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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  September 18, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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. hi everybody, i'm beth troutman. it's "right this minute" time. great videos and the stories behind them, starting now. >> an early snowstorm leads to a frantic rescue. >> that's a sheep's head poking out. >> why this sheep isn't the only one who spent a week buried alive. what leaves black soot, white ash how one man stumble upon a
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rare phenomenon. >> everybody hates getting a ticket. >> i'm getting a ticket right now but as you can see five minutes left on the card. >> see the story behind the smart meter showdown. >> plus a feline with a fork fetish and a crocodile. >> what we know about iceland, it's cold, it snows a lot. they recently got hammered with the storm. it trapped thousands of sheep and buried many of them alive. in this video we're seeing a rescue from one of 300 iceland search and rescue workers who were sent to the scene after the storm calmed down. they were able to get four-wheel-drives, atvs and snow mobiles up to the area to try and pull the sheep from
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underneath the snow. they were buried in levels that were almost 10 feet. that's a sheep's head poking out and that sheep is still alive. some of these sheep were buried for almost a week. >> in that hole? >> yes. watch. these guys will pick away at the snow with shovels. as the video goes on, you'll see they were able to pull this sheep out of the huge amount of snow. it's alive, according to "the iceland review" the majority of the sheep dug from here are alive. thousands are still unaccounted f for. lambs born in the spring will chase them up the mountain. this snowstorm came out of no where. wool is a huge export as well as the meat for these sheep, so it was imperative for them to try and save as many as they could. >> they probably weren't shorn
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so they had all that wool to protect them. >> it's a fact that the icelandic sheep are tough. they're some of the most rugged animals in the world and the wool is very rough that it can protect them in extreme cold. >> how did they get oxygen that far down beneath the surface? i'm amazed they lasteas long as they did. you're about to see one of the world's rarest occurrences. we've got this story from 7 news in australia. and what you're looking at is a fire tornado. >> it's a brush fire that started or what happened first? the wind came first or the fire came first? >> in this case it was a brush fire that was already happening near alice springs, australia, and this column of warm, rising air created a fire tornado. >> so what's burning? is that debris? >> it's actually the fire being
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sucked up in a funnel. >> that freaks me out a little bit. >> something's wrong. >> it's right that it freaks you out because it doesn't happen very often. this happened to be caught on camera by a filmmaker who was in this location on a location scout for a movie. usually if these things do occur they last for two minutes. he got to witness this spec kal for nearly 40 minutes. and at its highest, this fire tornado stretched nearly 100 feet into the air. >> it looks like cgi, something you would see in some movie. everybody hates getting a parking ticket. this guy is getting a ticket after he appeared to still have time left on the meter, in hollywood. >> i'm getting a ticket right now. but as you can see, there's six minutes left -- five minutes left on the card. >> the guy shows him his id,
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gives him his number, this meter made -- >> is it possible that this guy put some extra change in before he started rolling the video to get some extra time. >> we wondered the same thing so we contacted l.a.'s department of transportation and they are investigating. these smart meters keep a record of everything so they'll know if somebody put in a quarter to extend the time. this guy said you can't put a nickel or dime and add five minutes. it only takes quarters or dollars. you can see on this ticket it says meter expired. >> meter expired. $63. >> i hope i'm not seeing a common practice where they say you're close enough, you're probably going to get the ticket and i'm standing here so stick the ticket on it. if that's what's going on, i would be furious. because if we don't follow those rules, it's making me just want to give up on everything.
