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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  December 14, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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to half staff in honor of the victim. speaking about the children killed he fought back tears. >> they had their entire lives ahead of them, birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. >> reporter: he also offered assistance and condolences to connecticut's governor during a difficult time. >> we'll do whatever we can to overcome this event. we will get through it but this is a terrible time for this community and these families. >> reporter: the community is left to wonder how this could happen in their town. >> i don't know if there's any safe place any more in this world. >> reporter: i'm maribel avert reporting. we're going to bring you up to speed on what's happening. it is located around 40 miles
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southwest of hartford connecticut and 20 miles southeast of new york city. the population is 27,600. president obama made an announcement today. here is more of what the president had to say. >> we've endured too many of these tragedies. each time i learn the news i react not as a president but as anybody else would. as a parent. and that was especially true today. i know there's not a parent in america who doesn't feel the same overwhelming grief that i do. the majority of those who died today were children. beautiful little kids between
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the ages of five and 10 years old. they had their entire lives ahead of them, birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. among the fallen were also teachers, men and women who devoted their lives helping their children fulfill their dreams so our hearts are broken today for the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers of these little children. and for the families of the adults who were lost. our hearts are broken for the parents of the survivors as well. for as blessed as they are to have their children home tonight they know that their children's innocence has been
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torn away from them too early. >> the president also said the country must take what he called meaningful action to prevent today's shootings. you can send your condolences to the victims by going to our facebook page. you can postyour thoughts on our wall. it all started around 9:30 a.m. eastern time when police learned that a shooter was inside the school. just about an hour later at 10:45 we heard the first reports of multiple victims and as we've been reporting most of them we later learned were children. around 11:00 a.m. we began hearing reports that one of the dead was the gunman. the mass shooting at sandy hook elementary is bringing back grim memories of other school shootings. in 1999 two students opened fire at columbine high school in littleton colorado killing a dozen classmates and teachers before turning the gun on
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himself. another gunman killed himself at the virginia tech campus and killed 33. and earlier this year, a gunman shot and killed several people at oikos university. that man is now in jail. we have comments from some of the family members of the the oikos shooting. and law enforcement sources say at least three guns were found at the shooting scene. two pistols were found inside the school. one was a glock. a three 234 caliber rifle was at a car parked at that school. that car is said to belong to the gunman's mother. the debate over guns flairs up every time there's a shooting like this. we'll take a look at california's own gun laws. the school shooting once again raises questions about campus security, what can be done to better protect children, students and faculty from another deadly attack.
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ktvu's alex sadvige has been looking at this with security experts and he tells us what he's learned. >> reporter: this is a day to re-examine your school's plan. in fact, it wasn't long ago when the lock down plan they have here at this district was put to the test. earlier this year there were reports of an armed man here on the campus of east avenue middle school. their job is to keep students safe. and today leaders of the liver mother valley joint school district are taking a hard look at how they would respond to a scenario like the one that took place in connecticut. >> i think we're doing everything we can but everyone everything you can is not enough. after this is done we ask, what could they have done and are we doing those things already. >> reporter: chris van schaack tells me administrators will try to learn from this event. the district already does regular lock down drills to
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prepare for a shooter on campus and other emergencies. >> we don't take any chances if there's ever a doubt. if we ever think there's someone on campus. announcements are made, kids are locked. >> reporter: early they are year district leaders were reminded of how important those drills are. when east avenue middle school was locked down while police searched the campus for a gunman. it turned out to be a false alarm but an important wake up call nonetheless. >> you can see a chance to find out how people respond in crisis. because the problem with the drill is we're calm. we know it's going happen. >> reporter: the assistant superintendent here at livermore tells us security will not be increased here at the school in light of the shootings in connecticut. we'll tell you about the frantic phone calls that came to one area school district shortly after the shooting broke out in connecticut. live tonight in liver mother, alex savidge. how do you talk to children
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about what happened today in connecticut? we spoke to an expert on this sort of event and we'll have a little guidance for you coming up in just nine minutes. in the wake of the connecticut shooting, oakland police increased their visibility around school. >> being a visible presence at these campuses. getting out of their cars and going on campus. >> reporter: there's a school officer safety unit designated for six campuses. it has a unit prepared and trained to handled incidents like happened today. -- san francisco grieves with those affected by the need less and horrifying violence this morning in connecticut. school staff in san francisco say they are ready to help students and family who may be
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reacting to this tragedy. as law enforcement unraveled what led to today's shooting. people are asking themselves why would somebody do such a thing. jade hernandez live in san francisco with what medical experts had to say. >> reporter: experts do agree this young man was very, very sick. a former fbi profiler who now heads his own security firm says the shooter had to exhibit warning signs. >> always something that precedes this, it doesn't come out of the blue. >> there must have been some interaction, must have been some conversation, some communication that he was, he was sick. >> reporter: our society provided him an idea on how to punish people around him for whatever he might have felt.
