tv Right This Minute FOX November 12, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PST
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from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's a brand new week and time for brand new videos, "right this minute." it take as village to rescue a baby from a deep latrine. >> one police officer is going to crawl inside. >> see what it takes to pull out a little miracle. a baltimore student is accused of -- >> bullying a substitute teacher. [ laughter ] >> what had the substitute cowering in a corner.
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this man says he trusts this bear, not to hurt him. >> how do you know the bear trusts you? >> find out what's in the bag to bring the bear this close. plus, the monday buzzword for your chance at a new ipad, and move over rebecca black, this is the newest hitmaker. >> uh-oh. >> the tween behind the tune, just in time for turkey day. ♪ it's thanksgiving all of these people are in the booty, that's in u gaunld da, and they're all crowding around a pit latrine. it seems somebody heard a noise in there and thought, that may be a baby. so police start executing a rescue. ntv u gaunganda picked up the s >> digging a whole into the side of this thing. one police officer is going to crawl inside. >> where he's crawling is there
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human extrament? >> yes, it's a latrine. >> but look what they pull out. >> no! >> as you can see, they say the baby is dusty, but for all intents and purposes, the baby was in pretty good conditions. >> this resident couldn't believe a person would abandon their child. [ speaking in foreign language ]. >> i've got to say, fortunately it also looked like the baby was dry. not -- i was worried -- it's a latrine. i thought the baby would be covered in, you know what? >> they had somebody there from the hospital to clean the baby up immediately. now they are trying to find this baby's mother, and the baby's believed to be about a month old. >> there are so many people hoop would love to have a child, and then some woman leaves this child in the toilet. >> you never know the circumstances of the mother. you know. did she have this child by accident? is that frowned uponen in her society? you know, maybe she was fearing for her own life. you never know.
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i want you guys to take a look at this video that showcases that bullying isn't something that's just happening to young people. >> go away. go away. >> this is a video shot inside a high school in federal hill in maryland, and it's being shot by a student in a classroom, and according to reports, what's going on here is -- is the student bullying a substitute teacher. nld nd [ inaudible ]. >> and the teacher is this woman in glasses here at the front of the room, and the person who looked like she bullying the substitute teacher is this girl here in the blue shirt pup see her flicking the teacher's head. >> you know how hard subs have it. you know? they come in, have no control over are the class. the kids think it's a free day to do whatever they want. it's a tough gig. >> more than that, the people behind the camera, you hear them almost egging this girl on, because they're laughing and
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seeming to be entertained. [ laughter ] >> they think it's funny now. years later they're going to realize how incense stiv this was. >> teachers unions are saying this happening more often than we think that it does and they hope teachers in this situation will report these incidents to administrators but also to police so that the right steps can be taken. this particular substitute teacher did end up reporting this to the administration. wmar is reporting that the school administration said that two days after the incident, there was an investigation, and that at least one student in the video was disciplined. [ laughter ] a couple of videos that caught people being naughty, and by naughty i mean doing really bad stuff. this is at a pawn shop in pompano beach, florida, and you see a couple of people walking in through the front door, and then look at what this guy pulls from under that jacket, or
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whatever it is that he's carrying. a big old rifle. >> ah! >> wow. that's like an assault rifle. >> oh, gosh. >> and he starts pointing it at people telling them to, of course, get on the floor. and you do see people immediately go to the floor. their hands go up. he and another guy ended up robbing this place, and they did take personal items that belonged to the people that were there shopping. police are still looking for them. hopefully somebody recognizes them. they are believed to be around 25 years old. they were pointing their gun directly at the customer. one of them was pregnant and one of t of the them believed to be an infant. >> you're kidding me? >> no customers or employees hurt. >> what a scumbag. this second story, at a gas station in south carolina. the clerk has the hood up. in a struggle to not let them take the money, the clerk ends up getting bitten, and can you hear him -- >> he bit his hand?
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>> he bit his hand. this actually happened back in august. the robber ended up leaving with no money, but it turns up after the man was identified he was arrested at his son's football game, and is now going to have to be paying for this incident, even though he didn't steal anything, he did bite the clerk. >> the best thing about this story, he got arrested at his son's game. like, poor kid. >> yeah. it's nday,everyby,i away an 3. we had a little problem with friday's giveaway in some cities. so we're tacking on an extra day to our giveaway. >> yep. adding an extra day and another ipad. we'll be doing this thing all the way through thanksgiving day. >> we're showing a little extra love, right, steven? >> right. in a bit, telling you monday's buzzword and how to enter. >> remember, you have to be 18 years or older to enter our giveaway. >> stand by for monday's buzzword and good luck, everybody. ladies, take you on a little visual tour of this bridge.
