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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 14, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman. it's time for an all-new half hour of "right this minute," great videos and the stories behind them starting right now. a volcano blows ash two miles high and sends rivers of lava down a mountain. this is awe-inspiring. see how this hot tempered volcano has blown its stack before. a guy is seen snooping around an apartment. >> and then -- boom. >> the story behind the hidden
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camera scene that is every renter's nightmare. tired of running out of batteries on your cell phone? >> a solution is in the works, you guys! >> how this can keep you juiced all day. and the only thing more epic than this water slide is the landing. >> oh! by now you've probably seen the images of the volcano in guatemala that erupted. this is a video that shoppes the volcano erupting earlier in the day. a ton of smoke. it's essentially in a tourist region near a colonial city that's also a very popular tourist destination. more than 33,000 people ended up being evacuated from the region around this volcano. these are some of the images we got from a rescue organization in guatemala. you see people here loading supplies, but you also see some sf the evac coupes on this bus.
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nome in the bus, they're also on top of of the bus. >> i think whatever's necessary at this point when you've got to get out of there, you've got to do what you've got to do. any damage? >> the volcano is actually two miles, shot two miles into the air. obviously getting to all the communities around and lava flowing up to 10,000 feet down the slope. >> i'm so fascinated by volcanoes but feel bad for the people living there, because ash alone can damage stuff. >> and explosions. at vidoes are popping up not just of his eruption but of previous eruptions. this one shows a group of hikers that were on the volcano from 2010, and look at how close they are. >> [ bleep ]! >> and they just say, we've got to move and, of course, the camera gets very shaky, because, yeah, they're running down this volcano. >> go!
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go back. >> that's incredible, that the earth builds up that much force whin it. i mean, it's like a- it's a giant, like, earth birth. >> i td you- you. she was filming. holy [ bleep ]. at first glance this might just look like a guy walking around maybe cleaning up, but, no. this guy is -- there's more to this story. this is in moon township pennsylvania near pittsburgh. a woman named carol reported that her medication was stolen from her home. no sign of break-in. she thought, hmm, kind of weird. told the police. they began investigating. when it happened a second time police came and set up a hidden camera. what we're seeing here. watch this. you see this guy creeping around and then, boom.
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officers come out of nowhere. have this guy on the ground. cuffs on. his name is richard joguvich, 57 years old. turns out he used to be a maintenance worker in the complex. he had keys he duplicated and it's reported he was fired two weeks ago. >> another woman in the complex complained of her belongings missing as well. they believe these two burglaries are connected. we spoke to the moon township police. this guy is in the county jail, and as you can imagine, facing a slew of charges. >> this moment is awesome. >> the guy comes out with his gun. guy the line, whoa -- i'm just here to steal some pills. >> as a renter, you never know -- does make mealities nervous. >> do they change the keys after you move out? maybe the person who occupied the place before you has a set? >> they're supposed to change the set. who knows. this guy was a maintenance worker.
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time for a double feature from russia. dashcam video up ahead. here comes a roundabout. those testy traffic devices. and -- hang on! no. he doesn't -- you can just see leaning, leaning, leaning. >> i thought he wasn't going to make it. he seemed like he was in control, right up until he wasn't. >> i don't blame the driver. i blame the roundabout. they are nothing but annoying. for something completely different, is russian dog. not only is he laying in the middle of the street, he's laying in the middle of the tram track. think he cares? the little dog, they aren't telling him to move. stacked up, too. out for a night of partying on the tounch the town. >> oh, gosh. >> you think the dog moves? the tram driver is ringing his bell. here comes somebody to help out. the dog's like, yeah, screw. i'm sleeping.
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the tram driver gets a little braver. nice dog. a little encouragement with a boot. eventually the tram gets moving, and the dog still doesn't move. finally gives in and says, all right. fine. >> this is the weirdest thing i've ever seen, because dogs get scared. >> sits right back down. >> a protest. standing up for all dogs in russia. this guy is not doing electrical work, not trying to rewire a house. this fantastic gentleman is there to perform a very specific task. >> i can't tell what he's doing. what he's doing? >> what do you think he's doing? >> he's looking for something. i don't know what it is. >> he's -- fishing. putting in -- you said he's not doing anything. i was going to say -- >> oh! he rescued a kitten from inside the second story walls of this woman's home, and this kitten had been trapped in this wall more than four days, without food, without water. no word how this kitten actually
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ended up in the wall, but the homeowner just heard, meow, meow. just heard the chirping-like meow from inside the wall. listen to the little kitten now that's so happy to be out. >> oh, no! >> meow, meow, meow, meow. >> the owner of the home actually brings out a little saucer of water, and the cat is a little confused by it. the cat sticks its face in there. kind of roams around. this is -- >> probably still nursing and doesn't know how to drink from a plate. oh -- at the end of this video, look at the little kitty. all warm and koez any a blanket. >> look at that face. >> that says, adopt me now. >> meow, meow. >> meow, meow. he has one arm, one leg, a wheelchair and a very fast
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motorcycle. >> that's crazy and amazing. >> see how this guy does it, next. and, it's the great horned owl rescue. >> and as soon as he picks him up, looks at him like what are you doing? my name is debi. [ wheezing ] this may be my last chance to warn you... about the dangers of smoking. gradually, tobacco took not just my health, but my dreams. [ inhales deeply ] think about what tobacco is taking from you. quit now, before it's too late. [ inhales ] [ coughs ]
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welcome back to the show, but don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. this is motorcycle racer alan kempster. he rides under the number 1 hat. >> ah, he doesn't have a right arm. >> doesn't have a right arm or a right leg. >> i was in a motorcycle accident and was keep wanting to drive, and that caused traumatic -- of my -- the accident caused the amputation of my arm and leg.
