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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  July 26, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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escalators like this one, the stingy reason behind it coming up. and a communication break down in oak land, what happened during the president's visit on monday that had oakland police officers in radio silence. mornings on 2 begins right now. >> complete bay area coverage starts right now. this is catch catch mornings on 2. -- ktvu mornings on 2. i'm claudine wong. it is thursday july 26th tori campbell has today off and we have breaking news, a car crashed into a home occupied by a family with young children. ktvu is outside on coolley avenue where the the car was towed away. >> reporter: this was a hit and run accident and it was definitely scary for the families who live here. let me show you where this all happened. the car traveled about 50 miles per hour, nicked this house and then plowed into the home next
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to it. here you can see this big gaping hole. now, a family was inside there sleeping. there was a mom and her two kids that were sleeping. now, from chopper 2, you can see what the scene looks like. this all took place at 5:15 this morning with a black cadillac just plowed into home on coolly avenue in east palo alto. the mother who was sleeping says she has a 2-month-old baby girl and a 3-year-old boy. both were uninjured but it was very scary for them. here's what she had to say. >> we woke up to the big headlights right in our faces and my little brother actually had to break down our door to let us out because it was jammed because all we smelled was gas so we just needed to get out of there quick before anything else happened. >> well, the mother tells us
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that the four people, there were four people inside that black cadillac and they just ran away even though they could hear her and her children screaming and at this point police are out here investigating. they do not know where those people fled to. that car ended up being towed away but so much clean up to be done out here. you can see this gaping hole, the mother who was sleeping inside here was telling me that the was net that her baby was -- but a city net was pushed up against her and she is hoping that the people in the car are apprehended. reporting live. >> san jose is investigating the third homicide this week, around 8:30 last night, they received a report of a car
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hitting a pedestrian, in downtown san jose, when they arrived they found a man face down on the ground, he had been stabbed. he died about a half hour later at the hospital. there are no suspects at this time and the victim's identity is withheld until a relative is notified. he is said to be in his 20s. around 10:00 last night, sheriff's deputies were called to first street and silver avenue in richmond, they inspected the ground and placed numerous markers on the sidewalk and the concrete and those are the shellackingsings found at the scene -- shell casings found at the scene. a scary ride on a cable car, an suv ran into the cable car, this happened at powell and gory at 10:00 p.m. the car's front bumper was knocked off. amazingly no passengers were hurt but the conductor and gripman were treated for minor injuries. the driver of that suv was
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taken into custody suspect of driving under the influence. and the chp is investigating a fatal motorcycle crash. it happened about 7:00 last night near the west berret exit. a 32-year-old oakland man was riding his cycle when he was hit and hit a tree and was killed. the accident closed the eastbound lanes of the richmond park way for several hours. reports ovine details about the behavior of the -- of knew details about the behavior of holmes. he has been spitting on guards so much they're making him wear a face mask. there's also word after he was arrested last friday he pretended that plastic evidence bags on his hands were if you wants. in the mean -- puppets, in the meantimes holmes mother talked about being concerned ability
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her son and -- about her son and sought counseling for him years ago. tara joins us live downtown with a stinky problem. >> this escalator is not working and a bar customer we spoke to says the one across the street hasn't worked for six months, some are just old customers, need repaired but some are breaking down because homeless people are using them as a public restroom. police handed out citations for locating this morning but unless they catch people in the act of going to the bathroom, they cannot give them a ticket. now, when workers pulled across the civic center escalator last month, what they found was human exclement and had to call in hazmat to remove it, causing the escalator to break down. >> they just don't care. they just relieve themselves anywhere, you know, and if they
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had a bathroom on every corner, that might help. >> reporter: now, according to the san francisco chronicle, five of the nine escalators that weren't working were in downtown san francisco, there are a lot of reasons the escalators break down they admit the escalators take a beating at night and one problem is there are very few public restrooms downtown and the ones that are here are frequently occupied by drug users, earlier we spoke to a man who cleaned the escalator at the civic center but find out what he compare it to you, we're live in san francisco, tara ktvu. >> are you watching the toll plaza. >> we are and i think today you're going to see a nice surprise at the toll plaza.
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it's not backed fun as it normally is. some days we can see the back up stretching beyond theover crossing, this morning it looks better than that. about 5 to 7 minute delay. and we're looking at interstate 80 north and southbound, and no major problems driving south on 880. we're also looking at 880 hayward, now this traffic is getting busier as you drive past 8th street heading down to union city and highway 4 we've had a couple of incidents this morning, minor ones but the traffic is slow from antioch to pittsburgh. a lot of low clouds, it's a cooler. pattern. we're looking at alameda there. it's going to be a cool day, 60s for many around the coast, few high clouds mainly toward the north bay but some of you are saying i can't see above the low clouds but plenty to go
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around, local drizzle. cloud banks way up there 22 feet, no problem flying over the coastal hills, the cooler pattern today into tomorrow, cooler in the inland areas so slow clearing. cooler inland highs, west, southwest, concord west 14th, everything's there. mountain stuck at 60 but 52 santa rosa. i like to show this water vapor satellite and another one coming down out of the gulf of alaska, the combination of these two giving us a cooler pattern, so fog, sun, cooler for me, cooler inland also that breeze picks up, so 60s, 70s right at 80. richmond 64, 78 in walnut creek, 79 pleasantton, alameda
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64, hayward 68, 75 san jose, and in boston hill, overcast and 67 there. 60s and 50s on the coast, mainly low 70s on the peninsula. freezey into friday and weekend always in view, temperature coming up a little bit especially sunday and monday. let's take you out to the stocks and a look at the opening bell. look at the dow, up 251 points, vowed to do what takes to preserve the continents monetary union. but it's not a good day for everyone. it has been a rough day on wall street for two bay area tech companies, xanga shares are down. after they report add nearly 23 million-dollar loss during the last quarter. it blames a sharp decline in facebook users for that and facebook gets 15% of revenue
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from xanga games and why investors are so interested in facebook numbers today. u.s. military officials investigating the crash of an f16 fighter jet, it went down in the pacific after taking off from a base in japan headed for alaska. the f16 crashed on sunday about 250 miles off the northern coast of japan. pilot did eject. he was rescued after 6 hours in the water. arab nations are going to ask the assembly to approve a new -- china and russia don't to veto. in syria, the battle for a lepo, the biggest city entering its 6th day now. syrian activists say government forces are attacking several neighborhoods from the air and with tanks, they're expecting a ground assault from government troops will follow. your time is 7:11 and a
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fremont plant has been shut down because of an infestation, and what was inside and the recall on the way. frantic efforts to get a baby out of a locked and very hot car. what the witnesses say happened and the charges the baby's mother is now
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here's what the kids will n-e-e-d. ♪ pens and markers, paper wide ruled. ♪ ♪ hoodies, sneakers, tape, sticks of glue.♪ ♪ large boxes pencils, highlighters. ♪ ♪ sneakers and t-shirts. ♪ notebooks and jeans, ♪ notebooks and jeans, ♪ notebooks and jeeeeans, yeah! ♪ ♪ notebooks and jeans! announcer: school takes a lot, target has it all.