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translation, the old bridge in bosnia herzegovina. the thing was built in the early 16th century. the bridge you're seeing is not the original. it stood for 427 year, stood through world war i, through world war ii, but in 1993, destroyed in the croat/bosnia war. gunshots, you can see the town was torn apart, including this bridge, but they rebuilt it and's in 2004 it was reopened. huge his tore irk many significance in that city, because as a rite of passage, young men jump off this bridge. it's a tradition. in 1968 they create add formal competition for these divers, but check them out. >> oh, wow! i'm assuming the water is deep? >> it is deep, very cold. you can see how beautiful the re-creation of the bridge is and how beautiful this competition is, and the city around it, to withstand all this turmoil. >> this isn't your normal, like,
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guys jumping off the bridge with gopro cameras. these are olympic-style divers. >> nor is it your typical rite of passage ceremony either. >> i thought it was pretty. the city and what it's been through in it's history. it's the men of journalism calendar. >> photos to love and enjoy. >> a little bit of a turn of the table there's. >> but the question is, when will these men be revealed? find out when you can enjoy a little eye candy. and what the heck are these guys doing? >> hey orange pants, get back there and carry these
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journalism that guys like to check out. i'm glad to see now the men standing up putting their faces on the forefront. >> the men selected for this calendar were selected because of their work ethic and their commitment and devotion to their careers as journalists. you're not going to see any skin. i'm a little disappointed about that. >> any pictures of the microphone standing in ankle-deep water, covering a flood? >> setting up your own camera? >> we can find out because via skype "right this minute" we have the president of the society for professional journal i689s. where did the idea come from to make a calendar with your boys? >> the walter cronkite school of journalism in mass communication is predominantly female. looking at that, how can we have a good, successful fund rai-rai we said, we can make a calendar
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pap great hit with everyone at the school. >> my understanding is that one joey post who happens to be right there -- >> no way! >> part of this calendar. is that true? >> joey post is a huge supporter of the calendar. he's been vital to our operations. >> what month is joey post? joey post has a month? >> a month in our hearts. >> ah! >> not actually going to be featured in the calendar? >> not yet. >> when will these men be revealed? >> the calendar will be available on november 30th at our launch party, and at that point, everyone will be revealed, and you can see exactly who's in the calendar. >> i'm buying a calendar, and i'm gluing joey post's face on every month! mr. january, mr. february. mr. march. >> we got your back. >> yeah, we do. >> we gotcha. check this out. the people brought some, maybe
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some irrigation tubes or drainage piping. couldn't quite fit in the van. so they said, they, orange pants, get back there and carry these things as we drive along. >> oh, my gosh. >> of course, the people filming this think it's hilarious. i just wonder, like, how do you get picked for this job? like, how do you get picked t the driver andgas to run behin van? >> he got picked because of the color of his pants. they're reflective. it's a safety thing. >> of course, they pick the wettest day of the year to do this! >> yep. that's got to be a workout, too. those got to be heavy. and he's got to the keep up with the car. this one's for all the moms out there. when the little guys get caught inside snowstorms or stuff like that, how about some origami. this is "star war" agami. >> that is all kinds of cool.
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>> super interesting. the video is 15 minutes long, but you really got to the commit to it. talk about having your kids get occupied for a while. set them down in front of the computer, put on the tutorial, a couple pieces of paper. make figures. >> taking you through the tutorial, video and different designs and uploaded the diagram. >> what's really interesting from these videos, they show you elaborate origami designs. when you look at the graph paper they first sketch it on, you're like, what kind of building is that? then you realize it's origami and how many lines go into and it how you fold it, unfold it, refold it. it's amazing. >> looks like fun. save your money on toys, and keep your kids occupied. >> you've got to do something to tell "star wars," until that episode comes out. >> see the entire tutorial and other tips go to and click on best of "rtm." look what i got. >> ah! >> what the heck -- >> my first thought was, who did
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i make mad? >> why are these on our table? >> see what gayle got in the mail on the next "right this minute." and still to come, we're marking veterans day with a video that shows you a first person view of the marine corps obstacle course. >> seen it two seconds. it already looks too hard. >> see the video that puts you in their boots on "right this minute." and another day, another ipad to give away. we'll reveal monday's buzzword
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this bear's name is faith, and dr. lynn rogers is going to check on her to get her vital statistics, because this is faith's first time hibernating in a den on her own. she's a yearling. so instead of tranquilizing her, this group,, uses trust to try to get to know these bears and study their behavior. and so he has a bag of pecans, just to tempt her, get to the know her. >> i understand if you trust the bear, but how do you know the bear trusts you? this guy's nuts! >> yeah. and he's got a bag of them, too. >> yeah. who knew pecans are the keys to a bear's heart? >> i don't like this, because it seems the bears are not afraid of humans. so they'll approach other humans who may not be as nice as this doctor. bears are supposed to fear you. i respect what they're doing, take carrick of the animals, but
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it's a wild animal and you never know what this thing's going to do. >> well, you know, he's been doing this for a number of years. he just takes out his stethoscope and starts petting her. >> now just going to give the bear a couple snacks and that's supposed to esage yate her enough and -- >> yeah. this is a full-grown bear. i'm thinking their contact will change one its full grown. i wouldn't go hang around it. definitely a cute little lady. >> i'm jealous of this guy who gets to go and hang out with the bears. i have a video that's just going to showcase what bad flama jamas or military people are. this video from marines tv. the official united states marine corps. what we're seeing here is a first-person view of the marine corps obstacle course being run by a staff sergeant. >> we've seen it two seconds. it already looks too hard.
