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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  August 31, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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what's in store for students, parents at the elementary.
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good morning. thank you for waking up with us. >> . >> good morning. a few degrees cooler in most cases. temperatures will be below normal for this time of year as we get into your friday, even your saturday and for the second half of the weekend going to warm it up. this morning waking up with clouds, drizzle, cool, a little breezy through the delta this morning. afternoon highs well below normal. a few degrees to 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. the on-shore breeze will continue. i'll lay this out for you coming up in just a few moments. good morning, sal. >> good morning, rose mary. looking at interstate 80, looks pretty good as you drive out from berkeley to emeryville and oakland. also the morning commute looks good if driving on westbound 24. now let's go back to dave and pam. >> thank you, sal. oakland police are asking for the public's help to stop sexual assaults in the city. ktvu's claw dean wrong is in oakland this morning where victims are being urged to come forward. claw dean? >> reporter: that's right,
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pam. they're still looking for victims. they dent have a lot of information to give us, because they're still willing for people who might have been attacked and looking for any possible patterns. now here's what we know so far about what has happened to these women. there are several victims that they know about. police saying in the last week they got one report. that report grew to others. they think the problem may be bigger. the attacks are happening in the fruitville district. the ages of the women are between 19 and 04. there are similarities. the women are all la tee that. the attacks are in spanish speaking neighborhoods. the women were walking alone when they were approached. employees say they were asked for money. the suspects took off. but if they didn't they were sexual assaulted. at least one attack happened early in the morning, one in a high traffic area, and police believe the violence is escalating. >> there were several individuals that have described in other cases that have
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similar descriptions of how these crimes were committed. because the one victim was severely injured, the family actually took her to the hospital so that she can receive treatment. >> reporter: here's what we know about the suspects: they range in age between 25 and 40. there are reports of one individual in one case attacking one woman; but they actually believe that they could be working in teams, and there may be more than one of them. so, again, right now it's still very early on. they're still learning about all of the attacks, and they're hoping that the victims come forward; but they say they're scared to come forward. so police are reaching out. they're reaching out for the churches, to community groups and even just trying to get the word out to the family members, to the media, trying to tell them that if they know someone who has been the victim of one of these sexual assaults or robberies to please come forward so they can put a stop to it. claw dean wonb, ktvu, channel 2 action news. overnight power was restored to a neighborhood
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following a transformer explosion. it happened at about 9:45 last night on 41st street near telegraph avenue. a witness told us that she heard a loud noise and saw a power line fall on to her car. more than 300 customers were without power for a few hours. new this morning, it's been more than two years since a huge fire damaged san jose's largest elementary school. ktvu's already rain blanko is live outside trace elementary school to tell us about this morning's grand reopening celebration. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dave. you're right. after more than two years, a big portion of chase elementary school is set to officially reopen this morning. you can see the beautiful new entrance behind me here; and a sign over there that says "i love chase elementary" ready to greet people here. the biggest vowing to open
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better than ever. the fire took three hours to quell and destroyed more than a dozen classrooms, the library and the media center. the two 16-year-olds responsible for the massive fire were charged as adults. one is in prison on an 8-year sentence. this is what the after the looked like two years ago. the communitywide celebration will take police in the school's courtyard at 8:30 this morning. there will be student performances, special a as well as a ribbon cutting ceremony. we spoke with one of the building's contractors a few minutes ago. coming up in the next time we'll see you we'll tell you what he has to say and the kind of changes in store for the students and the parents. reporting live in san jose, lorain blanko. time 6:00, a san jose firefighter still in the hospital in critical condition after he went into cardiac arrest after battling a church fire. the fire started around 11:30 yesterday morning at saint patrick's cathedral in downtown
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san jose. investigators think the fire started near the altar while several prisoners were inside. the church and nearby school were evacuated. firefighters were getting things under criminal when veteran frank ryan collapsed. you can see his physical low firefighters using a defibrillator on him before rushing him to the hospital. >> our hearts are going out to him and his family right now and the firefighters all suffering from this. >> the investigation into the cause of the fire was put on hold until a structural engineer is brought in to figure out if the building is safe. parishioners will be worshiping at a nearby church until they can rebuild. mitt romney said his business experience is what's needed to fix the u.s. economy. >> doesn't take a special government commission to tell us what america needs. what america needs is jobs, lot of jobs. >> [ cheers and applause ] coming up at 6:15, the
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emotional moment in romney's speech. >> we are learning that candidate mitt romney will take a tour of the hurricane damage in will l.a. today. now hundreds of people have already been rescued from rising waters. at least three deaths are being blamed on the storm, which started as a hurricane. it has now weakened to a tropical depression; but more rain is expected in louisiana today. nearly 60,000 people had to be evacuated in mississippi near a dam. that dam is showing signs of weakening after heavy flooding from the storm. workers are performing controlled releases. the tomorrow is expected to make its way through arkansas later today. >> time now 6:7. new information about a man who was shot during an oakland raiders' preseason game two weeks ago in arizona. police say the raiders' fan shot in face could face criminal charges. police say 29-year-old chris knight was being aggressive toward drivers who were trying to leave the parking lot in the third quarter of the game.