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i mean. >> this video is a little graphic so be warned. the man you're seeing is a crocodile feeder. he is working with these crocks at an artificial lakes. and he's been feeding them for 30 years. there's many videos of this guy all over the internet and he did this type of thing often. in this particular video, he went down into the lake on request of some tourists that were taking video. and you can see him picking up the tails of these crocs. walking over this encloseyour pretty comfortably until. the robe seems to brush the crocodile which causes him to
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lung at the man, knocks him over, despite the man stabbing the croc twice with the ma shaty. he got pulled out into the water. >> these tourists asked him to go down there. can you imagine the weight on their conscience? he had done this for 30 years. >> the man was in his 60s. he was reported to be retiring soon. it's a presidential-inspired game. they take mario brothers and auto tuning put it together to help us understand. see which candidate comes out on top this time on "right this minute." and introducing the
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this video is guaranteed to make you feel good. somebody has a dash cam going in taiwan. but look over to the right in the crosswalk. but look what's happening. look at the lady on the motorbike. e gets offboth of them wearing and look what she does. >> he's got a cane. he's obviously not moving very fast. he needs some help. >> i think what a lesson she is teaching her daughter. >> the person did a beautiful thing by stopping because this person is also blocking the bike because it's also creating a path and making people slow down before they get to the crosswalk. so the person in the car is doing a great deed too. >> if you think that's a close call, watch this.
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it goes quick. >> oh, boy. can you believe this little boy runs across a hot track? the kid barely misses getting hit and you hear the brakes on the motorcycle lock up as it goes by. the kid had just crossed the white line and the motorcycle is right there. just a split second in either direction, that could have been tragic. >> i can see the parent after they see the kid doing that oh, my gosh, hitting him on the head wharks the heck do you think you're doing. >> the presidential elections are in full swing and the gregory brothers borrowed parts of the candidates from their respective conventions to put together this opinion piece for "the new york times." >> i accept your nomination for
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president of the united states. >> they take the mario brothers and auto tuning and put it together to help us understand to see who scored together. ♪ every parent should have a choice, to help create a better future ♪ >> this video makes these speeches watchable. >> you realize these two guys have speech writers that are trying to get across the same poi point. ♪ god bless the united states. god bless the american people.
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god bless neil armstrong ♪ >> that came out of no where. >> the great thing at the end was obama's expression when he learns he lost. you guys have to sharpen your pencils because you're going to want to add this to your christmas list that you send to santa. >> what? no way. this is the popinator. and it's put together by popcorn, indiana. as you can see it's a little device that reacts to the sound of your voice. all you have to do is say pop and it will shoot a piece of popcorn up to 15 feet in your direction. so it will sense around where i am around this thing, position itself just perfectly and throw me a piece of popcorn? love it. >> this is great for an office setting because you don't have to worry about your hands being clean. >> it's brilliant. it doesn't pop the popcorn from you. but you can get that from
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popcorn indiana. >> this is right up my alley. i love this for so many reasons. i think i was a dog in a former life. >> you have in fact caug food. >> i've eaten dog food on this set before. >> was it really a dog treat? >> i think steven has to put his money where his mouth is. >> let's do it. >> the popinator with steven. >> got to say pop, pop. this is a 5k race with 100k worth of inspiration. see what makes this fireman run next time on "right this minute." caught on a dolphin show in the open sea. >> stuff like this makes me think that dolphins are natural performance. >> see the dolphins and the
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story behind the video, next. >> a live tv report from the tennessee state fair and it's all about to go south. >> that is not where i thought that was going. >> see what happens when the lumb oñ
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. it's time once again for the best of rtm when we tell you about bonus videos you can find
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on our website. >> we're in the middle of football season. this guy wasn't so happy that the cowboys dropped the game. >> i feel for him. >> i have another parody. this time it's the cadets from the u.s. naval academy getting into the mix. ♪ >> to check it out head over to our website and click on. >> best of rtm. this is off the coast of northern california. >> there's a whole pod of dolphins. >> look at that. that's crazy. seeing stuff like this always makes me think dolphins are natural performers. >> and they have that ability to make you happy. >> to tell us about this whole big adventure, we have justin wells via skype.