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>> that looks like a nut buster right there. flip on one of those poles. i want to know how far could either one of us make it through? >> very not far. >> i'd say maybe the first obstacle. >> is this part of basic training? kind of, one of the ways that they wd you out? >> oh, boy. >> tat'sth buster. >> they're wet. how do you balance on that thing? >> in one little moment after one obstacle we actually see the staff sergeant, the gopro camera goes down. we see what this guy looks like. it's awesome. >> the intensity in his face. then climb a rope. if you put the rope at the beginning, when you have all your strength -- >> takes the challenge out of it. >> exactly. >> you never know when the rope of life might drop in front of you. >> exactly right. >> thumbs up to this guy, thumbs up to everyone who had to go through this and for those overseas -- we got big news about the "right this minute" ipad giveaway. right, steven? >> right. a little tech problem with the friday show.
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not everybody saw it. so we're adding another day and another ipad to the giveaway. >> now through thanksgiving day. remember, you have to be 18 years or older to enter our giveaway. >> and, of course, you are need the buzzword. >> you enter on our facebook page. using a mobile phone or tablet, go to the first post on our facebook page and tap on the mobile link. >> beth, here we go. time to reveal monday's buzzword. >> monday's buzzword is, outrageous. get over to forward slash "right this minute" and fn you're not using a mobile device, click on the ipad putten. >> enter the buzzword outrageous. for your chance to win an ipad 3. good luck, everybody. it was -- ♪ friday, friday >> for rebecca black. now it's thanksgiving for nicole westbrook.
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♪ uk, uk oh it's thanksgiving >> the song's pretty good but it needs a rap. ♪ thanksgiving giving and i'm trying to be so giving ♪ >> watch your back, because this one raps, too. see the what are you doing there? i am making crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. wow, i'm impressed! [ ding ] dad, the cable's out! you got that right? [ kiss ] thank you ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents.
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let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month.
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now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ bikers on your mark, get set -- race! >> oh. what? >> you just can't stop watching it over and ober again.
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there is quite the pileup. >> like 50 people fell in the same sand pit. what were they thinking? actually what i'll say is this guy in the gray shirt screwed everybody up because he muffled right through the sand and everybody else thought, he did it, i can do it, too, and then everybody bit it right after him. >> from all the research i could do on this, this is a race that happens in kansas city. this box cross race is in wooded trail, up steep hills and also obstacles that are met to rirp these bikers to get out of their bike and carry their bikes. >> all in all, seems everyone got up uninjured and began to carry their bike through the sand what they were supposed to do. just watched the fellow racers and not the one in the gray, who is evidently superbiker and can ride it up through the sand, carry your bike and get back on it later. helpful dog gets ready to play. >> what's up, dude? did you close that door? nice.
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hey, where's the remote control? good job. do you have a frisbee around here somewhere? where's your frisbee? i think it was in the bedroom. i saw it. it's in here. where's your frisbee. go get it. there it is. good boy. grab your water bottle. it's in the fridge. that's a good boy. nice. good job. you got it all figured out. one more thing. stretch your paws? oh, good boy. let's go play frisbee. i don't know why, guys, but i have a feeling that at dinner tables across america this thanksgiving, this new song is going to be playing in the background. ♪ december was christmas january was -- april was easter ♪
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and the fourth of july but now it's thanksgiving ♪ oh, oh, oh, it's thanksging ♪ oh, we, we, we're gonna have a good time ♪ >> this song is called "it's thanksgiving" by nicole westbrook. >> my ears are bleeding. why do you do this stuff? >> oh, oh, oh! ♪ it's thanksgiving we, we, we are gonna have a good time ♪ >> physically i'm uncomfortable right now. >> rebecca black? >> fun youy should ask. the much older guy you see in the video is actually patrice wilson who produced this video and who produced "friday" by rebecca black. ♪ friday, friday, got to get down friday ♪ >> this guy figured out a formula that works. >> why make a pop song about thanksgiving? >> because there really is not one. ♪ today is -- we, we, we are
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gonna have a good time ♪ >> it's green beans, yeah! >> i know what you guys are thinking. the song's pretty good, but it needs -- a rap. ♪ yes, it's thanksgiving, giving and i'm trying to be forgiving, see what we gotta have ♪ >> i hate my life right now. ♪ got to be grateful got to be grateful can't be hateful ♪ >> look at the bright side, not vexing it up. ♪ do not have the time, we'll be laughing until we cry, it's thanks, thanks, thanksgiving ♪ >> talking about being thankful. >> using a drum stick as a microphone. to see all of nicole westbrook's vitt video click on best of "rtm." that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everybody.
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