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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  September 17, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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. good afternoon, new at noon, a tense situation at a home in concord came to an end with a suspect shot by police.
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police received a call just after 8:00 this morning about a man possibly armed at a driveway at a home near black field drive. when he arrived, the suspect said he was armed and suicidal. he refused to cooperate and that's when officers say they opened fire. >> the s.w.a.t. team was called in and when they were out, along with our patrol officers, the offender crawled out of the home and gave himself up in the front yard. >> authorities said he was conscious and speaking before taken to the hospital. they took him to a shelter in place before they arrived and that order was lifted just before 10:00 this morning. today is the first day of the occupied movement and there are plans to mark the occasion. tara moriarty joins us hive from san francisco to let us know if there is still a lot of energy behind this effort. >> protesters have not lost
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their fighting spirit. >> reporter: we are here from front of the veteran's war memorial and in a few moments we will hear from those who are afraid of losing their homes. schools, clothing these are all issues demonstrators will fight for until they see change. the financeers have completely ruined it for the american people and because we don't have billions of dollars to contribute to campaigns, our voices are not heard. >> reporter: well symbolically, some wonder if the message had any economic impact. wall street had one of its best years. now another protest for, foreclosures will be held in the castro district and at 3:00 they will march on to banks. there will also be a pg&e headquarters and stage a sit in
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to denounce the homeless sit- lie ordinance. now it is at 6:00 where folks will be holding a street festival and burning their debt papers and that's where they find the 99%. stevenson will have much more coming up on our news at 5:00 tonight, tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 morning news. thank you tara. and in new york city more than 100 protesters were arrested at the site of the first occupied wall street. they took to the streets around the financial district to mark the occupied anniversary. the demonstrations were mostly peaceful but did cause some traffic tie up. they are holding the first police academy in four years. they are expected to begin the program today and graduate in january. they will then join a department with the lowest
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staffing levels in a decade. the class of 55 recruits came from a pool of more than 100 people who took a written nest march. a few months ago it was unimaginable but it became a reality. playoff tickets went on sale to buy tickets for a potential wildcard game and american league division playoff game. the box office opened at 10:00 this morning and the ones now are one of the hottest teams in baseball. >> you will win this game for sure. >> all right. >> we will talk about the next series, one game at a time. >> dates and times of the games have not yet been set and they are not officially in the playoffs. right now they lead to trail the texas rangers by three games in the american league west and have six remaining against the rangers so anything
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could happen. and the giants could clench the national league title beginning today at at&t. they have been offering postseason tickets to season ticket holders and also say a limited amount will be held by the general public. first they are filling it out on the giant's website. coming up later, no joy among sharks' hockey fans. they are involved in a labor lock out and ahead in 10 minutes how the dispute could impact downtown businesses near the hp past have you beyond. and a -- hp pavilion. >> ann rubin joins us live to let us know how things are going at menlo park. good morning ann. >> reporter: well the damage is gone and so were the books and papers inside but school officials say not to worry, students will have everything
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they need to get through the semester. >> reporter: students were all smiles as they headed back to class. >> there is no school today. >> reporter: last week a fire destroyed the administration area and the third grade classroom. now students will be moved to the computer will be a instead. >> i think it will feel a little weird because i am used to being in a certain classroom. >> reporter: they made sure the damaged building was removed quickly and all evidence was washed away. despite what happens there will be room for everyone. >> reporter: over the last four days, there has been strategiesing and we have come up with a lot of solutions. >> reporter: many more have been dropping off donations to help replace some of the supplies that were lost. >> we have stranding parent support and the community has been awesome. >> they say they are eageto
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get back to class too but it's important to talk to students about what happened. >> just to let them know even though we have lost a lot, we still have each other and we are going to be all right. >> reporter: school officials are continuing to collect donations and while they had big plans for a construction project, they say the need for new buildings is urgent. live in menlo park, ktvu channel 2 morning news. and the wave of anti- american protests against an islamic video continues in the middle east, north africa and southeast asia. rioters attacked the american embassy in geneva and threw tear gas to keep protesters out of the building. protesters were the streets of
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beirut. they called on the hezbollah leader who made a rare appearance. the presidential campaign is in full swing this noontime. president barack obama is in cincinnati ohio where he announced the white house is aggressively going after unfair trade practices by china. president barack obama is demanding china's government stop subsidizing that which costs jobs. >> these are subsidies that directly harm working men and women on the assembly line in ohio and across the midwest. it is not right, it is against the rules and we will not let it stand. >> reporter: the obama administration plans to ask the world trade organization to take action against china for subsidies. and mitt romney fired back against the president's statements today and mitt romney issued a statement accusing mr. obama for ignoring
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china for too long. he called it too little too late for middle-class families and mitt romney promised he will work from his first day in office to compete in the global market. >> he got the feeling it was easier to find a pet, a lot of pet than it was to find a lot of human being. >> away area woman said he is looking for a missing loved one who was last seen on a train. and the bay area weather is about to change. steve paulson is about to tell you about a cool down coming. and how much is too much, you will hear what health experts are saying about children and salt.