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police believe 57-year-old michael loren shot knight in self-defense. knight is still in the hospital listed in stable condition. well the oakland as will be honoring the pet allow ma national league little league players tonight. the team placed third at the little league world series. now they'll actually be able to go out on the field and shag some balls during batting practice before tonight's game between the as and the boston red sox. the young players will also be honored in a special on-field ceremony. it players and their families will then watch the game. they will be in the luxury suites. courtesy of the a's outfielder and pet lieu ma native johnny gomez. the players will be honored with a parade through pet lieu ma on sunday. >> that is really nice. >> that's cigarette. >> and well deserved. >> 6:08 is the time. back over to sal. how is traffic, sal? >> pam and dave, it's doing pretty well. as a matter of fact, we're not in bad shape.
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i will show you with these live pictures, the commute looks pretty good on highway 4, and just a little lighter than usual. just leads me to believe that some people don't have to go today, or they're not going to yet. so far looks good on interstate 680 nearby. you're driving from the we have nearby sha bridge down to walnut creek. at the toll plaza we still have a crowd or people are showing up; but we don't have any stop and go traffic. usually at 6:1 is when think turn the metering lights on. we'll see if that happens. i think it's still too light for them to do that. the first time to have a friday light commute. we'll continue to check out the santa clara valley, northbound 880 just after bree cow on the shoulder. there's a crash, but not causing a major delay. just a little bit of slowing. 6:09. let's go to rosemary. >> a cooler pattern police to start your weekend. plenty of gray sky. we have mist and drizzle around the bay this morning. the breeze blowing through the
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delta, 26 miles per hour reported at fairfield, concord reporting gusts to 2 as well. around the bay area, winds 0 to 15 miles per hour, and our temperatures holding in the 0s. we have a traffic here that will eventually slide across california. that will keep us below normal today and tomorrow. the marine layer thicker, about 2500 feet well inland as i mentioned before, and the on- shore breeze is going to continue throughout your afternoon. for coast today, mostly cloudy and a cool day, upper 50s, low 60s. so quite a difference from just a few days ago. around the bay, mostly cloudy skies. for the afternoon, mild and breezy for some, and then for the inland areas, mostly cloudy skies, mild to warm weather in store, 74 expected today for santa rose is a, 73 for nevada, 72 in nap pa, 71 for valet yes, the numbers anywhere from 0 to 10 degrees below normal for the inland areas. seventy-eight in pleasanton. mid-60s oakland, upper 60s in
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heyward. along the peninsula, 73 redwood city, 72 pal low alto, 67 san bruin know, low 60s in the city, upper 0s, low 60s with mostly cloudy skies at the coast. your extended forecast with your holiday weekend in view, we will rebound. temperatures southerly tomorrow; but then the bigger change comes sunday into monday, upper 80s, low 90s in the forecast. we'll hold on to in the as we get into tuesday. if you're getting away issue maybe headed to to hoe for your holiday weekend, i'll bring you that forecast coming up. >> all right, rosemary. time now 6:11, first of its kind ban is a step closer to reallity. more on the decision the governor was facing when it comes to gay therapy for teenagers in california. plus why rusting rail lines could be worth millions to the city of concord. we're still following a developing story this morning from near new york city. what jersey police are now saying about a deadly shooting that happened inside of a
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grocery store. íú
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new information where a gunman killed two people inside a store before shooting himself. the mayor said the gunman had been working at this pathmark store for about two weeks. police say he was working there
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last night; but left briefly and returned with an ak-47 and an automatic pistol. they say he was wearing body armor and took hostages. the mayor said, quote, "you can prepare for these things; but you can't prevent them." the contra costa s was will look into a deadly shooting in about i don't care. two detectives gunned down david john lopez in march. they say instead of pulling over for a traffic violation, he led police on high-speed chase. it ended when he crashed into a police cruiser. and officers say they shot him when he then tried to run them over. at 9:00 this morning, the sheriff's office will open an independent inquest into the shooting. the time is 6:15. after accepting the new mexico nation last night, mitt romney has just changed his schedule for today. his campaign said he will fly to louisiana to see the hurricane damage there and also thank the rescue workers.