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>> it has to do with our culture, hollywood, movies, it has to do with the gun culture. >> reporter: the medical director at alta base medical center is clear about one thing. >> things happen just like are airplanes safe, yeah they're safe but sometimes tragedies happen. >> reporter: dr. dolgoff knows people watching the ordeal unfold have to wonder how someone could massacre children. >> only our sickest people kill kids. they're our treasure. >> reporter: because of that parents should shield people wanting to discuss the shooting. director of the violence prevention research program at uc davis says he wasn't surprised at today's events. >> here we go again. another tragedy, ambulances come to the scene. and most of them go back to their hospitals empty because everybody is dead. >> reporter: some experts we spoke to today said it may take
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some time for people to feel safe again. reporting live in san francisco, jade hernandez. >> we do have continuing coverage of the connecticut school shooting not only here on the air but online as well. we're constantly updating our website with the latest information, pick -- pictures and video. just look for the tab at the top. gun control advocates gather to say today is the day to push for stricter laws. >> this is your opportunity mr. president to lead us, lead us on the path to reduce gun violence in america. >> reporter: gun control supporters urged president obama to use his vote to help reduce gun violence. dozens of people raised candles and prayed for victims in connecticut including several ministers from washington, d.c.
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area churches. nancy pelosi issued a statement today it said in part, no words can comfort the loved ones of those brutety taken from us today. all americans share our prayers and our grief over the horrifying events that took place today. john sasaki is heading to connecticut, he will be reporting live starting tomorrow. reporting news at the peninsula, that's where three people have been killed in a fatal crash. the highway patrol says that about two hours ago a volkswagen swerved and struck a lexus sedan that was parked in the median. news chopper two is doing a good job of showing us the massive back up this accident has caused we know that four lanes have been shut down. that leaves just the far right lane the slow lane for all that
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traffic to squeeze by. at this point lanes are not expected to reopen until 07 clock. as you can see here traffic there is at a crawl. the images are heartbreaking and hard to ignore but how do you explain to your child what happened in connecticut today? what one child psychologist says all parents need to do first before having that difficult conversation. live storm tracker 2 showing rain out there right now. i'll let you know how that's going to impact the rest of the evening and your bay area weekend.
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connecticut's governor has been at the scene since shortly after that mass shooting that happened early today in connecticut. it's about two hours ago that he made some remarks about the tragedy that unfolded today. >> evil visited this community
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today. and it's too early to speak of recovery. but each parent, each sibling each member of the family has to understand that connecticut we're all in this together. >> governor malloy says there's no way to be prepared for an event like today's shooting. he said it will leave a mark on the community for years to come. those kids may have some difficult questions. ktvu's allie rasmus spoke to a psychologist ability the -- about the best way to deal with their emotions. >> reporter: parents, teachers anyone who is around parents will have to deal with in the next coming days. and sacramento school district sent home these flies offering
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tips on how to help children deal. >> reporter: psychologists say these pictures will have an impact on anyone who sees them especially kids. >> kids like all of us respond immediately to other people's faces. and i think you need to give your kids a chance to talk about what they feel. >> reporter: it's a conversation some parents are apprehensive about. >> i don't know how i'd be able to deal with them and talking about them. and just imagining if it was my son's school. >> it will be difficult but we need to make them aware. >> reporter: child psychologists say before parents speak to their kids you must assess your feelings first. >> you might be more scared than they are. don't overwhelm your kids. >> if the kids say what happened to the kids.