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lots of low clouds, temperatures are continue to cool down inland, 60s and 70s away from the coast, a lot of upper 70s to low 80s. federal agents cracking down on stores suspected of selling banned synthetic drugs. we have in the washington dc news room from the drug enforcement administration, allie rasmus. >> the dea will hold a news conference in washington dc to announce the first ever nationwide crack down on
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synthetic drugs. dea agents and police nationwide rated businesses in 100 cities yesterday as part of what they're calling operation log jam. it does not appear any cities in the bay area were part of the operation but the dea says it's a continuing effort after a federal ban on the drugs took effect earlier this month. we talked to dea officials about the collages enforcing -- challenging enforcing restrictions that are often sold under the guise of incense. >> for us it's the sheer number of compounds out there and on retail shelfs and available on the internet and being used on a daily basis and causing serious health problems and deaths. >> the eda says it's wanting more rates today. reporting live from washington dc al son burns.
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a natural food distributors plant in fremont will not be allowed to send food and packages until a rat infestation is cleared up. on the san francisco herb and natural food building, a long- term problem with rats still has not been resolved. this company sells and distributes bulk teas and herbs and spices. they're now being recalled from stores. a horrifying case of animal cruelty is under investigation. investigators found 113 dead kittens inside two houses and seaside. they were wrapped in towels and put into containers. investigators also found cremation boxes with the ashes of about 50 more cats. >> the kind of training and experience you have it still never prepares you for the things that you see. >> 50 cats were also found alive. they have been rescued. they were treated for fleas,
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ticks and respiratory problems. so far no arrests have been made. 7 inmates are recovering from injuries after a brawl at a los angeles jail. i want to show you video of the downtown facility. that involves 17 inmates and lasted 20 minutes. investigators say the fight was originally motivated. the -- racially motivated. they suffered moderate to minor injuries. it is sentencing day for the san jose software found guilty of murdering an attorney on the opposite side of a legal dispute. they expected to sentence him to life in prison without the possibility of parole. he was found guilty of the fatal shooting of zei, representing his mother-in-law in a wrongful death suit. k arks irks was accused but informer -- kai was accused but never convicted of causing his wife's death.
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a deadly house fire claimed the life of one man and injured two others in san francisco. here's home video of that fire. this is cleary court near la guy that street. the man who died was in his 70s. two other people suffered smoke inhalation and 12 people have been displaced. in oakland, fire crews are investigating a fire at laney college last night. it burned the grass near the baseball diamond. you can see the smoke by interstate 880. no structures were injured. a little girl was left in a locked car while the mother went shopping. the mother is walking away from the car and towards the mall. a maintenance worker spotted the baby in the car and immediately called police. >> i would never leave a kid in that car. i thought that the baby was dead. i mean, seriously, she wasn't
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moving. >> police forced their way into that car and pulled the little girl's car seat out. they say the temperature inside the car was 140 degrees. the baby was revived and taken to the hospital before being released in protective custody. the mother was booked for felony endangerment but made bail and was released. katherine jackson is back in los angeles, this morning paris tweeted grandmother's here but yesterday the judge took away guardianship,tito jackson has taken over. time 7:19. you ever thought about betting on the hat of the queen of england, a lot f o people are doing that in anticipation of the olympic games, there are more than 9000 betting shops in i think planned if betting on sporting -- england.
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if betting on sports is not your cup of tea you can bet on the hat. kate middleton's hat is also up for debate. a major mistake with the flag kicked off the first day of the competition, olympic apologizing for mistakenly displaying the south korean flag on a jumbo screen. they put up a shot of the south korean flag which is the known enemy of north korea. the players refused to begin the match against columbia for an hour but they came back and turned out to be worth it. they won that match two to nothing. 7:20 and a change in the weather is on the way. up next meteorologist steve paulson's forecast and thousand may affect your weekend plans. and google embarking on a new project, the big
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announcement expected later today. northbound 280 getting busy as we see a little bit of crowding getting into the valley, we'll tell you more about the commute and the weather coming up.
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in about 90 minutes google is going to announce its plans for google fiber project in kansas city. the mountain view based company is providing a fiberoptic cable company to the city. google says users will get speeds 100 times faster than the rest of the country. time now 7:22. tonight we'll finally get our first peek at the lighting design for the bay bridge. it's scheduled to be by the bay toll authority and department of transportation. that he is are custom made lights expected to make a safer driving experience when you're out there. they're designed to add more light and minimize the glare that you drivers see. at 7:23 let's go out to a
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crash on highway 4, sal castaneda. >> reporter: it's pretty serious. they have an alert on highway 4 which means it's going to be a while before they clear. it. highway 4 westbound at railroad avenue. the traffic is a solid line of slow coming out of pant i don't care, and if -- ante i don't yak -- a antioch. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza, that traffic is moderately heavy, it's about a 5 to 7 minute delay before making it totemiting light. -- to the metering light. and stretch as you drive up the road. 7:24 let's go to steve. >> a lot of low clouds and fog out there. a much cooler pattern today and tomorrow, two systems spinning up towards us, a lot of gray over the bay and local drizzle.
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so the fog bank front and center moved well inland and higher clouds moved above, there's some up there, a few of those visited yesterday and more so today coming up from the southwest, 50s in the temples, it's colder this morning, watch for the lohse the higher clouds off of central california, a little spin in the atmosphere and coming down out of gulf of alaska will be with us today and tomorrow for a cooler pattern. a misty morning hop out there. 50s, 60s, right about upper 70s, low 80s, those will be soft 80s, and then it does look a little warmer inland on saturday and sunday but not so much by the coast and bay. monday a little warmer, next week starting to look cooler again. >> time now 7:25 a northern california man on trial for murder, why the defendant feels
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the deadly stabbing was justified. and police officers having numerous problems with the radio system, find out what the police officer's association has to say about this issue. and dozens of people o protest at a -- protest at a moe modesto gas station, what an attendant said that shocked people.
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well, it was certainly bad timing for a communications break down, oakland police tell ktvu news that a major portion of the troubled radio system failed during president obama's visit monday. paul chambers spoke to a union member and joins us with his reaction. >> reporter: he says things have to change. he doesn't care how but it needs to be fixed. everyone's safety is in jeopardy, the president was in town and officers couldn't talk to one another. roughly a hundred officers had issues dealing with the radios downtown before during and after the president's fundraiser at the fox theater. it had major issues of communication, one officer said about 30 minutes they couldn't use their radios to communicate with the police dispatch center and with several protests it compromised the safety of not only the president but officers as well. the city spent $18 million on a
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new system that was installed last year, still we've learned that officers have on average 500 incidents ostreidae not working -- of the radio not working each month. >> it doesn't work. that's the bottom line. it doesn't work reliably. our officers have no confidence in it. it puts officers and the citizens they serve in jeopardy because of its unreliability. >> reporter: oakland officials are working with a consultant to decide if the city should spend millions to repair the current net worth or do a new regional system. what is believed to have caused that problem during the president's visit and give you an update where things stand. live in oak land i'm paul chambers ktvu news. investigators say two people were wounded in the gunfire on 19th avenue and east 25th 25th street last night. both victims drove themselves to high land hospital and are expected to survive. there's no word on what led up to the shooting. our time is now 7:30.
