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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 22, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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we have the best videos of the day and the stories behind them, "right this minute." >> he's a teenager out for a joyride in his bmw m-3. see the nasty turn from ripping up the road to ripping up his car. whoa! imagine you're out enjoying nature and all of a sudden you see this. >> here it comes, look at it. >> what could have swallowed a group of hiemers whole.
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>> see the close call when the whale finally spots the guy with the camera. and the pranksters who make real life just like the movies. when you're a teenager and you're lucky enough to have a car, it's like your baby. it's your link to freedom, to getting out of the house. this is 19-year-old matt warnert. he's ripping it up going i've got to stay pretty fast in his bmw m-3. >> that's his car as a teen? generally teens have clunkers. >> a new one of these goes for something like 60 grand. this is a 2003 model that he bought for $19,000. he worked all through high school more than 40 hours a week to save up for this thing so he could go to south mountain park in arizona and do this. >> oh!
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>> yeah. let's see that again. ole matt here misjudged the turn, hits into these rocks, bounces all over the place. the air bag comes out and listen to how he reacts, because, again, this is his baby. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! >> i feel terrible for him. >> usually they say it knocked my socks off. it actually knocked his hoodie on his head. >> nobody was hurt. the car, not so much. matt describes it, total loss. those were big boulders that he wadded it up against. >> i liked what matt said. he called it a misjudgment of road caused the accident. but i have to also say, matt, you were going pretty fast. you mentioned the clunker that you have when you're a teenager. i think he might be on his way to having a clunker now. imagine you're enjoying a
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nice little hike in utah at the zion national park and all of a sudden you see this. >> sasquatch! >> close. >> steven would be excited if it is. >> look at it coming down the mountain. >> what is that? >> that is the head of a flash flood that these people are rig in front of, and all that debrith you see there, the down with the water. >> they have got to get out of there and stop filming that. >> are you getting this on film? >> yeah, but i don't know how long i'm going to stand here. >> it doesn't even look like water, it looks like a bunch of wood that somehow grew legs and is able to go down the mountain. >> apparently there was a storm that happened miles away. >> it rains and rains and rains and comes all the way down through north creek. >> these people were probably experiencing nice, clear weather. but because of this water that was coming from miles away, they got this. >> it looks like this isn't the first time this has happened in
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this area. it almost looks like there's a path for all of this drainage to come down. >> they call washes, where water naturally drains. >> did they say there was no sign of anything coming? there doesn't look like there was any rain or thunder or lightning to indicate something was going on. >> i bet you they heard it because they started filming before you could see it. >> you can hear it coming. >> oh, my gosh. >> there's a manhunt on in broward county for this portly fellow and his two accomplices that robbed a radio shack. now, as you see here, he walks into the store, he's on the phone, he's walking around. but there was a store employee, a young woman, who was in there. she doesn't look like she's scared. she goes to the counter, she goes behind it. he walks up to it and look what he takes out. he has a gun. he makes her go into the stock room, but watch what he makes her do. remember, i said he had two accomplices. she opens the door, she's scared
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and one of the other guys walks in. >> oh, my gosh. that just got even worse for her. she's got a guy with a gun in her face and somebody else coming through the door. >> he's got the gun pointed at her. she's got her hands up. the other guy is in and they are taking stuff because the store just got a delivery. but see here, this is what's frightening to me. you've got this woman, she is on her knees, hands behind her head and this guy has got a gun. she doesn't know what these guys are planning to do to her. >> this is scary to have someone with a gun to your face. no. >> eventually the other guy, he comes in in a blue shirt. >> looks like he's trying to cover his face. >> good eye, nick. at some point the portly fellow is like, oh, wait, maybe i should cover my face but he's already been seen on video, so the sheriff's office is hoping somebody recognizes this guy. they haven't caught anybody yet but they released the video and are calling this guy the fat boy robber.
