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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  September 4, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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citizen. emergency crews rushed both the suspect and the officer to john murell medical center. the suspect did not survive. investigators are not identifying him or talking about some of the items they appeared to find in his jeep. officers pulled over from the jeep for expired registration it happened at a time when there were many people driving by the shooting. >> there were a number of eyewitnesses that remained on the scene who we have interviewed already. >> reporter: as investigatorred combed the area, everyone people stuck in traffic said their thoughts were with the officers. >> reporter: late this afternoon law enforcement sources also told us at first glance there was nothing about this suspect that might have given the officer extra reason to be on guard. and for more on the officers condition, let's go now to john sasaki, he's at john mure
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medical center. >> take a look at the parking lot here, it has far fewer chp and police cars than it did earlier today. none that we can see right now. many of the officers have gone back to work. the injured officer who's name has not been released was rushed here this morning and fellow officers were stopping by for most of the day. here the chp said nothing about the investigation but we've learned that the injured officer lived in benetia with his wife and children. he is well liked among his peers. people passing by the hospital expressed concern about the officer and the chp explained what they are going through. >> this is a situation where we've taken an oath. that's what we do on a daily basis and something that we stand strong with and try and deal with. i have known him for a short period of time. and definitely his family will be in our prayers, our
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thoughts. >> these people are trying to protect us and over a basic traffic stop it's outrageous. >> i'm going to be praying for him. and praying that his life will be saved. just about 30 minutes ago we watched at the chp escorted some civilians into the hospital possibly members of the officers family. everybody here is hoping and praying. taking a live look now from live chopper two above the scene of this morning's shooting in alamo. you can still see there's traffic issues as a result of what happened but we can tell you, excuse me that four out of five southbound lanes have now reopened and that traffic is starting to dissipate. now we want to show you what it looked like along 680 earlier today when all of the lanes were shut down in both directions to investigate that shooting. you can see here thousands and thousands of drivers were left stranded on both the freeway and on side streets. >> it's going to be a long
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drive, it's frustrating but what can you do? >> what can i say? almost out of gas, i quit. >> it took me an hour to go what normally would take me 10 minutes. >> we showed you when the third lane reopened at our 5:00 newscast, meaning only one lane remains closed. a veteran san jose firefighter in a coma for days has woken up. the key conversations he's having that doctors say show promise for frank ryan's recovery. we're learning more tonight about an officer involved shooting in vallejo that left one suspect dead. police today released these images what you see on the left there is a pellet gun they say mario romero had when he was shot and killed by an officer. investigators also say they
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have confirmed that romero was a gang member. tonight on our 10:00 news, ktvu's heather holmes will sit down with vallejo's police chief to speak about the controversy surrounding sunday's deadly shooting. we are following developing news in calusa county where calfire says three fires are burning east of clear lake. in the past 30 minutes we have seen flames racing through trees and sending plumes of smoke into the air. we're looking at live pictures of that fire. since we first reported on this fire we have learned that highway 16 is closed between rumsey and yolo county and the highway 20 highway 16 junction. we're also told that the 16 complex fire has already burned 200 acres and continues to burn out of control at this hour. also new at 6:00, san francisco police released surveillance video today that they say shows fraud in frog resz. - - in progress.
