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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  August 10, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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officers have sealed off several streets in the mclaugh lin area. there are a number of police officers on the scene. ktvu matt keller is on his way there. he'll have a live report in 30 minutes. also in overnight news it has been another violent night on the streets of oakland. police are investigating two shootings that happened around the same time. ktvu alex savidge is in oakland with the details of where this all happened. alex. >> reporter: good morning. homicide investigators have been out here all morning long. they remain out here on the scene combing this area for evidence. this is where two people hit by gunfire san pablo and 19th avenue. police found a number of shell casings on the street. the two were shooting in the car when they were shot. they were taken to the hospital that's where the passenger died
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from his injuries. meanwhile there was a second shooting unrelated that happened earlier this morning. that was on the 7600 block of deerwood. a man was shot during some kind of a robbery. we don't have an update on his condition. and thus far oakland police have not announced any arrest in either of these cases. alex savidge ktvu channel 2 news. we have new video of a car fire in oakland. now this was about the scene about an hour ago at 98th avenue. when firefighters arrived that was a chevy suburban engulfed in flames. something exploded while firefighters doused the flames. fire was o it in sha couple minutes. no word on how it started or who owns that suv. in a few hours a health center will open for the first time in richmond for people effected by monday's refinery fire. ktvu channel 2 reporter claudine wong is on navine
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avenue on what will happen today. good morning, claudine. >> reporter: good morning, pam. you can see the sign is up behind me telling people this is where the claims help center. they have offered that 24 hour hot line as well but some of the complained the lines have been busy, it's hard to get through, and some people like to do things in person. we expect this to be a very busy place today. in the meantime we are getting a look at a first report filed by chevron. referred to as the 72 hour report. it goes through what happened, who was involved, and when. the report says in addition to the chemicals that were measured in the air an unknown amount of hydrocarbon was come busted but still says analysis reports no adverse air quality impact associated with the fire. this comes as air quality officials tell ktvu despite
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their earlier claims there was no significant health risk. now official says they have made a mistake. when it comes to one compound called acrolein. that comes from burning hydrocarbons. >> did exceed the reference exposure level. within normal fluxuation and from day-to-day. >> reporter: other tests are still coming in. a particle test after that fire the results are still coming in. chevron is work orange a 30-day report and osha is opening to begin its investigate on site today. >> here are the details on that help center. it's located at nevine community center at 598nevine avenue. the center will also be open on
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saturdays from #in the -- from 8:00 in the morning to noon. contra costa county health officials are asking people toeclip anything that may have been exposed to that fire. crews have been cleaning up city parks and playgrounds. new this morning three u.s. soldiers have been killed in afghanistan. it happened in the southern province of hellman. a man in an afghanistan military uniform opened fire on the men. the taliban is claiming responsibility for that attack. this comes just one day after the u.s. condemned a suicide bomb attack leaving four americans dead. a suicide bomb attack in afghanistan's kunar province killed a u.s. foreign officer and three senior military leaders. the vest blew up when the soldiers were attacked. the men were based out of fort
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carson in colorado. a vacaville police officer is on administrative leave after he shot and killed a man with a knife. now he happen -- now it happened yesterday afternoon on merchant street in front of the police station and city hall. officers say a man was acting suspicious when they went outside to approach him the suspect pulled out a knife. the officer ordered him to put it down. when he didn't he was shot and killed. a campbell fries electronic store is out of mer channel this dice morning. three people broke into the store on hamilton avenue just after midnight on wednesday. the thieves returned twice the same night. investigators say they made off with $163,000 worth of ipods, ipads, and iphones. police are warning people to be aware of apple products sold
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online at a drastically lower price. the three-day music festival -- coming up why some people say it's pushing other long running events out of golden gate park. the construction of the new 49ers stadium is moving forward after a multiple dollar settlement with south bay schools. the 49ers and local education leaders have agreed to share $30 million dedicated to the stadium. in june the team filed a lawsuit against the santa clara oversight board that seized money earmarked for the stadium and gave it to the schools. it allows the district to balance its budget and avoid teacher layoff. let's check in with sal for the early morning friday morning commute. >> hello, pam. happy friday to you. traffic is doing pretty well around the bay area. let's go outside and take a
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look at what we have. this is a look at the east shore freeway. traffic is move along pretty nicely as you head over to the mccarthur maze. eastbound 80 they are clearing up a little bit of road work there. it's not causing any major delays. you can see them picking up the cones right now. also the morning commute is looking pretty good at the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic continues to move well into san francisco. if you're driving on the south bay commute northbound 280 is off to a nice start. now let's go to steve. sal, thank you. yesterday was a cooker inland. 68 in san francisco. you had about 104 toward antioch and vacaville and probably up to clear lake as well. there is a little sea breeze but hardly anything. already temperatures in the low to mid 60s for some. sonoma county airport down to 52. a little cool there. tropical moisture so close to
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the sierra novato. inland forecast it will be hot. but it will be a couple degrees cooler for many. instead of 101 more like 99. sunny nice to hot. patchy fog. yesterday there was a big fog bank out there. we will see upper 90s. low 100s for some but 60s for those closer to the coast. it does look like i know there will be a couple 100-degree readings. looks like a cooling trend sunday into monday. pam. thank you. a rare statewide flex alert is -- they are asking people to cut back on their power because of the current heat wave. the alert began yesterday. it will last until sunday. people are being asked to avoid using excess power on these days between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.. that is when demand are highest. 4:38 is the time. new surveillance photos of the people involved in a coin shop robbery in the south bay.
