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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 25, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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and home intruders trace to this outlet. and the mystery of the kitten in the wall for some folks that don't own a cat. see what is happening here and if it is paranormal or not. >> it's time to get started, nick has the first video. >> i have a chilling video like you have never seen, to sea world, where this shows a killer wheal and ken peters working together. ten peter's foot is trapped in his mouth. pulling him under water. the wheals brings peter to the surface with the foot still in his mouth.
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you see him eerily calm. the most dramatic moments of this video are here when you see >>ave you heard what set the wheal off? >> he thinks maybe she heard her 2-year-old calf crying from a separate pool. the wheal lets his foot go and he makes a break for it. >> wow. >> the wheal does charge him, but he is able to get himselfup on to a shallow part of the pool. at this point is foot is broken. >> do you know why it took six years for us so see this video?
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>> this all happened before the highly publicized incident when a wheal kill-- whale killed a trainer, right? >> yes. >> two sistered were accused at shoplifting at a walmart, but you won't believe who they left behind. they were spotted by security in walmart. they were attempting to steal $57 worth of clothing. they were intercepted by store security, but guess what happens. she took off running, and laura breaks free. security said, hey, aren't you going to take this baby? and she says it's not my child, not my child.
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police say that is alilisoallis child? >> so she abandoned her child over $57 worth of theft? she says i'm a proud mommy, my son means the world to me, i have two beautiful sisters. >> i hope they take the baby away from her. >> it has been removed from her care. the two sisters were arrested at a dance club and the baby is in custody of the country. she is serving ten years of house arrest for a home invasion she was involved in. >> i'm angry at all of this. what kind of mom she is, shoplifting, i'm angry she tried to run from security guards and her sister doesn't tell her right from wrong, and that she
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can't teach her child because this child will end up in foster care. >> you see stories of bad stuff happening on school buses, here we go again. you see this 10-year-old in the seat being bullied physically and verbally by two 15-year-old school memates schoolmates. they hit him, they call him names, racial slurs, sexual slurs, and in my opinion, the worst part is this. they're burning him with a cigarette lighter. >> where is the bus driver? >> she was on the bus, and you do hear her on this video. you can have your own opinion on this. >> get quiet, i have to drive
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the bus. >> she was recently acquitted of a child neglect charge. >> that's a hate crime and they burned him. >> both of those teenagers were found guilty of disorderly conduct and assault and battery. she wanted to show friends and family how bad the abuse was. >> i want friends to know that when i speak out this is what it's able. she says her son has scars from this incident, has hours of therapy, and is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder now. the mother is waiting for a court date sbens the school district and others totaling $31
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million. a pointless act of vandalism. this is at auto sales. two guys with their shirts around their face come to this parking lot and start smashing in the wind shields with a weapon. you see some glass fly out, it looks like it might have hit one of the vandals in the face. >> in all, they caused damage to five different vehicles. the dealership has to replace the wind shields. >> this is the third act of vandalism in three years at this same auto dealership.
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>> the footage is so crumby, you can't see faces. she hopes that neighbors or people in the area may have seen something they can maybe give information to police. they want to find these guys. the owner is thinking about adding tighter security, and higher quality security cameras. >> get a load of this. >> this guy has his mouth sewn shut. see why, next. and check out this video. >> watch the right of your screen -- >> see what happens next when we screen -- >> see what happens next when we come back. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet
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"right this minute" this is all new all summer long.
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>> have you ever just wanted to sew somebody's mouth shut so they couldn't talk. maybe on this show in maybe one of us? that would be illegal for one of us to do that to each other, but some guy in russia did it to himself. he is a artist. we got this video and get a load of this. he is porting a rock group known as pussy riot. they're under scrutiny -- so he's doing it say it's not right to sensor someone. >> yes, they were having a punk prayer to throw putin out.