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>> the lady in the short hair are suspects. >> the incident happened near clay and jackson street in china town sunday morning. the three women approached a woman who's just visible on the screen. they told her she had stepped on some blood and that she needed to put her bag and jewelry into a bag for a blessing. police say the next day a similar incident happened on market and third street. possibly carried out by the same suspects. police say that the victim in that case lost $35,000, her entire life savings. the democratic national convention is now under way and is now making some history. ken pritchett live in charlotte, north carolina now with the party platform that's a first. ken. >> reporter: frank we're talking about the party
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platform today and some of the messages coming out of this first day of the convention. democrats have a challenging argument to make in this convention. essentially to prove a negative that president obama's actions over the past four years prevented something to happen that many economists thought we were near and that's a near collapse of the economy. >> reporter: democratic leaders say the message will be more positive than what was seen at the republican convention. though delegates are ready for a fight. >> i'm ready. i'm ready to go. >> we're organizing all over san francisco to make calls to voters, we're ready. >> reporter: the long list of speakers are expected again and again to say we are better off than four years ago. one of several messages aimed at undecided voters. the party will speak from the stage as it speaks in its official party platform. bay area representative barbara lee helped draft it. >> our platform moves for moving us forward not back ward
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to the same failed policies that got us in this mess. >> reporter: but the platform also makes history saying for the first time the party supports the right of same-sex couples to marry. >> it's really exciting but it also speaks to the values of the party. >> reporter: mark leno says repealing the defense of marriage act would be a more concrete step but planting marriage equality into the national platform is a start. >> in many ways it's symbolic but it reflecting our party's values just as the extreme right wing plank of the republican party which has been hijacked by their right wing. >> with the platform and other housekeeping out of the way the focus is now on the speeches both from up and comers in the party and from familiar faces. tonight's headliner is first lady michelle obama. she speaks in about two hours. in charlotte, ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. and ktvu is streaming the dnc convention live when we're not on the air.
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just download the mobile app to your phone or tablet and click on the live streaming button. new research showing social networking sites have only a modest influence on views. the research found 80% of users have posted little or nothing related to politics on-sites such as facebook and twitter. social networking is called varied or some what in keeping up the -- an anti soda tax is suing richmond. the ordnance requires mass mailings to include funding information right on the front page. the coalition is funded mostly by the american beverage association. san francisco transit officials are taking a closer look at a consider sharing program that some say is just a
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way to get around city taxi laws. new at 6:00, david stevenson is live now in san francisco with the unusual ride that is drawing scrutiny, david. >> reporter: julie, it's notoriously difficult to catch a cab in san francisco but an alternative to taxis is getting a lot of scrutiny. the pink mustaches are popping up all over san francisco. >> i see people smiling, laughing, pointing, taking pictures of my pink mustache. >> reporter: nancy cho is a driver for lift, a san francisco start up that may soon give taxi companies a run for their money. >> we check to make sure they have current and valid personal insurance, we do a dmv record check, we do a criminal background check. >> reporter: lift take as 20% cut of a donation for the driver. the goal is car sharing. >> we believe that ride sharing is going to have a huge, an
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incredibly positive impact on the economy. on our roads. >> reporter: cab companies call lift and similar ride share operations illegal. with inadequate insurance and regulation. >> we have to show proof of insurance on a million dollars insurance policy on auto. workers comp for drivers. municipal transportation agency says it may step in. >> the service it provides is a taxi like service. if there are any steps that we need to take we'll take them. since launching this summer lift says it's picked up 100 drivers and thousands of customers. today the mta approved 200 new taxi permits to help improve the city's cab service. reporting live in san francisco, david staoáepbson, -- stevenson, ktvu news. frank ryan is now awake and alert and we'll tell you
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some of the things he had to say today. i'm tracking the condition of that developing story. we have tropical moisture that could bring some thunderstorms to parts of the area. back here in a couple.
