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tv   KTVU News at 8pm  FOX  September 8, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT

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angeles. if ucla wins this game and an election is tomorrow, he wins. >> charles: look out mayor vee a la go sa. you could be defeated by tomorrow morning. >> referee: false start, offense. number 60. five-yard penalty. >> charles: what did jim mora tell julie alexander at the half? that they needed to capitalize going into the half or whatever. that they needed to capitalize after getting a defensive stop. that's what he wanted his offense to get done. they're getting that done right now. >> gus: jim mora, deep breath. second and third teams. hundley. hundley, out of bounds. pushed out of bounds by p.j. smith. >> charles: trying to use the pursuit of nebraska against itself, showing flow
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in one direction toward the field, to the wide side. and then coming back to the backside with one lead blocker out in front on an offensive lineman. >> gus: third down and six at the nebraska 16. thigpen in the backfield with hundley. hundley. goes up top. fauria, and he couldn't bring it in. daimion stafford got enough on it to break it up. >> charles: what a stand by the nebraska defense after the big break. ucla looks like they had all the momentum and nebraska had the moxie to hang in there and force a field goal attempt. >> gus: fairbairn comes in to attempt a 34-yarder. two for three. this evening.
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gets it up, and no good. wow. >> charles: they had a chance to seize this game by the neck. instead the nebraska defense holds. opportunity there for the cornhuskers. [ male announcer ] whether it's kevin's smartphone... mom's smartphone... dad's tablet... or lauren's smartphone... at&t has a plan built to help make families' lives easier. introducing at&t mobile share. one plan lets you share data on up to 10 devices with unlimited talk and text. add a tablet for only $10 per month. the more data you share, the more you save. at&t.
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>> charles: 29-27, ucla. now let's go to erin andrews for game break. >> erin: guys, let me get you updated on the drama in little rock. number 8, arkansas trying to hang on. fourth and one for louisiana monroe. that's quarterback kolton browning. he run it in for the touchdown. louisiana's first ever win against a fourth ranged opponent opponent, #holycow.
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>> gus: first down and 20. >> charles: that's a mighty one. >> gus: that's right. got some drama here at the rose bowl. nebraska, martinez. guns it. and deflected. in tended for enunwa. >> charles: but, again, pressure in the paint for martinez. same for see aulie even a any sa. the second half, not a chance. >> gus: second down at the 20. abdullah in the backfield. and almost intercepted. goforth. two hands on the football. just couldn't bring it in. >> charles: this is the second time tonight we've seen randall goforth with a
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chance for an interception that got dropped. he'll be doing a lot of ball drills and catches the football in weeks to come. what they like is his ability to get in there. >> gus: from the 20 to nebraska. martinez in the shot jun. martinez over the middle. incomplete. and the cornhuskers will punt it again. >> charles: if it goes time and time began, the accuracy will drop. he doesn't have the clean line sights he did in the first half, thus the accuracy has dropped in a big way. >> gus: maher drives it. manfro lets it go over his head. and the ball will be
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downed at the 15. time now for this evening's han cook's performance of the game and it goes to who, johnathan franklin, the mayor. becomes the seventh player in ucla history with 3,000 career rushing yards and he's just getting started this season. >> charles: i don't know about him tonight, gus. what about a drop-off in performance? >> gus: first down and ten at the 16. here's damien thigpen. 6:16 to go. nebraska folks, they've got to figure out a way to get off the field and give taylor martinez enough
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time to do something with it. >> charles: this game is now in the hands of the nebraska defense. they need to keep ucla bottled in to help the field position for their offense if they get the ball back. >> gus: second and six. oh, we got it. lucien. what a catch at the 45. the freshman from encino. talk about going up and getting it. >> charles: that's just a clear example of going up and taking the football at the moment of truth. stanley jean-baptiste had the inside position and a better play on the ball but lucien went and took it. >> the 33-yard game. they'll stay on the ground. thigpen. what an effort. by the bruins with the first-year head coach in jim mora. he took them to san
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bernardino, made sure that they were able to focus and concentrate. some things they were used to he abolished. it with us hard going for these kids. out of the backfield, franklin. he'll run it. johnathan franklin putting on a show in l.a. >> charles: watch outside to the left side of your screen. wide side of the field. it's like a cracked back screen. john than working inside draws the attention in there. franklin swings outside for a nice gainer. >> gus: first down and george james hit in the backfield and dropped by will compton but it's the thing you can't give up is a touchdown. >> charles: can't give up a touchdown.
