tv KTVU News at 730pm FOX October 29, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT
7:30 pm
what's going on? (laughs) it's-it's not what it looks like. what does it look like? it's not what it looks like. it's not what it looks like. what are you grinding about? penny's brain teaser this morning. she and koothrappali emerge from your bedroom. she is disheveled, and raj is dressed only in a sheet. the sole clue: "it's not what it looks like."
7:31 pm
just let it go, sheldon. if i could, i would, but i can't, so i shan't. now, knowing penny, the obvious answer is, they engaged in coitus. but... since that's what it looked like, we can rule that out. let's put on our thinking cap, shall we? raj is from india, a tropical country. third world hygiene. parasitic infections are common, such as pinworms. mm-hmm. the procedure for diagnosing pinworms is to wait until the subject is asleep, and the worms crawl out of the rectum for air. yes, just like that. penny could have been inspecting raj's anal region for parasites. oh, boy.
7:32 pm
that's a true blue friend. they slept together, sherlock. no, you weren't listening. she said it's not what it looks like. she lied. oh. don't i look silly sitting here wearing this? ♪ our whole universe was in a hot, dense state ♪ ♪ then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... wait! ♪ ♪ the earth began to cool ♪ the autotrophs began to drool, neanderthals developed tools ♪ ♪ we built the wall ♪ we built the pyramids ♪ ♪ math, science, history, unraveling the mystery ♪ ♪ that all started with a big bang ♪ ♪ bang! ♪ ♪ ♪ are you all ready,
7:33 pm
♪ are you ready, get set, ♪ are you ready? ♪ are you all ready, ♪ are you ready, get set... woof, woof, woof. the holidays are coming... and they're going to be big. get an extra 5% off our every day low prices, and free shipping with your redcard. plus our new holiday price match. when it comes to home insurance, surprises can be a little scary. and a little costly. that's why the best agents present their clients with a lot of options. because when it comes to what's covered and what's not, nobody likes surprises. [ click ] [ chuckles ] we totally thought -- [ all scream ] obscure space junk falling from the sky? we cover that. moving on. aah, aah, aah, aah. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ hey. hey. hey.
7:34 pm
hey. leonard, is it awkward for you knowing that one of your dear friends had sexual intercourse with a woman you used to love in the very place you lay your head? no, i'm fine with it. that sounds like sarcasm, but i'm going to disregard it, because i have an agenda: paintball. specifically, the interdepartmental tournament this weekend. in order to function better as a fighting unit, i thought we should establish a chain of command. now, it goes without saying that i would outrank the three of you, but the question remains, by how much? now, i don't see me as some four-star general, back at hq riding a desk and playing golf with the secretary of defense. but i also can't be sergeant cooper because that might lead you to think of me as just a regular joe. this might take some thought. as you were. what the hell is wrong with you? yeah, how could you do that?
7:35 pm
what is it to you? i got his back. yeah, right. you're just jealous because it turns out i'm penny's #2 choice after leonard. hey, if i wasn't engaged to bernadette, that totally could have been me. please. sheldon would have been before you, and he might not even have genitals! why do you care so much? you're dating my sister, and penny and i are in love. what?! what?! gentlemen, if i may interject, i've decided my rank will be captain. if it's good enough for kirk, crunch, and kangaroo, it's good enough for me. you're not in love with penny. yes, i am. the god kamadeva has shot us with his flowery arrows of love. who? he's the hindu version of cupid, but way better, because he rides a giant parrot. raj, come on. you fall in love with any girl who smiles at you. a month ago, you were writing poems about his fiancée. i'm sorry. what? rubbish. he's talking rubbish.
7:36 pm
"oh, bernadette, please play my clarinet." that could have been about anyone. besides, you have nothing to worry about, because now i'm the dusky half of koothrapenny. for the record, i do have genitals. they're functional and aesthetically pleasing. (groans) well. (knocking) oh. coming. yup, that's good. wine glasses should have handles. keeping accurate track of your alcohol intake. smart idea considering how trampy you get when you've had a few. you heard what i did? well, i heard who you did. (grunts) oh, my god, i screwed up everything.
