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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 15, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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confusion. see what started the whole ball of flame rolling. one of the highest bridges in the world. i think i can jump off of this. >> watch the awesome journey all the way down. and what happens when you talk baby talk to adults. >> you know what? that was funny. a 5 year in a small is trouble waiting to happen when he's unattended. watch what this 5-year-old does. he falls three floors. >> how did they lose him? >> this video captures him going by the second floor. >> that's awful. >> he only suffered minor injuries. he bounced when he hit the ground. >> he hit that hard floor and
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only suffered minor injuries. >> how did his head not just split. minor injuries? >> imagine if you're one of these people on the bottom floor. >> look at this woman, see the woman right here? you see in this video, she covered her face, somebody is holding her, and they think they just saw him fall and die. >> kids are flexible, but something like this -- i can't believe he survived. it's a shame this happened, but it's kind of like, pretty to look at. a palm tree fire in los angeles. a guy caught this on camera. this is over a mr. pizza, and there are embers falling down. he goes to get a closer look, he
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is wondering what's going on. it probably didn't spontaneously combust. as you get closer, you notice the awning is on fire. they spoke to a cashier from the pizza place, say somebody shot a bottle rocket into the tree, that person informs line for a record release party of an album by a member of odd future. it's like a hip hop collective >> how many damage from this? >> just the auning was burned, od future said they have nothing to do with this but they will pay for the damages to this
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pizza place. the fire department showed up and put this thing out, and the pizza shot is still open for business. >> it does look cool. >> nice to look at. a desk cam captures something so bizarre, you have to see it to believe it. this is on a rural highway in south carolina, and a sheriff's deputy's patrol car captures the moment of a traffic stop. you see him pull over this white suv, and the officer gets out of the car and begins writing a traffic ticket. watch what happens next. you see this man just walking down the street? he has a backpack, look what he does, he drops the umbrella, pulls out a knife, and attacks
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the sheriff's deputy. >> was he related to the traffic stop? >> no, he is 37-year-old anthony pierson, and in this moment, this deputy had seconds to react, pulls out his gun and shoots pierson in the leg, dropping him to his knees. >> how confused are you if you're the american this white suv. >> yes, the person in the car was shaken up by the incident, but is at home recovering from the emotional stress. >> in word what made him attack the cop? >> that's what's so weird, this guy has two prior incidents of attacking officers. >> is it an issue of suicide by cop? >> there's no reports on a motive. >> yeah, he falls right in the
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middle of the road after he is hit by the gun. he is currently in intentative care. let's go to the new hampshire motor speedway, the east coast knee draggers, a club of motorcycle racers. this is a dash for cash. you see a little bit of rain on the windshield of this motorcycle. you know the strak going to be a little slick because of the rain you see, and -- >> did he run over him? >> yeah, the rider in front of this guy turned into a speed bump like that, and the guy ran over him, thump thump, listen. and then he bit it too, both delivers were fine, believe it
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or not. >> was it his driving or the rain? >> probably both. the guy gets hit about 60 miles per hour. you figure it's probably about 600 pounds. that's a hard shot hitting your back like that. here comes the mud slide. >> going fast, too. >> it looks like a giant serpent. >> where do you put all of that mud? >> and it's jack's first time on his bicycle. >> and i know we can all relate to this moment. >> we still do, see his adjourny from rockie to smooth rider.