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>> that did not stop him from wanting to ride a motorcycle. he went back to the racetrack at 48 years old and serves as an inspiration to everyone that he come ace cross. >> if you have a dream and a passion you have to follow it. you're the one that has to make it happen. no one else can make it happen. >> does he have a special device for that turn where he would need to maybe drag his right knee that's not there? >> alan's balance is incredible. >> he's a really fast rider. that's crazy and amazing. >> he says when he started telling people what he wanted to do, that he wanted to get back on the racetrack, people didn't take him seriously. >> i decided to pull my leather out of the bag. i pulled them out and held them up and got one arm and one leg. and i said, no way. >> he would like to teach others how to get back out on the
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track, despite his disability. >> good for him. gm for him for getting back up there for himself but even better to take a step further and help other people do it, too. >> a short documentary called left side story. if you want to see the entire thing, go to our website and click on "right this minute." 60 feet on the water slide. >> oh! whew! ♪ >> oh! whoa! ♪ >> if the you're anything like me, you use your phone way too much.
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running out of battery just when you want to call. >> there's a solution in the works, you guys. the ever purse. >> ever purse is integrated directly into your bag. charges wirelessly. >> it is currently a kickstarter project. >> you can just drop your phone into the pocket, in the insert. it charges instantly, and you can carry it around in whatever bag you're using that day. it's always charging your phone. when you get home, take out the insert, throw it on this little mat. >> with this thing, you can charge your phone from sezero t 100% in one day twice. >> for those that don't carry purses, one down it fall, we can't use it. >> it has a black man purse or murse. do it in your gym bag, back pocket. clip it on to your belt hoop. >> everpant. has a charger in the pocket.
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you put the phone in your back pocket and charge your pants at the end of the night. >> then you've got to wear the same pants every day. >> probably means you can't wash it, then the water would get into all the electrical -- >> like a little pack that comes out of the purse, and you just charge that. >> when she slips it into there, does it have to going sbee a plug? plug it into something there? >> yes. there is a dock. >> if you want to be part of this, pledges start at $1, and they go about $10,000. the dancing uncle. >> he kind of does his own thing. >> i love the reaction of the people in the background. >> i love uncle jj. loving uncle j, next "right this minute." a huge viral must-see. now there's an update video. >> the kicker in this update video is -- she gives us a look at what her foot and ankle look like now. >> ah! >> see it for yourself, next.
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and, we've got this video. months and months in the making. see why, and
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it's time for the best of "rtm" once again when we tell you about the bonus videos you can find on our website. >> oh, the perils of being in the friendzone. this guy thinks he's going on a date bought parking attendant tells him, dude, you're in the friendzone.