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you say some kids got hurt. some kids died. if you felt you had to say that. but i wouldn't give numbers and details. >> reporter: if a child wants to know why things like this happen it's okay to admit you don't know. >> it's important to let them know that although these things happen, they're pretty rare. >> reporter: now oakland unified isn't the only school district in the bay area that is stepping up counseling efforts in light of what happened and coming up at 6:00 we'll explain why and how the district decided to respond to this national tragedy. live in oakland, allie rasmus. >> reporter: we're continuing to monitor the situation in connecticut. we'll have more coverage in just 15 minutes, ktvu's rob roth has been following the story since it first broke. he's been going through video from connecticut and he'll update us. there was a scare yesterday with the threat of violence at some south bay schools. we were there as students returned to class and we'll
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report on their nervous moments on campus. susan rice's withdraw has reignited questions about gender diversity. the front runner for that position is now senator john kerry. he joins two possible other appointees both also white men. chuck hagel is the top candidate to run the pentagon. and jack lew is likely to be tapped as treasury secretary. president obama sent a message to those who support legalizing marijuana. the president said he doesn't support legalizing marijuana as voters have just done in washington and colorado. even though it's against federal law he says he will not push enforcement saying there's bigger fish to fry. >> it really kind of opens the door for other states to
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legalize it because he did say those would be the lowest priorities. any state including california that hasn't legalized it yet could do it in 2014. >> the u.s. attorney for colorado said earlier this week that the federal government's responsibility to enforce the controlled substances act remains unchanged. bay area holiday shoppers are being warned about a scam involving the sale of phony i pads. investigators say some scammers are wrapping up ceramic tiles and metal picture frames in fake i pad boxes. vallejo police say they've encountered some of those scammers recently. >> during the investigation they contacted at least a couple different individuals and they further noted that they were in possession of some i pad boxes that contained ceramic tiles. >> but detectives did not make an arrest in the scam because
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they could not prove the people in the car planned to sell the phony i pads. vallejo police also announced they will run special highway patrols. from today to december 23rd officers will patrol shopping centers in downtown streets on foot or on bicycle. the goal is to make their presence visible and make shoppers feel safer. and bill said that we needed to get an extra blanket, maybe two in the bed. and i thought about that when i heard the heating clicking on. >> trace amounts just enough to be a nuisance today. here's what happened you see the system right here. that's going down the coast. that passed us right by today. the next system is cued up and it's working its way down the coast. we had a series of these as we've been talking about. they at this point appear to be
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very weak and not a big deal. as they go into the next couple of days just keep the umbrella handy and be ready for more showers. you see a few showers, most of it is clear, not clear but less wet as you go go further north. san jose had some rainfall, maybe a couple of hours ago. roadways are wet as you travel about so think about that. these showers you're seeing here are possible throughout the night moving into your saturday morning. so an umbrella. think about the roadways as you're traveling around because they're going to be slightly wet. that's how it goes through the bay area weekend. the overnight lows tonight despite the cloud cover are going to be down around freezing. it's going to be another very chilly night. it's going to be mostly cloudy in most places there'll be some clearing in the morning hours. and then another system comes down and visits us. i know so these things are stacked up.