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the diversion they used to get inside the store. >> and an olympic hero the major injury suffered by an american athlete during an event. he still finished the race. >> southbound 101 marin county we'll tell you the traffic is moving along very well. traffic is also looking good on the bridge.
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good morning. well some patchy fog but coast 60s there. 70s around the bay. i think we topped out yesterday. but it will still be hot today. >> thank you, steve. sunnyvale police have surveillance video of people wanted in connection to a bold robbery. police say a woman was the first to approach the coin shop. a female employee unlocked the door when she turned her back two masked men charged through. the robbers tied the workers
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hands while they ransacked the store. they fled if a white nissan but then set that car on fire in a parking garage and sped off in another car. here's a sketch of the female accomplice. police are trying to figure out whether or not she is involved in any other similar crimes. we're learning more about the strategy defense lawyers may use in the colorado theater shooting. yesterday they repeatedly told a judge that james holmes is mentally i'll and tried -- ill and tried to get help before the july 20th massacre. the judge is expected to rule on a request to unseal court documents by monday. in election news this morning new cnn poll shows president obama holds ashen point lead over republican challenger mitt romney. 52% of voters say they would reelect the president. only 45% are backing romney. the poll also indicates the president has a nine-point advantage with women voters. a six point advantage among
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men. today is the last day for candidates to get on the november ballot. they have until 5:00 p.m. to file the paper work with their county offices. now that is when voters can go online and look at resolutions, measures, and candidate statements and that ends on august 20th. 4:43. in the summer olympic games an american sprinter has his left leg in a cast this morning. mitchell broke his leg running in the four by 400-meter preliminaries yesterday in the red wearing sunglasses there. every step he was in tears because of the pain but he didn't want to let down his teammates. the u.s. qualified for this afternoons finals. he will be in a walking boot and on crutches but will watch the race from inside the stadium. bay area remains a big winner
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in the olympics. danville's stevens scored five goals to help u.s. beat spain. the team has seven bay area players and san francisco's shannon is in today's 1500- meter final. the u.s. is starting run away in the medal count. we had 90 medals followed by china with 80. 4:45 is the time. let's check in with sal for a look at traffic. >> sorry, i was listening to the scanner. police are making a felony stop on the lower deck of the bay bridge right now. eastbound 80. two lanes blocked on the rosier deck-- on the lower deck. we'll see what happens there. following a stolen vehicle. right now they are effecting one of the felony stops. guns are drawn. watch out. east 80 right near sterling street which is just the last
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onramp to the bay bridge. let's move along and take a look at 80 westbound as you head out to the mccarthur maze. no major problems here. also the morning commute looks pretty good if you are driving into the city along the upper deck of the bay bridge. and if you are driving this morning in san jose northbound 280 traffic looks good approaching highway 17. 17 is in good shape coming down to the bottom of the hill. 4:45 happy friday, steve. there is a good thing there is nothing going on in san francisco. >> nothing at all. >> there is a couple things going on. it looks like if you are going into the city, you will see big differences in temperatures. anywhere from 30 degrees. yesterday was the city was 60 with low clouds. one of the events does not look very warm. upper 50s to low to mid 60s and cooling down rapidly at night. this is for friday. i think there will be more fog as we get into the weekend.
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if you are young, you don't care usually the weather. you are bullet proof and can wear shorts and two with it. if you're a little older like me, you probably get cold pretty quick. west, southwest there is not much. a little bit of a breeze. 50s for some. 50s for others. thunderstorms firing up. instead of being two to three degrees cooler. patchy fog near the coast. it will be warm to hot inland. upper 90s low 100s for some. 60s and 70s and 80s as you get closer to the west. fog will be on the increase. inland temps will come down. >> thank you, steve. today is the start of the three-day san francisco music festival outside lands 200,000 people are expected to attend the event. it's become a big moneymaker for the parks department.