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>> reporter: this is breaking news. mitt romney has decided to skip his campaign rally with paul ryan today in virginia, to go to louisiana today to tour the damage today. during his convention speech last night, he tried to give voters some new insight into his life. his convention speech was one of his most personal yet, touching on his faith, his parents and his early married life working long hours with five young boys at home. >> but if you ask ann and i what we would give to break up just one more fight between the boys or wake up in the morning and discover a pile of kids asleep in our room, every mom and dad knows the answer to that. >> most of romney's speech last night was focused on his vision for the country and attacking
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president obama. romney said he wishes president obama had succeeded. >> but his promises gave way to disappointments and division. >> reporter: romney and ryan hold one last rally this morning. and then will take a closer look at what romney did not talk about last night, and why some say he was up staged by actor clint eastwood. we'll have all that during my next update. reporting live from washington, d.c., alison burns, ktvu, channel 2 action news. today president obama travels to fort bliss, texas. he'll be meeting with american troops on the second anniversary of the end of the war in iraq. the president gets back into campaign mode starting tomorrow. he'll be touring key states over the holiday weekend. next week the democrats hold their national convention in charlotte, north carolina. the president will head there on tuesday. he's set to deliver his prime- time speech next thursday night. >> ktvu's live coverage of the democratic convention begins sunday night with the 10:00
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news. ken pretty much charred will be heading to charlotte, will bring us live reports for the convention floor. we have some breaking news to it will you about out of the philippines this morning. just a short time ago, the usgs reports a 7.9 magnitude earthquake off the eastern philippines. there's a tsunami watch in effect at this point; and, again, it is a 7.9 earthquake that hit the philippines and a tsunami watch in effect. we do not have initial reports of damage at this point. but we will get you that as soon as that information box available: back here in the bay area, rusting lines on the weapons base may actually be worth millions of dollars. the contra costa times reports the city of concord believes it could get $4.1 million from recycling 150 miles of rail steel. recycled steel from buildings could bring in an extra $4.2
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million. more than 0,000 acres at the concord naval station are set to be turned into homes, shops and schools. time is 6:18. a bill that would ban gay therapy for minors is now on the desk of governor jerry brown. yesterday the senate approved the bill that would ban children from undergoing therapy to change their sexual orientation. now if the governor signs it, california one the first state to impose such a ban. 6:18 the time. if you want to check in with sal and see what parts of the commute are busy. >> a little busier in some spots, pam and dave. still doing well on this friday before labor day. let's go out and take a look at what we have. this is a look at the mac arthur maize. just as i suspected, it is in the normal volume of traffic coming up to the bay bridge.
