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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  July 27, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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down. back and forth, should have been, like, stroke because you stroke. >> find out if this story comes with a happy ending. why would anyone jump into -- >> a pool with an alligator in it? >> hear the only reason you do this. and pole dancing draws a lot of pros, but see why -- >> it must have been amateur night. >> at this fine establishment. >> oh! we're going to get our countdown started today with our number ten video and steven has it. >> arsonists are awful people who set things on fire. well, this alleged arsonist gets the extra effort award. you'll see why. this is about 3:00 a.m. in pa. we're getting this video from wfnz, and we're watching an attempted arson of an suv. from a bunch of surveillance cameras. the car is on fire, and now the arsonist is on fire. >> ouch! talk about it going wrong.
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>> yeah. cops believe whateverhis guy or gal used to set the car on fire also got on this hus settin fire as well. >> this guy should be a poster boy for the saying, if you play with fire, you're going to get burned. >> what happened to the stop, drop and roll? >> he didn't go to class that day. >> the vehicle belonged to a guy named james koger. his suv had been vandalized in the past so he set up surveillance cameras and caught this guy on camera. >> flames coming off of him maybe 3 foot long. he must have had a hoodie on. flames coming off of his head. >> they are saying the guy, did he not show up at a hospital anywhere? they still don't know who he is? >> that's the thing. police are not ruling out the pocket that this cob a woman and they are check checking in with local hospital to see if anybody comes in with burns on their body. >> maybe a burned lover? >> it does look like the arsonist is a little feminine as they're running.
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maybe it is a girl. >> that is, of course, just speculation. police are looking for any sort of tips, and they hope that these videos can lead to identifying this suspect. we're headed to number one on today's rtm top ten countdown. that's our destination, but let's first stop off at number nine for a little road crazy caught on camera. i think you'll have quite a few opinions about this video. this is from a helmet cam of a motorcycle rider. a guy named rashad. this is on a highway in omaha, nebraska. pay attention to this big old car. >> he just didn't see him coming. >> you think, okay, this person was looking in the mirror. they didn't see this motorcyclist. but keep watching this video. >> oh. he just intentionally cut the biker off? it looked like that. >> yes. this is going to get much worse, nick. the motorcycle driver with the dash cam gets over almost in the lane of this car. but then the car retaliates,
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comes back, cuts off this motorcycle rider. now you've got the entire biker gang almost coming up. now they're all taunting this car. >> holy cow! >> and he's driving really fast past these guys. >> did you see how close he came to that motorcycle rider? and there's an 18-wheeler on the other side. this guy had no where to go. >> stupid on everybody's part. you're riding a motorcycle and somebody does cut you off whether it be intentional or not, you're never going to win that argument. back off. get yourself out of the situation. these guys are going to get hurt. >> keep watching because again, it's still going to get worse. >> oh, my goodness. >> oh, my god! >> you see that? you want to see that again? the car barely misses the guy on the motorcycle. >> he hits him, doesn't he? >> he does. he doesn't fall. that's what's so amazing. >> how does this video end? >> big giant car pulls over. now, listen to what happened. >> [ bleep ] what's wrong with you [ bleep ]? >> the person that is yelling the expletives is the driver of
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the motorcycle. it sounds like the person in the car might be a female driver. all of the other bikers, they start coming in. they are yelling at this driver. and they also cut the driver off. the video ends there. >> if it was a female driver, i can see why these guys were so fired up to beat somebody up. we're not done yet with the shocking moments on the road because here is number eight. >> i've got a couple of videos that highlight the first responders of the world, to russia where an ambulance gets so the scene of an accident faster than you could ever imagine. here's some dash cam video from a car that's waiting at an intersection. >> let me guess. the ambulance is in the accident? >> steven? you are correct! traffic slows because there is an ambulance approaching right there. and -- >> oh! >> he almost went through the window right onto the stretcher. hopefully this guy isn't terribly hurt. the odd part is that they're
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trying to lift him up which doesn't seem quite right. >> i'm getting concerned for russia this week because this is the second day in a row that we've seen an ambulance accident. >> you know what? it's not only in russia, gail. it also happens in taiwan. you see the light turn red up ahead. this white car is going way too fast for that red light. >> oh! >> like some bowling pins, he plows right into a group of people riding scooters. there's even a small child that was on one of these scooters. you can see people are hurt, but the guy takes off. >> no way! >> but luckily an ambulance is on the scene within seconds. >> look at that. wow! >> and drives right by. >> are they on their way to another more serious accident? >> i feel bad. maybe it was the only ambulance on duty. maybe the driver was, like, i'll be right back for you. >> the one bit of good news, you can see the small child doesn't appear to be hurt seriously, and the front license plate of the car that ran away fell off at the scene. >> oh, perfect.