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tell us how this went down. >> i was lucky to get to go offshore with some close friends. it's pretty typical to come across dolphin like this. and i'm such a huge fan of dolphin that i always make my friend slow the both down slightly. there's a certain speed that creates that bow wave and when you do, the dolphins come in and start to play in the wave. >> you got to touch one, though. >> yeah. this group hung in there i got on my chest and got my hand down and i was really loving how close my hand could be to the dolphin. but i never expected that that one dolphin would kind of por poise right there and allow me to kind of glance his fin with my hand. it surprised us both, i think. >> describe what that felt like. >> you know, it was just my
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fingertips touching his skin. it was kind of a rubbery feeling. but more powerful than that was just the connection that i felt in that moment. it was a thrill. >> how did you get the best seat on the boat? >> i was driving the boat until just before that and my one friend was up there taking some video. i wanted to get out there. i think it was just my enthusiasm that got me into that position. live, tv we love it because anything can happen. >> come on out to tennessee state here here at the tennessee state fair grounds in nashville. >> during a life shot for news channel 5 in nashville, we've got a live report ter on the scene of the tennessee state fair. >> this is the lumber jack show. >> that's bruce of the lumber
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jack show impressing us all with his skills. >> look at him smiling. i have a feeling he's got an idea of maybe getting some water out of that tank toward me. >> it turns out the joke is on bruce. >> oh! >> bruce! >> he lands where the old sun don't shine right there on the log. >> he landed on his log. >> at that point bruce doesn't care whatsoever about the camera, the live shot, anything. he just says you know what? i've had enough of this. i'm out of here. see ya. >> taking one for the team buddy. >> and then he gave this move. >> one more time. >> oh! >> we encourage everybody to come out we will esee hopefully bruce maybe after he recovers a little bit. back to you in the studio.
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you guys are familiar with the term couch surfing? >> yeah. going from people to people's apartment when you don't have anywhere to stay. >> this is the new zealand definition of couch surfing. tie a rope to an old couch, put your buddy on it, tie it to a truck and surf. >> it's a more literal translation of the phrase "couch surfing." >> it's not like they're in water. it seems like you would hit one rogue shell and go flying. >> it would be more fun in the summertime, a drink in your hand. >> i think this guy wants to give peace a chance. >> now that's some finger-licking food. oh, wait. that cat has got a fork.
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this is a finnish football player, by football i mean soccer. he just blind folded himself. >> it wasn't just his eyes. >> his nose, too. >> who cares about breathing. >> right. >> and then he makes a penalty kick, waits for the signal,
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kicks. and totally scores the penalty kick. >> and there was a goalie there, too. he takes out the goalie. impressive, i will say, when you're dealing with a kick. sometimes it's a 50/50 shot you just kind of pick a side and if you're the goalie, he just gets the side. but he was blindfolded and had to find the ball to kick it. >> what's up with the goalie? >> i think we're going to have to reexamine his contract because he barely moved. >> i like how he looked back at the camera like, i did it. last month it was bulls that caused destruction. now it's typhoon sanba. check out the video that someone got from a high rise in south korea. you can see the rough seas, the pier and the water getting
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dangerously close to the road. >> the person who captured this video said that's video one. check out video two, a little while later. >> wow. wow. it's washed over the barrier, it's washed across the street and now it is swamping this car. so far one person in south korea has died as a result of typhoon sanba. but thousands are without power in japan. then it moved into north korea and tens of thousands there are without power. some people have been left homeless because of this, and 300-plus flights were canceled as well as ferry service because of this typhoon. there's a reason why this video is called kitty eats with fork. look at that, there's a cat eating with a fork. >> this cat is named nyla. she seems to be enjoying this plate of mashed potatoes or egg salad. >> it turns out there's quite a
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few of these videos on the internet of cats eating with forks. >> but i don't think this cat is one of those, because we're not seeing the other side of that fork. some owner is trying to pull a fast one on us. you can't, because we are internet detectives. >> even if the owner is holding the fork, it's still darn cute. >> cute or cat torture. did they super glue the cat's paw to make the video. >> the cat's paw is in a different spot on a fork. >> i love the sound of a cat eating. >> the cat ate with the fork. thanks for joining us and
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