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the critics say the city is working too much to fill the parks budget gap. has seen fees go from $1500 to $15,000 in five years. >> i hope the parks department can find a way to lower fees for some ofthe groups like jimmy's old car picnic that are not commercial in nature. that don't have a lot of revenue. >> another group power to the peaceful is canceling its free musical festival this year. after 12 years they can't afford to pay the rising city fee. park officials say it costs money to hire police. they may notice extra eyes botching them. crews are installing surveillance videos. cameras will be in parking lots, hallways, and other
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public areas. the project is to prevent theft and vandalism. people living in oakland's rock ridge neighborhood are on high alert following a spike in armed robberies. there have been more than 20 robbery in the past 30 days. some cases involve cell phones being taken from people on college avenue. others happened on neighborhood streets. >> they were just walking home from dinner. a man approached them. had a gun. >> the spike in crime also comes at a time when businesses on college avenue have been seeing an increase in break ins. police say the bart station and easy access to freeways is part of what makes the area attractive to criminals. 4:49. there is a split for five contra costa county high schoolers. four seniors have been suspended from the football team. they hazed three junior varsity players in june. >> we do not tolerate hazing or bullying.
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there is no place for it in school or athletics. >> i think they took it too seriously and the players should be allowed to play football. >> the school provided counselors for the three victims. the accused could receive misdemeanor battery charge. this is day two of target's big job fair in san francisco. hundreds of people lined up for the interviews yesterday. the line wrapped around the whole shopping complex. more interviews will be held today and tomorrow. target does plan to hire 300 people. the new store is scheduled to open in mid october. people in a san jose neighborhood had an exciting afternoon thursday when they spotted something unusual crawling on the street. that's a 95-pound african tortoise named budzilla. surprised people in the area west of san carlos avenue. he escaped through the fence of his owners home. after a lot of pictures and
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call to police-reunited with his owner. time now 4:50 it's a stinky situation in a bay area. what is causing a very bad odor. >> they call it an insult to muni passengers.
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review of drag queens and boys in their under wear. it's a sacred to a lot of people. to have that type of stuff going on in here it really rubs a lot of people wrong. >> the archdiocese director says it's different. san francisco muni system is under fire criticized for their practice called switch backs. passengers are forced to get off the bus or train before it reaches the end of its run and
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wait for the next one. now report released thursday by the san francisco's civil grand jury said muni officials show a call police disregard. muni says sometimes the practice is necessary. >> if we're backed up because there is a fire, truck blocking the tracks or because we had a vehicle break down and we get backed up we can rebalance the service space it out more evenly. >> muni also says they have reduced the number of switch backs to six tenths of one percent of all runs. san jose has lunched a new effort to get bicycles on the streets.
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4:54 is the time. let's check in with sal for a look at traffic this morning. and friday we still have the bikes allowed on bart every friday for this month. >> that is right. i think that friday is a good day to use your bike in san francisco. there will be a lot of events. giants game. a 49ers game. outside lands. karl goad don for san francisco. you might want to consider that especially tonight if you're trying to get into san francisco with your car. this is a look at san francisco. looks pretty good. by the way last time i told you about a felony stop going on at the entrance to the bay bridge the bad guy didn't put up a fight. they just took him away and the lanes are reopened. it's daily city and chp effecting that stop and now they are gone from the lower deck of the bay bridge and someone is on the way to county jail. moving along to 880 north and southbound the traffic is moving along pretty well as you drive past the coliseum. and this morning if you are
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also looks good as you drive from walnut creek to oakland. 4:55 let's go to steve. >> thank you. another day we're up in the sierra nova toe -- novato. not that warm. upper 50s to low to mid 60s. fog will be on the increase as we head toward the weekend. it will be hot inland again. you can see temperatures coming back. 50s and 60s. some sitting in the low 60s. very, very mild. low system to the north might prevent the high from warming things up. it will still be hot. we might see a rebound in these temps before we cool down on sunday. today looks 90s to low 100s. we will not warm up anymore. temperatures 60s and 70s and
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80s and 90s. if you're away from the coast it will be hot. thank you, steve. delta diablo sanitation district will start waste water treatment. they may notice a distinct smell. starting monday the district will repair the main sewer pipeline and other key equipment. people in the area north of the pittsburg antioch highway may notice a plastic smell during pipe installation. they do not want the public to be alarmed. we are following breaking news out of the south bay. swarming to the scene -- police swarming to the scene of a possible stabbing. >> the doors open today to a new plane center as we learn
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more about the refinery fire in mitch round. cçrrú
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a major road in san jose is blocked off this morning. the call that came into police that brought several officers to the scene. >> it happened just hours ago. look at this dramatic video a really scary scene on the streets of oakland.


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