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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  January 10, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m. good evening. i am julie haener. >> and i am frank somerville. >> the freeze is on. we have live team coverage tonight of the cold. we begin with ktvu's robert handa who is in san jose where precautions are being takeb right now -- taken right now. >> reporter: we are in san jose near kelly park where it is very cold tonight. behind me volunteers from community homeless alliance ministry who are setting up this station are ready to start handing out blankets. it reminds you this weather could be dangerous. >> reporter: a frosty mount
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hamilton was a glittery picture. it is also a scenic reminder the cold weather has taken a sharp drop, still it attracted people to come up and see it for themselves. >> beautiful. >> reporter: what is impressing you the most? >> the frost on the freeze. the view of the valley. >> reporter: too cold? >> not cold at all. cold but not unbearably cold. >> the cold weather began to leave its mark as black ice began the form. >> the conditions could be very dangerous. very cold temperatures. so they have to think about it twice before they come up. >> reporter: as community homeless alliance ministry began to hand out blankets the minister reminded us the cold could be life threatening.
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>> life and death. people live out here. he knew five people who died last year alone. it wasn't as cold last winter. >> gets very cold out here and blankets help a lot. you got to huddle up. >> reporter: we will see how much it helps when we follow up this give away tonight at 10:00 p.m. robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. it will be cold tonight. skies are clearing. winds are dying down and we have a frost advisory that will go into effect tonight. redwood city frost advisory. temperatures are in the 50s. the freeze warning that goes into effect tonight. san jose, that is a big deal. livermore is a part of the
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freeze warning. santa rosa. big cities impacted by over night lows. this is the cold air down the pike. as we are seeing clearing here that will create a cooler environment as well. clear skies tonight. 44 in santa rosa. 45 napa. cold already. temperatures cold tonight. we will see another cold one on saturday morning. i will be back here and i will have your forecast for friday morning. he had a temper, that is how his grandmother describes him who is accused of setting his girlfriend on fire. ktvu's david stevenson talked with the family in san francisco today as the defendant appeared in court. >> the family of the suspect cold us they can't believe that he committed such a violent act. >> reporter: he pleaded not guilty. police say he doused her with
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gas and then set her on fire after an argument. she suffered third degree burns that left her almost unrecognizable. >> nervous. he don't know what to do. he said he didn't do it. >> reporter: he faces 11 counts. each carrying a maximum life in prison. prosecutors detailed a history of violence. including a violation of a domestic violence protective order, a misdemeanor battery case and a violation of a domestic violence court order. >> he had a little temper. this is a little thing they got into it. >> reporter: the judge set bail at $10 million and issued a
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protective order barring him from her home and family. >> we are pleased to see this as a public safety issue, safety for the family first, safety for her children. >> reporter: they applauded the judge's decision. >> this is a heinous crime. horrible. and we have to heal. >> mike: the family declined to speak to us after leaving court but she faces several more surgeries. he is due in court january 29. reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. police say a man who was sent to death row for kidnapping, and killing two girls admitted to killing his mother. authorities say he turned himself in to police yesterday. he confessed to killing his
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mother. his death sentenced was over turned and patrolled in 1999. a relative of a victim is worried about her safety. >> i worry about our system letting him out again. but i have a gun. and i know how to use it. >> he is in jail facing murder charges. police are asking for the public's help in locating a man of a deadly shooting. investigators say he gunned down a man in a drive-by shooting on december 21. the victim was dating his ex- girlfriend. that ex-girlfriend claims he made threats against her, cut her car's break lines and followed her. ktvu spoke with one of three men who pulled a driver from a fiery big rig crash. the truck went over the over pass, fell 30 feet and burst
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into plames -- flames. he is a paramedic, he joined two others trying to save the driver. >> i am not going to watch him burn to death. crawled into the cab of the truck and i saw he was still restrained, upside down, he was alive. i could see the bottom of his shoe was on fire. i said we got to get him out. >> unfortunately the truck driver did not survive. it is believed the truck went over the railinter getting into an accident. the parents of a girl sexually abused by her soccer coach filed a lawsuit against organizations for not conducting a background check on the coach. he was convicted in october. the lawsuit is against the