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continuing coverage now of the shooting of a chp officer early this morning. these are live pictures here from interstate 680 in alamo. what you can see here is that northbound on the left all of those lanes are open. traffic is flowing smoothly. on the right are the southbound lanes. even though four out of the five lanes have now opened, look at this as the helicopter pans back here, traffic is backed up all the way to the 24 interchange. again we mentioned that a chp officer was shot early this
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morning shutting down 680 in both directions for hours and tonight that chp officer is on life support. if we get new information during the course of this newscast we will pass it along to you. a couple wanted for allegedly beating and stabbing a young woman is in custody tonight. police say 42-year-old jacob lerman and 30-year-old wife jackie surrendered to authorities yet. the fight reportedly started when the woman tried to end a dispute between the couple. a san jose firefighter who collapsed on the job is alert and awake tonight after spenting several days in a medically induced -- after spending several days in a medically induced coma. he was the first to speak to frank ryan when he woke up. >> reporter: for about a week we've been showing you firefighters coming and going at all hours here at the
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hospital. showing their support for their friend. today thanks to a big improvement the visits feel like part of a celebration. fire trucks show up regularly at the medical center. crews have been visiting 41- year-old frank ryan who had been in a medically induced coma after suffering a heart attack last thursday. some firefighters including ryan's close friend engineer russ davis has been sleeping on cots. >> it's been tough. not knowing if he was ever going to come back again. >> reporter: now an upbeat mood for everybody. >> i send a mass text and i said hey, he just woke up and it's frank. >> reporter: once he could speak, ryan recognized family and friends and asked for russ davis personally. >> he recognized me and he was like, hey what happened. i was like, man there was a fire dude. and you know it went from there and we did some questioning and i'm like, you know where do we
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work and he says we work at truck one dude. and i said do you remember anything and he said not really. >> reporter: ryan is still listed as critical but stable but davis says his friend is definitely okay. he pointed out ryan and their engine driver dale had a minor disagreement recently. >> i said who drivers the engine? who drives engine number one and he said freaking dale. so that's when i walked out and said, yeah it's dale. >> reporter: no word on when he will return to work everybody is just glad he'll have a say in it. robert handa. there's a new call to hold pg & e accountable heading into the second anniversary of the san bruno pipeline disaster. the mayor of san bruno and about a dozen residents gathered this morning near ground zero. jerry hill says three bills currently on the governor's
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desk would impose stricter standards on the utility. we really haven't been able to trust pg & e to do the right thing. even today they're still cutting corners. >> the utility has made $1.5 billion worth of improvements since 2010. and eight people were killed and more than 50 others injured in that blast on september 9, 2010. the community will gather for a remembrance event in san bruno city park. residents will also place a plaque on a new memorial sculpture. the fate of a new waterfront project is up to voters. opponents of the eight washington condo complex along the embarcadero project is now on hold that's because the group collected plenty of signatures.
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the board of supervisors today declined to change an earlier vote allowing the project to reach 175 feet. more mosquito fogging is set for tonight in the bay area to prevent the spread of west nile virus. the fogging is scheduled for parts of contra costa county. they are targeting areas in los angeles and nightson. the áf residents are being advised to drain any standing water near their homes. and we're monitoring a fire up in the clear lake area near rumsey off highway 16. here's the area we're talking about. a couple of fires actually three of them. here's clear lake. these are the companies and conditions in the general area. you notice it's not generally hot. the humidity it's not high but it's not as low as it should be. the winds are relatively light. fire conditions we've seen much worse in these areas. we will bring you an update on
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the fire. for us around here we have fog around the cost. that fog is going to push itself inland tonight. you notice the cooling late last night and early this morning. it was cool. i mean temperatures today dropped off five to 10 degrees in some places other places around the same. 91 in antioch, 92 in fairfield. oakland came way down. mountain view was down about 10 degrees. so temperatures did cool today. temperatures tomorrow about the same maybe a little bit cooler. the fog or forecast is showing tropical moisture working its way in. here's tropical moisture. the concern would be any kind of dry lightning. right now the model which shows rain if it thought it was going to happen. this model doesn't think it's going to happen. when you get this much subtropical moisture this far north this time of year it's not hard to have something happen especially around mount hamilton and mount diablo. we'll watch. you see the subtropical
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moisture lingering and you see it lighten up a little bit. you don't want this at all. the model is struggling with this so we'll watch it and we'll update this. so as we move into your forecast tomorrow, about the same maybe a little warmer, 91 in fairfield, 80 in vallejo. the santa clara valley, 90 in morgan hill. a nice day, a little warmer than today in most cases along the coast it's going to be cool. your five day forecast shakes up like this where it's going to be slightly cooler tomorrow and that moisture really comes in. what that moisture is going to feel like is a subtropical. kind of a humid day like being in dallas. real humid feel. watching the moisture. >> coming up on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36 the latest on the chp officer now on life support following the shooting
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on interstate 680. we'll update what investigators have pieced together so far. if you're considering a cash advance on a payday you may want to consider again. the warning going out to consumers. wildfire season roars on, the ongoing battle for firefighters facing hot, dry conditions.