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they are very unproductive storms in terms of rainfall. they are just too cold to really produce much. something is coming in here later i'll show you that in the five day forecast that could be good rain producers for us. chance of showers tomorrow, a chance of sun as well. the extended forecast much of the same. i think you're going to be able to do what you would normally do but you're going to have an umbrella with you and maybe some gloves or something because it's chilly. saturday morning the winds stay light across the coast. that's what's going to tell you how weak this system is. we'll see gusts up to 20 miles per hour outside the golden gate bridge. that source is indicative of how weak these systems are in terms of dynamics. when i come back we have the computer model ready to go. i'll try to pinpoint so you can plan your weekend. >> our coverage of the school shooting in connecticut continues. there was an outpouring of
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emotion from parents and students. in eight minutes what they went through immediately after the shooting. >> plus, four pharmacies robbed within 36 hours. how two east bay police agencies are working together to find the person responsible. >> you can receive updates from ktvu on stories like today's shooting in connecticut wherever you are by downloading the ktvu i pad app. you can also watch all of our newscasts live plus drive time traffic, bay area weather and video of breaking news any time any where. we're working to learn more about the gunman as well as what may have led up to the shooting and a closer look at the guns used in today's shooting. we investigate how easy they are to get here in california, tonight on ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 complete bay area news coverage.
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police in pleasanton and dublin say they are looking for two men two tried to rob a pharmacy. they believe this man committed all four crimes. investigators say that he handed over a note demanding drugs and said he had a gun. in two cases we know he got hydrocodone, oxycodone. >> it's one of those things that doesn't happen all the time but every so often we have had some strings that have happened through the valley. >> reporter: the descriptions of the man range from white, to latino to middle eastern from 145 to 200 pounds. a mountain view woman was sentenced to prison for embezzling $350,000 from her workplace. 50-year-old lily clay was the controller at lensione
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construction. she stole the money by writing unauthorized reimbursement check to herself from the company fund. today clay was sentenced to four years in prison. this is most definitely the worse thing we have experienced here in town. tragic. >> we're continuing to follow developments from a mass shooting at a connecticut elementary school. what we learned about the victim and the gunman. the school shooting in connecticut brings back painful memories for northern minnesota community that went through it before. we talked to people who went through it and tell us what they had to say. you won't take my life. you won't take our future. aids affects us all. even babies. chevron is working to stop mother-to-child transmission. our employees and their families are part of the fight. and we're winning. at chevron nigeria, we haven't had a reported case in 12 years.
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evil visited this community today. >> the governor of connecticut describing this morning's horrific shooting rampage. police now say that the gunman shot and killed his mother in their home then went to the school where she thought and opened fire. we know that 20 children were shot and killed at the school. six adults have been shot and killed as a result of this morning's rampage. positively identifying those who were killed in today's shooting and documenting everything that took place so they can provide answers to the families. we turn now to our rob roth who's been watching this story unfold all day in our newsroom and rob what's the latest information you have? >> law enforcement fishes have not revealed any motive. among reports that the gunman may have suffered from a
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personality disorder. still days before christmas, a horrific site at the school. moments later officers began leading children out of the school the face on a girl in a blue sweater speaks volumes to the horror. parents rushed to the school not knowing what they would find or hear. >> i saw some of the bullets going past the hall that i was right next to then a teacher pulled me into her classroom. >> i'm just so grateful to the teacher who saved him. >> you think the kids were pretty brave like you were. >> some of them were a little scared but we, we had to get through it. >> how do you know they were a little scared. >> everybody was crying and stuff. >> reporter: but for some parents there would be no grateful reunions of the 27 dead including the gunman 20 are children all between five and 10 years old. >> this is most definitely the worse thing we've had experienced here in town. tragic. but right now we're concerned about the families of the
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victims. our officers are professional and we will deal with this as well. >> reporter: police have identified the gunman as 20- year-old adam lanza his mother was a kindergarten teacher at the school. several news agencies are quoting news saying that lanza killed his mom at her home and then went to the school on a rampage. >> my heart goes out for everybody. who would ever think in a small town? >> reporter: police are also interviewing the suspect's older brother ryan lanza who authorities say described his gunman brother as quote some what autistic. rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. we've asked our viewers to leave their condolences for the victims in the connecticut school shooting on our ktvu facebook page and already hundreds of you have done so. we invite you to leave your