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usually, we have a backup already building. right now there's none. hopefully it will stay that way. let's move along and take a look at the peninsula. trying to catch a flight to sfo, southbound 101, there's a crash on the shoulder. not causing a major delay, though, and the traffic on 101 and 280 still looks pretty good. let's go to rosemary. >> good morning to you. a deepening marine layer, stronger on shore breeze. we know what that means. it will be a cooler day. sunrise 6:40. we have widespread clouds out there, tough to see the sun. widespread 0s outside our door, some of us slightly warmer than yesterday, some of us slowingly cooler. upper 0s at the coast, 60s around the bay, low 70s for the warmest spot. so it will be a mild noon hour. mostly cloudy skies expected for the afternoon. talking upper 50s at coast with mostly cloudy skies, widespread 60s around the bray. 60s, 70s and a few low 80s for the inland areas. here is a look at the tahoe
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forecast. mostly cloudy skies, 70s in the forecast today, tomorrow into sunday. overnight lows will be a little cool, upper 30s, low 40s there. i will say if you are going to yosemite for the weekend, isolated thunderstorms in the forecast for today; but then looking good for the rest of the weekend. there's the extended forecast. here at home with your weekend in view, numbers holding on to this below-normal pattern through saturday, upper 80s low 90s in the forecast sunday, monday and back to work tuesday. back to the desk. well wall street will be keeping a close eye on ben number than ceo's common sense today at a federal reserve conference in jacksonville, wyoming. few expect the chairman to signal that the fed is going to tick any major new action turbos the economy; but analysts say that it is unlikely number than ceo would make any significant comments before the fed's next policy meeting set for two weeks from now. dressy at tire for men is making a comeback and many san francisco retailers are taking
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advantage of that. according to the san francisco business times many stores that sell suits are expanding. brooks brothers is doubling its retail space near union square, and jos banks just signed a lease for a new flagship store. time 6:21. two more confirmed cases of the han to virus. what to watch out for and why some families are wondering if they've been exposed to it. plus. can't afford dental care? how you can get free services today.
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they are offering free services to the first 100 people who live in the county including teeth cleanings and fillings. it will end at 5:00 tonight. new developments in the virus outbreak. two more visitors have come down with the virus. now many bay area families are wondering if they may have been exposed. two people have actually died, six other people have become
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sick, and doctors getting calls from patients worried they may have contracted this mouse- borne virus at yosemite's carey village. >> i think it's the first thing on our mind when we wake up in the morning and the last thing we think about when we go to sleep. >> now the health department has sent out warnings to visitors what may have stayed in the cabins in consider rhode island village in june, july or august. the symptoms sometimes take up to six weeks to show up. they include coughing, fever, shortness of breath and nausea. there are some treatments for this virus; but in many cases it is fatal. right now want to go back over to sal to check in on traffic. any problems? hopefully not, sal. >> nothing major. there's a crash want to tell you about southbound on 101 on the right shoulder. it is not causing a major delay just yet. go to live pictures. this is a look at northbound 280. you can see traffic here is moving along pretty well up to
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highway 17. the stretch between pleasanton and san jose looks pretty good. let's go to rosemary. >> good morning to you. our temperatures for today will resemble fall-like weather. by the second half of your holiday weekend back in the summer mode. a look at what you can expect, upper 50s, low 60s with mostly cloudy skies at the coast, low 60s expected in the city for today, mid-60s to upper 50s for the east bay, 70s around areas around concord, walnut creek and liver mother, and the hottest spots getting to 82 degrees. talking about i don't care as well as brentwood. we will be warming up eventually. i will have your extended forecast with your weekend in view coming up. we have new details on the breaking news we brought you just minutes ago. a massive earthquake hit the philippines. plus. >> as we all know biden is the intellect of the democratic party. >> highlights from clint eastwood's ad libbed speech last night. the reason many people are calling it odd. >> and a warning for women in
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oakland's fruitville district. we'll tell you about a string of sexual assaults and robberies and it will you why police think there may be more victims out there. >> and they're out at the u.s. open this morning to ring the opening bell for the nasdaq. that's live up next [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den
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because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. [ male announcer ] why not talk to someone who owns an adjustable version of the most highly recommended bed in america? ask me about my tempur advanced ergo. goes up. goes up. ask me what it's like to get a massage anytime you want. goes down. goes down. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic brand owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. ergonomics. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. [ female announcer ] for more information or to find a retailer near you, visit
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that is tracy austin in the middle >> yeah. >> and then martina navratilova. >> where is she? >> she's right there on the right there. >> awesome. >> they're all celebrating with
