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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 29, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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hello, i'm beth troutman, we have some of our favorite videos of the summer, "right this minute." >> a race car driver loses control and then goes unconscious. >> did doctors tell you how close to dieing you were. >> i heard that i was dead. >> a massive twister goes south.
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tossing softball sized hail. duck in a tree. >> they asked me how far you were up, and i said over ten feet. how the devoted dad got rescued as his dad got help. >> meet the kid around around that catchy tune. >> it does make me want milk in the sippy cup. nick starts us off with a incredible story of survival. >> an amateur driver took his car on the track. you hear him struggling with the car a bit. he gets into some trouble, and what almost kills him may
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surprise you. luckily he doesn't hit the wall, recovers the car, but he pulls off to the side. >> i'm really scared, actually. >> very intuitive, beth. it was carbon monoxide. he is out for about 11 minutes. >> the rules require that all of the windows in the car be rolled up. the doors are locked. they do break the window. they said he has blood at about 67% carbon monoxide. here to tell us how he survived is the driver himself.
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can you describe what happened? >> the exhaust manifold was broken, and the car filled up with carbon monoxide. >> what happened after the cameras stopped rolling? >> i heard afterwards that i was dead for roughly a minute or so. they gave me cpr and a mask on my face. >> are you race again? >> of course. it's in my blood, there's no way that i can stop. our favorite storm chases were in south western south dakota when they got quite a video. they're calling it the
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mothership because it looks like a giant ufo. >> that cloud is huge. >> so they get within 100 yards of this tornado, they being reid timer, and shadchad cowen. the softball said is flying side ways. that's a rear driver side window, and it's special glass and it's getting knocked out. >> that was like a model tornado. >> i don't know what's more entertaining, watching the
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tornado, or him leaning trying to get rid of it. >> i wonder what they do on a regular rainy day. >> without a storm their bored out of their minds. >> the die with this dash cam came upon what he thought was a fender bender. guy in the orange shirt is the driver of the truck, and he threatenning the guy in the car who is wearing a white shirt. as you see it's slowing down traffic, but mr. white shirt isn't having it and grabs something out of his trunk, look at what he does -- >> it bounced off the truck -- >> he chases down the struck hanging on the window.
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mr. orange shirt gets out and starts fighting with mr. white shirt and throws him in the ditch. >> tell me he put it in park. >> no, mr. white shirt gets in and puts the truck in park. >> and orange shirt is mad at him for doing it. >> the guy in the orange shirt needs to give it a rest. he looks like the one who started this fight and he's getting beat up here, know when to fold them, dude. >> the guy with the dash cam gets out and tries to help and so does a man on the other side of where this fight is going on. >> luckily you can te from the video that no o was rtously tha longer move. >> there was all kinds of wrong with that. when firefighters are sent
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to rescue someone or something from a tree, you would think it's a cat. not this time. there is dad, struck in a tree, all the way up. this is in lincoln, nebraska. he was trying to hang a swing for his daughter. >> they asked me how far you were up and i said over ten feet. >> over ten feet -- over twenty foot. >> i never thought i would call the fire department to save my fiance from a tree. >> i'm embarrassed. not every day you have to deal with this. >> we have them joining us right
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now from lincoln, nebraska. we're glad to see you're safe and sound, first of all how did you get stuck? >> i decided to toss the rope over the tree limb, i climbed up it and when i got to the top, the rope was underneath me. >> alex you seemed nervous. >> yeah, i was nervous but i have was more amused. >> when the fire department comes, they put the ladder up there, but it looks like you were able to move the rope and get it where you wanted. >> yeah, they told me to finish the job so they don't have to come back. >> they told me i was the first human being they rescued out of a tree before.
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>> i have to ask, did it hurt your pride? >> absolutely, i'm not afraid to say it. >> you're handling it really well, and you got a gold star as a dad for your efforts for sure. because that was a high tree. >> i hate to bring this up, and your daughters going to grow up, how do you get the swing down. >> i'll just leave it for the next people with kids. >> here is dad, stuck in a tree. it's a video that proves that sometimes you just need a little prayer. and moon walking on steroids. >> he is doing it all right, but he is doing it extreme. then steven give it's a shot.
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see the moon walking, later.
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zlirchlgts want to show you guys the cutest father-son video ever. >> you want to say a prayer to get your poop to come out better? >> he is on the throne, and dad is behind the camera. he wants to pray so his poop might come out a little more smoothly. >> and you know it was his idea. >> dear lord -- i can say it. >> he doesn't want dad to say it. >> lord, it was -- >> you want it to come out easy?