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remember "right this minute" is all new all summer long. typically when you see something moving down a mountain like this it's lava. this time it's mud. this is in austria and it's going towards a village. it looks like it's going through a canal of some type, but it doesn't contain everything and it made a big mess in this village. >> it almost looks alive, like a serpent. >> especially here. >> it looks like concrete coming down the mountain. >> they also show video of it after the mud slide, and it's just a big, bill, meg mess. people from neighbors villages
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and the residents really teamed up together and they got it cleaned up in pretty quick order. >> where do you start, and where do you put it all, you can't put it big -- believing is a problem plaging our nation. in boca raton, parents are taking it into their own hands. they're enrolling their kids in martial arts so a child can defend himself in the face of bullying. >> if a child puts my child in a
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corner he can defend himself. >> the kids in here learn to protect themselves and learn this is self defense only. >> what the instructor is saying they teach confidence and awareness, but they also focus on the art of walking away from a situation, to not be an instigator. >> i would prefer my kid disfuse the situation and walk away or defend themselves. >> hopefully this is just one part, i hope they don't just have to send their kets to karate and let them go. >> i think it's about confidence too, if you gi tve them tools tt
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will give them confidence. >> back flip fail. ♪ >> you are standing on the deck of the ojai bridge in china. about 150 feet off the valley floor is the longest and tallest tunnel to tunnel bridge in the world. it was completed in 2011, look at that lush green valley, and the camera angle you're getting is even better. >> so now that they opened this spectacularly high bridge, is someone ready to jump off of it? >> yep, here is the first guy to
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take the plunge. off he goes. >> this is just a base jump with a parachute finish. and so much a gorgeous valley. >> right on the spot! >> there is the bridge up top. >> let's see it again. whoo. >> this is the sound as he jumped, the sound of the wind, and he doesn't make a peep. this september they're going to have a base jump festival in this town and a lot of people will be jumping off, but this guy was the first. the wedding is over, time to enter the reception. >> she tries to lift him. >> see the wedding reception fail next time on "right this
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minute." and still to come, coins you can plant. >> pennys, knuckles, dimes, and quarters. >> so delightful, playful, and unusual. >> is this a game of cat and mouse, or is her fur being rubbed the wrong way. maybe it's a
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it's best of rtm time. what do you have? 29.5 million views. that's how many views this video has. now there is a sequel and this one is psy featuring -- and it is considered the girl version. i'm show it's going to blow up too. if you want to check it out, go to our website and click on best of rtm. thaw say money doesn't grow on trees, but who says that plants can't grow from money. now they can because of this kick starter project. check it out. i'm kpooited to tell you about seed money today, a new
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object that i open to bring you soon. they look like coins, but it is paper, they will lead to flowers and vegetables. >> they're little coins that a seeds that you can plant anywhere. >> everything is made in the usings a, and a company in nebraska puts them together after designed to look like coins. so tell us a little more, we have the creator of seed money all the way from california, leah redman. where did it idea come from? >> it just popped in my med, and
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i thought it was so delightful and fun, and i had to make them. >> how hard is it to get seed into paper that eventually grows. >> that's something that's come out in the last five years and i have seen greating cards that you can send someone that they plant and go. and they're substantial coins, and the needs come through the paper and they do their thing. a small business like mine, we can have a good idea and raise the seed money that we need to launch a new product. dog finds a dance partner. ♪
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i want you guys to go back with me, way back, to this moment in your lives, and put yourself in jack's shoes. this is jack's first time on a bicycle, and i know we can all relate to this moment. you may even remember it well. no training wheels here too on jack. this is his first time without them. >> i remember my dad taking my training wheels off, and saying you can't do it, and i said yes i can and it made me want to do it harder. >> he's really trying hard here,
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his brother and friend riding away here. >> and the video is set to bicycle race by queen. >> this guy in the orange shirt has to get out of the way, come on, it doesn't slow him down a bit. he keeps hopping back on, he keeps trying, he gets it, and he rides off. >> there he goes. >> that's when it all comes together, and it's like ahh, you've figured it out. >> whose got a good video coming up? look at the little boys doing a lit the pranky pr
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look at this ford windstar drive up, and this guy gets out, and watch what he does -- >> thank goodness they have surveillance video. >> yeah, you're thinking, is he going to steal the car or something? no, he starts mashing in the back window.
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and he takes something out -- >> they have an amp he says worth $150. he comes back out of the mini van, and his police cops with. >> i hate when cars get messed with. breaking in for cheap stereo equipment, and they're driving a mini van. >> they did $1,000 worth of damage to get a $150 amp. someone needs their space.
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>> he doesn't even care. you know how adults have a weird way that talk to the baby? this time, jack talks to adults like that. >> who has a blue shirt? >> yeah, he's from mediocre films, and he is outside the store. people are walking by, and they're just telling them what they're wearing and doing in a baby voice. >> who has a leather jacket? >> some g is like you know whaat funny. >> can you imagine the older generation saying, what are you
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doing wasting your time on jokes. this guy flips it back. starts doing it back. >> you could easily mistake that for somebody that maybe stepped out of the hospital. >> it would be innerunnerving. >> if you want to see the entire video, go to our website. that's all for this show, thanks for watching and we'll see you next time. ♪
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hello, i'm beth troutman, we have the videos of the day and the stories behind them right this minute. thooes drifting dued blow past belief and laugh it off. >> you're about to see a 140 miles per hour mistake. >> a worter is


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