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the u.s. forest service says it is making good progress on the williams fire in the angeles national forest. that fire started monday in the los angeles county area. no structures have burned but a number of popular campgrounds were evacuated to keep roads open for fire crews. officials say it'll take crews at least a week to fully contain the 3,600-acre fire. mark is here now. what more can you say? 49ers, packers this sunday. >> yeah it's going to be a huge bay area weekend. the dodgers and giants, raiders open on monday and the 49ers going to green bay to start things. and it's exciting but man lambeau field if you're going to play there it's nice to play in september and not with the frozen tundra. but they have not had great suck setsz. this is 2010 video when they lost to aaron rogers and the
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pack -- not had great success. this is 2010 video when they lost to aaron rogers and the packers. looking for a good hook up. >> playing on national tv, we're playing at home. to me that always bridges added juice to it. i feel strongly both teams will be highly motivated i know we will be. but i don't believe in building up one game bigger than the next because they all have to get to get by on the same way because if not you're going to get beat. >> to put it bluntly. not to forget there's going to be a big time fight in oakland. undefeated ward as the super middle weight champ right now is kings jim in oakland to promote saturday's fight against wbc light heavyweight champ chad dawson was a little heavier and a little taller which doesn't seem to be a real problem for andre. he's used to it and he's ready.
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>> i am very comfortable fighting taller guys. my brother who i started out with was two to three inches taller than i am and i had to deal with that guy every day. but we keep coming to challenges because that's what professional boxing is all about when you have 12 rounds. not to say there won't be a competitive ground. but you make adjustments and you get it done and that's what we plan on doing. >> oakland's own he's 26-0 saturday night in oracle. >> mark, thank you. ken pritchett is live in charlotte north carolina where all eyes on first lady michelle obama. tonight her speech to the democratic national convention. >> and thank you for watching ktvu channel 2 news. . person.
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anyone goes near it, anyone disturbs it, it's, "ahhhhhh!" lights flashing on and off, acting all crazy. not everyone wants to draw that much attention to themselves. wouldn't it be nice to have a car alarm that was more subtle? somebody tries to break in, and it goes, "ahem." "ahem." "excuse me?" i would like a car alarm like that.
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wgs3çy u:'g&do you believe this? car was parked right out front. was the alarm on? i guess it was. i don't know my alarm sound. i'm not tuned into it like it's my son. how do these thieves start the car? they cross the wires or something. cross the wires? i can't even make a pot of spaghetti. hey. they stole my car. who did? they did. was it more than just one? should i call the police? what are they going to do? i'd better call the car phone company, cancel my service. maybe you should call your car phone. yeah. he's probably driving it right now. call the car phone. see what happens. are you serious? yeah, call.
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i don't know if i remember the number. what do i say if he picks up? hello. hello. is this, uh, 555-8383? i have no idea. can i ask you a question? sure. did you steal my car? yes, i did. you did? i did. but that's my car. i didn't know it was yours. what are you going to do with it? i don't know, drive around. then can i have it back? i'm keeping it. let me talk to him. give it to me. hello. who's this? kramer. hello, kramer. there are gloves in the glove compartment. hold on a second. brown ones? yeah. could you mail those to me? or bring them by. it's 129 west 81st street. o.k. thanks a lot. here's jerry.