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you know, we're very fortunate in this country, we have so much clean water, we actually poop in it. a lot of people around the room aren't as fortunate. ben cohen and his partner have got a way to revolutionize the way clean water is brought to cultures around the world. they have mobile infrastructure. >> what we mean by a mobile infrastructure is that the pipelines can be quickly installed, operated and removed without leaving any harmful effects on the environment. >> they take a huge roll of flexible, durable pipe on a spool, hang it from a helicopter, plug it into a water source and fly the piping over long distances. in this test they were able to lay out over half a mile of pipe in nine minutes. tell us a little bit more about this project. ben cohen joins us right this minute from santiago, chile. ben, we all looked at this and
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said, gosh, what a simple idea. what made you think to put it into production. >> one of my classmates in calculus at georgia tech, he was watching the aftermath of the haiti earthquakes. they had water but couldn't get it to the people. coil tubing has beenavai ble for many years and he said why can't we use this to set up supply lines as opposed to ship in water bottles over and over with a helicopter. >> is your biggest worry like a kink in the hose? can the hose get blocked somehow? >> this is a material that's already used in pipelines all over the place. there shouldn't be any different challenges they haven't run into. >> how many communities have you been able to affect with this thing that you guys have created? >> we're meeting with mayors near chile and rural communities bringing this to folks who need the water. currently they have a lot of trucks that go back and forth to bring water to these communities and we cut out that batch
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process. >> is this supposed to be a permanent thing or temporary? >> it can work both ways. it does allow us to install it, use it, then remove it and it also allows us to install it, bury it and operate that way. >> when you lay out this tubing for a little more than half a mile and turn the water on on one end, how long does it take to travel through the tube. >> it took roughly an hour from when we turned the pump on to get water at the other end. it's the guys in the dress shirts against the other guys in the dress shirts. this is like the jets and the sharks. see why these guys get dressed up to go to a fight, next. and there's no other way to say it. spider-man is out of freaking control. >> are you kidding? >> see the story behind this one on "right this minute."
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remember, "right this
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minute" is all new, all summer long. >> you always hear that the real estate industry can be sometimes a cutthroat business, but i had no idea it was anything like this in china. this is in beijing. and this is a full-on brawl between two rival factions from two different real estate companies. apparently there was more than 20 guys out here in their dress shirts and their slacks. this is like the jets and the sharks from west side story. >> did the fight start like this? >> yeah. first they danced and snapped and then someone said, no, that's our property and these guys got into it. and there's some kicks in this thing. you notice some guys walk away with some torn shirts, a bloody nose. >> you know why? because he had his collar popped. >> eventually they just stop and
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walk away. >> just like in "west side story" the fight breaks up because they hear police sirens in the distance. >> if this is your lunch break, are you like that escalated quickly. >> i cannot believe the ridiculousness of that. >> now they say come buy your home with us, we will fight for you. >> this is what we'll do to the competition. you know those car tire commercials that show things flying off the bed of a truck, like the worst case scenario. you have to have good tires to avoid the deadly accidents. >> that stuff never really happens, does it? >> in russia it does. >> of course in russia. >> and it's all captured on dash cam. this truckloaded with lumber comes around, everything breaks loose and like tinker toys it spreads all over the road. takes out that white mitsubishi,
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that suv and this small car. again, it's russia, what do you do? >> just keep going? >> that's unfortunate. gotta keep going. >> that white car did get the worst of it, though, because he got all the lumber coming straight at it. >> he did. check it out in slow motion. >> when there's a car with lumber in front of me, i'm always afraid that one of those is going to come loose and come right through my windshield. >> look at the one piece of wood does go flying up in the air. >> oh, yeah! >> i wonder if the driver of the truck gets out and is like my bad and starts picking up the wood one by one. was that me? is this mine? >> are you sure that was my load? >> thank you, mother russia. prankster does what we do. >> having an amazing dinner, take six.
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>> take five. >> selling hot dogs, take one. >> take five. >> attractive couple, take four. >> woman on her cell phone, take eight. >> man on a bike, take six. >> who was she texting, take eight. >> take five. >> that's what we do. >> take one, take five, take ten. [ bleep ]. >> this youtube video about anthony is something you've got to see. >> i love this story. >> anthony is in business. hear his inspiring story, next "right this minute." and still to come, a photog
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gets up close and personal with a humpback whale. >> the whale is like, oh, you want to particultake pictures? find out how the closeup turned into a close call. >> and it's a really tall human tower in the making -- >> what could possibly happen? >> see what happens to the leaning tower of people.
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best of rtm time which means we've got some bonus videos to tell you about. >> simple household hack. you've got it only works when it's full. when you tip it, you get something like that. >> but you can make a spray bottle that works in any orientation. >> this video is a simple, cheap easy way to turn any squirt bottle into a bottle that will squirt in any direction. >> nick, have you heard of the 2012 party olympics? >> we're here live from brian's cousin's house for the 2012 party olympics. >> they have got a shot-taking contest, girls racing in six-inch heels and the wingman competition. >> what's this chick's name, dude? she will never like you. >> wow, jim, that is textbook bad wingmanship. >> definitely worth checking out. to see these videos, head over to and click on best of rtm. if you're a nature photographer, getting close is what it's all about.