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the tennis channel. they'll be covering the u.s. open. they're all signing little -- there she is. there she is. many recognizable faces there. very exciting. she's definitely excited, doing some dancing there they'll be playing some tennis there. >> we'll smile and say good morning to you. think for joining us here on ktvu channel 2 news. it's friday, august 31st. >> time now 6:30. >> we are still following breaking news from the philippines. now there's a tsunami warning issued for several islands in the pacific ocean after a big earthquake. it was a 7.9 quake. it struck this morning off the east coast of the philippines. now that tsunami warning has been issued for the philippines, japan end nearbyia and taiwan. now a tsunami watch has been issued for hawaii. there have been in reports of damage or injuries. well back here at home, concern in one oakland neighborhood, police are now
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investigating several robberies that turned into sexual assaults. ktvu's claw dean wrong is in oakland now with details of where investigators are spreading the word this morning. claw dean? >> reporter: well good morning, dave. police say some of the victims have come forward to report what's happened to them; but they are worried there are more victims out there what are still too scared to come forward. they're putting a warning out to anyone who lives in the fruitville neighborhood where the attacks have been happening. they are telling people that the victims are all latino women. they have been walking alone when they were approached. they're 18 to 54, and, again, approached when they were walking alone. >> what's happening is that they are being approached to be robbed; and if they don't have any money, then they are sexual assaulted. >> reporter: now we know one attack happened in the early morning hours. at least one happened in a high traffic area. police aren't giving a lot of
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details about where slow the attacks are happening. we know they are in the fruitville neighborhood. the information on the suspects also little vague. the ages of the suspects range from 25 to 40; but police say it's clear the level of violence is escalating. >> there were several individuals that have described in other cases that have similar descriptions of how these crimes are committed. but because this one victim was severely injured, the family actually took her to the hospital so that she can receive treatment. >> they're just trying to get the word out into the neighborhood. said the victims are being targeted in spanish-speaking neighborhoods. police think that's because they think the victims will be less likely to report the crimes to police. they're reaching out to the nonprofit groups, the churches, just anyone in the community to
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let them know that if they've been a victim to please come forward so they can track down the people responsible. live, claw dean wong. time now 6:03. the michelle lay murder trial is going to begin on the first anniversary of the day her body was found. defense lawyers for her accused killer were arguing that system of the evidence was geared during an unreasonable search and should not be allowed. that motion was denied. so the trial will begin september 17th. prosecutors say's me ban killed the 26-year-old nursing student because she believed that michellely was having an affair with the father of her child. a new report suggests san francisco has failed to improve some of the city's most dangerous intersections. the examiner cites a report compiled showing the same problem spots resurfaced each year. in 2011, pedestrians and bicyclists were -- other
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dangerous intersections include divizidero and oak, and market and valencia. a headsup for drivers traveling between al alameda and san ma day yes counties. we explain the major change that drivers will encounter this weekend. tara? >> reporter: people are sailing through the toll plaza here right now; but come 10:00 tonight they'll have to find a different way to get across the bay. that's because crews are cutting a 6-foot section on the east side of the bridge to install a seismic joint. up grades wont be done until next spring; but crews will be able to work around traffic after this project is complete this weekend now the down barten shut down on memorial weekend, and that work went very smoothly with the span opening three hours ahead of schedule. caltrans is not anticipating any bad weather. hopefully that will keep everything on track and the bridge will reopen tuesday
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morning. >> you can either head north to the san ma day yes bridge or south to highway 237. bart or the train good options. don't see a high volume of cars on the bridges during the holiday weekend. shouldn't have too big of an inconvenience. no major traffic delays are expected. live in knew wash, i'm car area moriarty. all right. time now 6:35. last night oscar award winner clint eastwood added some starpower to the republican national convention. among other things, he talked about the night president obama was elected. >> everybody's crying, oprah was crying. i found out there's 23 million unemployed people in this country. >> [ cheers and applause ] clint eastwood got a standing ovation when he walked out on to the stage last night at the convention. during his 11-minute ad libbed speech he also was talking to an empty chair that he said
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represented president obama. >> what do you want me to tell romney? i can't tell him to do that. you can't do that to yourself. you're getting as bad as biden. president obama responded on twitter, this is a photo they posted at the white house with the caption "this seat is taken." mitt romney will take a tour of the damage today. we have more on the extensive damage there. good morning, george. >> reporter: pam, good morning. and, in fact, we know that mr. romney will be coming here leaving a direction in florida. when he arrives, you'll see that the situation has definitely changed over the last 24 hours. we have clearing today. you can see that things are a lot better; but the process continues to start the recovery effort effort. in the wake of hurricane isaac, flooding, damage and heartache.