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youth soccer organizations. it claim as background check would have shown his history of domestic violence. we be new information on the city of san jose's search for a new police chief. ktvu learned the city plans to extend the recruiting process to consider more candidates. we told you last night about the three candidates in town for interviews. officials say no one has been ruled out. san jose's current chief is set to retire next week. for the first time in a decade governor jerry brown had good news about the state budget. ktvu's ken pritchett is in sacramento where the governor unveiled a budgewit a surplus and -- budget with a surplus. >> reporter: voters can thank
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themselves for the increase because they passed the tax plan in november. it is how this money will be spent on education. >> reporter: it has been a long time that the governor unveiled a budgewit a surplus -- budget with a surplus. he says now is not the time to spend but it includes billions more for education. k-12 will receive $2.7 billion more. but that money will be distributed to poor communities. >> growing up in compton is not like it is to grow up in
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beverly hills. we recognize that. >> we applaud the governor in all he is doing to restore the funds that has been taken away from schools. >> reporter: not all of the funds for education have been restored and now republicans say schools are not getting as much as taxpayers expected. >> itthere is -- there is not the level expressed in the campaign. >> reporter: higher education will receive more money, half a billion dollars. but the governor says that higher education will have to change the way it spends money to cut costs to avoid higher student fees. in sacramento, ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. today we asked the leaders what they think about the governor's new funding formula and how it could impact their schools. >> i am skeptical. i like what is being talked about. it would be exciting to see us
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be able to compete. >> school board member says every student in richmond qualifies for a free lunch and would benefit from state money. but raising standards in one area means other areas could receive less. >> our district could lose $4 million. >> the west contra costa county unified school district is waiting to learn more details before commenting. is continuing coverage. you can hear more from the governor. san francisco police have arrested three men in connection with a robby of a group of young -- robbery of a group of young people. they are each facing five counts of robbery and child endangerment. on december 21 the men approached a group -- approached a group of juveniles
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and demanded money. dangerous reptile has died. the kaman was taken to the zooarve authorities found it -- zoo after authorities found it guarding marijuana. the animal was in poor health and died today. the man who authorities say owned it was arraigned today but didn't enter a plea. a city helped california hit a major energy milestone. regulators said a thousand gigawatts of solar power has been installed in the state. san jose installed almost 55 mega watts through the program making it the top solar city. coming up, how bay area schools are amping up security and explain how a small peace of hardware could save lives.
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sacramento meets hollywood, the reason why he may be strolling the red carpet. jif jif announces his -- jim harbaugh announces his starting kicker and alex smith talks about the man who replaced him.
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the fbi said the well about to be excavateicide deeper than nilsy -- excuvaded is deeper than initially thought. fbi officials thought they would be bigging 50 feet but real -- digging 50 feet but realized it would be more like 200 feet. school shooter left a high school student wounded. a male student opened fire at
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9:00 a.m. this morning at taft high school. a 16-year-old boy was wounded. he was airlifted to a hospital where he remains in critical condition. the shooter was arrested and all schools in the area were put on lock down. schools around the bay area are putting a new focus on safety for more training to locking classroom doors. ktvu's eric rasmussen is live with the new and simple steps being considered. >> reporter: many agree no single step will be enough. we found districts have already made big changes. >> we are just going over all of our practices. >> reporter: we were with the superintendent as she checked to see if teachers were following new marching orders. locking all classroom doors
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during the school day. this one was. >> in talking to the police department what we determined was that anything you can do as a deterrent is one way to slow down an intruder. >> reporter: administrators point out the doors are only locked on the outside. in the event of a fire, students aand teachers can still get -- and teachers can still get out. >> reporter: they plan to allow teachers to secure the doors from the inside. it is one of several changes after the mass shooting at sandy hook elementary school in connecticut last month. >> we felt like we had procedures in place but now you analyze that and look at it and say maybe we aren't as prepared as we thought. >> reporter: they are bringing in two consultants before making specific changes. many parents told us they welcome it. >> i am in support of anything
