tv Right This Minute FOX January 15, 2013 9:00am-9:30am PST
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we bring all the best videos from the web to one place. that's right here, "right this minute." look at that traffic right there, and go through a red light. >> a guy's watching a police chase on tv. >> but you're about to see something i'm pretty positive you've never seen before. >> as this one hitses really
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close to home. >> holy [ bleep ]!vencherror br ski slope on a day of. >> high avalanching risk. >> what happens when the risk becomes reality. >> what do you do if you're in the middle of the ocean and your yacht starts -- >> sinking. >> how the captain held on for dear life. and we know what you think he's doing, but this dog just loves the blues. wait until you hear the story behind the boot scootin' boogie. >> what? that's awesome! a police chase through inglewood in los angeles was all captured by knbc's helicopter. according to the police, this driver was a young male they say was throwing gang signs out of the wind leading police on a chase. they believe the car he was in was a stolen toyota camry which is why the police chase is
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happening. led through different neighborhoods in inglewood, but you're about to see something a little different about this police chase video that i'm pretty positive you've never seen before. now, this guy's going in the wrong lanes of traffic, almost hitting cars, almost hitting pedestrians, but keep watching this video. >> he's making his way towards the west and towards l.a.x. again and -- >> holy [ bleep ]! >> that was crazy! >> that's not right. realize you're watching somebody filming the police with their own camera and suddenly the camera turns and the police chase is right in the video. >> like live reception. >> right. >> now, of course it schorked the guy. you hear his verifiable
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expression, of catching the police chase going by his window. as you can imagine, a police chase is big news in los angeles. other news stapgs was there and he apparently gave himself up without innocent aft without incident after a nearly two-hour police chase. the time of the year where lots of people are getting up close and personal with avalanches and so are we thanks to adventurer george karunas in british columbia, canada. there was a high avalanche risk thanks to warming temperatures in the snow pack and we're seeing those avalanches in this video look like a giant explosion. >> sweet lord. >> they are controlled explosions that they trigger to sort of lessen the dangers out there in areas like this. >> oh. >> it looks like ocean waves crashing against rock. >> i'm thinking the same thing.
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it hits and, poof, turns into snow clouds t. did close down highways. george is traveling along with some experts who were able to tell him where he could stand and where he couldn't stand during something like this. in the video you can actually hear their vehicle rev up as the explosions of snow get closer and closer to them to get out of the path of danger. >> i'm just happy they didn't stall. >> sweet lord. oh! sailing on a luxury yacht is normally considered a nice, relaxing pastime, but here you see the 45-foot chow in the indian ocean thinking. the bow is dipping into the water. part of a sailing rally, and they started to take on water. the husband hadal felt the rudder underneath the yacht hit something, went down to check it out and noticed the whole hole
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in the hull of the boat. that's when he put out a mayday and the see the boat hear really close to the water line. already have a small lifeboat ready to go. three other yachts have come to their aid but they stayed on the boat as long as they woepossibl could because the couple were basically living on their home. they're losing everything they got. >> the boat is going down parallel to the water, so probably gives them some time to save some of their stuff. >> they tie the boat, "the chow" and tried towing it to shore, only about 40 miles away. way too heavy with water, had to cut the kho"chow" and you see t husband getting picked up by other boats. >> when you get a hole in your
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hull, it's gone. >> "the chow" is doing is bow first into the water and you see the couple holding each other as think watch their home sink below the water of surface. >> they have their lives. >> and they have each other. quick, what are the craziest things you've seen while traveling on an airplane. >> ah -- crazy? can't do much crazy things on an airplane anymore. >> i can guarantee you guys have never seen this. >> what? >> did you see that? >> there's like falcons? >> they their they're falcons or haushg hawks of some kind. they have hoods on. somebody had them on the plane. >> these are live birds? >> these were live birds. >> i can't believe they were
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allowed to be on the plane. >> you can. let me read this. rules and charges wore trav s f. animals are not allowed with the exception of falcons between ere's a rule about falcons? >> yes. >> and we went online and checked some frequent flyer websites and comments from other people, ever seen birds, falcons or haushg hawks on planes? they're like, oh, yes. this doesn't surprise me. we love our dogs and can take them on planes. for them, it's falcons. ♪ this guy is taking us on a tour of a train car, but the crazy part is --
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>> that it's in jason's ba basement. >> yep. and he built it himself, all aboard the basement train, "right this minute." and tom makes a call to a local pizza place pretending to be an act. >> surveillance park. can i get some food? >> surveillance park. can isofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home.