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>> reports say that police were able to catch up with the guy that took off, and the guy reportedly said, i was nervous because i didn't have a driver's license. >> there's a reason. there was an entire herd of scooters in front of him and he tried to drive right through them. we go to our favorite video of the day. before that, here's a little rescue action at number seven. >> dramatic rescue footage from the rnli crew in northern wales. check this out. two young boys got trapped out on a dinghy out in the water. the seas were pretty rough, and so the crew had to come save them. >> brave people working for the rnl. we see a lot of their rescues. to do this for free? >> the boys weren't that close to shore. they had oars in the boat, but this dinghy was made of plastic. and these little boys, they couldn't get back on their own. it's extremely dangerous for kids to be doing what they did. these boys look preteen. they don't look like they're 15 or 16. >> it seems like they weren't so experienced with their dinghies.
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glad they're okay but it will also be a pretty cool adventure story. >> right, we had to be rescued because we got too far out in our dinghies. >> not to encourage those less experienced with their dinghy. >> if you're going to play with your dinghy, you need to practice it with one to see if you can handle a dinghy on your own. >> they should have gotten their stroke down because you stroke, stroke, stroke in the dinghy. >> every boy strokes differently, and these two boys probably got their communications crossed, one stroking one way, one stroking the other way. >> you get different strokes for different folks. >> yes. >> at some point i'm sure one of these rinl people said you've got to stop playing with your dinghy. >> they made it out. at least it was a happy ending. ♪ a video that reminds us all what to say at a homecoming. see how man's best friend proves it. next.
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a little video advice. if you're jumpingnto a pl with an soon -- >> you have to be extremely careful. >> see how careful these guys are on the countdown.
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we're back to the rtm top ten countdown. we're at number six, and it's a welco welcome-home video that will make you smile. i'm so excited to show you guys this video. i really am excited. >> are you excited? >> a video shot by a lady named stacy skinner. she's coming home to her home in ohio. someone -- i guess i should say something is very happy to see her. >> this dog is having, like, a conniption. it's all right, right? >> the dog is all right, just incredibly happy. this gets even oh so much better.
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i swear. this dog is saying, "i love you!" >> i'm so happy you're home! this just is so annoying to me. >> you don't like this because when you come home, your cat probably goes -- oh, you actually came home. >> after he's done with that, he tells the neighborhood how much he loves the owner. >> it just drives you crazy. it's top five time now on the countdown. and at number five, a guy who spends way too much time in dangerous waters. >> you wouldn't jump into a pool with an alligator in it unless, of course, you are nathan sweeney. >> keep going. >> easy for you to say.
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>> the first guy you see in the video is not nathan sweeting. this is a video of a training session. nathan sweeting comes in a few seconds later. we've had nathan sweeting on the show before. we had him via skype from the gator pen. and he got very, very, very close to his friend, chomper. well, this is a video that he just uploaded showing us how they practice learning gator behavior in a pool. >> when you're in a shallow pool, at least you can use your legs to hopefully run away. there's no way you're getting away from a maneater quickly when you're swimming with them. >> they're built for the water. we're not necessarily built for the water. you might be a fast swimmer, but there's no guarantee you'll be able to swim away from this thing. oh, boy. they've got to have the mouth taped shut, right? >> in this case because this is a training session. but he does say it's not foolproof. at any given point, that thing could come loose, so you have to be extremely careful.
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>> startle the gator by jumping in cannonball style. i'm sure that made his friend feel more comfortable. >> in a way it's a good thing because you never really know what's going to happen. you have to be alert and you have to be aware of anything that can go wrong. >> did you learn that in your last gator training lesson with nathan? >> yep. only four more videos to go to our number one video today on the rtm countdown. at number four, time to hit the pole. >> ladies, i worry that you may disagree with me on this one. >> strippers, despite having hearts of gold, we know that, can definitely do some pretty athletic things. but it must have been amateur night at excess nightclub in vegas recently. >> whoo! >> oh! >> she did the old scorpion. >> well, is that what that's called? >> she did a face plant. >> she sure did.
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she goes nose first. this is not a position your body is supposed to be in. she is folded in half backwards. the wrong way. suffered a broken nose from this incident. now, breaking this thing down, going back to the beginning here, she doesn't look too comfortable up there on the pole, which makes me believe that maybe either this is her first shift or maybe she was pulled from the crowd and said, okay, we're down a dancer. would you like to partake? i've just heard from people that, you know, strippers can do even crazier things than this on a pole. >> people think it's so easy to get up there and dance on the brass pole. this shows you how difficult it is to do it right and make it look good. >> does someone help her? look at all the bachelors like ha, ha, ha. >> these could be married men. you don't know they're bachelors. you think the deejay got on, man down, man down, we need assistance on pole three? a word of advice from the countdown, when golfing with bears.