7:37 pm
i hurt leonard. i hurt raj. i mean, what is wrong with me? i feel like two totally different people-- dr. jekyll and mrs. whore. don't be so hard on yourself. do you know the story of catherine the great? no. she ruled russia in the late 1700s, and one night, when she was feeling particularly randy, she used an intricate system of pulleys to have intimate relations with a horse. i'm... i'm sorry. what does this have to do with me? she engaged in interspecies hanky-panky, and people still call her "great." i'm sure your reputation can survive you shagging a little indian boy. (knocking) (sighs) you jerk face! what did you tell howard?! did you say there was something going on between us? because he thinks there is! he's completely freaking out! please, come in.
7:38 pm
what the hell is wrong with you?! well... you were always so nice to me, i thought maybe you liked me. i'm nice to everyone! i'm sorry. damn right, you're sorry! and you tell howard there's never been anything between us! i will. hey, bernadette? what?! do you think i have a shot with penny? of course you do. you're a cutie pie! any girl would be lucky to have you! you know, i've done this before. in kindergarten, i was supposed to marry jason sorensen at recess, but by the time my class got out there, he was already engaged to chelsea himmelfarb. so what did i do? hung upside down from the monkey bars, let all the boys see my underpants. you can't blame yourself. when your prefrontal cortex fails to make you happy, promiscuity rewards you with the needed flood of dopamine. we neurobiologists refer to this as the "skank reflex."
7:39 pm
you know what? let's get out of here. where are we going? somewhere where no one's seen me naked. we may have to drive a while. (clears throat) can i stay at your place for a few nights? really? a best friend sleepover? yay. yeah, sure. yay! we'll make popcorn, stay up all night and i'll teach you my secret language, op. sounds great. nope. sounds "gop rop e a top." yeah, i'm gonna go pack a bag. no, you're not. you're gonna "pop a cop kop a bop a gop." do we really have to wear this camouflage crap to play paintball? who said that? leonard, i can hear your voice, but i can't see you. i'm not in the mood, sheldon.
7:40 pm
oh, there you are! leonard, i know you're upset about recent events, and i have someone here to help. i don't want to talk to amy. no, it's not amy. hello, dear. you called my mother? oh, leonard, is it really necessary to caption the obvious? he's been like that since he was a toddler. "look, mommy-- a butterfly." maddening. what's going on? what do you want? sheldon informed me that you're experiencing an emotional upheaval, and i'm here to help. that's so nice. and we're back to the obvious. now, what's up? well, uh... okay. um... i don't want to get back together with penny. we tried it; it was crazy; it didn't work, but i can't deal with the fact that she slept with my friend raj. and then i find out that raj's sister priya,
7:41 pm
who i've been going out with for eight months, is moving back to india. so i'm just completely confused and alone. i understand. got any advice? yes. buck up. excuse me. you're a world-renowned expert in parenting and child development, and all you've got is "buck up"? sorry. buck up, sissypants. thanks, mother. i feel much better. if you need any more help from me, my books are available on amazon. logging off.
7:45 pm
%blñwó and other consideration for the big bang theory provided by: with bacon and i portabella mushrooms. have you had lunch yet? with bacon and i portabelnope.shrooms. that's the power of wendy's new hot and melty bacon portabella melt. now that's better. ...ninety-nine, one hundred. it's like a waterfall of liquid gold. my turn. (sighs) you know, i don't even know what the point
7:46 pm
of me staying in l.a. is. i haven't gotten a single acting job since i moved out here. the closest i came was last month: i got a callback for a hemorrhoid commercial. oh, i could so see you being the face of hemorrhoids. i know, right? (sighs) maybe i should just move back to nebraska. no, i can't let you do that. why not? (knocking) for the first time ever, i have a thriving social life. and no pressure, but it kind of lives and dies with you. hi, amy. can i talk to penny? a guest in my trundle bed and a boy at my door? i wish i could tell 13-year-old me "it does get better." how did you know i was here? it's all over her facebook page. i'll take your stuff to the bedroom and clear out a drawer. thanks. no problem. try and keep it in your pants, okay? so, hi.
7:47 pm
what's up? i was wondering if you're free friday. they're having a totally '80s night at the greek. hall & oates, katrina and the waves and three-fifths of kajagoogoo. (chuckles): oh. gee, that's really sweet, but the thing is... aw, there's a thing. look, honey, i was really drunk and made a huge mistake last night. we should've never slept together. it's what ruins friendships. you can't ruin a friendship with sex. that's like trying to ruin ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. come here. just listen to me. i want to go back to the way we were before. you know, friends. no sprinkles. oh. all right. thank you. (sighs) well, uh... (clears throat) as your friend, you might like to know that, um...