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the good thing for ucla, no matter what they do, they started on their own 15-yard line. if nothing else you're going to make nebraska march the football and it would have to be a long way. >> gus: hundley over the middle. fauria. does he guess it? no. incomplete. that will bring in third down, third deep. >> charles: watch him fight inferior yefauri. stafford working, working, working. you can see the ball clearly out of his mitts. >> gus: big play for the nebraska defense. third down and 13. they need a stop right here. hundley. under pressure. hundley and the nebraska defense comes up big.
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andrew green, will. >> they held them to no points on this one and you're going to bring in the punter down who will have to try to pin him deep. compton shoots on the gap. we combine to put huntly down take him out of field goal rage and maim him but it away. >> gus: and ameer abdullah is back deep standing at his own eight. abdullah allows it to go over his head and it pounces perfectly. the aussie rules kick end over end, down at about the nine but a flag on the play at the 37. >> charles: i saw a reaction from a couple of nebraska players that didn't look
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promising for anybody. i hope i'm reading it wrong. ucla things i'm holding. r a success from the sub seeding spot, first down, nebraska. >> charles: that's good for nebraska in terms of beganing extra yardage. >> gus: david allen called for the healed. negated him. knocking him inside the 10 yard line again. that gives nebraska breathing room coming out. >> gus: cornhuskers. down by two.
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and this is where taylor martinez has a chance to step up and be a hero. martinez. that was deflected at the line of scrimmage. oh citiy zoo roy was going to sign with them and at the last second he ended up changing up, going to ucla. couldn't get back to the quarterback but good fundamental. good knocki good passing arm. >> gus: second down and ten. martinez then to throw. mar ttinez martinez. he has it. big-time play. one they will remember at ucla for quite some time.
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andrew abbott, the senior from long beach sat in the weeds and the bruins are in again. >> charles: elective play coverage, all right? so as they go back and he making the through, look at that. because what happened is abbott was up on the line of scrimmage and ended up with coverage. a rush and got the crucial pick. >> gus: bruins, 3:07 away. frank lin. cameron meredith with the tackle now. jim mora goes nfl conservati conservative. >> charles: right now what they're telling the running backs did
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you rip the football out? john is the coordinator. he and both pelini coy elaborating down there. telling the players get the foolk out. >> using as much of the play clock as we can. here's the hand-off, james. james goes down about two yards away from a first down. clock the ril iis stil running. we'll go to commercial. 29-27. 2:16 to go. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. at&t. rethink possible. >> charles: 29-27. 2:15 remaining in the quarter. for ucla they've struggled with their kicker so much in this part of the field, what does jim mora do? that's where the huge decision comes in because right now this is chip shot field goal range. remember, three points puts you up five meaning nebraska has to go down and get a touchdown in order to beat you. you think you're in great shape but you've got a shaky field goal kicker here. >> gus: they need three yards. they swing it out.
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franklin looking. touchdown. >> charles: that was in collaboration with jim mora approving it told me exactly what i needed to know. he did not want to kick a field goal there. otherwise they run the ball inside in the middle and set up to kick the field goal. he wanted the point so he didn't have to risk the field goal because they struggled with it this evening. >> gus: 2:13 to play in the fourth. ucla up 36-27. >> charles: this is a staple of mazzone.
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he puts the ball in the hands of the play makers and lets 24e78 go to work and franklin does just that. ucla in firm control down the stretch. whal did you say about that mayoral race in l.a. right now? the mayor didn't know he was in a race. they can write him in tonight. johnathan franklin and ucla fans would co-sign. >> eddie george during the pregame show said he wanted to see how ucla would respond after they faced adver adversity, after they were hit in the mouth not wurns but twice. i think they found out the answer as jim mora looked him square in the eyes and said let's finish.