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the guy the not happy. wait until you see what he sdm to prove he's actually not in the friendzone. all kind of crazy stuff happens. long story short, you don't want to be in the friendzone. >> and a beat by mystery guitar man. this is done with power tools. power saws. >> a guy with a jar of nails shaking like a maraca. >> the whole thing making music. click on -- >> "best of rtm." what do you do if you find a great horned owl in your horse pasture? in illinois you call suburban wildlife patrol. >> on our way to an injured owl rescue job. looking forward to seeing what's going on with this bird. hoping it's not hurt beyond help. >> someone who owns the pasture found a great horned owl in the pasture. that's odd. went back out later in the day, still there. this is what they found. >> working together we came in on the owl from opposite
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directions slowly and carefully. this is a gray horned owl. you're talking talons. >> we weren't sure what the dangerous bird would do, but the poor thing didn't even put up a fight. >> a broken wing? >> must have been exhausted. it didn't even put up a fight. >> it doesn't look broken but it might be a muscle injury. >> he's pretty. >> look at those talons. >> oh, boy. >> look at him looking at brad. soon as he picks him up. the owl looking at him like what are you doing? >> gorgeous. >> look how big those eyes are. >> and he's just chillin'. >> thought the wings were broken. put them up in the air and go down. just move there -- usually flap their wings. he's not trying to flap at all. >> keep him overnight. take him to the rehab center the following morning. >> there he is. hey there. >> a few days later, check him out. >> that looks much different than the one they rescued. he looks a little feisty now. >> what they think happened is, they think he smacked into something hard, hitting his head
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and hurting his wing in the process. >> then he was okay? >> well, they said he was a little dehydrated and underweight, but he took care of him for a little while. they're going to transfer him to a bigger flight cage and eventually release him into the wild. >> yeah! guys, for this next one i ask you, genius or geek? this is a creation by a guy named austin. he's 21 years old. it's called clockwork. it is what he call as k'nex ball machine. you know what k'nex are. this is his largest and most complex creation. his fifth k'nex machine. 40,000. more than 450 pieces of track. 21 different -- eight motors, 5 lifts, calls a one of a kind
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computer train and two computer controlled illuminated k'nex balls. took him eight months to create this. austin, on his youtube channel is getting a lot of flak. saying, ah you know, this will never -- you're a dork. >> if you showed this to me when i was 21, i'd have gone out on a date with him. >> here's the real question. this goes for both of you. you go out on a first date with somebody, you head back to their apartment, their home, and they've got this -- deal breaker? >> no. >> no. i don't think so. i don't think it's a deal breaker. >> you know what? you could talk about this for a while. >> play with it. it's sincereness. sincereness, sincereness. a video about sound. >> this doesn't sound like a sound at all. >> the frequency of this -- >> it's cool but it's what the new technology that is being
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used for that will really wow 4#çññevñmóñ
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this is the cutest reaction to a first encounter between a baby gorilla and, well, you'll see what. >> what does he have down there? is that a -- >> what is he doing? what's he running from? >> the video starts with this young gorilla messing around in a hole and then all of a sudden freaks out and, yes, the post ef says he did encounter --
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>> this is what most people do when they encounter -- this is how you react. [ mumbling ] >> in the way of spinning, spinning. >> i wonder if he knows he could have gotten stung? >> i have a feeling he did actually get stung, because if you look right at the beginning. right around -- then he grabs something. >> ooh, yeah. it does look like he got stung. >> right on the finger. >> that's what i think happened and that's why i think he freaked out. >> he learned a lesson. sometimes you got to go through a little stuff to learn a lesson. >> you mess with a bee, you will get stung. i'm about to wow you with this. >> the science -- >> volume. doesn't sound like a sound at all. >> inaudible only because of the frequency. the frequency of this sound too high for the ear. called acoustic levitation. >> scientists at the argone national laboratory dealing with
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pharmaceuticals. speakers turned up ap a freak waes to high for-o. the sound interferes with each other and creates a standing wave. >> sound waves we can't hear are causing these things to levitate. >> exactly. levitating because of acoustic pressure from the sound wave. enough to actually cancel out gravity. >> the reason they're doing this, they're trying to make easier for our body to use. comes in two forms. most end up in the crystalline state, harder for our bodies to use so we don't end up getting the full effects of the medication because we're not able to process all of it. >> trying to levitate. trying to make drugs better for our body. >> i'm going to have to take a medicine and have a speaker on my foot and on my head? >> no. this is in the creation of the actual pharmaceutical. >> wow.
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how can you forget our old friend lexi? >> made a lot of decisions. one of them, jumping over that trench. >> i showed you her ankle that looked a little something like this. >> yes. >> hard to watch. a little mishap while hiking. >> yeah. the bone isn't really attached. >> she finally took to youtube to give people an update. >> i just want to thank everybody for the comments and the words of support. >> she goes on to answer a few questions. >> number one, i did not get eaten by a bear. i was safe. and it was really painful. it was like knives were stabbing into my ankle and fire was burning every inch of my skin. >> very descriptive. >> yeah, pretty vivid, but the kicker in this update video is, she gives us a look at what her foot and ankle look like now. >> ah -- wow! >> oh. >> her entire foot is purple.
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she's still got the rod. still got the pins. >> don't they use casts anymore? he foot was like -- >> there's no way to just cast t. for all of you that think it's fake, it's not. and it is painful and, you know, comfortable, and nobody likes to look at t. sounds like lexi's had her fill of explaining. apparently she is getting the pins out. >> which is really exciting. >> can you imagine what it's been like for her the last few weeks? >> everybody wants to know what happened. i tell them the story. it gets really old. >> she's had her 15 minutes, she's ready for it to be over. >> we wish her the best of luck. >> sounds like a -- that's our show. thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time, everybody. -- captions by vitac --
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[ wheezing ] this may be my last chance to warn you... debi. about the dangers of smoking. gradually, tobacco took not just my health, [ inhales deeply ] think about what tobacco is taking from you. quit now, before it's too late. [ inhales ] [ coughs ]


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