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the one thing you don't want to do when you're on the golf course and there's aar is agita. see how this one plays out next. and going to war without guns. a new video from one of our favorite guys. >> i like it a lot. >> i think it's hilarious. >> see camera warfare on the countdown. don't forget, right this minute is all
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welcome back to the rtm top ten countdown. just a few more to go to our number one video. at number three, our favorite guy with a camera. >> our friend evan has created some pretty awesome videos. well, his latest one he is calling his biggest production in tv yet. and he's calling it camera warfare. >> that's a big deal if he's calling it a big production. >> oh, yeah. it is world war ii inspired. but instead of weapons, what are they using? >> big old cannons. get it? canons? >> get it? ♪ >> that was the weirdest thing ever. >> he had his lens cap on. it's like having a safety on. >> yeah. i like it a lot. >> i think it's hilarious.
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i like them running up and instead of taking aim like this, they're taking aim like this. >> am i wrong here? there seems to be some real explosions? >> yeah, they are real explosions. >> he partnered up with a production company called go films. they provided all the military elements and, of course, devin provided his amazing movie-making skills, but this is his first full production. he said he put his life savings into it. but not just for this video. he did two other videos in addition to this. all inspired by world war ii, one of whom he says is an indiana jones video and the other is a first-person video. they will be coming out in the next month. >> when are we going to be starred in one of these? i could have been in this one, right? come on. >> pretty cool. seriously. all right. it's time for the day's runner-up. our number two video on the countdown and count them, one, two, three and mama.
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>> if you're a golfer, you know part of the fun is just getting out into nature. you know, a nice breath of fresh air. but if you were on a bath springs hotel golf course, you may get up close and personal to some of the wildlife on the course. big old grizzly and her three cubs just sauntering, meandering, strolling across the greens enjoying the outdoor nature themselves. that's like two days in a row with bears on golf courses. i don't know why this trend is happening. maybe bears are just sick of tramping around in the woods with all this broken sticks and thorn bushes and stuff. they just like to walk on the nice well-kept fairways. it's easier on the paw pads. it looks like maybe didn't call "fore!" watch close. >> who does that? the one thing you don't want to do when you're on the golf course and there's a grizzly bear is agitate the bear. i mean, the bear's going to turn around and be, like, where did that ball come from? these things can come at you quickly.
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and a golf cart, not going to outrun a bear. >> you only have to outrun your friends. ♪ ♪ spider-dad ♪ he's the countdown's number
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we found this in an
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undiscovered reset in the bowels of the internet. three dogs, maybe four or five. there's so many i can't count. and they discovered the icemaker on the refrigerator. >> ah, smart. because every dog loves a good ice cube, you know? >> yeah, on a hot summer day. this is like a popsicle to these guys. >> how do you tell them apart? they're all, like, twins. >> you say hey, girl, hey, boy, and let them all come to you. >> they've got color-coded collars. >> how brilliant are they, they figured it out on their own and now, you know what? they're self-sufficient. next thing you know, they'll be using that stove right beside them. >> that would be nice if you came home and the dog had cooked something. they're staying at home all day. you're the one working. >> cooper eating watermelon. >> watermelon.
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♪ all right, everybody, it's number one time here on the countdown. the video that we voted as the best video of the day. it's a father, a son and a superhero. >> remember the movie "big daddy" with adam sandler where he dresses up as scuba sam? >> hi, julian, how you doing? i'm scuba sam. scuba steve's father. >> well, daniel garcia decided, you know, that's a good idea. when he became a dad, he really wanted to do it. except he dressed up as spider-man and showed up to visit his 3-year-old son, oliver. >> got this for you, buddy. yeah. are you going to be spiderman like me? >> yeah. >> he showed up dressed as spider-man to get his son to do
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whatever he wanted, things that little oliver needed to do, but he told him if you behave well, i am going to take you to a trampoline park. oliver, of course, behaved perfectly. >> he was probably an angel all day. >> guess where he went with spider-man? >> the trampoline park. >> this looks to be a lot more fun for dad, actually. i think i'd like to dress up in a superhero costume and jump around all day. that looks like fun. >> the kid obviously thinks this is the real spider-man. >> it makes him look like the real thing because he's jumping around like normal. >> i don't think little oliver noticed that spider-man is also swearing his dad's shoes. >> if you're oliver, though, and you had an amazing day like this with the amazing spider-man and dad comes home, "dad, you should have been there! i got to party with spider-man all day!" >> at the end of the video, dad does come home and oliver tells dad all about it. >> did you go with spider-man
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today? did you have fun with him? you did? >> mm-hmm. >> he's, like, dad, you're old news. i was hanging out with spider-man all day. >> yeah, i was with spider-man all day. how was your dad? >> yeah, what did you do, go to work? >> what did you do? ♪ that's it for the "rtm" top ten countdown. we hope you enjoyed yourself. have an awesome weekend. we'll see you on monday. -- captions by vitac --
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all new emotion. all new moments. all new "maury." nikki's furious at ramelle and his new fiance. they both deny he's the father. nikki's mother is here for support and threatening to use her cane for a weapon.


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