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thoughts on our facebook wall. the president wiped away tears as he spoke of the children and teachers that were gunned down. and he vowed the violence must stop. >> reporter: as -- >> as a country we've been through this too many times. whether it's an elementary school in newton or shopping mall in oregon or a temple in wisconsin or a movie theater in aurora or a street corner in chicago. this evening michelle and i will do what i know every parent in america will do, which is to hug our children a little harder and we will remind them that we love them
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and we will remind each other how deeply we love each other. but there are familys in connecticut that can't do that right now. and they need us right now. that community needs us to be at our best as americans and i will do everything in our power as president to help. because while nothing can fill the space of a lost child or loved one, all of us can extepid a hand to those in need. >> the president also said quote, our hearts are broken  today. he offered officials in connecticut whatever resources they need to investigate the shootings and to care for the victim's families. from washington, d.c. to connecticut, to san francisco people are gathering now to remember those who were killed in this school shooting. ktvu's anne rubin is in san francisco outside of city hall. >> reporter: this was a thought
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that began on facebook. organizers wanted a way to channel their grief. now they're hoping that others will join them at the steps of city hall. the hopes are to remember the victims. organizers say there will be no speeches, just remembrance. we spoke to an interfaith minister who said he just wanted to do something. he said he doesn't know if he would get five people or 10 people or anyone in attendance but he's hoping people will show up here and spend some time with him tonight. live in san francisco outside of city hall, anne rubin. >> we'll be keeping an eye on that event in san francisco. right now we want to take you live to newtown connecticut where the services are under way. people are gathering in this small community 60 miles
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northeast of new york city. this is a town of only about 27,000 which is in a great deal of emotional pain right now. but you also understand that what is being felt in newtown connecticut is being felt across the country as people reflect on what happened in that mass shooting on the school campus. dianne feinstein who has long lobbied for stricter gun laws issued a statement saying she is horrified by today's tragedy. senator feinstein said when senseless shooting reach into our kindergarten and elementary schools one has to question, what is happening to america. as i have said many times before, weapons of war don't belong on our streets or in our theaters, shopping malls and most of all our schools. as we continue our coverage, it reminds some of another horrific school
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shooting that happened right here in northern california. it was 1989 in stockton where five children were gunned down on a school playground. ktvu's robert handa is in stockton with reaction to today's violence. >> reporter: we're at the elementary school in stockton that gets reminded on its painful past whenever there's a mass shooting some where else. so today's shooting hit some raw nerves to those who were here when it happened. for many people in stockton the campus of cleveland school is a symbol of how a community can recover from a horrific senseless act. a former student came on campus with an assault rifle and fired more than 100 rounds in less than five minutes killing
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several before turning the gun on himself. the captain became a national figure at the time. and told me that today's shooting in connecticut brought similar feelings. >> it was the same thing, someone comeing in and shooting several children. i was so happy of the result that had happened to the suspect because i felt it was instant justice. >> language was a problem, it was chaos. the community did come together afterward. and i guess what i can say for the connecticut community is that you will see this. your community will come together and support you. and help you to heal. >> reporter: the school district put out a statement expressing its sympathy to the connecticut community and it also plans to review their security measures in light of
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this incident. robert handa, ktvu news. we have another breaking story happening right in the south bay right now. that's where a bomb threat has prompted the partial evacuation of the great mall in milpitas. maureen naylor standing by live with what police have to tell you. >> reporter: we want to give you an idea of what happened right now. i'm standing in front of the kohl's where this happened. we saw some bomb sniffing dogs two of them actually go into the store. police tell us a customer saw a threat written on the bathroom wall inside the door. the writing said there was a bomb in the building. just after 2:00 this afternoon kohl's was evacuated along with 20 other stores. police were putting this caution tape to rope off the area. this isn't the only portion taped off. inside they closed a good portion of the store off. although technically the mall is still open. we also saw that kohl's