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seven years sounds rough for me. there is a guy with his mouth shut. to me it looks real. >> i can't see him sewing his mouth like that without having some doctors assistance,s if got to hurt. >> one article i read said that they called for him and he was discharged and was fine. >> i'm on information overload right now. people in the house were hearing noises that were coming from a kitten. >> hi, buddy. >> he was behind the electrical socket. how did he get there? >> look at the size of him. >> they named him valentino
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because he has a heart shaped mark on his head, was trapped in the wall so they dug him out. he got in somehow, it could have called in the attic and fell through. they were hearing kitten noises in various parts of the house. she called up in the attic, didn't find it, the noise coming out of the electrical socket. >> did they say how long they were hearing it? >> they said it had been a couple days. >> it's not like they got a cat and it got in the wall, it just appeared in their wall. >> this is what he looked like when they pulled him out. they have another picture of him getting a bath. he went to a doctor to get checked out, and he was giveen
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to an animal place to be rescued. kittens are cute and all, but that sound -- i would be punching down my wall to find it. to freak you guys out, take a look at this video, and look at this place. can you tell me where this place might be? >> it's like a under ground hallway. >> like something out of "doom" the video game. >> this is a real place, and it's an under ground shelter that was ordered to be built by stalin in the 1940's. >> did they just discover this? >> it's been functional since he
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had it built in the '40s. now it's a cold war museum. >> look at that, style in there, a little carpet and couches -- >> wow, that's a big dinner table. i guess the entire bureau could have met there back in the day. but i'm lost. i feel like i would get down there and never get out. >> spooky, but it does make me go -- >> they would have to call it the red october, november, december, jan, and february because of how big it is. so see the entire video, go to our website and click best of rtm. these dudes travels across the country to skate board out on the broken road. see how they turns a little
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damage into a darn good time. and a russian driving vi wow,
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look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom.
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whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. this is a classic case of some kids turning lemons into lemonade, and i'm going to let you tell him. >> we're from duluth,
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skateboarding news. he's talking about the roadways that were flooded and destroyed, and they decided to come from arizona to duluth to skateboard and what was left behind. >> it is a wild day and a great go skateboarding day. go back to you, john. are we good? ♪ this is really dangerous, actually. >> the boys are fine, nobody fell in, they just shot some cool video. notice noti
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♪ . they went from phoenix to duluth for broken roads. >> i can't even stan on a sca skateboard and their going over this broken stuff. >> we would have less videos on the show if we didn't have russian videos. here is one, and those specificy manhole covers get in the way almost daily. >> better the suv and the motorcyclist. >> i know, but he almost got hit. close call, the silver suv got sent off, the motorcycle dodged it all, but he looks back thinking that could have been me. how about this guy, brakes fail,
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traffic starts to slow down. if you look to the left side you see somebody up ahead get really out of control. ♪ >> and if was a truck. >> a big semitruck who apparently had his brakes fail. he smashed into the truck in front of him and pushed him off the road and the truck tumbled down to the side. >> he drives through to get a better picture of what happened. people are already out of their cars trying to help. >> look at that mess, oh my goodness. paranormal activity
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>> beth, are you ready for some unbridled joy? >> absolutely! >> it's about to happen. this woman was taken to not very far, and this is her first a venture ride, and she's not knowing what's going to happen, and just watch the look on that beautiful little face as she
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experiences her first theme park ride. going around in circles, her mouth is opening, her hand up, both hands up, holding the bar, smiling, feeling the motion, isn't that great. >> that is a sweet little video. >> i just love it. letting the wind blow on her face -- i saw this video and i just thought i remember going to theme parks as a kid you had that wonder, awe, and joy. >> i have another russian driving video of sorts. seems like this is a party going on here, and the guy is trying to convince his buddy to sit down and play a game of monkey do. they get into a fake driving game, and basically the guy in the red jacket has to do
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everything that the guy in the red sweater does. they start the car, they drive, shift gears, he beeps the horn -- so you beep the horn, maybe you throw something at someone -- maybe smack your head -- [ laughter ] that's great. >> i like how that camera comes into the shot like -- i have to get a picture of this. what car has a horn on this side? [ laughter ] >> yep. >> he seems to be a good sport
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about it, and he does get his buddy back. >> oh! good! he got him back. >> gather around the campfire, boys and girls, i have a ghost tale. this place is haunted. but what? i have the surveillance video to prove it. >> what the heck is that? >> maybe it's a rat. >> over here, ends up in the middle of this -- >> it could seriously just be a rat knocked some stuff over. >> but there is also a video from daylight. >> it's not as spooky. in this case, the employee walks into the kitchen, picks up a bottle of cleaner, puts it back
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on the shelf, and -- >> that's not the spooky thing anyway. watch this, the bottle -- >> she didn't put it up the right way, that happens in my house all the time. >> maybe this is all a ploy to get us talking about their pizza. overall, this was not very spooky. >> no, not at all. -- captions by vitac --
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>> maury: unbrided emotion. >> get everybody away from me. get away from me. >> maury: unforgettable moments. >> i know you wanted to show me pictures of your private parts. >> oh, my god. >> maury: today on "maury." sierra is ready to marry darin, but she's afraid he's having a secret affair with her 5-month-pregnant little sister. one hidden camera.


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