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fbi will invest recent police shootings in anaheim and they will see if a civil rights investigation is needed. after four straight days of protests last night was quiet, thousands of demonstrators took to the street protesting five deadly police shootings this year including two this past weekend. the mother of one killed is filing a 50 million-dollar wrongful death lawsuit against the city of anaheim. >> i we want as my son took his last breath. i watched his heart stop beating for the last time. >> now the violence tuesday night left 20 stores with shattered windows, police say the shootings were justified and the lawsuit filed by the mother is just an attempt to get money. tonight a rally is scheduled in san francisco in support of the victims of the anaheim police shootings organizers are calling the event solidarity
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with anaheim against on going police repression. the demonstration starts at 6:00 and will run until 8:00 at the ferry building. the search for a man missing in sierra has come to a sad end. rescue crews found the body of 31-year-old thomas hang. he was seen on sunday on a hike to mount langley, the cause of death is still under investigation. new this morning an investigation is under way into a deadly solo crash in antioch, it happened at 7:00 last night at mcfar land ranch drive. the victim is an 18-year-old man. anyone who may have witnessed the crash is asked to call antioch police. a woman is determined to finish her charity rowing trip around lake michigan after being sexually assaulted on her
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boat. a man attacked jen givens after breaking into the cabin of her boat while she slept. this is video from her team which raises money for breast cancer survivors, they believe the suspect followed her a long way after following her on her blog. the trial is underway far lake port man accused of killing his neighborhood because he thought he was a ped file. police say ivan garcia oliver stabbed his neighbor a convicted rapest in 2007, he said he did it to protect his young son and claims it was self-defense. prosecutors say it was an act of hate, if convicted oliver could serve life in prison. there's a new study showing shocking results when it comes to our nation's sex offendersers more than 16% of sex offenders change or try to alter their identities to avoid parole conditions which keep
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are them from committing the same crimes, changing their names, birthday and social security numbers, they're using technology developed by identity thieves to do it. the fbi has found what's being called a chilling notebook allegedly mailed by accused colorado shooter james holmes, reportedly it was sent to a university of colorado psychiatrist, national reports say the notebook contained details on how holmes planned to kill people and included drawings of a stick figure with a gun. univerty officials reasonable discussing the contents but -- aren't discussing the contents but confirm a package arrived monday. in the wake of the colorado shooting people have been asking president obama and mitt romney to weigh in on whether the gun control laws need to be changed. coming up at 7:45, the very different opinions expressed by the two men. time is 7:34, the u.s. senate voted to extend the bush era tax cuts for families that
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earn less than $250,000 a year, vice president joe biden presided over the chambers in case his vote was needed for a tie. it passed in a 51 to 48 vote. it is not expected to pass in the republican controlled house. the house will vote next week to extend the tax cuts for all americans. new this morning, republican presidential candidate mitt romney is in london today. here's video to show you mitt romney meeting with british prime minister david cameron. he will be at the opening of the olympic games in london tomorrow, then he flies to israel and then onto pow land. what we know -- poland. we know the schedule between the three debates between mitt romney and president obama this fall, the first on october the 3 3rd will focus on domestic policy in denver, then on october 16th, president obama
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and mitt romney will take questions from voters in new york and october 22nd foreign policy will be the topic and that will be in boca raton florida. an gas station attendant claims he was discriminated against. about a hundred people protested at the statements treatment of reservist kelli coal storm, he showed the store clerk a military id and the clerk says we do not serve people like you. officials from chef ron corporation had to reassure that crowd. >> told them that our core values treat everyone with dignity and and the we're working -- and that we're working to make sure something like this never happens. the gas station owners says he's retraining his employees and will address the issue with the clerk internally. time 7:36 a plan to allow low income kids to ride muny
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for free has been rejected. they voted 8 to 7 against it yesterday. now, that plan needed $4 million in regional transportation funds, which would have also paid for similar programs in santa clara and alameda counties. keeping an eye on the roads for us, a cig alert. >> westbound highway four at railroad avenue and this crash doesn't appear to be getting any better. the traffic is very very slow leaving antioch and heading up to pittsburgh, so if you drive this stretch, give yourself plenty of time. the freeway on bay point will be good because people are stuck behind you. 80 westbound in richmond, you will see slow traffic and when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, we've seen traffic backed up for a moderate delay today. it's a little bit less than that, no problems getting into the city.
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and this morning's commute on 237, some slow traffic here. it does get better by the lawrence express way, not all that bad getting over to 101, 7:37 let's go to steve. >> just saw a flight advisor,. >> how long. >> about an hour. >> a lot of low fog, a couple of reports coming in on twitter, cooler, misty, that's the case here, we have two systems taking aim at us. kind of cool. visible satellite, band of higher clouds as well. they're up there. for some you'll see those. others you won't. you'll see a lot of gray. cooler pattern in place today and tomorrow. we also have morning drizzle and misty conditions. low clouds, sun, breezy to windy, especially for inland areas and temperatures have been coming down the last couple of days. we'll go 72 today. sfo at 68. liver more 83. anyway, it will be close.
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the drizzles there, low clouds, fog banks up there, much bigger 2200 feet has no problem clearing the coastal hills and it is cooler this morning and the last couple of mornings it's been upper 50s and 60s. that's associated with the higher clouds. that's why i love the satellite and then a couple stronger systems coming out of the gulf of alaska, this time of year that's all the fog needs and the high pressure system in the middle of the country. and looks like 60s to 70s. it will be cooler inland, fog, sun and cooler highs, mainly 60s and 70s, always tough to get clear lake. richmond 64, 79 conquer, danville right at 80. pleasantton dublin upper 70s, 67 oak land, san jose 75 cloudy
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almost across the board here for everyone this morning. 68 san brew -- bruno. doesn't look like much of a change on friday. inland temps will come up over the weekend, not too much but we'll get back to average and a little bit warmer sunday and monday. time 7:39 and check this out. an embarrassing tangle with a tree in san francisco this morning. this is in fill mother and sack -- filmer and sacramento. went ahead and took that bring with it. a few firefighters and a chain saw did the trick to get it free. the violence on the streets of oakland is prompting city leaders to urge everyone to attend next month's national night out events. the block parties are being held in neighborhoods across the country every year. jean quan and police chief
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howard jordan had hoping for a strong turn out for the national night out parties on august 7 august 7th. a huge day for facebook today. pam cook will be here next to tell us about the highly anticipated earnings report today and why stock prices are down. and call ripken splores is back ohm ho --'s mother is back -- cal ripken's mother is back home after a terrifying ordeal.
