tv Right This Minute FOX November 12, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PST
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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman and we've got the best videos of the day, "right this minute." a couple of guys get stuck behind a slow moving machine. >> they do what we're all thinking? >> they can't. they won't fit. >> oh, they can. and they try it. a little girl is missing her soldier dad. but a surprise is about to happen. >> a veterans day welcome home with open arms. they look like your average
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school kids, but -- >> they box. they're fighters. >> a new film exposes the dangerous way two girls help feed the family. plus, want to win an ipad? we've got monday's secret buzzword, and a little chicken bondage with -- "fifty shades of chicken." >> 234u6 to make my gizzards juicy. >> is it -- >> oh, god! >> a couple of guys yucking it up in their car, back roads in brazil, having a good time. but as they head down this road they basically come up to this sort of piece of agriculture machinery. right? >> guys are like, man, go the to get around this guy. can't pass him. oh my -- >> do it, do it, do it, do it. >> oh, no. yeah. >> do they do what we're all thinking? >> they can't. they won't fit. they're going to get stuck.
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no way. that thing isn't tall enough. >> a little sports car, they're going to make it. they pick up some speed, they start to go under -- >> oh, my god! >> and they make it through, reminiscence of the famous scenen in "fast and furious "when they go undermeath the semitruck. >> imagine if you're the driver of that equipment. driving along and see this car come from underneath. >> could be a setup. never know. >> it wasn't a setup stunt because as this video is getting passed around and getting more and more hits the chief of transit in the area is investigating because this is a very dangerous stunt that could have ended badly for both the guys in the car and the operator of this vehicle. >> i'm sorry. i think that's super cool. >> i know it's bad, but. >> ah, that was awesome. >> took a serious chance here. i can't say i recommend this one for yourself.
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argentina has seen a series of anti-government protests lately. the most part, they've been very peaceful. but this video from a network in argentina shows the moment that some protesters took over their news van. >> oh. >> geez. >> you can see there's some sort of arguing going on between the people outside of the van and the people inside the van. it's a little heated. all of a sudden, this guy comes up and smacks one of the guys in the back of the head. it does appear as though the guy was part of the news crew, and then you see the reporters reporting for c 5 n come out of the van. eventually he's able to walk up to the camera to talk a little bit about what just happened, and before he could even finish his sentence, look at what happens. >> oh! >> wow. saw that coming a mile away. >> yes. >> one of the protesters just comes up and just straight up
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punches him from behind leaving him with a black eye. apparently the protesters aren't happy wi the way c 5 ns covering these protests, because they believe the media is a little bit pro-government, and this is an anti-government protest. and immediately a lot of people started rushing over to detain the aggressor who was later identifi identified, a man immediately arrested. once they saw the video, find out what happened, he was also fired from his job. all across the country today we are observing veterans day honoring our men and women who have served, who are currently serving. so, of course, we're going to show one of those incredibly emotional surprise moments to showcase the love between a serviceman and his family. cue the hankies. >> exactly. >> this video was shot at at school in the midlands area in
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south carolina. it looks like they're having some kind of assembly at lunchtime in the school cafeteria, but a surprise is about to happen for one lucky little girl. >> i would like to welcome a very special guest. >> dad! >> danielle! [ applause ] >> that's danielle and her father, major banks, who is coming home. he's a member of the u.s. army. and as you can see, it's an emotional reunion. she had no idea it was coming. >> i love you, baby girl. >> i love you, too. >> any idea how long major banks was deployed? >> major banks was completing his third tour of duty, and he's been gone for the last eight months. >> and the whole world just disappears for her at this moment. >> yeah. >> she's just so into her dad at that moment. nothing else matters, you can
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tell. >> gets you choked up, because you see how much love there is right there in that moment between the two of them. you're right. the rest of the world doesn't exist any longer. >> i missed you, too, baby. it's monday, everybody, and we are giving away another ipad 3. now, we had a little problem with friday's giveaway in some cities. so we're tacking on an extra day to our giveaway. >> yep. adding an extra day and another ipad so we'll be doing this thing all the way through thanksgiving day. >> showing a little extra love. right, steven? >> right. in a bit we'll tell you monday's buzzword and how to enter. >> remember, you have to be 18 years or older to enter our giveaway. >> stand by for monday's buzzword and good luck, everybody. in new york. maggie -- >> a lot to say about this next movie trailer. it's for a movie called "buffalo girl" it takes place in thailand and follows two young girls by the name of pet and stan. they're poor children, and to
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raise money to help support their family, they box. they're fighters. pet is 8, stan 10. you see them here training in the art of mai-tai and boxing. >> do they like it? do they enjoy it? do they want to do this? >> that's the story here. and that's the big question. are they doing it because they enjoy it, or are they doing it because they're being put up to it by their parents or maybe just feel guilty to do it? [ speaking in foreign language ] . >> really strange thing that young girls could make money doing this, that there's a market for something like this. that people are paying to come watch young girls box each other. i think it says more about the society than it does about these two young girls. >> i think beth's right. it's most sad to see girls even have an opportunity to do this. that there's a market for this. that people are willing to go
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there and watch an 8-year-old girl fight. and bet. bet money on it. >> if you want to see the documentary, due to be released this week it's called "buffalo girls." old coffins can be put to rest because now we've got -- >> the screw-in coffin. >> no way? >> yep. see why this may be the hottest new thing in burials. >> i like the idea. and a prank about that awkward moment when someone says they know you and you're just thinking -- >> i have no idea who this person is. like -- >> yes! [ bleep ] what's up, bro? >> see the prank that we'd all fall for. [ female announcer ] this is the story of sam,
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who made an unexpected arrival. [ woman ] he was 4 months early, weighing 1 pound, 12 ounces. [ female announcer ] fortunately, sam was born at sutter health's alta bates summit medical center. [ woman ] the staff was remarkable. they made me feel safe, trusting, cared for. [ giggles ] they saved his life. i owe all of them my son. [ female announcer ] alta bates summit medical center and sutter health -- our story is you.
