love see to a community
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come together to rescue an animal. >> the only thing missing was lassie. ♪ a dude gets busted on camera. see why two guys went all ninja to catch a driver. and it's a drag race turned insane drifting. see what went wrong and how it all ende
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remember, "right this minute" is all new, all summer long. >> you heard of logitech, right? they make cool high-tech products? they also make surveillance contests.
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they have after contest called busted where they submit things they caught with their cameras. >> sounds perfect for our show. >> this is, this is the video from the winner of june's contest. watch the black car -- >> boom. >> eventually youdidn't realize your very poor turning radius. >> once you hit the sidewalk, don't you say maybe i shouldn't do this? >> keep watching. >> is this guy a ninja? >> the homeowner and his brother both saw this happen. you hear the crash, one of the guy scales the fence very much like a ninja, and the other guy in black comes from the other direction -- it turns out the
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guy had no license, no insurance, and he was from out of state. >> no license, that doesn't surprise me. there's no way he would pass a driver's test. they won the busted contest, so because of this poor u-turner there, they get an additional cameras for their house. >> i need some cameras at my house. ♪ when you see a fast car speeding down the road, you might think man, that car was cooking, this car really is cooking. this show got together to check out the ls3 and the noticeably hot engine. they wrap everything up in these tinfoil containers, strap it to the engine in the hottest parts.
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>> it's loaded, let's go for a drive. >> this is brilliant multitasking. >> how did this stuff taste though -- >> so far it's looking pretty good, although the bacon may be a little under cooked, but the steak not looking so bad. >> i'm surprised. >> that's good. >> cooked by exhaust. >> i like how they get out of this nice expensive car, they even say -- >> we have to eat with our hands while we eat under a tree. >> could this work with any car? >> not really. this walrus wants to join the mormon tabernacle choir.
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here he is practices his vocalization. >> i'm thinking it's not so much the choir as it is a burping competition. he just celebrating his 30th birthday in tacoma, washington. >> it was like an inner noise there. >> i don't know. >> i love him. he is a bug eyed booger. >> yeah, those eyes are weirding me out a little. >> how do you train a walrus to
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do this. after enough times of that happening, he figures out whistle equals a fish in my mouth. >> ladies and gentlemen, beth troutman. >> tomorrow on "right this minute," it's a beautiful day for a motorcycle ride. >> up ahead jim is on his street glider, you see him fly off the road and dump his bike over. >> i see videos like this and i say "why take the chance?" . coming up, the automatic toilet paper dispenser. and a little dash cam video of -- what's that
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once again, it's best of rtm kind. bonus videos on our website. what do you have in. >> a maroon 5 medley. >> beth, i have one, you know
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you're not supposed to get in van with a stranger, but how about getting in with rain wilson. >> get in the world. >> if you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? >> fiji. >> don't. >> go to our wx, all you have to do is click best of rtm. this guy is racing at the sacramento raceway park. look what happens. loses control, fish tailing side to side, and is able to regain control to the cheers of the people standing by. they were thrilled that the guy didn't smash it up into the barrier. >> it's a drag racing car, it's supposed to go really fast really straight. >> i don't know how you managed --
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>> how long -- >> that happens with slicks. >> you would think racing on those racing tires, it would be really slippery. >> i thought you were going to eat it hard. >> at first i was like what's the big deal, he's just drifting and the other car didn't. >> it's not a drifting contest, you don't want to be drifting during this kind of a contest. >> who was the driver. >> tuesday, that was a good show, man. through the years, technology made bathrooms sweeter. the automatic paper towel, the automatic flusher, but you have to touch the poilt paper
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dispenser. not anymore. this was created by a company in japan. automatic toilet paper rollers. it rolled out a wad of paper for you to clean up with. >> i like this because it will completely get rid of the need for a toilet paper hand. it rolls out just enough for what you need, folds it, pull it right out, tada. >> it doesn't look like you can replace the roll on your own if. >> so you have to ask to spare a square. >> the guy can hand you the toilet paper, but that negates everybody else touching the toilet paper. >> have you ever done that? >> if you're out would you
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whether walk around with mud butt than ask a dude under the stall for toilet paper? >> no, a guy would never do that for a million years. you would wait, suffer, until no one was in there, and then go over to the next stall. >> stay cheese, david beckham is crashing your photo-op. why the studly star is [ taste buds ] donuts, donuts, donuts!
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who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon,
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donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds.
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things are different in lther countries. these two guys came across this coke machine that provides frozen coke. >> it should be pretty cool. >> this is a coke machine. when you open it up you're agitating the liquid, and it bonds, and it creates super cold coke. >> you know all of of my chemistry and biology classes, i don't remember the word
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nucleation. i think the bottle is just set to the right temperature to do this. you're the man if you have a really fat boat -- wait a minute. your boat shouldn't be that fat that it can pass you when it's in the trailer? at the boat and trailer try to pass somebody, the boat came unhooked. >> that's a bad day. >> that is a bad day, not good for your boat to go through travel. >> might want to check your holes before putting it on the water. >> i like the guy watching out of the front of car that just
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scratches his head and thinks i must not have done something right. >> did you tighten the hitch? >> i thought you were tightening the hitch. >> that was your job. >> let's take a trip across the pond to london. we're going to go to a party with adidas. they set up a photo booth. they wanted to get behind team great britain and take photos to commemorate the moment. but as you can tell from the girl in the blue, there is a surprise. >> that's david beckham. >> that is, they invited him to come in and surprise the people in the photobooth and then of course join them in the celebratory photos. >> there is a problem, he is
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wearing a shirt. >> he could wear adidas shorts. >> that's what so beautiful about this. watch the emotion that just runs across people's faces, and david beckham is not even participating in a sport. imagine this, you think you're having a fun photo moment with your friends, and then david beckham is part of your photo. >> whatever he said in that voice really made this mom and son combo really excited. >> way to go adidas. not only did they help people get really excited about the olympics. -- captions by vitac --
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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman, we have videos first. a killer wheal trapped a trainer in his jaws for a battle of survival. >> like you've never seen. >> the footage that should not have seen the light of day. two shoplifters make a run for it and leave a baby behind. see what knocks this woman right out of


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