tv Right This Minute FOX December 24, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PST
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hey, everybody, i'm beth troutman, take a break from your christmas preparations because we have great videos "right this minute." some cold-hearted thieves ruin a family's christmas. >> you can see mr. saggy pants here. >> going all grinch with the gifts. we've got the story. >> video surfaces showing how the military once used -- >> american and himalayan black bears. >> to test pilot ejection systems. see the incredible journey from capsule to safely back to earth. >> a guy does a little dance for his friends. >> i don't know why he's dancing on the bonfire. >> but we do know why that was a really bad idea.
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and the story behind a woman's emotional homecoming. ♪ how a flash mob brought joy to her world. four grinches tried to steal the christmas of an oklahoma city family. it was all caught on surveillance camera. it all started with the blue sedan that you see crossing in front of their house. the family later learned this blue sedan was basically casing the joint. there were four people inside of this car. through this camera you can see one of the guys breaking in the back door. you can see mr. saggy pants here taking high-priced items. they also stole a gun from inside the house. but watch what they do next. they go under the whalen family christmas tree, and they start ripping open the presents. beyond that, they then throw the christmas tree down on the ground, making a mess.
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and then they flee from the house. >> they flee like rats. >> we think they ran away because they heard the noise of the family coming back in. then the heartbreaking part, we see on the surveillance footage the young children in this family coming in to their christmas completely destroyed on the floor. >> man. >> awful. >> had to be hard to explain that to these kids. >> how do you explain it? >> are evil people in this world that ruin christmas for you? >> but there's lots of good video. any updates on who these guys are? >> gerald whalen, the father, posted these videos on facebook hoping someone can identify these four men. as of right now they have not been identified. >> when you see them go under the christmas tree and start -- that's when i'm at a loss for words. footage from some cold war jet testing has come to light.
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i caution you, this may be disturbing to some. you're looking at a capsule from the ejection system from a bush b-58 jet. they had a problem with the ejection system. pilots couldn't eject when it was going mach 2. instead of using humans to test it, they used himalayan bears. >> bears? >> bears. the bears were sedated and put in the capsule. >> the examination of the animal revealed two minor fractures of the pelvic bone. >> we see here that these bears were ejected at 1.6 mach speed, and they all landed without perishing, but some did have
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some bruising. >> hopefully we learned better ways to test this kind of thing than bears. i have a pair of videos for you. on a snowy road, dash cam video catching the action. red light up ahead. pay attention to the person crossing the road. watch out. watch out. watch out! she didn't even flinch. >> not even a reflex. not even a i'm about to get killed reflex. nothing. >> nothing. >> good driving on the part of everyone else involved in this. the guy skidded to avoid her. no one hit him. he came out of the skid just fine. kept on going. these people know what they're doing. >> number two, a similar situation, red light up ahead. keep your eyes open. >> oh! >> no cars got hit, but it seems like every motorcycle on the
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road had to hit each other. >> scooter v scooter in this one. the one scooter to our right comes blazing through, totally misses the red light. listen to what happens almost immediately after the accident. [ sirens ] >> you can't get an ambulance there any faster. it was like the thing was tell ported in. >> speedy delivery right there. >> they were following him. this guy is about to have an accident. an iowa family was headed home to ohio for the holidays, but in the process got caught in the middle of a blizzard and before they knew it, they were off on the side of the road in a ditch. >> we were going 35 miles per hour. i wasn't pushing it at all. we jumped in the ditch. >> fortunately they had a cell phone, called for help and no one other than the iowa national
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guard came to the rescue. >> they skipped 911 and went right to the national guard? >> that's how they roll in iowa. >> within three minutes we knocked on the door, opened up the van, they were all smiling because we showed up. >> it's cool to see their son get so excited about the rescue. >> the u.s. army came, put us in this fancy truck, we got blankets, snacks. >> they were stuck for a couple of days, but they did have a lot of help from the people in community that would drive them to their cars so they could get stuff out, drive them back to the hotels so they could eat and get groceries. >> so they were stuck in this area for a few days but not stuck in their car. >> no. >> they couldn't go on to their trip to ohio. they were stuck in the hotel. >> when you're trying to get home for christmas, you'll do almost anything. ♪ >> his video went viral.