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president obama says he supports some sort of control on the sale of assault weaponing to prevent tragedies like those in colorado. >> hunting and shooting are part of a cherished national heritage but i also think a lot of gun owners would say ak-47's belong in the hands of soldiers not criminals. >> mitt romney doesn't believe it will change suspects like the colorado shooting who got weapons illegally, but authorities say they were bought legally. >> some of the survivors are l not have to worry about paying the medical bills, it's going to use donations and its charity funds to cover medical bills and the medical center of aurora and swedish medical
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center plan to limit or eliminate charges. 17 victims are still in the hospital, 6 with critical injuries. >> time is 7:48 there's a warning about several armed robberies at a san leandro atm, a gunman and his police have been targeting people, and there have been five victims the last two unique weeks, the -- weeks, the most recent saturday night. they demand the victims withdraw cash, arkansas other times they were robbed in the parking lot after they took out cash. >> i'll probably just go outside the bank, feel more secure going inside the bank. >> reporter: what about after hours when it's closed. >> whether i do i'm going to have somebody with me, i'm not going to be by myself. >> so far no one has been hurt in any of the robberies, police say the victims did the right thing but turning over the cash, giving it up. investigators are now checking
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surveillance footage from the bank itself and from a nearby denny's restaurant. a new kind of meal theft is causing a public safety had hazard. someone's been leaving big holes in the ground from stolen drains, each costing about 300 bucks to replace. obviously someone could fall down into the holes city leaders worry, it's a 7-foot drop to the bottom. usually the police get calls to rescue ducks out of these things. i don't want to get a call to rescue a child. >> the city's remaining grates are now being chained down. >> time now 7:50 a 22-year-old man fired from his job at a boy scout camp is speaking out. the reason he believes he lost his job and what some of the coworkers did about it.
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the record anoas turanian daredevil -- australian daredevil is making. this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store.
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22-year-old tim griffin was fired from his 8 year stint in the sierra foothills and he says it's because he's gay. they claim he was fired for a dress code violation, but he believes his firing is all too timely. he was let go after the bfa reaffirmed their stance with open leaders, nearly a dozen of his coworkers left in protest. bsa released a statement saying contrary to other reports this incident has nothing to do with our membership policy. the camp's director has no knowledge of this individual's sexual orientation. >> time 7:53 a daredevil sky
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diver is practicing a record breaking jump from space. felix flew 18 miles above earth and jumped out in a spice suit over roswell new mexico. next he's planning a record breaking sky dive of over 23 miles. that's next month. time is 7:53 and slow roads this morning, people getting around any better right now. >> well, you know, that crash we've been covering in antioch is still there. they're trying to get this out of the lanes, westbound 4 at railroad avenue, it's an injury crash and we still have a lot of slow traffic. in fact it's backed up way back, much worse than it normally is coming up through the area. also the morning commute at the bay bridge toll plaza, that's backed up for about a 5 to 7 minute delay, no major problems. i want to show cool video our
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news chopper 2 just took moments ago, this is a new video at university of california, these pictures taken a little while ago, looks like half of the field is there, the other half should be going in soon, coach ted bird, the head coach says the team might be practicing on the field by august 15th. coming up not too far from now, that's exciting for those of us who are cal fans, 7:54 let's go to steve. >> a much cooler, bigger fog bank pattern, in fact it's cooler on the lows as well, local diaz l kind of -- drizzle kind of misty, fog made it well inland, temperatures continue to slide downward and also higher clouds ahead if you see through or mainly towards the north bay but they're out there. 50s and 60s but the lows are 3 to 5 degrees cooler, a couple little spins in the atmosphere, coming up with those higher clouds, and another one
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dropping down out of the gulf of alaska, those two, they equal cool, cooler, cooling trend started wednesday and it will continue today and i think we'll level off on friday and lots of low clouds, some sun, cooler, though and it's breezy once that fog burns off, 60s and 70s, temperatures inland will be about 5 top 7 degrees below average and a little warmer on the weekend, not a lot and i don't think too much by the coast or bay but inland will work their way into the 80s. an overnight mystery for york bullet casings in the east bay set off an investigation. a plows into a home where a family was sleeping. how close it came to hitting a baby and the latest on the hunt for the driver who ran away. a stinky problem at bart stations that's causing the escalators to break down. why officials are hard pressed to stop it when mornings on 2 continues.
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and good morning welcome back to morning's on 2, i'm claudine wong. >> and i'm dave clark.
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this is thursday july 26. a car slammed into an east pal low alto house hours ago and this hit and run could have been a lot worse. the mother was asleep with her young children. you have a firsthand look at all the damage left behind. >> that's right, and it is still a mess out here. take a look at this broken fence and all the debris here. police tell us a black cadillac traveling about 55 miles per hour, came towards this home. it nicked it the side of it and kept traveling and crashed into the home next door where you see this gaping hole. it plowed into the garage here, inside a family was sleeping. now, this is what it looked like earlier in the morning. you can see the black cadillac in the front yard of the home. authorities tell us is all happened at 5:15:00 a.m. and it was frightening for the young mother because she was sleeping with her 2-month-old baby girl and her 3-year-old son when the car came crashing
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into the garage which had been converted into their bedroom. the family led us inside the room and it was a very tiny room and you can see just how close it was to the bed and the bassinet, the car missed it by inches. >> the car went right into where the bassinet's at, the bassinet was pushed on me. and there was a bookcase against the wall, which i think kind of broke the hit between the car and the bassinet. the bassinet's in tact. it was just thrown on me. the baby's fine. i'm fine. my son's fine. it was just really scary. >> people were saying that the occupants, a few of them left the area on foot running so we immediately started checking the area. we couldn't find anyone associated with this vehicle. >> here is an aerial view from chopper 2 to give you an idea of what the scene looked like. they have the license plate and you can be sure that they are
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trying to track down the registered owner of the house so they can find the people responsible for this. there are reports that there was four people in the car. they think at least two males and maybe one female. the mom just can't believe that they ran away because they could hear her and her children crying and screaming, but at this point, they are just greatful that they are alive and that they just have minor scrapes and bruises, reporting live from east palo alto janine. the third homicide this week, police received a report of a car hitting a pedestrian at the corner of east st. john and north 2nd street in downtown san jose, when they arrived they found a man face down on the ground and he had been stabbed. paramedics performed cpr but the man died at the hospital a half hour later. so far no suspects in the case, the name of the victim is being
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withheld until the relatives are called, but the victim is believed to be a moon in his 20s -- man in his 20s. about 10:00 last night, they were called to 1st street and silver avenue in richmond, they checked out the area and put several markers on the walk and out on the streets, it's believed that's for shell casings and but the sheriff's office is not making any comment at this time. >> two bay area nursing homes are among 14 in california criticized in a report following surprise inspections, according to the bay citizen, the inspectors from the california department of justice found unacceptable conditions at springs road health care in vallejo, and the inspectors say they found initiate practices in all all patient care and hygiene and nursing services. police are asking for your help to track down a missing 76-
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year-old woman, maria jansen was last seen by their home. she likes to walk nearby trailers, she is five foot five and weighs 105 pounds and wearing yellow crock shoes. and camping turned tragic when a tree fell on a a tent. it happened -- a tent. it happened yesterday morning, the 12-year-old boy was struck by a 40-foot long spring he is in intensive care with a crushed pelvis. the boy is visiting from arizona and there's no word on what caused that tree to topple over. time 8:03. we have new details about why bart escalators are breaking down, tara moriarty live at the civic center bart station and do you have to hold your nose today. >> reporter: that's right and as you can see, this escalator that i'm standing on works but the one next to me does not.
