tv Right This Minute FOX September 26, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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>> cops violently take down two men and then take them to jail. >> but guards there said they need medical treatment. >> what cops are accused of doing instead is one shocking story. the video may look like a staged accident. >> you think that never happens. >> it most definitely did happen. it's hardly fun and games. and a man stuns perfect strangers with his mind reading ability. >> you spent 200 years on alcohol. >> now see the secret behind the secret keeper. >> wow. about 20 miles off the shore of bermuda, captain alan card and his son, big fish bermuda, a fishing team. they hook themselves a 7 foot tiger shark. alan's son ian has a go pro camera attached to a fishing
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rod. that's how we see this under the surface. that's the 7 foot tiger shark. the other thing is a 15-foot tiger shark. >> no. >> yes. >> no way. >> taking it down in one gulp. >> he sees the 7 foot shark on the line and he says i think i'll have a bite of that. >> he's a canable. >> in all your years of fishing, have you ever seen anything like this? >> i can't say i have. we were fishing for the shark. we hooked the small shark. big took central one in as far as dorsal fen. small on the line, big shark regurgitated, swarm away and came back at the fish the second time. at that point ian put another bait in the water, caught the big shark and took pictures of it and released it. the big one we estimated over 1,000 times.
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the small shark did not survive. >> while you were on this boat and saw this happening, did you have any idea what was going on beneath the second. >> saw the shark come there. at one point i saw the small shark disappear. joking around i said, looks like the big one tried to eat him. ian stuck the shark underwater and lo and behold the big one took the small one down. >> there's something special about the 15 foot shark. >> if you look dorsal fin you see a tag sticking up. it was tagged in bermuda four years ago. it transmits to a satellite and they are able to track the shark all over the ocean. that shark has been all over the caribbean, north of bermuda, way up north, almost off of new jersey and new england and way east. for whatever reason they keep coming back here. >> are sharks known to eat sharks? do all species of sharks eat each other? >> sharks will eat anything, anything at all.
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two brothers say that they were beaten by cops for no reason. our friends in seattle obtained a video of incident. this happened in a suburb of ru men on a bridge. >> it appears they had their hands up, too. >> yes. one of the brothers did have his hands up. that was charles chapel. his brother is the one that got pushed down to the ground first. >> i couldn't believe they started punching me. once i was on the ground, pinned to the ground by several people, i was getting hit in the face. >> why were they arrested in the first place? >> according to the police report, these offices were responding to a call of some violence and fighting at a nearby mall. as they were responding to the call they saw the two brothers walking down the street. according to the police report these brothers were intoxicated,
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combative and refusing orders. you can see him being led to the officer's car. his face is clearly bloody. >> i was trying to make sure i stay alive because i really was feeling like i was about to die. i couldn't breathe at all? >> they were arrested for obstruction of justice and resisting arrest. when they were taken to the corrections facility, guards there said, hey, we're not taking these guys right now. they need medical treatment. now, according to the police report, the brothers received medical treatment at highline hospital. but according to the two brothers, they did not. they say these police officers took them to the garage and cleaned their faces. >> the police officer was holding my eyelid open while another police officer, i was screaming at him, was spraying water in my face. >> then drove them around town with the windows down. >> i think they were trying to make the swelling in our faces go down. >> the brothers filed a