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sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. a couple of videos from two different parts of the world showing things on the highway. first, 401 in toronto where, of course, it's snowy and gray. you're looking at an army of snow plows careering the road. >> at first you see this one line. then an entire new line comes in right behind them. here comes more. >> geez. they're clearing the whole six-lane highway.
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they really knoll how to handle the snow. >> the crazy thing about this is they have to stop traffic in order to do this. you can only imagine the traffic jam that's behind these cats. >> at least i can get through. i'll wait if they kl clear the snow. yeah. they're moving along. better than gridlock traffic. letting the people be on the road. just have to sort of follow the plow. >> maybe not such a weird day on a toronto highway? >> i'd say a helpful day. this is from melbourne, australia. first, a man with a horse. you've got a carriage, and a random dude with a baby. what do you see in the distance there? >> was the fire coming from the truck carrying the horse and carriage? >> you might be on to something detective capp iviv ivive calde. >> luckily he stopped the carriage in time to pull the
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horse, the carriage and the baby out of this truck so no one was injured, but leads for a pretty weird day on the side of the road. >> i vote for toronto. most definitely. world's fastest drive-through. >> two sweet teas, please. put this on debit. thank you. okay. let's go for a little ride on the crazy train. this is a train in ontario canada. this is their version of amtrak. this is jason and he's taking us through a small tour of one of the train cars. what's crazy about this train, that it's in jason's basement.
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>> what? >> this is a replica of a via train that he spent five years building. >> here's my basement and here's my toy and the via train. >> it took him over 2,000 hours to complete this project. every detail, a perfect match. here's a time lapse of what it took to build this train. this blew my mind. you might think, how did he get so authentic looking? >> when i found out about this train being scrapped we got ahold of it before it was scrap and took all of these original parts out of it. >> does this guy ever talk about why he wanted a train in his basement? >> the train is where i feel most at home. it's where i feel most at peace. it's this bubble of comfort. especially hurdling along at 85 miles an hour. >> go buy a ticket!
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the train in the basement something in going to go 80 miles an hour with the snow and the wind passing him. >> i think it's a little cool. you need two things. >> you need a site and a great e. >> looks like he's getting eady over 100,000 hits in a week and wants to be mentioned on the tv show "the big bang theory." hopefully, jason, we're helping you out. this little lady is about to hit it big at the amusement park. >> oh, she's terrified. >> see the first ride, next "right this minute." and still to come, remember the cat with the corkscrew leg? we've got the latest. >> and this is quirky today. >> the cat that inspired people around the world -- next. it's a record-setting fight, and the ammo is snow. >> you really got to keep your
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant it's time for another edition of the best of "right this minute." the videos on our website. >> everybody's talking about the flu epidemic, wauving hands, using hand sanitizer. imagine in this happens? someone comes down the street and sneezes. they aren't real sneezes.