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pretty frustrating for bart commercials, some are old, but others are broken because of what's getting stuck in them, human eximent. it's rare to issue tickets for urinating or defecating in public because you have to catch the offender in the act. last month when bart officials cracked open this escalator, they found human waste and lots of it. one big problem is there are very few public restrooms downtown. >> to say the least, totally disgusting. >> maybe we could create more bathrooms for them or do you think they need to be more resourceful in finding barms. >> it's a combination of both, resourcefulness and being adult and figure it had out. >> if you have -- figuring it out. >> if i have to go, i have to go. and if i can't find a public facility, i do it where i'm not
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being looked at. >> reporter: bart officers sweep all the stairwells and if they spot a mess they call in cleaning crews. in the past three years they have spent $10 million fixing escalators and one man actually cleaned this escalator says that he was in the marines in  the most filthy places abroad are imaginable and he says that's what's underneath there doesn't even compare. i'm tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. disability rights advocates are suing wal-mart for what they're calling a big problem in california stores. the lawsuit claims that wal- mart puts it's point of sale machines where you swipe your credit cards cards and debit cards out of reach of customers in wheelchairs and it forces them to have to ask the cashier to read the charge, enter their pin codes or sign for them to
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charge a purchase. a lucky super market has made a change in their policies after a mother of a teenager says they are accused of age discrimination, they are forced to pay for their sandwiches at the deli before they get them while adults don't have to. after the mother complained the store says it has dropped that policy. 8:05 if you are in the east bay, it might be a slow commute for you. sal's keeping an eye on things. >> hello, it's been a slow one, especially in contra cost that county. we have a chain reaction because of this crash, they're moving to the shoulder now at highway 4. it really has been slow. if you're driving in west contra costa county, we see slow traffic, especially the main part of richmond heading west toward berkeley, we're
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also looking at maroon county, near alameda, heading on south to central san rotel, we have slow traffic and to 880. not to the toll plaza yet, at the toll plaza, it has moderately heavy but here on 880 you can see that northbound 880 on your right, see some slow traffic right through there. it's going to stay that way up to 23rd. and this morning in san jose, along northbound 280 we had a better commute. still slow traffic getting into the sunnyville but not as bad as yesterday. >> a cooler morning, no doubt about it, not only on the lows butt afternoon highs, inland continue to slide down, big fog bank, 2200 feet. temperatures starting off in the 50s, low to mid-more so than upper to low 60s and even higher clouds being thrown in the mix associated a weak system in the atmosphere, if you don't have that, yeah, you
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will. morning drizzle, couple systems kind of impacting and that's allowing some of that to squeeze out drizzle. windy locations out toward the delta. santa rosa, going 72 today. sfo72 going 68 today: the one i wrestled with, i wanted to go 78 to 79. san jose, 54 napa, 53 santa rosa, and 55 in the city, so it's noticeably cooler, here a little higher clouds associated with the guy right there. the front of the cooling will take place tomorrow, one more system rotating in by sad. high pressure -- saturday, high pressure will slide back a little bit. cooling trend, at least away from the coast but there's a lot of fog out there. chilly out there, misty, a
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little drizzly. and santa rosa, nevada all in the 70s, clear lake 86, 78 walnut creek to lafayette, there's 79 pleasant, 64 alameda, very low 80s for the santa clara valley. burling game, foster city very close to that, daily city 59, men low park, and not much change friday, saturday a little rebound in those temps, at least are away from the coast, we'll continue that sunday and monday. time is 8:09, devastating floods in china, the chinese government raised the death toll from 37 up to 77. the government officials have been accused of underreporting the casualty toll so they don't appear weak while china east
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leadership,. beijing had the highest amount in one day in more than 50 years. the city of san jose is fighting prostitution one hotel at a time, leaders there say the hotel elan is a hot spot for prostitution. ktvu reporters were propositioned as they covered this story last night, believe it or not. the city is suing the owners of the hotel. testimonies the hotel to -- it wants the hotel to close for a year or at least put up a fence and increase their security and surveillance. >> there have been a number of convictions for prostitution, pimping, pandering, but those have not resulted in any action by the property owners. >> now, city attorneys are threatening they're going to file nuisance abatement lawsuits against five other hotels. the hotel elan is helping to work out a deal with the city. a controversial monument has been removed from the
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oakland zoo, it featured the ten commandments and an atheist group planned to protest it on sunday, the monument had been on zoo property since the 1960s when it was a state park. filed a lawsuit against the city saying his freedom of speech is being violated by a city ordinace. robertrtmeans put up a 27 by 16- inch saying we are the 91%, but the city told him he had to replace it with a 1 foot sign or pay a $700 fee. instead he filed a lawsuit to try to change that law. time is 8:11 new information about california state parks scandal, the latest accusation of a cover up involving millions of dollars in surplus funds. and there's brian wilson and his sasquatch taking to the
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world wild web, we'll tell you about his new project that has now debuted online.
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vega. each day inland comes down and today's no exception, we have a bigger fog bank, there is a lot of gray out there. mainly 60s and 70s. time a 8:14. federal agents are cracking down on those stores suspected of selling banned synthetic drugs. there is a big announcement expected today from the drug
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enforcement administration. allison. >> reporter: dave it's been just a few weeks since a federal ban on dozens of synthetic drugs went into effect, the dea is making it clear it's taking the ban seriously. they raided businesses in dozens of cities yesterday, in new york agents carrying out huge bags of cash from one shop. the dea says the crack down will continue today. we talked about the substances recently with gill, he says federal laws only go so far. >> trying to keep up with it by changing the law or doing enforcement, is only one part of the issue. the other part is educate people about the dangers of synthetic and marijuana and bath salts. >> reporter: the feds are cracking down on online retailers, a postal inspector will be at a dea news conference talking about how investigators have intercepted
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shipments through the mail. allison burns ktvu. the food shortage is going up because of the draught. the department of agriculture says you can expect food price hikes of 3 to 4%, beef prices will see the biggest jump at 4 to 5%. if there's any good news, if you're cost conscious, prices for fruits and vegetables reportedly won't be affected as much. we have new information about the funding scandaling at -- scandal at the state department of parks and recreation, manuel claims he told his supervisor about the 20 million surplus in the parks and recreation fund. the director says ruth coleman says she never knew about it. she resigned last year when it was revealed they were sitting on $54 million in hidden assets money that could have been used to avoid closing down parks.