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employees are waiting outside just to make sure they'll be able to go back inside to work. this as police are doing a methodically search inside. >> we have not found anything suspicious as of yet. but we do have the sheriff department bomb squad responding and once they get here we will do another search to check. but so far nothing suspicious but we're erroring on the side of caution. >> sheriff deputies are all here. they've created a safe distance just in case a bomb were to go off. back here live i want to show you a look from the ground. the mall technically is still open. that's the century theater, a lot of people are being allowed in from that way. police are expected to be out here for a few hours just to determine if this is a real threat or if this is a hoax. reporting live at the great mall in milpitas, maureen naylor. a man was injured in a
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shooting today in downtown san rafael. the shooting happened just before 1:00 p.m. at the downtown transit center. police say that a gold sedan pulled up to a bus platform. the victim went to the hospital with at least one gunshot wound to the leg. witnesses describe the suspect as a black man, 6'2" to 6'4" tall wearing dark clothing. the university of california has decided to stop using its newly designed logo. many complain the blue and gold imagine seen here on the right of the uc seal looked like a corporate signature. some everyone described it as looking like a toilet. a uc official said the controversy created a major distraction and noted that it was important to respect the negative response from the community. students were back in class today at monte vista high
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school in cupertino. what authorities did after yesterday's bomb threat. your weekend is here, we have more rain on the horizon and very cool temperatures. the latest computer model in just 10 minutes. we're continuing to monitor new information coming into our newsroom on the mass school shooting at an east coast elementary school. the latest on the tragic events that unfolded this morning. >> we're also working to find out more about the gunman as well as what may have led up to the shooting and a closer look at the guns used in today's shooting. we investigate how easy they are to get here in california. tonight on ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 complete bay area news coverage. have a good night. here you go. you, too.
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this is a live look inside of a church i believe it's the st. rose church there in newtown connecticut. members of the clergy and members of the community have come together to hold a vigil for the victims of this morning's mass shooting at sandy hook elementary. 20 children were killed, six adults killed as well. the shooter then shot and
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killed himself. this morning's tragedy unfolded just as the school day was getting started. now we're almost 12 hours into it and still authorities do not have an answer as to what prompted the shooter to open fire. meanwhile here in the bay area students are back on campus at monte vista high school in cuper to the best -- in cupertino after a bomb threat. now matt keller is there to find out how they're dealing with that threat after today's connecticut shooting. >> reporter: many parents told us they're thankful for a fast response to yesterday's bomb threat. everybody looked normal today at monte vista high school. some parents told me they're nervous about their kids safety. >> all this is in the back of
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our minds but we didn't think it would happen in cupertino. we thought it was a calm city. i guess it's a wake up call for us. >> things have to get to normal. >> reporter: we watched as three deputies walked on campus as the sheriff department committed extra patrol to the area. the campus was closed yesterday and searched by bomb sniffing dogs after graffiti threatening a monte vista teacher was found on campus. >> we're fortunate yesterday nobody was hurt and nobody was injured but it is still a crime to make a threat about any life threatening comment about somebody. we do take them serious and we will investigate. >> students told me the bomb threat was not addressed in every class today although some teachers did discuss what happened. >> teachers say that they have counselors on campus to talk to if you need to. >> this does not really exactly happen in this area so not a lot of people are comfortable with it. >> reporter: the person responsible for the threat
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could face at least two felonies. reporting live in cupertino, matt keller, ktvu channel 2 news. five people accused in the murder of a gagged and bound man found in san francisco are now facing additional charges. tyler miller was arranged in court today. she had been the only one released on bail. the other defendants also appeared in court to face other charging including credit card fraud. all of them pleaded not guilty. the victim in this case steven reed had been shot in the neck. a second female victim survived. >> police are holding gun buy back programs in san francisco and oakland tomorrow. they'll be offering up to $200 for people who turn in up to three weapons. the locations are there at your screen at the omega boys club in san francisco and st. benedicts church in oakland. gun sellers will need to prove that they are city residents by using a driver's license, utility bill or other proof of residency. this is because of criticism following this gun buy back.