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gloves. hello. jerry. yeah. let me ask you a question. how do you cross those wires? i didn't cross wires. the keys were in it. sid left the keys in the car. drive carefully. sure. when's was your last tune-up? yeah. sid left the keys in the car. who's sid? parks cars on the block. he moves them so you don't get a ticket. you pay him for that? yeah. 50 bucks a month. who does he do that for? 40, 50 cars. he works three hours a day. he makes a fortune. he's been doing that for years, right, jerry? could anybody do that? sid, what happened? i'm sorry. maybe i'm getting too old for this stuff. you left the keys in the car? they're making that woody allen movie on the block-- trucks everywhere--
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when i saw him, i must've gotten a little distracted. i'm in that movie. you're what? i'm an extra. how'd you get that? i was watching them film, and some guy asked me. out of the clear blue sky? clear blue sky. why didn't they ask me? i got a quality. jerry, you got insurance, right? yeah, but no car. i'll have to rent one. i'm going to visit my sister in virginia next wednesday, so i can't park it. this wednesday? next wednesday. week after this wednesday. the wednesday two days from now is the next wednesday. if i meant this wednesday, i would've said this wednesday. who'll move the cars while you're away? what do i care who moves them? they can move themselves if they want. i could move them until you get back. what do you want to move cars for? you don't work? i'm in a transition phase right now. if you want to move them, move them. just don't forget to take the keys out. [telephone rings]
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hello. the defroster's the one on the bottom. slide it all the way over. you're welcome. i'm in awe of his intellect. when he talks, it's like he's reading from one of his novels. owen march. never heard of him. he's not a baseball player. hmm. yeah, that's true. it sounds like it's going pretty good. well, there is one little problem. what's that? he's 66 years old. next, please. go. go. she ca--go. can i help you? name, please. seinfeld. i made a reservation for a midsize, and she's a small. i'm kidding around, of course. um... o.k., let's see here. 66 years old? well, he's in perfect health. he works out. he's vibrant. you'd really like him. i hate everybody. why would i like him? could you date a 66-year-old woman?
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well, i'll tell you, she would have to be really vibrant. so vibrant she'd be spinning. we have no midsize available at the moment. i made a reservation. do you have my reservation? yes. unfortunately we ran out of cars. but the reservation keeps the car here. that's why you have the reservation. i know why we have reservations. i don't think you do. if you did, i'd have a car. you know how to take the reservation, you just don't know how to hold the reservation. and that's really the most important part of the reservation-- the holding. anybody can just take them. let me, uh, speak with my supervisor. fine. here we go. the supervisor. you know what she's saying? what? "see those two people? "they think i'm talking to you,
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so you pretend like you're talking to me." "oh, you mean like this, "so it looks like i'm saying something, but i'm not saying anything?" "say something else, and they won't yell, 'cause they thought i was checking with you." "see you later." my supervisor says there's nothing we can do. it looked like you were in a real conversation. we have a compact if you would like that. fine. we have a blue ford escort for you, mr. seinfeld. would you like insurance? better give me the insurance, because i'm going to beat the hell out of this car. please fill this out. you think i'm making a big mistake? if you enjoy being with him, that's what's important. i love being with him. i mean, i like being with him. it's o.k. being with him. i don't enjoy being with him. i'm meeting him for lunch at chadway's.
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do i have to break up face-to-face, or can i do it over the phone? how many times did you go out? seven. face-to-face. seven dates is a face-to-face breakup? if it was six, i could've let you go. but seven, i'm afraid, is over the limit. unless, of course, there was no sex. hmm. how's the pasta over there? whoa! whoa! what is going on out there? i need a bucket of water. i got a car overheating, an alarm that won't go off. i'm pressing one, i'm pressing two--nothing. help me. help me. they were supposed to do my scene today. today? yeah. they wanted me to walk down the block carrying this bag of groceries. i start to walk and i trip. the grocery bag goes flying,
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and woody--woody starts laughing. he was laughing! he was drinking something, it came out of his nose. then what? i got a line in the movie! get out. that's great! you got a line in a woody allen movie? you're in the movie? is he in the scene? it's me and him. i might have a new career, huh? you mean, a career. so, was mia farrow there? i didn't see him. what's your line? o.k., i'm there with woody, i'm at this bar, and, uh, i'm si-- you know, it's woody allen. we got it, we got it. i'm sitting with woody, and i turn to him and i go, "boy, these pretzels are making me thirsty." is that how you're going to say it? no, no. i'm working on it. do it like this. these pretzels are making me thirsty.