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. a massive search is beginning for a retired san francisco firefighter who disappeared on a train ride from the bay area to the west. it started when the man boarded the train for chicago. charles dowd was on his way to montreal and was supposed to
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change trains he never made it. a conductor described him as disoriented. they described him as disoriented but they say the medications he is taking could make him confused. >> they just will not tell us but if he was confused, there must have been some way to monitor him a little bit better. >> dowd's daughter and son have organized a search for their father and police officers are investigating. now in an unrelated story they are investigating the discovery of a body on the train tracks. union pacific officials are investigating and it is unclear if the person was hit by the train. they stopped east of martinez while authorities investigated. they are one of the safest
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in the u.s. but now rising crime rate has many concerned and that's why they have dueling meetings. so far there have been 33 homicides this year in san jose. they will hold a crime prevention meeting tomorrow night and in a half hour they will hold a meeting about gang activity and police response time. and in an effort to curb bullying, they are screening the movie bully today. it is the first in a series for all 13,000 middle school and high school students. the district is working with the bully project in an effort to end bullying and ultimately end it in society. all will be required to watch this movie as well. and it may be tough to take a bus to fresno park. they are trying to improve tour
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bus safety and it led to the discovery of 6 65 tour bus violations. also two drivers were cited for licensing violations. heads-up if you are driving in san francisco any time soon. they will be closed for several days. howard between third and 4th streets will be shut down through saturday at noon because of the dream force conference and traffic will be detoured through the area. and our international airport opened this morning. it had been closed which included an extension and new lighting. some experienced flight delays because they cut the number of hourly arrivals in half. we just heard from fso, there are still one our delays for
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earlier dense clouds but things should be back on track this afternoon. the new area transit systems are among the least and cost effective in the nation. they compared 54 transit districts nationwide and san francisco was ranked second best because of bart which is considered to be cost efficient. however silicone valleys was ranked the least cost effective and they are explaining the results in a ktvu special report. >> unless you have the densities in place, these are not going to turn out to be really cost effective investments. she said her agency is planning for the future. they hope a new future will bring more passengers. a recent schedule change for the pg&e pipeline
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replacement project on the foot hill project in palo alto could affect the commute in that area. the commute is taking place weekdays along the pipeline between east campus drive and page mill road near stamford. this will greatly impact traveling northbound on the foot hill expressway and people can expect backup south of page mill road for the weeks ahead. it was too disturbing for stamford residents. and a new study finds kids are eating as much salt as adults. the study for disease control said kids are eating more salt than they should. 15% either had high blood pressure or slightly elevated blood pressure with you is attributed -- which is
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attributed to high salt intake. a new beer and wine will be on the menu at the new theme park in orlando florida. alcohol is served at some other disney parks but this is a first for disney world. the restaurant will open november 19th. san francisco could be taking a major step when it comes to clean energy. they are considering legislation to put $5.9 million towards the clean power fs f program. it is designed to provide renewable power for a free yum -- premium. if approved san francisco would be the second in the state to complete this type of program. well the calendar says it is the middle of september but the fog bank thinks it is july and we are finally starting reluctantly to head back to the coast. they are in areas that have
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been very, very warm lately and that's not the case. i have a pretty good fog bank and in fact it might increase over the next couple of days. it might develop to enhance it and hundred has given some warm conditions not the coast not the bay but inland temperatures will be cooling off and that is already indicated down 5 to 10 degrees for some. some 70s but only antioch and livermore has been really toasty. yesterday they were well below that and 60s and 50s he everywhere else. there is a lot of fog and i mean a lot of fog. 50s and 60s and southwest travis at 55. now 80s and even 80s out to the sacramento by tomorrow. the low is there and spinning not doing too much and this is all it needs to enhance it so fog is back to the coast and
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will be back tonight fast. fog for some a lot cooler for others no doubt about it there is a westerly breeze. west like and ukiah are cooler today and for some it will be another day of warm but not hot, hot. 60s by oakland and also berkeley and alameda. 70s in santa cruz and that's about the only one on the coast. everyone else 50s and 60s, a big stretch for the coast. and temperatures are only in the 70s. tuesday we level off and we might want it a little bit on the weekend and another low is settling in but it feels like fall out there. >> thank you, steve. space shuttle endeavor will head towards california after its departure from florida.
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it will leave tomorrow instead because of poor weather. they are expected to make low flyovers as well as for san francisco landmarks. it will eventually be displayed for los angeles. 3 astronauts are back on earth after their capsule landed safely. one astronaut and two russians touched down in a cloud of dust this morning. the crew spent 123 days in orbit above the international space station. ahead how the apple iphone sold and the first video of a baby at the national zoo. card hassles?
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introducing chase liquid. the reloadable card that's easy to activate and can be used right away. plus, you can load cash or checks at any chase depositfriendly atm and checks right from your smartphone. get rid of prepaid problems. get chase liquid.
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. i am not too surprised. on wall street, last week they hit the blue chip averages since before the financial crisis. the dow jones industrial average is currently down 3, nasdaq down 16 and s&p 500 down 6. among the stocks to watch, the most valuable company, apple. they are trading at 69 $7 due to record-breaking sales. preorders topped 2 million in just 24 hours and that's more than double the amount for phone orders. the company says the orders are
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greater than the initial supply and lists expect long lines when the phones hit stores this friday. they delayed the plan to create the world's largest digital library.$♪ they put off a final ruling as they consider class action status to a group of authors. it would be less expensive to try them all to they are asking for each copyrighted book google is using. the national hockey league lock out is now underway and no new talks are scheduled. it could last awhile. the players released a video blaming the owners for the labor dispute. they say they are working towards a deal which is fair for everyone involved. however with no hockey being played, it is sure to hurt on game days around the hp
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pavilion. >> it gets super busy and when they went into the finals we were like swamped in here, it was like packed. >> definitely for all the restaurants, infinity sushi, gip polely -- they are all going to feel it because this neighborhood during the middle of the week is dead. >> and they walk the star players there signing with hockey leagues with russia and europe during the lock out. in washington d.c., the giant panda has finally given birth to a cub from knife failed -- five failed pregnancies. she welcomed her cub and it was the product of artificial inn sent nation. she will check the cub after the mother has had time to bond with it and she will not eat or
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drink or come out of her den for at least a week. demonstrators are observing one year since the movement began. we will also explore how the protests have changed the country and how they have not. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 morning news. we'll see how the news breaks. we are here on and also on mobile
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