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complaint against the police department. according to reports are considering suing the police department. >> i do deserve for the truth to come out. >> it is important to know the charges related to this case against jammez were released by a judge recently. dash-cam video caught an accident that is going to shock you. this one happens at this intersection here when cars are pulled over. when these two cars finally see a chance to go, they do. that truck was coming at a very fast speed, too fast for that turn, obviously. it ended up overturning. all the logs it was carrying went over the road. the car didn't stand a chance. >> it was a wave of logs that carried that car like 10 feet. >> that station wagon making a left-hand turn barely managed to
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miss the log. >> they don't go on the green. they go on the red. >> some reports say it was installed two weeks ago so people are not necessarily paying attention. we see aftermath of the accident, that's the car that was hit by the logs. the truck itself is wrapped around the post. reportedly the truckdriver survived the accident. >> that car got less damage to it than you would think getting hit by all that wood. >> this accident did end up causing a traffic jam for about five hours that day. >> feels like a rest area at a loss right there. don't both tore pick them up. >> a lot of people want to cross the sea in a boat by swimmi-- b swimming, some other challenge. this guy wants to do it like a
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human hamster. this is chris todd, he wants to take this. it will raise money for two charities, wilshire blind association. the other one we're familiar with on "right this minute." rnli, the people who do brave water rescues. >> i hope rli are on hand when he tries to go across the ocean. >> he says there will be a boat on hand because he won't be in the right mind to make sure he's going in the right direction, make the calculations, which i understand. he estimates it will take between 40 and 48 hours. he's making eight hour practices and expects to have 40,000 calories. >> is that the contraption he'll take at sea? >> i was going to call him crazy
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but looks viable. >> looks like fun, like churning butter or ice cream or something. it would be like that. >> oh, yeah. >> when have you ever churned butter. >> i used to do it all the time at my grandma's house. >> the thing is he doesn't know exactly when he's going to do this. he said the weather has been freaky this year. has he to make sure the weather is perfect to take off and do this because he's going to be out there for quite sometime. sounds like tiger dinnertime. >> so scary. i would just hurry up and feed him. >> see what it takes to fill him up. >> the overly attached girlfriend, everything you don't want her to be. >> immediatelyñv
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feed them. they will bark or meow. hikers do the same thing. listen. >> sounds like one of those horns they blow at soccer games. >> so scary. i would just hurry up and feed them. >> throw them a goat or sheep. >> they feed them all right. watch how much it takes to feed them. there's some more and some more. they unload like a bucket of meat. >> it makes sense. you think about tigers in the wild, they kill a gazelle and ate a gazelle in a setting. >> here they are just getting food tossed at them. they don't even have to work for it. the team is feeding a group of bengal tigers in africa. rest in peace, bobby. i don't know if that deerish looking animal was maybe part of the farm at some point. bobby is continuing the circle of life at this tiger farm.
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>> hate to see you go out like this, bobby. >> one moment of silence for bobby. >> maybe he passed away naturally and they threw his carcass over the fence. >> hopefully they didn't know bobby before because that would be awkward. going to take you to brussels belgium where a man named dave is about to really surprise some folks with his mind reading ability. she has butterfly tattoo. >> tramp stamp of you can say it. >> just went like this. [ speaking foreign language ] >> the woman says, wow, not a lot people know that. how do you know this? that's why we don't see her face. >> he can't look under her shirt
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for a torn muscle, steven. it's about to get more amazing. [ speaking foreign language ] >> i am not amazed. is this like some kind of viral ad for id theft or something? >> you are a genius, nick. >> wow, that's freaky right there. >> he's doing it with a team of people who are searching for people by name online. >> they are able to get all that information that quickly. it's feeding to him in his ear. and they are in black hoods. that's scarier. >> a promotion for safe internet >> like so many people anthony was struggling for money, so he and his buddies came up with an idea for him to score $40.
