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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 17, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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>> hear how the dog is doing now and why the disturbing video is a lightning rod for debate. a flat liner tries to walk between two speeding trucks between a tunnel. >> she doesn't finish her walk in time -- >> she the shaky start that will make your palms sweat. and it's the great golf pong challenge. >> we need to get a golf club somehow. >> i've got some. we begin our countdown with our number ten video and christian has it. >> check out this supercell in texas. the weather basically conspires to create this formation here. that happened back in may. the video in time lapse is about eight minutes long. >> you're standing there watching that thing coming together. i would think it would be a little scary. i would say this is the end of the world, it's over. nothing is supposed to look like that in the sky. >> to find out what happened, we have two of the storm chasers
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and filmmakers that were there, blaze and leslie from texas. were you guys at all scared when you were around this? >> not really. i wasn't scared, just in awe. >> is the word mothership supercell an actual weather term? >> a lot of chasers and meteorologists call it that. it's a rotating thunderstorm. sometimes it creates this striation and ship-like appearance. >> at the end of the video when you do that closeup on that part of this supercell, is that the beginning of the tornado? >> it reaches down and it forms kind of a multi-vortices finger so it was not your regular tornado. it was a special occurrence. >> when you're filming something like this, at what point do you pack it in? >> for us the moment was a huge wall of hail was coming at us. out of dodge and stopped filming
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right there and continued later on when it got dark. >> how rare is it to see this? >> the mothership is very rare. that doesn't happen very often. not all of them look like that. that is something that most chasers dream of seeing. >> it is, yeah. guys, i have our number nine video, and i have to warn you this is a really, really difficult to watch. this video was shot on monday in new york city. you clearly see a man who seems to be unconscious. according to reports, he had had a seizure. this dog is a pit bull named star and actually belongs to this man who was there on the ground. now, police were on the scene and they were trying to get to this man, but then watch. >> what the -- >> you see the dog charge directly at the officer. the officer pulled out his weapon and fires his gun at the dog. >> i understand defending yourself, but these cops have
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pepper spray, right? they have other means to defend themselves. >> according to reports from this incident, only one officer fired at the dog. the other officer actually used pepper spray. >> i don't know. there seems to be a better way to handle this. that's just awful. >> but what do you do in that situation, because we have seen incidents where some pit bulls are very violent and they can really maim a person. >> the owner is obviously incapacitated. reportedly he was taken to a local hospital and treated, but he was then arrested because apparently there was a warrant out for him on an open container charge. the dog, however, was given emergency medical care and is currently under the care of animal care and control of new york city. they say that the injuries were significant, but they are seeing progress. the dog did survive. people love their sports paraphernalia, we know that. this group of guys was willing to act like a bunch of doofies
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at a hockey game. a team canada player put a stick up in the crowd. these three are fighting over it in halifax, nova scotia. it's embarrassing enough but the best is the commentary in the background. >> you guys are going to be world famous. >> the one has a chokehold on the other one. >> these guys are fighting all over a hockey stick. now, wait until you see who comes and breaks this up. this blonde lady comes up and she's like -- >> give me that. now nobody gets to play with it. >> somebody does get to play with it, nick, because after the crowd starts chanting this -- >> give it to the kid, give it to the kid. >> she turns and hands it to a younger boy who apparently was very polite and asked very
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nicely and said pleads. >> oh, that's awesome. that's a great lesson for those older guys. say please, say thank you and don't act like a doofy in public over a hockey stick. >> the guy in the green jersey seems to be acting like the biggest doofy. >> if anything, this is a lesson, politeness over doofiness. >> polite will always win over doofy. >> after that stunt, neither of them got it, dummy. >> doofies, not dummies. when you think of tractor-trailers, you don't think of precision. but this can be used as a very precise tool. the stunt she's going to attempt is to walk a slack line between two tractor-trailers. >> but they're going to be moving, tell me that, right? >> they are going to be moving, and they're going to be moving towards a tunnel. if she doesn't finish her walk
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in time, the line gets cut. >> and she goes where? >> crashing down into the road. >> and why? >> it is a commercial to show off the precision of the new volvo fh tractor-trailer. there's a helicopter out there too. i feel like that would make her blow sgloeover. >> just do it really fast. >> here she goes. the trucks get up to speed. scary. >> that's a terrible start. the first few steps she's not off to a very good start at all but she gets back on her feet. >> she is wearing a harness just in case she falls off, right? >> she has a safety line around her ankles. there's the tunnel and she's pretty close. >> oh, man. >> oh! >> and the rope just breaks? >> yep. >> snap. >> oh, brother. >> good thing it went well
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because if it didn't, i'm sure we would see the video. very precise. when elephants get unhappy. >> this entire herd of elephants are frustrated by this truck. >> watch out in the truck. see where this one scores on the countdown. and they're singing that song they sing. >> this song is all about food. glorious food. see what's so delicious they wrote a song about it on the countdown. >>hhhd
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welcome back. number one is just ahead, but right now at number six, everybody stand back. >> get ready, you guys, because it's time for our elephant story of the day. >> i have been waiting. >> this one is dramatic. take a little trip to sri lanka.