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a squirt bottle, michlting water out as they walk by. people are thinking they're getting sneezed on, coughed on. this would make me lose my mind. i would punch somebody in the face. >> the video seems like one thing turns into another. this girl is singing "so so sick" by kneeneo, but her boyfriend -- to see this video, go to our website and click on -- >> best of rtm. >> corky is not new to us here at "right this minute." when he was just a kitten found wandering in fargo, north dakota with a strange abnormality. you could see his back legs. remember, hind legs crisscrossed and corkscrewed? found by the cats cradle shelter. they said we're not going to put this cat down. we're going to find a drm to help him out. they did. dr. dan. he performed the surgery on him. he couldn't save both of corky's hind legs but were able to save
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one, and this is quirky today. you can see, healthy, happy, hopping around on three legs. to tell us how corky is doing -- a year ago did you think that corky would be doing this well as he appears to be doing in the video? >> i did. i had faith in him. he had a lot of spirit. he still does. >> who's he with me? >> he's with me. i've adopted him. i actually have two three-legged cats now. tripod is another one that we took in that needed an amputation from a gofer trap, and i have him also, and the only reason i kept him is because corky was so attached to him and really helped him through his recovery. >> now that corky has himself fixed up what are things he can do now he couldn't do before? >> much better going to the bathroom. he can walk. he can run. he can play. very much like a normal cat. >> these videos have gone viral and gotten a lot of attention. how does that make you feel to
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be able to rescue him and the goodwill he's put out across the internet? >> all you have to do read his facebook page. he's shown so much strength and determination to get through what he's been through, and he really has helped a lot of people. i've had people tell me that they've -- they've kind of stopped feeling sorry for themselves when they look at his story and the trouble they're having in their lives, you know, they're able to get over it and say, hey, if this little cat's got nudge gumption to get through what he's going through, then i can do it, too. floating ice, making music. one of the greatest joys in life, in my opinion -- true, honest to goodness
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snowball fights. this one filmed by none other than devin super trample, devin graham in seattle, washington, put on by the boys and girls club. it's a fund-raiser for the boys and girls club. here they'rerying to bd re people engaged in a snowball fight. this looks like a blast. previous record, 5,387 people. the new record, 5,834 people. truck in 162,000 pounds of snow for the fight and you really have to keep your head on a swivel because there are snowballs coming from all directions. there's about 130 judges keeping an eye on this event and no head shots. the only rule. no head shots. you've got about a minute to throw your snowball. that's how they judge the world record, and as with any super video, everyone has a complete blast. makes you want to be there. devin, you can imagine, has to
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put himself in the middle of this melee. >> part three and -- >> he got brained looks like an ice ball because the thing didn't explode when it hit him. that's what it takes to make these kinds of videos. it's a lot of fun. you want to see the whole thing, and click on best of "rtm." a bulldog that loves the blues. what? that's awesome. >> but the thing is -- you see the dog who's go
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they're back with another slow mo video. this time, gav and dan are watching fireworks from paint kansas. >> physical using yellow paint dumped in what looks like spoiled milk. watch in slow motion. 1600 frames per second. >> looks like a monster's sarm growing out of that paint. sweet. >> it gets cooler. now we're going to start mixing colors. still, kind of like -- >> let's watch this in slow mo. paint's suddenly mixing. you're getting different colors within the paint. >> almost mike purple mixing red and blue. >> and fireworks with multiple colors. again, looks like a bunch of
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smoke like nothing happens but watch this in slow mo. >> the coolest thing. >> like a cartoon. >> it's like the slow mo camera is solving the mystery of the year. >> making boring things interesting. >> this video is part prank, part random act of kindness. you've got to love this. comedian and prankster tom. listen to the call he's makes. >> this is sergeant, we have an undercover agent doing surveillance work at the park. i got to get him some food and i wonder if you can deliver him some pizza. >> it's not an agent, it's a homeless guy on a bench. the guy starts asking what kind of toppings? >> maybe half cheese. half pepperoni and, hey, can you pay for it too. >> the person's like, no, it's on us. >> hey, appreciate that, buddy. >> i love this. >> it's like the best kind of prank. because nobody gets hurt. >> he's done this before. this is his thing. he likes to help the homeless by
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preying on fast-food joints. >> i can't advise you call and pretend you're a police officer, but in this case he's doing something good. delivery car pulls up. you see the person get out with the pizza. does not make conversation, sets the pizza down and walks away. imagine the surprise on this box. doesn't look who brought the pizza, just picks up a slice, starts munching away. >> all this go off with one word. >> this is sergeant tom -- >> that's all he said to make this prank happen. >> the problem, the pizza delivery guy probably didn't get a tip. my only problem. this bulldog loves the blues. [ laughter ] >> this is awesome! he's actually dancing to the blues. >> this is winston the 2-year-old bulldog a rescue and winston, i might add, is deaf.
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>> what? >> yes. winston is deaf. >> he's got soul. >> he must feel the strumming or the vibrations because he's almost dding his head and music. ♪ >> and the other dog's like, winston's at it again. he's always stealing the show. >> he sits like a human. very human like. >> also what's really good, the lyrics that the woman is putting together for the song. ♪ i think i left a brown spot >> what could he be possibly -- >> i was thinking the vibrations make his ears itchy, like shaking them out. like he's got water in his ear? >> jim who posted the video says his tail is clean. they think he just likes to jam to the music. that's it for us here at "right this minute." thanks for joining us, and we'll see you next time.
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