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san jose city council will decide next month if a proposed sales tax increase will be on the november ballot. if approved they'll pay almost 8.9 sales tax. that will raise about 64 million a year for 50 years. most of the likely voters would vote for that tax hike. tourists aboard a cable car got more than they bargained for last night. an suv ran into a cable car. the car's front bumper was knocked off. there you see it. but amazingly no passengers were hurt. the conductor and gripman were treated for minor injuries. the driver of the suv was taken into custody on suspicious of driving under the influence. the chv is leading the investigation into a motorcycle accident on the ripped richmond parkway, that happened at the west bear exit. investigators tell ktvu news a
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32-year-old oak land man was riding his motorcycle when he hit a tree and was killed. the accident killed all eastbound lanes of the richmond parkway for several hours. new details about the behaviorover colorado shootinger james holmes, jail workers say he's been spitting on guards so much that they are now making him wear a face guard. there is also word that after his arrest last friday he pretended plastic evidence bags placed on his hands were puppets. and his mother even sought counseling for him years ago. our time is 8:17 a suspect wanted for the killing of a young san jose mother and father may have fled to either southern california or mexico. late last night police released this picture of pedro medina, has grim reaper tattoo on his right leg, the initials pmc are tattooed on his back.
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he's accused of shooting and killing 27-year-old marybel hi meanies and pedro jimenez. in oakland a fire crew says a burning cigarette may be to blame for an apartment complex. it happened at 8:00 on 18th 18th street. the fire broke out in a unit on the 5th floor and they found a mattress on fire. it took them 20 minutes to put out the flames. luckily no one was hurt. the people in that apartment unit have now been displaced. giants relief pitcher brian wilson may have had a little too much time on his hands when recovers from are a season ending elbow injury. >> excuse me i'm going to need to take this, my secret phone. yeah, what's going on.
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>> well, you're watching the debut of wilson's web series entitled uncaged with sasquatch by media, he grew quite anise when he entered the phone while be interviewing by the sasquatch. the a's absolutely demolished the blue jace in toronto, they scored l runs in the second inning alone yesterday. oakland's offense was impressive to say the least. the team was winning 9-0 when josh reddic stole the offense, and climbing the wall like spider man to grab that fly ball. they won 16 to nothing. >> the a's are hot. red light cameras, they've been around 15 years now, ktvu initiatives why some -- investigates why some cities
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are getting rid of the red light cameras. >> and it's time to make weekend plans, a clang in the weather that could -- change in the weather that could affect what you're doing this weekend. police shut down a neighborhood in the east bay, who the police are looking for and how it's affecting traffic in the area. [ mom ] dear chex cereal, i've never written a fan letter before, but you've done the impossible.
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you made gluten free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. when my husband found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors, you're making it very hard to choose. your fans, the mcgregor family. 'cause we love chex. ♪ [ male announcer ] and now try new gluten free apple cinnamon chex. thank you, nana
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send money to anyone's checking account with chase quickpay. all you need is an email address or mobile number. you're welcome. take a step forward and chase what matters. a channel 2 special report shows more cities are put ago stop to red light cameras,
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horrific crashes like these justified the red light cameras so the system showed up 15 years ago, the city also made a lot of money from the cameras, one in emeryville issued more 3000 tickets last year but the city is getting rid of the system after a new state mandate required most of the revenues to go to sacramento which ended up costing emeryville money each year. >> the costs were greater than the revenues we were receiving. >> about half bay area cities are dumping cameras. >> time is 8:24 let's go right to sal, the police are busy in the east bay, what's happening now. >> we have a police search there san leandro we want to let you know about it. this is near east 14th and civil avenue and the police have closed off a neighborhood here, they're looking for a man
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who they say is arm and had dangerous and they think they have reason to believe he is in this neighborhood so they have set up a perimeter in the area and if you're driving through, you might see that some of the local streets are blocked and san leandro police out in pretty big numbers in this neighborhood in civil avenue and east 14th. we'll let you know more about what happens here, looks like east 14th is still getting through which is good news. let's look at highway 4. we had earlier problems with highway 4, a terrible commute and an earlier crash at the bay point area, but now things are better. it's loosened up a little bit. they have lifted the sig alert but traffic is still pretty slow i want to move the maps across the away. we showed you highway 4 so we're going to go to the east freeway, it is very slow all the way down to the plaza.
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>> there's a lot of low clouds unless you're far enough inland and even then you'll notice a cooler pattern today. local drizzle, overnight lows have been cooler as well, all associated with two systems, one spinning high clouds, another one coming down ouch the gulf of alaska, there's more fog, local drizzle, a cooler pattern, not only coast bay but also inland today, i think you'll notice a western breeze slow clearing, very low 80s, now look at the low cloud, fairfield has gusts of 31 miles per hour, there you go, that tells you everything you need to know, 50s and 60s and there's a little spin coming right up the coast, parallel to the coast and another system dropping down out of the gulf of alaska, will continue this pattern into friday, and it looks like a little rebound, temperatures won't be very warm, upper 70s for many, that
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should be in the closer to 90 for right now. about the same, maybe even cooler on friday, the weekend always in view, sunday looks warmer, nothing too outrageous. >> time is 8:26. he was missing in the sierra, the search for a bay area man has come to a tragic conclusion. >> and the oakland police radios broke down yet again, this time while the president was in town, i'll tell you what the remedy and problem was coming up. plus more than a hundred dead cats in month ray county. there's a second shocking discovery made by police during this investigation.