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>> an elephant block party. >> yeah, well this elephant block party got a little grumpy. they're not too happy with just one of the safari trucks. and we're not talking just one elephant. this entire herd of elephants, they're frustrated by this truck. i'm thinking it's because there were so many baby elephants in this herd. >> and is this window broken in the back? did they break that window? >> there's a big dent and the window is busted. >> i like how they're putting their trunks up, like in the faces of these people. >> like back up, back up. >> so this safari truck, they start to back up. >> a little white bird in the back. >> you know what makes me nervous is that these people are exposed here that are in the back of this pickup truck. they're right out there in the open. >> yeah. >> you know what, they're coming into the home of these elephants. imagine what it would be like if they were coming to your house to take pictures. i understand why they're annoyed. >> but all the other trucks go by fine and the elephants seem
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to watch them go past. >> there must be something about that one truck they don't like. >> the truck is colored similar. >> when these elephants were going up to that truck, they were kind of doing that same thing with their trunks, so maybe that's some sort of threatening pose that elephants do and they're looking at that thinking this truck wants to fight us. some striking and stunning aerial views of christ the redeemer statue down in brazil. it's a famous statue, you've seen it, we all know it. but look at these awesome aerial shots. >> this is pretty spectacular. what are they shooting from? >> no! >> a remote control plane that this guy launches from a little helicopter pad nearby. he got permission from local air traffic control to let him do this. the cool part here is he's got the remote control plane but he's also got a remote control go pro on the front of the plane
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that he can turn back and forth. >> he can point the camera to whatever direction he wants to point it to, because what if he's flying the plane away and then, you know, he wants to shoot toward it. >> it's christ the redeemer statue. >> is it just me that thinks it's funny he had to get permission from traffic control to fly a fake plane? >> there's a lot of tourist helicopters and other tourist plane that say fly this route so, yeah, he didn't want to get in anybody's way. i want you guys to take a listen to this new song and sort of music video from the upbeat choir out of east london. ♪ >> send the kids to the movies, unplug the tv, lock some doors.
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you might think this song is about maybe getting busy with your wife or husband. >> yeah? ♪ >> it is a song about cheese. we do have our own cheese aficionado, jessica, from the right this minute staff. she likes cheese so much we call her cheese. she actually dressed up like cheese for halloween last year. now, are you on board with the upbeat choir here? you wish you were probably part of them. >> yeah, yeah. and it should be our national anthem, i'm just saying. ♪ >> did you commission them to write this song? >> no, but these are my people right here. these are my people. >> why does the guy need to get the kids out of the house and unplug the tv to eat the cheese?
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>> i don't know how to explain it. it's a magical experience when you're alone with your cheese. you're going to eat it. >> the upbeat choir and their song "cheddar" became the national winner of the cheddar competition put on by the british cheese board. congratulations. well done. move over, beer pong, it's all about golf pong. >> i like it already. love it already. >> one guy, one ball, one cup. see him get tricky with it. and it's the classic battle of the sexes. >> i know that you like to drive with all the windows down and whatnot, but it [ bleep ] my [ bleep ] hair up. >> ready, set, drive. >> for a girl that doesn't do her h
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we're back with the countdown. only a few more videos until our number one pick of the day. at number three, move over beer pong. i'd like to challenge you boys to a round of golf pong. >> fore! >> challenge accepted. >> we will look to this guy for some lessons. >> i like it already. love it already. >> you've got a golf club, a ping pong ball, a solo cup, and you can do this rain or shine. >> this is exactly something we would do in our editing booth down there. >> down the stairs.