7:48 pm
we didn't have sex in the conventional sense. oh, god. did you pull some weird indian crap on me? no, no. after we got undressed and jumped in bed, you-you asked if i had protection. oh, you did, didn't you? of course. i'm always packing. anyway, um, i had trouble putting it on and you tried to help and... that was all she wrote. so, we didn't actually... i did. it was beautiful. oh! please, please promise me you won't tell anybody about this. of course i won't. no, i won't.
7:49 pm
oh, good. (exhales) and, um, can i tell people that our love burned too bright and too quickly? kind of a "candle in the wind" deal? sure. cool. can i say it fell apart because you were all, "i want to have your babies," and i was like, "i'm too rock and roll to be tied down"? no. can i say i ruined you for white men? also no. okay, just the candle thing. yeah. cool. all right... friend. hmm. i'll see you around. okay. raj, wait. thank you for being my friend. penny? mm-hmm? it's getting beautiful again. all right, this is a google earth view of the field of battle.
7:50 pm
i don't see anything. give it a second to load. whenever you're ready, at&t! okay, here we go. this is us here. to the south is professor loomis and the geology department. according to their twitter feed, they're out of sunblock, which means they'll have to hug the tree line or risk melanoma. that's our edge. all we have to do is move quickly over this ridge, the rock-worshipping pasty-faced bastards won't know what hit them! all right, let's move out. hang on, sheldon. how could you not tell me your sister was moving back to india? maybe he was too busy writing clumsy penis metaphors about my fiancée. screw you. that was a beautifully written penis metaphor. you know what, guys, i'm not in the mood for paintball. what do you say we just bag it? fine with me. sure, whatever. you can't quit. that's a court- martial offense. that's punishable by... you can't quit.
7:51 pm
sorry, sheldon, it's just not a good time for playing games. this is a game to you? uh, was the battle of antietam a game? huh? was the sack of rome a game? yes, no, and no. wait. i just want you all to know that i forgive you. this mutiny isn't your fault. it's mine. i haven't earned these bars. although what i lack in leadership, apparently i more than make up for in sewing. let it go, sheldon. i'll get you a jamba juice on the way home. no. jamba juice is for heroes. and that's what we're going to be. what are you doing? following in the footsteps of kirk, crunch, and kangaroo.
7:52 pm
(people shouting in distance) geology isn't a real science! (paintball guns popping) (popping ceases) damn those sons of bitches! let's get 'em! eat paint! (yelling) if there's ever a church of sheldon, this will be when it started. (paintball guns popping) ow! i'd like to propose a toast to the man whose noble sacrifice inspired our victory:
7:53 pm
captain sheldon cooper. hear, hear. hear, hear. excuse me. it's major sheldon cooper. with my last breath, i awarded myself a battlefield promotion. it's kind of a big deal. (knocking) hi. you guys have a minute? uh, yeah, sure. okay. um... (clears throat) well, i already talked to raj, but i wanted to apologize to the rest of you for, you know, everything. please, penny, let me. (clears throat) we've decided to let our crazy, wonderful night together be just one of those memories you have and can call to mind when you're feeling blue or you're in the shower. hey, what you doing, quick draw? sorry. go on.
7:54 pm
(clears throat) anyways, i wanted you guys all to know that i've been taking a really hard look at things and come to the conclusion i have to stop kidding myself. i suck at acting. it's time for me to move back to nebraska. you're leaving? yeah. what are you going to do in nebraska? i don't know, maybe teach acting. (cell phone ringing) oh, sorry. hold on. hello? penny, listen, i hope you're not doing this 'cause of you and me, because i have a girlfriend, and you're a single woman... shh! it's my agent. it's my agent. you're kidding. oh, my gosh. i can't believe it! really?! oh, i'm so excited! thank you so much. okay, bye. i got the hemorrhoid commercial! i start monday! what about nebraska? oh, hell with nebraska. i'm gonna be a star! (door closes) have you ever thought of teaching physics?
7:57 pm
i don't think so, mom. not today. oh, sweetie. hemorrhoids acting up again? you don't know the half of it. oh, yes, i do. try a dab of this. "rose-scented preparation-h for women?" now, the "h" is for "her." i'm proud of you. shh! here comes my joke. how you doing? sittin' pretty. captioning sponsored by cbs and warner bros. television captioned by media access group at wgbh
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