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that's when people from all other our state showed up including gun dealers with antique weapons. a volunteer is facing new charges. the santa clara county probation department has filed a petition saying mark christopher gurries violated the terms of his probation. gurries volunteered at the san francis school festival in october. the incident prompted the church's priest to resign. if gurries is found to be in violation of his probation he could go back to jail. the consumer product safety commission's latest report found that falling televisions killed 29 people last year. most of the victims were children. another 18,000 were injured. the cpsc want parents to mount plat tv screens on the wall and secure the older heavier tvs as
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well. >> only put them in places where they are meant to be. they are not meant to be on dressers. a poll of parents shows that only 4% have secured their televisions to furniture and 28% say they've attached the tv to the wall and that's what consumers group say really is the safest option. cold, gray and in some places a little wet outside. let's check in with bill martin to see how the weekend is going to shape up. >> we'll have clouds in the forecast but not like today. the weekend is going to go around cloudy, more rain coming on sunday. let's show you the system that missed us today. see that guy right there. they got some rain there but see how it stayed offshore. dropped a few showers and that's it. the same system has the same trajectory. we're watching this system system on the coast a lot of it is going to stay offshore and that's why we're expecting light showers. we are getting a few sprinkles and drizzle right now. the heaviest stuff, hard to
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call it heavy because we're talking .01 of an inch. trace amounts. some of you didn't see anything, some got the intermittent drops. the clouds are still there but the showers the sprinkles have died down. that type of activity is going to continue though. so the sprinkles that we had today you're going to get it tonight. probably going to see it tomorrow. but is it enough not to go to the movies or any where else, no. just keep the umbrella handy. the highs tomorrow much about the same. we're talking about more of the same as we head into your bay area weekend. sunday looks like the best day, the driest day of your weekend. we're going to continue with the cold pattern. it clears up that's why it's going to get cold tonight. more clouds here's saturday morning. look what's coming another cold weak storm and there it goes. that's 4:00 p.m. but it's going to wash over us a little bit. i think we'll see a few more
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sprinkles tomorrow midday in the afternoon. this is drizzle, this is light. and then we get a little bit of a break in saturday night and then sunday another one tees up up here and it gets in here for monday but sunday looks to be your nicest day. most of the days it's partly cloudy and here's your monday system. these are so different than the system we saw a few weeks ago they came in the latitude. dumped a bunch of rain. a big deal. we're getting storms or what should be storms but they are not, they're lacking in moisture, they're lacking in dynamics and going right by. monday looks like it has more legs. keep the umbrella handy and much of what we saw through the weekend. >> our coverage of the mass school shooting in connecticut continues. >> plus sentencing day for a man con -- convicted in a string of rapes in san francisco. how much time he'll be spending behind bars. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. rethink possible.
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he was convicted of sexually assaulting three women in the mission district in san francisco last year. and today fredrick dossier jr. learned his faith. his sentence 375 years to life in prison. the judge imposed the mansion
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-- the maximum sentence saying that dossier seemed to show no emotion saying he blamed it on drug use. >> this individual is a monster, he does not belong any where in our streets. >> reporter: dossier was also ordered to pay upwards of 255 -- $255,000 in fines and restitution. the principal of columbine high school is offering his condolences and support. >> we are all feeling right now as a parent, as an educator just imagining what those people are going through right now. so our thoughts and prayers are
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there. >> columbine high school is another place of a mass shooting. our coverage of the shootings in connecticut continues.
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an american tragedy, children shot and killed at a place where they're supposed to be safe. we have continuing coverage of the deadly mass shooting at a connecticut school. good evening i'm ken wayne. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. frank and julie are off tonight. a difficult day for everyone. a terrible day for the people of newton connecticut. 20 very young children shot and killed in their school. we first brought you the story as breaking news early this morning. tonight we continue to bring you the very latest. we go now to reporter maribel aver in newtown. >> tragedy in a small connecticut community. >> evil visited this community today. >> reporter: police say a shooter struck sandy hook elementary school. >> there were 18 children that were pronounced dead at the scene. there were two children that were transported to the hospital and were pronounced dead at the hospital. there were


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