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no. these pretzels are makime thirsty. that's no good. you don't know how to act. these pretzels... are making me thirsty! that was no good? i didn't say anything. i'm going to go break up with owen. what was wrong with that? i had a different interpretation. do you know anything about this pretzel guy? maybe he's been there a really long time, and he's depressed 'cause he has no job and no woman, and he's parking cars for a living! all right! shut up! shut! up! i hear you! i'm coming down! these pretzels are making me thirsty! yeah! [pounding] oh, my god. oh! call an ambulance.
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boy, he took it hard. we were walking down the block. i was about to break up with him, then he started to twitch. i need an ambulance at 129 west 81st street, apartment 5a. hurry. it's an ambulance. i don't know. he's unconscious. these pretzels are making me thirsty. these pretzels are making me thirsty. kramer. what happened? i don't know. what should we do? does anyone know first aid? do something with the extremities. what extremities? what's an extremity? get blood to the head. raise the head, get blood to the feet. what about a cold compress? i don't have a washcloth. use a paper towel. what about a sponge? how will you hold it on? use a belt. it'll drip all over him. should we walk him around? i've seen them do that. that's for a drug overdose.
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maybe that's what he's got. we had lunch. he didn't leave the table. he could've dropped acid when you weren't looking. he is not a drug addict. maybe he's a diabetic. he might need a cookie. a cookie! give him a cookie. how will he chew it? we'll move his teeth. it happened to my uncle. the sugar revived him. you're getting crumbs all over him. i've got him chewing, but he won't swallow. put cookies in a blender. he could drink it. cookies don't liquefy. you can liquefy a cookie. i'll get the blender. i don't have a blender. i'd know if i had a blender. where is the ambulance! [screeching tires] [crash] [glass shatters] vwe asked charlene to beta teste wione in her home.t? picture quality is definitely most important to me. and this tv blew me away. this tv is only about an inch, so it looks really nice on your wall.
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it also has 2d to cinema 3d conversion, which means you can turn anything that's on the television into 3d. i would recommend it to anyone. vo: beta tested, charlene approved. get this slim lg 55 inch l.e.d. flatscreen now for just $999. if it's not your perfect match we'll pick it up and take it back for free. only at best buy.
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an ambulance 35 minutes ago. look what's going on out here. it's an emergency. what's taking so long? [intercom buzzes]
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maybe that's them. hello. paramedics. come on up. o.k., they're here. he seems to be breathing. i've got to tell you, he's pretty good-looking. i know. those eyebrows could use a trimming. did you ever mention that? almost. i mean, because, come on, they're running wild there. it's not an easy thing to bring up. that's true. you should see his bathrobe. it's all silk. i bet he wears slippers. how'd you know? could tell. what took you so long? we got here 20 minutes ago, but the whole intersection is gridlocked. it was unbelievable. this guy who was triple-parking cars slammed into us with a blue escort. blue escort? that's my rent-a-car! oh, man. what happened to the car? you don't know what's going on out there.
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who's he? this guy i'm seeing. what happened? we don't know. who put cookies in his mouth? cookies? you're not supposed to do that. [jerry] how'd you hit the car? i looked up and i saw woody allen, and i got all distracted. it's a rental. what are you doing out there? you're holding up the production of the movie. we can't shoot, and woody's mad at you. woody mentioned me? what did he say? "who's the moron who's got the street all screwed up?" should i apologize to woody? all right, i'll tell you what. next time i talk to him, maybe i'll bring it up. i'll feel him out. you didn't tell me you don't know how to drive. i know how to drive. then how did all those cars get damaged? why are people screaming on the phone? most of them canceled out on me. anybody want anything? moving cars from one side to the other don't take no more sense than putting on pants.