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can you tell what anthony just picked up? >> cigarette butt? garbage, bird turd. >> is he going to eat dooky for money? >> he's going to eat a dead frog. >> people eat frog legs. >> how long has this been dead? rig or mortes set in. >> he has to eat the frog, at some point drink beer, but hold it in for three minutes. >> he can't eat it and make himself puke. >> see, able to keep it together. >> so does beth surprisingly, keeping it together. >> don't they say if you lick a frog you get high and start tripping. >> 30 seconds left. >> is he going to make it? >> for the sake of the show, i hope he pukes. >> he made the time, they
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promised him $40. >> now he's going to puke. >> to see the video head over to he's a race car driver. she's married to him. and they are going for a drive. >> his wife just wanted to see what my husband does in a day. >> i see love in the fast lane on "right this minute." take a look at this thing. >> it's called the cone crust pizza and it's full of not your usual pizza stuff. >> you just whip it up and indulge. >> see why this pizza is not easy to come by next. unless we send more tax dollars to sacramento,
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9:47 am ...kept sending me coupons for cat food. i'm just not a coupon clipper. i buy what i want to buy. can i get a reward for that? [ frank ] introducing something extra from raley's, bel air, and nob hill. you get something extra rewards... ...for the way i shop... for buying the things i like. instant offers, points balance, right here on my smart phone. [ frank ] join today at raley's dotcom,
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or at your store. rewards you... for being you. [ frank ] raley's, bel air, and nob hill. for food, for family, and now, something extra -- for you. . is your husband a good driver? >> yes. >> he is? >> yes. >> you don't get fearful. >> no. >> this woman does. she takes a ride with her husband augusto. he's a brazilian race car driver. >> well, yeah. >> his cute little wife joins him for a drive around the northern loop in germany, a very famous race car track. the interaction between these two is hysterical. he thinks he's going slow, she's terrified because he's going too fast. [ speaking foreign language ]
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rainfall at one point he gets her up to 168 miles an hour on the straightaway. pretty quick. she freaks out about that. the whole course is 12, 13 miles. it's a long track. she endures it, eventually slowing down. >> has to be fun for the husband. the cat. [ laughter ] >> now, i know we're across the table guys versus girls style but i have to admit this situation is scary for both sexes. >> i'm telling you, she's completely psycho. >> she's enemy house. >> this video is entitled with
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overly attached girlfriend. >> hi, leah. >> hi. >> i thought we were going to meet at starbucks. >> i thought it would be better if we just went together. >> it's not the fact she's there, it's that she's going -- >> she looks very familiar. >> she is the overly attached girlfriend internet mean, became super famous on the video after her jb fan video came out to the tune of justin bieber phone. >> if i was your girlfriend i wouldn't call it jealous watching out for read all your texts watching everything you do. >> 12 million hits. watch hour scary it gets. >> i think you're confused about what's going on here. we've only been on one date. >> yeah. and you're everything i ever dreamed of. >> you always dreamed of hooking up in the bathroom. >> only with you, babe. >> i'm freaked out. she does creepy really good.
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>> leah, look -- >> i just want to live in your socks so i can be with you every step of the way. >> great line. >> that's what i would say if i wanted him not to ask me out again. >> i love you, jay, and you're going to love me, too. >> to see the entire video, head to the our website. [ laughter ] >> not your ordinary day on the beach. >> what are we looking at? what? the bird wars 2.0 next on "right
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this is in sweden outside of a meat farm. some protesters were there. so the protesters have their signs, they have the bullhorn and they are standing there on the side of the road. the farmer comes out. >> whoa. >> trying to run people over. >> are they on his property? >> that's what i'm trying to figure out if they are on a public area or that's his farm. do you scare somebody like that or call the police. >> remove them. >> definitely call police and say we noticed to have them removed. you don't try to run over someone and cause them physical harm. >> now he's on video looking aggressive, attempting to hurt
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somebody. >> this video is posted by animal rights alliance. i guess they are trying to make this farmer look bad. >> people have the right to protest. people have the right to say get off my property but no one has the right to try to run people over. >> i am going to make your mouth water with this creation from pizza hut in the middle east. it's called the cone crust pizza. this is basically a pizza with a crust made out of several different cone-like crust pieces filled with yumminess. >> filled with luscious cream cheese and honey mustard coated chicken. >> it's like a pizza with an egg roll crust with different themes inside of the yumminess. >> some are like deserts. cream cheese in there like a desert, right? like sweet cream cheese? >> i think it looks delicious and i would be so down for it.
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>> i would be so full after eating the crust cone i wouldn't want to eat the pizza anymore. >> who cares about the pizza, i just want to eat all the different crusts. >> this is just in the middle east? is this coming to america? >> i hate to break your heart but only available in the middle east. >> that's it. come on. this video is called bird wars 2.0. do you want to say it for me, steven. >> bird wars 2.0. >> this was shot by a guy named dylan in newport beach, california. so this is just getting you into bird wars. dylan is kind of easing us into what the war between birds actually looks like.
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this was obviously set up. dylan attached a camera to a 10-inch pvc pipe. there's also pizza. he even does another shot where he lays the camera down in the sand and then he pours what looks like a whole bag of chips right around the camera. >> they love chips, man. >> they will steal your chips if you're eating themn the beach. watch this. >> that sounds horrible. >> say it again. >> bird wars. that's it for our show. we'll see you tomorrow, everybody. have a great rest of your day.
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