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welcome back, time is 8:29, a bad time for police radios not to work. a major portion of the oakland's police department's troubled radio system failed while president obama was visiting on monday. ktvu paul chambers just talked to a police union leader about all this. what did he say paul. >> reporter: basically that's it's embarrassing and shouldn't have happened. the city spent $18 million for the new radio system last year and yet again it has failed. it came at the worst time ever when the president was in town. the officers assigned to handle the security weren't able to talk to each other. one officer said for about 30 minutes they couldn't use their radios to community -- communicate with the dispatcher system. and including the basement of opd headquarters not being able to connect with dispatchers or other officers, they say incidents like this happen
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about 500 times a month. >> there are reports coming out saying the system is inadequate for the city and it really needs to be fixed. it places the public and the officers in jeopardy. >> reporter: another problem was one of the three antennas used to operate the system broke down and it wasn't until tuesday night that things were up and operating again. they are working with a consultant to decide if they should spend millions to repair the current network or join a new regional system which includes 40 neighboring systems in alameda counties. time is 8:31 this morning oakland police are searching for suspects in an overnight shooting. two people were wounded in the gunfire on 19th avenue and east 25th street, both victims actually drove themselves to highland hospital, they're expected to survive. no word as to what led up to the shooting. also a search has now ended for a san rafael man missing in
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the sierra, they found the body of 31-year-old thomas hang. he was last seen sunday on a one day hike to mount langley, he had been hiking with two other people but were separated when they ran into stormy weather, the cause of death is still under investigation. the federal bureau of investigationments you to know about that -- wants you to know about a training exercise they are going to be conducting. members of the field office will be doing tactical training at facebook headquarters in menlow park. it is going to be closed to the public due to the dynamic nature of the training. and facebook is just one of two companies creating excitement on wall street, pam cook will have that story at 8:45. we're finding about more of the patent fight in two of the
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biggest names in electronics, between apple and sam sung begins in a san jose courtroom on monday. google warned sam sung its tablets looked too much like the ipad and the south korean electronics company smart phones look like they copy the iphone. they are suing sam sung for 2 and a half billion dollars for patent violations. and google will announce its plans for the google fiber project in kansas city. they are providing a new fiberoptic cable network in inkansas city. google says its users will go ahead speeds 1n times -- get speeds 100 times faster than the rest of the country. tonight, we are finally going to get our first look at the lighting designed for the new span of the bridge. they are expected to not only add more light but also
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minimize glare for drivers. time now 8:33. sal has breaking news on what the police are doing. police are looking for and i want to show you pictures, we have a crew on the scene, they're looking for a man that was spotted with a gun. they gave a description of a latino man in 20s or 30s, a blue hat, a backpack and a gun. so again, it's a blue hat, not a blue gun, and a backpack and walking around, they say that they want to contact this man. they have set up a perimeter. this is near east 14th street and cybil, this neighborhood is locked down and police are all over the place in san leandro making sure they secure the situation. east 14th street is not blocked. we're trying to get more information on what else happened to make the police shut this neighborhood down and do this extensive search.
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lets go out and take a look at the traffic pictures. i want to show you the bay bridge has really become really nice. it's the best day of the week so far on this thursday. we've had a tough one elsewhere, so i want to show you the other commutes. traffic is moving well in palo alto. as you travel the area. northbound 101 san jose, from 280 up to sunnyville, you will see slow traffic there but 280 and 85 are much better than yesterday. at 8:34 let's go to steve. >> my weather maps freak out once in a while, so not much you can do. >> thank you, sir,. >> there's a lot going on as far as low clouds and fog as far as we're concerned, light mist, a couple of systems impacting us, giving us a few high clouds, local drizzle, bigger fog bank, it's up 2200 feet and i mean, it continues to lift here, so it roars
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inland. temperatures each day have been coming down, so slow clearing, cooler inland, highs 60s, 70s and 80s but there's a big fog bank stretching north to south and into the pacific. it's a wertherly breeze, you can -- westerly breeze, and you can see they make it out to the deltas, 50s on the temps, or very low 60s, redwood city and mown vain view. there's one -- mountain view. you can see one little spin. they'll be with us tomorrow, and that will continue the pattern of keeping us on the cooling side. the cooling trend copt continues and then -- continues and then the temps will come up a little bit. that fog will be slow to burn off for some. s o onoma72, clear lake one of
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the warmest, 76. oakland 67, berkeley 65. and redwood city and st. carlos 72. but 50s, 506 up and down the coast. not much change friday, a little warmer and we'll see temps back into the 80s, mid- 80s by sunday and monday. u.s. military officials are investigating the fighter jet that went down in the pacific after leaving a base in japan. the pilot ejected and was rescued after six hours in the water. the jet was on its way to alaska. arab nations say they will go to the full un general assembly to ask for approval of a new resolution on syria, that's after china and russia continue to veto any action by
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the small council. and zea's largest city is is entering its -- syria's largest city is enter its 3rd day and they expect a ground assault for government troops will follow. time is 8:37, 7 jail inmates were hurt in a big fight at a los angeles jail. here's a video of the downtown facility we're talking about. the fight involves 78 inmates, lasted about 15 minutes, guards used pepper spray to get everything under control. this fight was racially motivated. the inmates hurt were taken to the hospital. they suffered moderate to minor injuries. this is sentencing day for the software engineer found guilty of killing a lawyer on the opposite side of a legal dispute. a judge is expected to sentence 53-year-old jason kai of life in prison. he was accused of killing zee.
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he was representing chi's mother-in-law in a wrongful death lawsuit. it stands from the death of chi's wife who drowned in the pool. chi was accused but never convict of causing his wife's death. the state health department has shut down a natural foods wholesale. from the san francisco natural herb and food company. the department of health says an undisclosed number of dead and live rodents were found in the warehouse on kato road, contaminated packages items were found tainted. authorities are in shock after a disturbing case of animal cruelty in monterey county. the police discovered 113 dead kittens inside two homes in seaside, they were wrapped in towels and put into containers, investigators also found
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cremation boxes with the ashes of 50 more cats. >> the amount of training and experience you have it still never prepares you for the things you see. >> 50 cats were found alive and they were rescued. they were treated for fleas, ticks and respiratory infections no arrests have been made. the mother of a four-month- old girl was arrested in san diego after leaving the baby inside a locked car while she went shopping. surveillance video, you can see the mother a 25-year-old woman walking away from the car and towards the shopping mall in san diego. a maintenance worker saw the baby inside the car and immediately called the police. >> i would never leave a kid in that car. i thought that the baby was dead. i mean, seriously, she wasn't moving. >> well, police actually forced their way into that car. they pulled the little girl's car seat out. the temperature in that car, 140 degrees. now, the baby was revived, it
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was rushed to the hospital before being released into protective custody. the mother was booked for felony child endangerment. she did pay bail, though, and she was released. an investigation is under way into the cause of a deadly house fire that claimed the life of one man and injured to others in san francisco, we'll show you home video of that fire that started just before 10:00 yesterday. neighbors say the man who died was in his 70s, two other people suffered smoke inhalation and 12 people have been displaced. fire crews are trying to find out what started a fire at layny college. smoke would be seen from neighbor interstate 880. no structures were threatened. time is 8:41. there's a new development in that movie theater massacre, a chilling discovery tied to that gunman. and the first day of competition in the summer games
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in london. at this hour police are trying to track down the driver who plowed into this home where a family was sleeping. we'll take you inside to see just how close the car came to hitting a sleeping baby.
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six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty second, for crying out loud! we know how long a minute is. [ sighs ] sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability, and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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your time is 8:44 i want to give you a look at the big
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board, you can see the dow is up 150 plus minis, it's been well in positive territory, the ecb is ready to "do whatever it takes to preserve the euro "here at home stocks to watch, next tell. to bay area businesses facebook and zynga are creating a lot of buzz. as pam cook reports from the news room it's not the kind of excitement the companies like right pam. >> no, it's not there is a lack of confidence in the social media sector and for good reason. zynga badly missed analyst estimates slashed its out looks for the year and the price cuts on the stock. the san francisco company says a steep drop in players resulted in a nearly 23 million- dollar loss. compares to the one and a half million dollar profit for the same time last year.