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my question is, who's putting your pants on? i put my pants on, sid. you can put your pants on, you can move those cars. i don't want to argue about the pants. who'll send money to my sister in virginia? her little boy needs surgery on his foot. he'll be limping because you can't park some cars. maybe i could call my father. hey, you seen the paper yet? interestingly enough, no, inasmuch as it is my paper. there's an article about that writer. "owen march, prominent author and essayist, "suffered a stroke yesterday in the upper west side apartment of a friend." that's the guy that was here. you'the friend. "the extent of the damage "would've been far less severe had paramedics been able to reach him sooner." oh, lord. "the commotion also delayed production "of a woody allen movie "that was shooting up the block. "a spokeswoman for the legendary filmmaker
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"said that mr. allen was extremely agitated "and wondered if his days of shooting movies in new york were over." five seconds. i was five seconds away from breaking up with him. five seconds! my next words were, "owen, it's over." can he communicate? yeah. well, he nods. and i think he understands me. he seems to enjoy it when i read to him. all right, she's free. hi, i called before. my car got smashed. what should i do? if i break up with him now, it'll look like i'm abandoning him. i'll be ostracized from the community. what community? there's a community? of course there's a community. i'm living in a community, i had no idea. the estimate on the damage to your car is $2,866. i got the insurance and everything. you said you weren't the driver at the time of the accident.
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that is right. you're only covered for when you're driving the car. mm-hmm. what's that? you're not covered for other drivers. other drivers? your whole business is based on other drivers. it's a rented car. that's who's driving. other drivers. doesn't my credit card cover me or something? not that one. i got a hundred cards. pick a card. take any card you want. whichever one. i don't care. if you had read the rental agreement-- did you see the size of that document? it's like the declaration of independence. who's going to read that? you are not covered for that damage, and there's nothing that can be done about that. these pretzels are making me thirsty! ahh. it's good, isn't it? yankee bean. why yankee bean, huh?
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don't they have beans in the south? if you order yankee bean in the south, are they offended? huh? ♪ yankee bean ♪ yankee bean ♪ i like my yankee bean ♪ owen... i think we have to talk. uh...i mean, i have to talk. it would be nice if we could, but... whatever. um...ahem. don't get me wrong. i like coming here and feeding you and cleaning a little and paying your bills.
6:53 pm
that's good stuff. good stuff! ahem. i have a wonderful time when i'm with you. wonderful! but at this point in my life, i'm not really sure i'm ready to make a commitment to one person. i'm not sure that we have enough in common. i mean, for example... i like running in the park, bicycling, roller-skating, tennis, and, uh, skiing. and, um... well... i'm going to be brutally honest with you now. it's a bitch to get here. it's two subways. i have to transfer at 42nd street for the double "r." anyway, this doesn't mean we can't be friends. ha ha ha. these pretzels are making me thirsty.
6:54 pm
6:55 pm
not only does sensodyne iso-active make my mouth feel fresh... but it also has that ability to help me with my sensitive teeth. and it's totally working. to help me with my sensitive teeth. can you die from an odor? if you were locked in a vomitorium for two weeks, could you die from the odor? an overdose of odor. good question. do i smell? no. i was just at the 42nd street subway today. it is disgusting. guess who i bumped into? owen. ah. he's all right? he's almost fully recovered. told me he was just using me for sex. let me get that. i got it. let me.
6:56 pm
i smashed your car. it cost over $2,000. a cup of coffee should cover it. oh. what are you doing here? i got fired from the movie. oh! what? they were going to shoot it today. we rehearsed it twice. then woody yells, "action." i turn to him and say, "these pretzels are making me thirsty." i took a swig of beer, and i slammed the glass down on the bar, and it shattered. ohh. one of the pieces must've hit woody, and... he started crying. he yells out, "i'm bleeding," and he runs off. anyway, this woman came up to me, and she says, "you're fired." boy, i really nailed that scene. oh, wait a--oh! oh, for crying out loud. captioning made possible by columbia tristar domestic television
6:57 pm
captioned by the national captioning institute captions copyright 1991 castle rock entertainment public performance of captions prohibited without permission of national captioning institute
6:58 pm
6:59 pm
okay. are you from the star wars universe? yes. were you in the original trilogy? yes. oh, is there a picture of you in my wallet wearing a metal bikini? god, i hope not. and no, i'm not princess leia. okay, okay. my turn. um... are you in all six star wars movies? yes. interesting. are you a droid? yes. do you kind of look like a shiny sheldon? yes. c-3po. you got it. that's preposterous.


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