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>> amen. >> amen. >> keep watching his face, you will see god answer his prayers. >> amen. >> is that right? how is the poop coming. >> i'm done. >> we wanted to find out more about this video and we had to meet dupre. so we have him and mom and dad. hi, dupre. dad, explain to me what happened when the camera cut off. >> he completed the mission, since then, he wanted topray again. >> do you think he will startpr now. >> how many times have you prayed for poop? >> a lot.
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>> what's in that southern diet that's making it a little difficult to come out. >> he loves cheese and you know cheese stops you up. >> tell them bye, blow them a kiss -- you want her phone number? talk about a close call, check out this video posted. you see that explosion right there. the camera snaps in and you see how close one of our soldiers got to that ied. remarkably that huge explosion killed no one. >> do they know what set it off? >> sometimes they're set off by pressure, sometimes by somebody standing near by with a cell phone or a button --
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>> i don't know if he was injurinjur injur injured, but no one was killed. and out in the middle of nowhere it it explodes. you see a couple guys retreat to the right, you see other guys run towards this mom. imagine running towards an area that just exploded. >> when the war started in iraq and afghanistan, it was in the nude every day, and this is a reminder for us that they're still in harm's way and ieds out there that still pose a risk to our service people. >> in this video, we're going to a place where they take their jeeps and crush other little cars. >> and this cow found herself in a hard place. >> she makes her way into a
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staff room to -- you'll have to wait and see.
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if i ever go to virginia, i'm going to join this association because they put this show on. this is the show and shine car crash where they take their jeeps and crush other little cars. >> it's like a monster truck
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rally, but the monster strucks are raised up jeeps. >> yes, this stakes place at a dealership area and this is what they do. >> you could do this with your jeep. >> no, i have very standard tired that wouldn't do so well. >> i love the northern virginia jeepers association. i don't know what southern jeepers do, but this is what the northern do. >> probably a lot of jeep waves going on. when you pass a jeep -- and everyone does it. >> i love the jeep wave, it's my favorite thing. >> i'm about to show you some extreme moon walking.
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>> he is doing it. >> yeah he is doing it all right. from far away, it looks like he's doing nothing at all. what's going on. >> he looks like he is speed skating backwards. >> i'm looking at the mechanics of what he's doing and it does not make sense. >> he goes by the name one love candy man, and he says he is a professional stunt man. >> i wonder if the wet street helped him out. >> try it over there. >> take the mic off, let's do this. start that way -- >> do we need to wet the floor
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down? >> that was so embarrassing. >> that was really good. >> it looked perfect. here the cool rap all about -- >> i'm going to make
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i don't want to slander all men, but somewhere in a country that's not the u.s., this dash cam video proves that some men are pigs. >> dude! >> here you have a girl walking down the street in her skirt, and the guys smack her on the booty. >> they got extremely close, and the guy was completely out. >> he was halfway out of car. >> she stayed on two feet, and she kept going. >> it didn't turn out bad, but it easily could. >> she was shaken up. >> it's a drive by groping. once again, some men pruz.
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they're little oinkers. >> a hardware shop recently got a visit from a pretty unhappy customer. >> that would be a bovine. a big mama cow wandered here way into this hardware store. of course these guys are like how the heck do we get this thing out of here. one of the workers saw the cow out the window on a busy main road, so he rounded up the cow into their parking lot, realized it escaped from a farm, and the cow was like you know what, i'm here, i might as well see what they have inside, then she makes
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her way to a staff room. >> oh, man! that is a big one! >> it's not a bull in a china shop, it's a heifer in a hardware care. >> did you notice that? >> they find a way to lead her out. eventually the farmer does come and gets the cow. she is safe and sound. she was maybe looking for her calf because she give birth a few days before. >> move over, kanye west, there's a new artist in town
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named alex. this is the video to his new song. ♪ ♪ mill income hi sippy cup." >> he has a good editing tip. if my cup runs out of of milk mommy fills it up, she say it's will make me big and strong so i drink it all night and all day long. >> makes me want milk in a sippy cup. >> i'm going to make a remix. >> get a sippy cup. >> don't give me skim, give me
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that whole, sitting sideways that's how i roll. drinking that milk ♪ >> the song is performed by alex. and the video is done by someone else. >> thanks for joining us. that's going to do it for our show. we'll see you next time. ♪ ♪ milk in my sippy cup ♪ if my cup runs out of milk my mommy going
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