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seven years ago, this woman red out hurricane katrina in her attic. >> this is bothering me more. >> why? >> i don't know. i just had it. >> reporter: flooding continues to plague parts of louisiana and mississippi. rescuers are on patrol helping anyone left stranded. in sly dell, flood warnings prompted further evacuations. still some residents insists on staying home. >> i've weathered many storms and weather. we'll stay right here. >> reporter: in plaque mines parish, officials breached a levee to driven floodwaters. power is being restored along the gulf, and roads are reopening as workers clear debris. al's governor said there will be less sons to gain from this experience. >> i'm one who learns from what happens, and if we see things that need to be changed, we're going to do that. >> reporter: remnants of isaac are moving over arkansas and
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southern missouri today, bringing the threat of tornadoes and flash-flooding. and, pam, you know at this point this real focus is just getting power become to all of the people who lost power. we know that more than 820,000 people lost power, and here in new orleans --, in fact, in the hotel we're staying, you find these power crews, people who came in from georgia, from south carolina, all these people who have come tailgate to start that process to restore power. >> i'm sure it's a huge effort there. george howl in new orleans this morning, thank you for that update. >> all right. time now 6:39. let's go to sal. you're watching 680 and everything else this morning. >> that's right. we're starting off in contra costa county, dave and pam. traffic moving along pretty well if you are driving on 680 southbound driving past 242 and then to 24. westbound 24 between walnut creek and oakland looks pretty good; and when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza it is a nice drive. it has not become crowded.
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and for this time of the morning that's pretty good. you don't have a big crowd at all. now if you're going to the bay area here, and you're driving around, let's say, to the airport, southbound 101 near millbury avenue, they're clearing up an accident that is now on the right shoulder. across the bay, 880 to hayward, southbound traffic looks good headed to fremont. it is 6:39. let's go to rosemary. >> good morning to you. a cooler pattern in police for today. as for the first half of your holiday weekend. a live look at the oakland estuariry, awfully damp in some cases. we have drizzle overparts of the bay, low clouds inland, condition cord waking up with mostly cloudy skies, over the south bay, the north bay. the sun now up, 6:40 on the did the. many of us can't see that sun. we have that delta breeze blowing through fairfield about 26 miles per hour. this has been the case all morning long, concord reporting breezy conditions as well. around the bay, anywhere from 0 to 10 miles per hour.