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u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ welcome back to the show, everybody. don't forget to check out, you can see today's videos and more all day long. paper works is a newspaper platform for newspapers in belgium. they decided to see if newspapers can hold the attention of readers so they got three of their maker advertisers and got them a driver to drive them around all day so they could read the newspaper. they tried to distract them. a man running by on fire didn't distract them. playing golf on the corner, bus
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people, people on the bus saw it, but they were still engrossed with the newspaper. >> all i can think of now is never mind being distracted. i would be sick. i can't read in the back of a car. i'd be puking all over the place. >> i'd throw up the second the car started moving. >> they tried harder to distract them. you have a bear driving around with people listening to, i presume, hip-hop, because they got the head bouncing. then the drivers pull off their pants. they don't even notice when they get back in the car. >> still engrossed in the paper. >> an astronaut. >> you have an astronaut walking across the street. this is my favorite one. watch the native person by the truck with the scene from monument valley. >> i wonder if he's writing in indian. >> full headdress. >> she notices when she gets out of the car he doesn't have pants on. she's tickled pink. let's turn on the way back
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clock. in september we brought you this video called kick alicious. it was about this guy punting footballing all over the place. a trick shot video. at the time it had not gone viral. a few months later it had. we said this guy is amazing. he should be on a football team instead of goofing around with trick shots. according to sources from the jets, he a try-out this past week. 28-year-old harvard rugland is his name. the jets brought him in to test the guy out. after all, last year the jets signed a guy by the name of hayden smith. he was an australian rugby play every. nev player. never played a game of football in his life. >> this guy was not an american football player? >> he was not an american football player. the whole video is of him doing killer trick shots.
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you can see him blasting footballs through the uprights. one as far as 60 yards. punting it at a car, down the road. punting it to a boat out in the water. the guy seems to have endless control over this football. ♪ this video was sent to us by our viewer omar mr. oz. this is a christmas clamation that he put together just for us. it took him a little over three weeks. the story is that santa has lost his christmas spirit. santa is ho-hum. >> dear santa, some you're not g this year, you lost hope. given up. >> omar's claymakes was inspired by "i believe." >> almost spot on. >> i'm writing you this year because i wanted to you know i still believe.
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>> so aliens from another planet come in, bring christmas spirit back, and even offer santa a little reindeer with a shining red nose to guide his sleigh. if you want to see this entire cl cl claymation video, believe me you do, head over to three videos and this dude can mean only one thing, abom's world. we have two reals, and a fake. >> is this a penguin on the run? find out what's real and what's fake and what is flat out --
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it's christmas eve, what better treat than to check in with matt from ebaum's world for a little edition of real or fake time. happy holidays. >> happy holidays to you, too. >> how to listen to the radio using plants? >> what? what? >> what? >> whoa. >> they're putting a plant on the radio tower. >> and broadcasting. >> no. >> you think that's fake. >> it's got to be. >> who knows. it may be possible. >> i think it's real. >> matt what do you think? two reals two fakes. >> i can break the tie here,
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it's real. the sugar in plants produces an energy source that produces an electrical current. >> what happened to matt? >> you know when you have a potato clock? same idea. i got a set of encyclopedias that is killing it right now. >> next video, penguin escape. >> that really looks like a penguin. i do not think that's a small person in a penguin costume. ♪ >> this is a penguin escape. >> you know why i think it's real? he did the run, he ran a little funny. >> real penguin, i think it's a set up. >> throw fakes, one real. >> when you see the eagle that snatches the kid? >> yeah. this is from the same class of students.
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this is another phony video. >> we knew it, see? >> the last video i'm sad to say is called meet johnny booger finger. >> no! >> he ate it! >> yeah. >> is he going inside his nose -- no he went inside. >> just super comfortable on the subway. >> which makes me believe this is fake. who would go to town like this? he's like scratching his brain he's going so hard at it. >> i kind of agree with you as well. >> how do you fake put your finger up your nose? this is real. >> i think he's so in his own world that he thinks he's at home. >> i think it's a setupme mense. i think the guy knows the cram is there. >> i think i'm sick. >> matt, thank you. merry -- well, thanks for that. >> have a wonderful christmas, great new year.