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this guy, graham dwayne, from earth touch web tv got super close to a humpback whale. and you know those things are enormous. so when you're up close, it's a whole different perspective on it. this is beautiful footage off the coast of south africa. graham was in the water when he saw this humpback and realized how close he was able to get. you can see graham there and you can see him approaching the whale. but the other beautiful part about this is what you can hear. check this out. >> it began standing on its head and pushing its tail upwards towards the surface. >> the humpback started putting on a really unique display with graham right in the water and he was able to get some really incredible shots of the huge tail fin. >> the whale was like, oh, you're taking pictures? let me stretch out and show you my good side. >> that's a big mammal. it could flip its tail and he could be sent flying back to the boat. >> he addresses that, watch.
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>> i had to watch where i was in relation to this massive tail. i watched as the whale took it off the surface and back down again. >> there's a lot of skill and also some luck involved. here's where the luck came in. >> the whale suddenly notices me and took off, leaving me in a bubble-streaked wash. i was fortunate to see the whole pod pass me. >> this guy was lucky enough to get incredible shots, not get hit by the giant tail and then to see the entire pod swim on by, it's just a lifetime moment. last time i checked, i thought spider-man was a good guy. >> he is a good guy. >> in this video, old spidy is up to old shenanigans. this is apparently in poland. you've got a guy in a spider-man
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costume pulling all kinds of pranks or what looks like the police. he's here in a subway happeningihappeninnging upside down. here giving these ladies a nice shau shot of his nether regions. he's like hanging from some sort of scaffolding or post in a public place. he goes up to two lady cops and puts his arms around them. they're not having it. here he is busting into some break dancing. another what looks like a police officer or security guard just silly strings him and the guy is just like weirdly okay with it. my favorite part is when he goes up to this group of what looks like teenagers have some sort of kumbaya circle and he gets in the middle of them and sprays them all. >> he has a really good sense of
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humor. >> did you see the little boy's face on the subway? i bet he talked about that all night. it's the summer ski season time. >> this looks like something that a group of teenage boys thought up in the neighborhood. it's like stuff they found in their garage. >> and yet these guys are wow,
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look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store.
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a horrendous crime happened in this home so the family set up a hidden camera to catch the thief. >> pay attention. >> these are cookies? >> yes. >> they look good. >> oh, boy. >> well, what do you think is going to happen if you leave two delicious, perfectly sized cookies on the counter? >> right on the edge too where this guy can just jump up there and nab them. >> the out and out robbery and theft this dog committed. >> you know what, you can see it in his eyes, he doesn't even care. >> no. >> he's cold-blooded. >> i wouldn't mind if this criminal came to my house. >> i think -- i think it would be really sweet. >> it's fetching. >> that's the first time you'd reward a thief. >> yeah. barcelona recently
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celebrated a huge street festival. this video is of one of their performances. they're going to build a very tall human tower. >> good thing they have got all these other people down there to land on if they fall. >> yeah. >> and we've got a few people with helmets on. i assume they're the ones going way up. >> look at this little kid on the left, climbing like it's nothing. and when i say little, that's not like little. >> and if you're one of these two guys down here, basically the second level guys, you've got three other layers of people on your shoulders. >> they're big guys, look at them. they're sturdy. what could possibly happen? >> oh, it's getting wobbly. >> oh! >> was that supposed to happen? >> no.
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>> who caved? >> the guy right here with the red belt. look at him. he's already struggling just as that kid is going up. >> it's not like he fell over on his back like i've got to fall backwards, he's like let me just push this guy to cushion my fall. >> in case you didn't know this, you can ski in a very barren desert. this is david and gerard, part of the rally. i showed you that video where these nut cases travel 10,000 miles in the name of adventure and charity. they drive in little dinky cars like this. >> you call them nut cases, but you want to be with them. >> i do, you're right. i totally do. >> that looks like something that a group of teenage boys thought up in their neighborhood or something. it's like stuff they found in their garage. >> but i totally want to do
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that. >> it does look fun. >> you don't do too many tricks out there, though, it's just straight ahead. >> well, you are being pulled by a car so it's kind of like water skiing and snow skiing and a rally all in one. >> as you can see, they had fun doing it too. thanks for joining us, everybody. we'll see you again next time for more awesome videos. -- captions by vitac --
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