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that adds extra security for the children. anything. >> reporter: they expect to have a more specific plan when the board meets in two weeks. eric rasmussen, ktvu channel 2 news. we are getting our first look at what vice president joe biden will recommend to the president to stem gun violence. vice president joe biden met with members of the nra today. the proposals are expected to include bans on assault weapons and background checks. the nra said the white house has a agenda against the second amendment. today we chartered a boat to bring you a look at the damage caused by a tanker that struck the bay bridge. the bumper is smashed and the
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cement crumbled. they are using special emergency powers to speed up the repairs. >> we expect through a -- what is known as a director's order that repairs will be put on the fast track, work underway to repair that fender within 30 days. >> as for the overseas reymar it remains waiting for the coast guard to release it. the chp needs $31 million for security cameras on the bay bridge. it would cover cover the roadways and bike and ped paths. officials met to discuss the details. we have been talking about the weather because the cold is coming and our chief meteorologist is here with what we could expect. >> you can feel it out there
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now. over night lows are cold and cold again on saturday morning. we got 46 right now in novato. 45 in napa. north bay colder. 42 petaluma. definitely cool. forecast over night lows 28 degrees in rosa -- santa rosa. 26 in napa. chilly. this promotes frost, black ice tomorrow morning, because we had moisture on the ground. be aware. chilly tomorrow morning. and again saturday morning. be ready for that. the forecast as the clouds move out is for clearing tonight. when things clear, things cool. winds are breezy. when the winds die down the cool temperatures settle in. we will see freezing in some areas for more than a couple
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areas. we have had cold weather before so you know the things you take care of take care of tonight and tomorrow -- or tonight and tomorrow morning and saturday morning. this low-pressure system push showers off shore, few clouds for us. right now a slight chance of a sprinkle on saturday. weekend is fine. it will be cool. showers off shore. that is friday morning. this is friday afternoon. clouds. no big deal. this is saturday morning. clouds. saturday afternoon. clear. sunday morning, right, see that, sprinkle there and sunday afternoon. not much going on. it is off shore. it could swing in and get you a stray sprinkle. if you are outdoors, it will be chilly. these are the highs tomorrow. these are highs. 50 in santa rosa. chilly. make sure this weekend,
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tomorrow, have warm clothes. hat and gloves. 9ers game, big game, chilly, 48 degrees. 5:00 p.m. partly cloudy skies. there is your five-day forecast. >> really chilly. burr. [ talking at the same time ] >> tomorrow morning you will notice it more. >> thank you. you may see gavin newsom and his wife hitting the red carpet for the academy awards. the invisible war investicates rapes inside to the u.s. milliary. >> coming up on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36 the chill is setting in, we will update the effort to help those in need and the creator of a moving mural in oakland using his art to move people and end violence. join us for these stories and more on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36. alex smith talks about the
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49ers' quarterback. mark ibanez is up next. listen.
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jwwñ get u-verse tv for $29 a month for six months. [ traffic passing ] ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ] scientists say a new
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treatment for repairing cat learn showing promises results. a jell is placed in the joint. it is then activated with light. it solidifies and your body's tissue repairs on top. mark joins us now with sports. the build up is underway. >> yeah. i am happy it is saturday, not sunday, i can't take another day. >> yeah. >> david akers a happy guy. had a rough season but jim harbaugh names him the kicker. they brought in billy cundiff to try out against him and david akers has won that competition. however, billy cundiff remains on the roster. alex smith, last 7 games, does it seem that long? watching his remakesment colin kaepernick guide -- replacement colin kaepernick guide the team. you know it has to bother him
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but he is still taking the high road. at least publicly. >> he is a tremendous player. guy that strong can make all the throws. for me, how fast he processed it as a young player. as young quarterbacks, i think usually they are mentally processing things, making quick decisions and colin kaepernick has done a great job for that. playing fast on game day with his head. locked in. focused guy. >> that is a class act. other 49er news. greg roman there in the hoody, the offensive coordinator. he is among the candidates to replace the coach of the jags. and inside story there, the general manager went to college with him, greg. there is a chance they could
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have an insight working there. more on the 9ers tonight at 10:00 p.m. >> i can't wait. thank you. >> in a few minutes, firefighters will meet with residents about how to stop fire station closures. we have a crew at the meeting, what officials are hoping residents will be willing willing to do to keep them rolling, that is tonight on the 10 p.m. news. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we are always here for you on and mobile ktvu. thank you for joining us.
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