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2:13 to go. abdullah hitting bell back deep. locke drives it. ball picked up. kenny bell. and kenny bell city run it. great return for bell. late flags. we'll attack even more yard ang where the emotion of the game took the place. got out of their lanes, got blocked app come pounded it at the ipd and a penalty. >> referee: after the play was over, personal foul frmt 15-yard penalty. first down. >> a little overzell louis. dalton hilliard at the end of the play, you
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know how they battle. it got them all around on the special teams play. taylor martinez with the football. first down at the 36 of ucla. martinez firing deep. martinez and a flag. don't hold up your hands there, hester, that's too easy. the intended receiver, aaron hester, called for interference. >> referee: defense, number 21. 15-yard penalty, i got a hole back there. towles, jersey and wullenwaber sold it. no quit in this nebraska squad let by the anybody junior.
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sitting at the 121. martinez to is sideline. enco incomplete. it looks like he didn't see the football. >> charles: he pointed and said i didn't see it coming. that's the look toward the quarterback. bell unable to find the football jie. martinez, quarterback foul, nothing. nebraska called a time-out. one remaining. >> charles: there's no doubt now about the
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adjustments were maemd to hit p the quarterback. jamie holmes was outside sees the big. falls inside and look at the tee deans phen. the aggressive necessary, physicality that jim more the vying to install. >> gus: a lot of time remaining in this game, however. >> charles: there's the defensive coordinator, came back from the prous a lot of the philosophy they i have stem stemts from the new orleans with his dad. with his own patrol defense.
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defending. >> born on this tear attorney. mar tees next trying to get outside and mary tee necessary. cash shesh muchgs. 1:41 remaning, down 36.27. it will be an centering bail. athough i guess nebraska kicked the field goal now. scoring points nout, tries to get something. later. gus bo pelini. >> gus: first down, delay of game,
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offense, five yard penalty. fourth down. difficult with his leg it shouldn't be a big difference because he's got a big enough leg. what you should do is mechanics. he spun all the way around. >> gus: remember he's been good from 45 this evening. it looks good. and it is. six-point game. great opportunity. for bo pelini's squad if he can manage to be successful on the onside kick.
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>> charles: you know it's the high homer. >> gus: wouldn't you do that? wouldn't have you normally instruct them with a hands feed. the brirchs now for a kijling tape and now they're saying fa they can fair catch it it can gesh them something. >> now i'm trying to squitd it to the doctor. as has ever been in the pans. >> gus: very interesting new rule. >> charles: it's a knew rule. others were going to get sand kicked. ball fielded by the bruins, 1:36 rye mang.
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when you know the team is coming for an onside kick, there's no sir price. one away from their second one. they hope they caught ucla napping. it's only affecting when you think there's zero threat of an onside kick. >> gus: hundley. hands it off. james. he picks up a couple. bottom of the pile. joseph carter with the tackle. and the file time-out called by coach pelini. his team down by six. here are the college
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football social poll. in terms of the best conferences, the best conference in the country, well, we'll get to that in a p moment. jim mora is saying make sure you tell the fin lowing is to do it. scoop and score runback by nebraska. >> gus: ball security. very important for the young hands it off pchlt franklin runs around. franklin. frank lin still going.
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>> charles: interesting where the flag was. it looks like at the point of being tackled. >> referee: personal foul. defense. >> that's jord p ander happy to grieve with the con sup says. >> charles: we have savvy football floufers and we're seeing ucla make a statement tonight again one of the top teams in the big ten. >> so now bruins line up. hundley. he will take a northeast. nebraska can no longer
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stop the cluck. the young fell low's got to worj on that a little bitter. first things first the traupers have to citizenship it what great job tonight by ucla. >> charles: jim mora jr. -- excuse me drn in his second game as head coach. feeding anybody. the sixth ranging team in country, 36-30. their first win against the cornhusk cornhuskers since 1988. the final score, bruins, 36, nebraska, 30. right now let's send it over to


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