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now it's facebook's turn. >> people have to see what venue they're making and probably depends upon today's earnings. >> reporter: analysts agree, show me the revenues companies have to make money and this is the first report since going public. it does not come out until after today's bell but it's taking a hit, downright now about 4% or $28 a share and facebook you probably remember went public at $38 a share. in april, zynga conducted a secondary stock option, $12 a share, zynga now trading at $3 a share. time is 8:46 let's bring you up to date on the other top stories we're following, san
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jose police trying to identify a man who was found stabbed to death in downtown san jose. we don't know his name but police say he has several tattoos, he was in his 20s, he is the 23rd homicide victim of the year. and we're looking live at breaking news, this is san leandro, police are out there going door to door as we speak looking for a man spotted with a gun. the residents in the area of east 14th and cybil streets have been told to stay inside. right now authorities only have a vague description of the gunman, a latino man in his 20s or 30 30 -- 30s. and police are searching for an early morning hit and run, news chopper 2 was overhead when he took pictures of a car that a slammed right into a house a few hour ago. janine de la vega is out there
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now with a mother and her young children. >> reporter: it's very scare are and i just called the -- scary, and i have not heard back and this driver created quite a mess. you can see the black cadillac was traveling 55 miles per hour, it clipped this house, went into this flower bed, took out the window here and then crashed into the home next door leaving a gaping hole inside the family was sleeping. now, this is what that looked like earlier this morning. you can see the black cadillac in the front yard of this home. authorities tell us it happened at 5:15, it was frightening for the young mother because she was sleeping with the w her 2 -- with her 2-month-old baby girl and 3-year-old son. the family led us inside the room and you can see just how close it was to the bed and the bassinet. the car missed it by inches, the mom tells us the kids were crying and they smelled gas and
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neighbors got to see a glimpse of the people in the car. there was two guys and a girl in the car and they ran. they did not stop to see if anybody was okay and they must have heard me because we were screaming and my brother, all he seen was their shadows jumping out of car. >> now, here is an aerial view from chopper 2 to give you an idea o of what the scene looked like. police will the cadillac towed away. they have the license plate number and are trying to track down the registered owner to see if that person was in the car or if house has information as to -- he or she has information as to who was in the car this morning. and they are trying to track that person down and right now there is quite a clean up that needs to be done in this house just because you can see all the debris here left. right now the mom is just grateful that she survive and had so did her two children without any injuries. reporting live janine de la
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vega ktvu channel 2 news. a teenager was killed that motorcycle crash in antioch, it happened last night near the intersection of valley road and mcfar land ranch drive. the victim was 18-year-old old. we don't know his name. his family is being no foundation. if you have any -- notified. if you have any information call the police. some of the survivors of colorado shooting won't have to worry about paying the medical bills, the hospital will use donations and charity fund to cover the medical bills and the medical center of aurora and the swedish medical center plan to limit or eliminate medical bills for those victims. 12 people were killed, 58 others were wounded in last friday's attack. 17 of the victims are still in the hospital. 6 of them listed in critical condition. well, the fbi has found what is being called as a chilling notebook allegedly mailed by the shooter james
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holmes, reportedly it was mailed to a university of colorado psychiatrist, there is reports the notebook contained details of how he planned to kill people including stick figures of people with a gun. university officials have not talked about the content of the notebook but they confirm it arrived on monday. a civil rights investigation is needed after four straight days of protests, last night was a quiet night. thousands of demonstrators took the streets earlier this week to pro test five deadly officer shootings this year, including two this past weekend. the mother of one killed was s filing a 50 million-dollar wrongful death suit against the city. anaheim police called the suit a money grab. there is a rally in support of those gunned down by anaheim police. they are calling the event solidarity with anaheim against
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ongoing police aggression. new this morning, republican presidential candidate reiterate mom is now in london. -- mitt romney is now in london. we'll show you video of romney meeting with british prime minister. he will be at the opening of the games tomorrow, and after meeting with the prime minister this morning romney was asked about comments he made yesterday appearing to criticize the olympics organizing committee in london. >> the games themselves begin and the athletes take over all the mistakes of the organizing committee and i made a few, all of those are overwhelmed by the many things the athletes carry out that capture the spirit of the games. if you remember, romney was in charge of the 2002 olympics in utah, after leaving london he will travel to israel and head to poland. if betting on an olympic sporting event isn't your cup of tea, don't worry, you can
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place your money on the queen of england's hat. many are placing way majors on what color hat she'll wear at the opening ceremony tomorrow. and blue is the main close and as is weather open for debate. who will be the next u.s. president and whether batman will win best picture. and the first day of competition in the summer games, olympic organizers are apologizing to the north korean team for mistakenly displaying the south korean flag. during introductions a shot of the south kenan flag was shone, a country long flown as they enemy. players refused to start the match against columbia for an hour but their return proved worth it, they won 2-1. there have been five victims in two weeks, the bay area atm the police say is
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being targeted by armed robbers. plus sal is going to have a look at your morning commute when we come back. parents this year i'm going to teach your kids
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that magic does exist. it's called science! here's what they'll need. ♪ pencils, folders, notebooks. ♪ ♪ backpacks, denims, graphic tees. ♪ ♪ markers, calculators. whoa! ♪ ♪ converse one start tennies ♪ well, pencils, hair gel, binders. ♪ ♪ pencils, hair gel, binders. announcer: school takes a lot, target has it all.
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meal theft ins union industry leaving holes 7 -- city are leaving holes 7-foot deep. they have had to replace a dozen storm drains, thieves are stilling them to get quick
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cash. neighbors are worried someone might fall in the uncovered high schools. the greats are -- holes. the grates are being replaced and chained. a gunman and his police have been targeting people at the wells fargo, and the most recently robbery happened on tuesday night. in some cases the robbers demanded victims give cash, other times they were robbed in the parking lot after taking out their money. there's a lot of politics activity in san lee -- police activity in san leandro. >> this is the south part of the downtown san leandro, this taken just a little while ago of the search for a man who was seen with a gun described as a latino man with a blue hat and a backpack that police have the helicopter out as well, so give yourself a good way to stay around there area.
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east 14th street near cybil. let's move to the toll plaza: it is light. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sir, well our cooler pattern continues, that's a big fog bank and going to burn off much slower today. even with sunshine, temperatures will be in the 70s for many inland locations. then inland temps will work up on the weekend, and getting back to near normal. >> take a while to see some sun now. >> i thought i put in the order. >> it takes a while to process it claudia. >> thank you for trusting ktvu 2 news, we'll see you next time the news breaks. >> and join us at noon for ktvu news at noon. we'll see you then. everybody.
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i'm beth troutman. we have great videos and the stories behind them right this minute. olympic opening ceremonies aren't until friday, but the rehearsal videos are already being leaked online. how someone used cell phone video while others say -- >> don't watch it. don't click play. seconds after a horrific


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