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sports madison versus winfield mount union. watch this. team in orange serving the ball. set to the right side hitter. crushes that girl in the face. watch this again. >> ah! knock her over. >> and the volleyball world we call that a pack, but follow the ball here. after she gets hit. the ball ricochets off that girl and then -- knocks over i don't know if that's a little brother, a fan or -- somebody. >> a little boy. >> ball boy going to the concession stand. takes him down, too, sniper style paper cording to sports grid, the girl is okay. the next comes to us from gama labs tv. a supplement company that produce something calmed g fuel a pre-workout supplement. you see these guys here flipping over a tire. they think that's pretty cool. then courtney upshall from the baltimore ravens a linebacker says you're going to flip a tire? i think i'll flip an entire car. he says this is real. >> if it's real and he can do
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it, don't edit the tape. give me a wide shot and that guy in the car, and don't cut away. >> there's edits in there. i'm suspicious. >> gn point. >> i'm not saying he's not a strong dude and can't push that car over, but to lift it right off its wheels by himself? >> he thinks it's a fake. what do you think? did he really flip this car over? head to our website and let us know. this might freak you guys out a little bit. it's a pretty macabre invention. this is donald scruggs. mechanical engineer and inventor invented the easy enter burial container also known as the screw-in coffin, and his idea came from -- the simple screw. >> why don't we just make a big, large carrot-shaped thing with threads around it and screw it into the ground? what you're looking at here is the model. >> oh, no way.
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>> of the easy interburial container which has long taperrd, with screw threads around it stru xroouing down in. >> so it's like an upright casket with threads on it and they just screw it in the ground like a giant post. >> but how do you get in the ground? you're going to need a giant grill. >> he saysit's no harder to purt in the ground than like a fence post are and that it doesn't require as much digging and as much trouble at the traditional burial and on top of that, because it is versicle, just think about how much space that saves as a cemetery? you can also put these in, like, the ponds in the cemetery, because they're just scree down into the ground, and can you have the marker stick up above the water. >> i like the idea, of being in one of those little pods in the water. >> i can see people very green conscious and people who are very pro saving the enenvironment enjoying this idea, because it takes up way less space. >> i don't think people are going to go for this, though.
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your last moments, just sitting there going like this -- you know? >> you're not alive. >> screwed at the end of your life. you know? >> they have no idea! you're about to get video bombed by ebaum's world. >> oh! >> see the video, and you be the judge. "real or fake"? >> i'm going fake. >> i say real. >> this is fake for sure.
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and if you're having a case of the mondays, i'm going to help you get rid of them along with matt from ebaum's world. more "real or fake" videos. what's up, mac? >> what is up? let's do it. >> this is called two girls, one car. >> oh, my god. that's hilarious. oh, my god. >> are you kidding me? [ laughter ] oh, my god. >> i'm embarrassed for them. >> they go to the wrong car. >> uh-huh. >> they went to the wrong car, because it looks like she's pushing the button and the car behind it is the one that's flashing the lights. like, i'm open, dude. >> is it even the same car? >> no. bad overacting. >> i want to believe no one -- >> very plausible. >> i think this is real. >> i'm going fake. mac? >you got it. first of all, whoever's behind the camera is already recording them before they notice that
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they've got the wrong car and the last one is when this attendant looks back at the camera when it's all over. oh, yeah. it's like, ah, did you get the shot? is this going to go viral? next video, don't open the present prank. >> hi. my name's brian and i'm actually at my girlfriend's parents. a bouquet of flowers, got nem in a box, looks like chocolates but it's actually a box of cockroaches, and these little buggers -- keep freaking me out. >> oh! they're huge! >> these are for you. >> oh, i'm so excited. >> oh, no. don't do it. >> don't do it. >> he said, don't do it. >> oh! threw them -- they're all over her now. >> and they stuck to the -- >> can't get out. >> on the car! >> and there's one in her
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crouch. >> real all the way. >> you think it's real, mac? >> no. let's look at this. look at this. oh -- a weird kiss on the cheek. just a weird missed kiss on the cheek. this guy's -- filming her through the window the whole time, and there's no acknowledgement that this guy, of him recording here. >> last video of the day. redneck bonfire fails. >> bonfire, take one. >> oh, no. oh, this is not good. this is bad. >> three -- two -- >> blow yourself up! [ explosion ] >> oh! oh, my gosh. i say real. >> huh-uh. >> i say real, too. >> it looks real to me. i'm going real. looks like a good time, too. i love rednecks. oh, that awkward moment when someone comes up to you and says, hey, hey, hey. don't i know you? you were, right -- and you're thinking, ice have no idea who
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this person is. >> uh-huh. >> well, popular youtuber ed bass master took that awkwardness and made it into a video. >> dog walking. how you doing, dude. >> where do i know you from? >> you're kidding, right? >> mike? steve? >> yeah, [ bleep ]. >> this guy's like, yeah, i know you, yeah. >> you still talk to -- what's his name, with the -- the hair? >> rich? >> i think it was rich. is it rich? >> yeah. >> how's rich doing? >> doing something down in san diego. >> the funny part, this small talk can happen with anybody. it's the same conversation whether you know the person or not and ed is pretty good at convincing people that they know him. >> what's up, man. >> ed, dude. >> what's your name again? >> when did i [ bleep ] -- >> you're playing with me, right? >> you're playing with me, right? >> no. >> tony's buddy? mike.