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>> do you think this guy is any good at actual golf? >> i would say yes. i think this definitely improves your pitching. >> that guy knows how to get a ball out of a sand trap. >> i would have come across this video in college, steven and friends would have done this. >> why does it have to be college steven? we know well enough to know this is happening about three minutes after this is all over. >> i need a golf club. >> i've got some. well, at my house. >> we're going to beth's house. >> that creepy place? boys, listen up. if you want a long-lasting relationship, pay close attention to this advice by none other than jenna marbles. >> first thing guys don't understand is that you're almost always too rough. when you touch a girl or kiss a girl, imagine that you're like
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touching a little puppy or a kitten, okay? >> well -- >> whatever you think is gentle, dial it back like ten notches and then that's gentle. >> she wants gentle, then make out with a girl. men are tough men, you know. >> alpha males. >> yeah. >> take what they want. >> i know that you like to drive with all the windows down and whatnot, but it [ bleep ] by [ bleep ] hair up. >> this one is my pet peeve. >> you saw how long it took me to do my hair. you waited around the whole time for me to be done. then we get in the car and you roll all the [ bleep ] windows down so it just blows everywhere. >> well then -- no. >> it gets caught in your lip gloss, gets stuck in your mouth, it's all over your face. >> you know what else is annoying, waiting three hours for you to do this hairdo that gets messed up with a breeze. >> exactly. >> for a girl that doesn't do her hair that way, it doesn't take hours.
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>> it's stuck in your eyelashes and wrapped around your ears. >> it's true. >> look at you. >> when girls go to the bathroom together to talk about you in privacy. >> why do you guys have to go to the bathroom in a group. >> yeah, can you not wipe yourself? >> you know, diseases and nobel peace prizes could have been won in the amount of time that it takes women across the world to do their hair. if you added up all that time and we put all that time towards something concrete, we'd probably have world peace. >> think how long it takes to blow dry your hair. >> yours smells maybe 100 times worse than mine ever does and i never get any credit for tolerating it. >> hard to argue with that one.
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>> and on the way to the top. >> i'm not going to tell you how scared i am of bears right now. >> but the scariest thing about number one is really
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i really love watching those videos of the building implosions that take down an entire building. love them. but this one is actually an
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implosion on a bridge in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, and people came out just to watch this go down. they thought it was the coolest thing and wpxi was there to also capture the moment. they dropped four spans of this 31st street bridge. and there it goes. boom. it all fell into the allegheny river. they are going to pick it up. >> so they bring this that big barge and start picking the pieces out of the water. >> they brought in the barge and started picking up the pieces. this was all part of an improvement project. they are going to be building a new interchange, so this whole thing was just part of it. traffic was stopped for about 15 minutes. they did secure a 1,000-foot radius and people couldn't come any closer for safety. all right, everybody, we made it. it's time for our number one video of the day. and steven has it. >> a girl named lexi deforest
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was hiking somewhere in wyoming and let's just say she had a little bit of a mishap. >> oh! >> that's not supposed to look like that. >> what am i looking at? >> that's a broken ankle, nick. as you can tell, it is contorted, twisted, mangled, messed up. it's the middle of the night, she's stranded. her boyfriend goes to get help. lexi decides to document this moment n doi moment. in doing so, she kept it very, very real. >> i just broke my ankle and this is me moving my foot. i'd show you more but if i look at it, i might vomit on myself. >> there are people out there giving her help. she does give them a shoutout. >> i'm up here, bitches. >> i guess you could describe her move as quite jovial. she also puts the camera on
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herself, probably trying to keep herself calm. now is a good time to give some shoutouts to her friends. >> a shoutout to morgan and abby. i love you girls so much. >> she touches on her slight fear of bears. >> i'm not going to tell you how scared i am of bears right now. oh, man. oh, man, oh, map. >> how is this even possible? >> let's just say lexi is one tough lady and she's joining us "right this minute" to tell us about her mangled ankle and that experience. i guess the first question is how did your ankle end up in this position? >> i decided to check out this one trench that my boyfriend actually jumped over. i was just standing on the ledge checking it out. in the process i actually slipped off that rock and fell into the trench. my foot, i guess, detached itself in the process. >> what made you want to start making this video? >> i was in a such amazing calm
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state of mind i figured i might as well do something with. >> it this flashy flash again. let everyone know that i'm here and i'm in pain. >> is your foot pointing in the right direction now? >> yeah, yeah. the second i got into the hospital, they stuck me with some sort of drug and were talking to me and i felt a sharp sting of pain for a second and my foot was back into a normal direction. >> oh! >> holy cow. that's like an erector set around your leg. >> all up in my leg. >> lexi, thanks for sharing your story. we're glad your foot is facing the proper direction now. >> yeah, me too. bye. that's it for the rtm top ten countdown. thanks for spending time with us. have a fantastic weekend. we'll see you on monday. -- captions by vitac --
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>> she was texting me. >> maury: shocking lie detector results. and shocking cheaters caught in the act. special guest trisha goddard is back to confront these couples. >> are you good at lying? >> maury: and force them to get real. >> that ain't true. >> it's all lies. >> oh, my god. >> maury: sierra keeps hearing that her boyfriend is it a


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