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an animator is a cool job, but watch what else this guy can do. this is a guy who goes by azo on the internet. these are some stunts we've seen before on the show. but keep watching, his abilities escalate as the show reel goes on. ♪ >> whoa. >> hopped off a skateboard on a ledge, then hops back on it. >> he's combining skateboardin and weight lifting? >> yes. >> hangs upside down and is lifting weights. >> this guy is nothing but muscle. >> on the internet he has been called everything short of amazing. oh, yeah, they call him amazing, too that's not all. he juggles with his hands and jumps at the same time. he's like a magician weight lifter. >> he's a robot. he's not real.
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he's not human. he's done several of these year-end reviews, but i love this one. >> magic mike, too? making me feel bad now, okay? enough. >> didn't want to emasculate you, just entertain you. ♪ one of the coolest things to do with your buddies sometimes is hang out by the bonfire. it's cold, chilly, sing a few tunes. this guy may have even peed his pants. i don't know why he's dancing on the bonfirement. >> he's trying to dry his crouch out. >> instead of drying his crotch, watch what happened. his crotch catches on fire. >> that could not have been urine on his pants. >> he must have got some sort of fuel. whatever they were spraying on
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the fire must have been on his pants. >> if he had peed his pants and he was drinking a lot, would there be enough alcohol in his urine? >> get in the pool. >> they're yelling at him to get in the pool, instead of doing that, he falls on his back, takes his pants off. >> he needed to stop, drop and roll. >> it looks like he removed his pants before any injury. men, isn't that the one thing you want to protect? why are you putting it all out there? >> the question is what did he wear home? >> this is what you call a homecoming. this woman wins a trip back home to ireland. see h
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i have a fun little video christmas card for you. >> i love fun. >> check out the cute detail in this video. delivers a nice message as well. don't forget the smallest things. >> i love small things. ♪ >> are they small? >> look at that. >> no! it's a miniature scene on the side of the road? >> from the pothole gardener. >> the detail you can see that he gets down to. >> it's teeny tiny. >> he makes it all out of plant materials. >> can you imagine if you're walking down the street and you see this miniature scene? can you imagine there's a whole
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mouse family that lives on the side of the road, they come here this is where they will celebrate their christmas together. >> that's why he does it. the pothole gardner put this video together to draw attention to those who don't have much this season. >> that makes it even better. this video is perfect for you, nick. i know you like adventure, you like airplanes, motorcycles. this is a cool view of a flight in clarksville, virginia. >> looks like the runway up ahead. >> everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be for him except what's up ahead on the runway. >> oh, no! >> a big dump truck gets in his way. >> my gosh. it's not like you have a horn on the plane saying get out of the way. >> the pilot has to swerve out of the way of the dump truck because the dummy got in his way. >> hold on a second. this is a runway.
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this plane is not landing on a road or in an emergency? >> no. >> there's a mark. >> any idea how this truck got there or what it was doing? >> no, but the pilot wasn't happy to see it. >> got a [ bleep ]. >> this could have been fatal for this guy if he wasn't skilled enough to maneuver the plane to the very edge of the runway. this video was uploaded a year ago, but it is just now starting to trend. >> maybe he didn't realize it was a runway. man, i'm lost in the woods out here. man, this an awfuly wide highw. >> this is what you call a ho homecoming. back in november, the northern ireland tourist board ran a competition to fly a loved one home for the holidays. the winner was roycen monroe, a woman who lived in ireland but moved to ohio back in 1992. she's on her way to the belfast airport in northern ireland. >> so help me understand her
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excitement. so far it's just a girl who got a free trip. >> that's enough. ♪ watch what they do it's so good. >> apparently something good is about to happen. >> she's running. they have signs. she's so excited. ♪ joy to the world >> it's a flash mob. they're singing "joy to the world." >> she had not been home since she moved to ohio? >> i was back home for christmas 11 years ago. but tit's great to see everybod. it was -- >> i got it. >> you get it? >> i got it. ♪ joyful >> this is the belfast community gospel choir, they're just dressed up like airport-goers,
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like tourists, travellers. >> she had no idea. >> it's like out of a movie. really, truly was. a christmas miracle, i call it. i feel so fortunate. >> that will do it for our show. we'll liv yeave with you more oe flash mob in ireland singing "joy to the world." have a great christmas eve and we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more spd options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get
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