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low clouds bringing flight delays to arriving flights, some areas sfo, and we've got mist and drizzle outside your door. so perhaps the windshield wiper going in some cases, 57 in oakland, 57 san francisco, widespread 0s from the coast into the inland spots, 58 to liver mother right now, and we're looking at 57 nap pa, santa row is a, numbers similar to yesterday morning within a few degrees in most cases. the traffic here off the coast will remain for today and then slide over california for tomorrow. that will continue our trend for the first half of the weekend in a nutshell. mostly cloudy for the afternoon, mild and breezy, inland spots, mild and warm with sun. here's a look at afternoon highs. 60s for the east bay, san lee andre, 70s and 80s inland. 80 degrees in liver mother, what a difference from yesterday and the day before even, 73 san jose, 72 santa clara. for the peninsula today, 67 san
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brew know, 73 redwood city, pal low alto, low 60s in the city. your extended forecast with your weekend in view, a subtle warmup, subtle warmup for tomorrow, and then the bigger change will come sunday, monday into tuesday. if you're headed to the beach for the weekend, we have swales building. i'll take a look at an advisory coming up. all right. we have developing news out of los angeles this morning. we want to take you there live. look at this, a news chopper overhead, a dramatic crash involving a police cruiser. we're beginning have the details coming up. >> we're live in san jose where the elementary is getting ready to reacquaint itself with the community. how trace elementary got through the tragedy of a fire two years ago. >> good morning. if driving on 24 westbound that's a nice-looking drive headed over to tunnel. more about the morning commute and the bay weather. ?ñgñ
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here's a quick look at some of the stories we're following
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for you an employee who had an ak-47 and pistol report delay killed two coworkers before killing himself. that gunman was also wearing body armor. >> san jose firefighter frank ryan is still in the hospital this morning after having a heart attack while fighting a fire at saint patrick's cathedral yesterday. ryan is a 15-year veteran of the san jose firearm. no one else was hurt in that three-alarm fire. also a problem in oak. police are warning women about recent sexual assaults happening in the fruitville district. victims were first robbed; but if they didn't have money, they were sexual assaulted. investigators believe there are victims who have not reported the attacks, fearing retaliation. new this morning, san jose's largest elementary school is holding a grand opening celebration. trace elementary was badly damaged by fire more than two
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years ago. boy does it look nice today. >> reporter: that's right, pam. i just talked with one of the builders here a little while ago. he said he's excited for the students here. even though they had to go through quite a heartache to be in this new structure, it's better than before the fire. the fire burnt a lot of the building to the ground. the fire took three hours and more than a hundred firefighters to stop the flame. it got into a dozen classrooms, the library and the media center. the 16-year-olds found responsible for the fire were charged as adults. one is in prison on an eight- year sentence. he said the community is in store for quite a huge change here. >> it's a safer building, you know, in terms of the state structural requirements and safety. it's a better building for teaching, the rooms are more day-lit. there's more custom and built- in features. >> reporter: the celebration will take place in the school's
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courtyard at 8:30 this morning. there will be student performances, special a from the superintendent and the city council as well as a ribbon- cutting ceremony. reporting live in san jose, lorain blanko, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> want to take you to los angeles. we have live pictures from overhead. look at that. that is what's left of a stolen police cruiser. the crash happened at 4:00 this morning. you can see the wreckage into that business right behind there as well. clearly the scene still very active this morning as that helicopter pulls out to show us the roads are all affected in that area as well. now police say the man stole the police car and crashed into a pole at speeds of a hundred miles an hour. firefighters had to use the jazz of life to get to the driver. he was rushed to the hospital. initial reports that he may have last, but from the looks of that hard to believe he's
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even alive. police are still investigating how he was able to take that cruiser. again, live pictures from los angeles. time 6:48. the late astronaut kneel arm strong, the first man to one on the moon, he's going to be honored today on a day where there's a rare blue moon. the private memorial service will be held in ohio. the service for neil armstrong coincides with the second full moon in a month which is known as a blue moon. the next one won't happen until 2015. the national memorial for kneel armstrong is planned in washington, d.c. in two weeks. a football game will be played tonight, a very special one in hon nor of fallen bay area hero pat tillman. the san jose native used to play for the arizona card unless; but he left to join the army after the 9/11 attacks. become in 2004, tillman was killed by friendly fire in afghanistan. tonight's football game will be played at leland high school. that's where pat tillman was once a star line backer. the game begins at 7 p.m.
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right new it's 6:49. want to check back in with sal. what are you keeping an eye on, sal? >> looking at the commute in the east bay, pam, and just looking at that. so far it looks much better than it normally would. , for example, on interstate 880 here northbound and southbound, that's a nice- looking drive. as a matter of fact it continues to look good all the way up to downtown oakland. now if you are driving on the bay bridge approach it has been very nice with no major problems. if you're driving let's say to the peninsula, southbound 101 traffic is moving along pretty well headed down to the burr link game. we had the crash in front of the airport. that has been cleared up, and there are no troubles on 11. san ma day yes bridge looks good. 6:50. let's go to rosemary. >> a notable drop in temperatures on tap for your friday. a live look over san rafael. you can see plenty of gray out there. just a little peak of sun.