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>> big tony? >> yes. >> oh. >> what's up, bro? >> i would fall for this, because i've got the worst memory. i'd be like, oh, yeah, i totally did-then i'd walk away thinking, i did not know that man. >> that man, he remembers me. >> you remember me. >> i knew you were lying, dude. >> how you been, bro? >> the thing is about five minutes long. funny all wait through. check out the whole thing at, click on best of "rtm." big news about the "right this minute" ipad give away. right, steven? >> right. a tech problem with friday's show. not everybody saw it so we're adding another day and another ipad to the giveaway. >> now doing it through thanksgiving day. remember, you have to be 18 years or older to enter our giveaway. >> and, of course, you need the buzzword. >> you enter on our facebook page. if you're using a mobile phone or a tablet, go to the first post on our facebook page and tap on the mobile link. >> all right, beth. here we go. time to reveal monday's buzzw d
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buzzword. >> monday's buzzword is, outrageous. now, get over to, forward slash "right this minute" and if you're not using a mobile device, click on the win and ipad button. >> then enter the buzzword, outrageous. o-u-t-r-a-g-e-o-u-s. for your chance to win and ipad 3. good luck, everybody. there's something special about clarise the cow. >> ah! >> oh. >> giant. >> see clarise's crazy town, "right this minute." products they make;
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steven, you and i have had this discussion before. we hate ironing. a big waste of time. this guy does not hate to iron. in fact, he uses an iron and a sheet to create his art. >> wait. what? >> how does he do that? >> making small creases. ironing them in with the iron. >> no. >> creates a portrait. starts all over again. so no materials here, no glue, anything, just an iron and about sheet. >> exactly. >> this next portrait he does is of van gogh and also a rembrandt as well. imagine what he can do with, like, my dress shirt. >> this is a commercial for the iron he's using. >> actually, i love to steam and to iron. >> something tear putic about it. the sound of the steam, the heat it rushes to your face. >> you have sexualized ironing.
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>> yeah, it feels that way. >> you are an odd duck. we love you, though, but you're an odd duck. poor clarise. she has a really bad case of the loose tongue. >> oh. >> ah! >> oh! >> what happened? she has no krog ovcontrol over thing and it's giant. >> she's a cow, oubiously. >> yeah. >> she can't seem to control t. she has to have some sort of deformity. >> just her chewing technique. she's chewing on some cud and her tongue comes out. >> you know, i'm going to go with you. that she chooses to eat this way. >> flops out like four times on the right side, swings over to the left before going in her mouth? >> people just eat with their mouth open. i think clarise has that issue. >> you're saying that clarise needs to go to some, like -- >> etiquette training. >> i think she's the honey boo boo of cows and i don't think
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she's going to etiquette school because this has got her on national television. that's money right there. >> moo, moo, child! you guys are probably familiar with the super successful novel or trill jishgs i should say, "fifty shades of grey." >> i heard a couple of things about it. >> can't say i read that. >> well, welcome parodies of the pook, for thanksgiving. >> i tie you up to maintain absolute control of what we're about to do. i want you to clasp the back of your head. well, the back of your neck will do. >> this video is just a trailer for a book that is about to be released called "fifty shades of chicken." >> nothing like patrick stewart to make my giffords juizzards j >> randonhouse is putting this out and not telling us exactly who the voice-over artist is. although i'm with you. i think it sounds like patrick
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stewart. the author is also remaining anonymous. this is an actual cookback playing on the bdsm nature of the book. >> the chicken recipe called plain vanilla chicken. those who read the book, you know what we're talking about. if you are interested in buying a copy on amazon, this thing's under $15. that's going to do it for us here at "rtm." that's for joining us, and we'll see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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