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we eventually will be with mostly cloudy skies along the coast. we'll remain mostly cloudy. the on-shore breeze blowing this morning, the marine layer has doped to 2500 feet. the two combined going to bring us that cooler weather for today. we have a trough sitting right off the coast. it's going to swing on by over california tomorrow. so today, tomorrow, unseasonably cool temperatures in the forecast. 58 degrees in oakland right now, 57 for concord, 57 for fairfield, 04 santa row is a, looking at widespread 50s down into and around the south bay as well as into the city. in addition the low cloud cover out there, widespread all the way into concord, liver mother into delta, we have mist and drizzle as well. so a little damp in some spots. 72 for the afternoon, 67 in hayward, 71 in mountainview, mid-70s for parts of the north bay, low 80s for some of the warmer spots well inland. for the south bay as well as our inland east bay. if headed to beaches we have a
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sexually that will be building tonight into tomorrow. waves 4 to 7 feet. return will be a concern, and those waves breaking right at the beach could be higher than usual. so please take note. be careful out there especially with the kids. your extended forecast with your weekend in view, low 80s in the forecast for tomorrow, 60s at the coast, a warmer day sunday into monday as well as tuesday. back to the desk. a court in tokyo has dismissed apple's climb that samsung infringe on its patent. this case only addressed it synchronizing technology that allows media players to share data with personal computers. a judge is evaluating the request to have eight samsung products banned in the u.s.. the ford focus is on track to become the best-selling car in the world this year overtaking the toyota control la. ford said 489616 focus sedans and hatchbacks were sold in the first-of 2011. the ford focus ised is in more than 100 countries; but in the
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u.s. the control la is still the top-selling car. time now 6:02. a new area code for santa collar are county. how it could change the way county residents make a phone call even if their area code is not changing. and it's certainly not something you would see every day in south fran. we're going to introduce you to two little dolphin who is are drug a very big crowd. this country was built by working people. the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever.
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chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪
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the president said this is part of his commitment to make sure troops get the services they need once they are able to return home. we wanted to bring that to you live. he is going to turn and give us that wave he does before he heads into the plane. >> time 6:56. today scientists may get a closer look at two dolphins swimming in a canal in south fran san francisco. they've been watching the dolphins since wednesday. there they go. if they're still swimming there today, the scientists plan to get into the water to make sure
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they're okay. now last night people geared right here at the canal just to get a rare glimpse of them. >> it's something to see dolphins up close; but i feel bad. i hope they're okay. i hope they're not endangered. >> this is not first time the dolphins have been in the south san francisco waters. another dolphin was spotted there in july. santa clara county is getting a new area code. the area code 669 will be introduced in november, but changes are also coming to callers with a 408 area code starting october 20th. all calls in the 408 area code will require dialing 1 plus that area code and then the telephone number. hey sal can you come on back and tell us what's happening at the toll plaza? >> yeah. i think you'll like it, dave and pam. it's doing pretty well this morning getting into san francisco. it's light, and usually by now for sure we've had a backup but on this friday before doppler radar i'm thinking some people have a four-day weekend. they've given themselves that or their work has.
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looking at the heyward area, we have a little bit of slow traffic on 880 south; but not much approaching 92. now let's go to rosemary. >> okay. we are inching into the holiday weekend. the first task to remain cool for this time of year. temperatures outside our door right now holding in the 50s, partly cloudy skies for the noon hour, upper 50s to low 6 0s at the coast, 60s around the bay, a few low 70s inland and then for the afternoon a mild day in store, temperatures 0 to 7 degrees below the seasonal norm. i'll bring the extended forecast with your weekend in view coming up. >> also coming up on mornings on 2 more on that huge earthquake in the philippines and the tsunami alert in effect
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