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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  January 23, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm PST

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"the people's court". check your local liftings for that. have a great day. see you tomorrow, everybody. [applause] right now, the san francisco bomb squad dealing with a suspicious device and the bay area is already seen some wet weather. h.i.v. resistant cells created by bay area scientists -- at noon.
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good afternoon. i'm claudine wong. tori campbell is off today. happening now, a bomb squad
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is wrapping up its investigation of a suspicious package and has blocked off streets in san francisco's china basin neighborhood. those streets, however, should be opening soon. you are looking at newschopper2 over that area right now. officials did close off streets near the 100 block of terry francois street and did evacuate a nearby building. they did not want to take any chances with something that looked like a military or ordnance box. one firefighter said it's not something you get from safeway. >> it looked like it had military colors on it. >> you looking at video of the robot sent in to check out that package, that package right there on the ledge near that building, no word yet on exactly what was inside the pox. but it was s apparently deemed harm also. well, the district attorney must still decide if charges will be filed after a fire broke out at a san francisco art gallery in the mission district. the fire was set on purpose as
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part of an art exhibit. ktvu's tara moriarty talked exclusively with the artist who made that exhibit and joins us live to explain why she says her fiery exhibits are safe. tara? >> reporter: well, it sounds like the last thing an art gallery would do, set fire to art but he did and now may face criminal charges. 25,000 match sticks arranged to look like a map of the united states. >> i think it's an interesting piece for sure. i think it makes its point. >> reporter: it was created by this woman as part of an interactive art exhibit at the queens nails gallery off mission and valencia. >> the rules are different from other countries, the rules. you come here and see that people are playing with fire and they don't like this. >> reporter: she insists the exhibit was safe, that extinguishers were on hand. fire retardant was used on the
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walls and no one was on the top floor. officials say things got out of control around 10:00 last night. >> when insaw like two or three -- when insaw like two or three fire trucks, i thought what could be burning. >> reporter: now the gallery owner may be in hot water since he set the display on fire. >> it wasn't malicious. it was just out of ignorance where he lit it. >> reporter: this is youtube video of artwork by the same artist. she creates exhibits out of match works and as part of the exhibit, the matches are lit on fire. >> you need to have permits for this and usually that's -- that's safe enough but you need permits. >> reporter: the fire department says the city never would have granted a permit because of the inherent danger. >> maybe there was a way to do it less destructively but still make its point. >> reporter: now, fire officials say it costs $5,000 worth of damage to the ceiling and walls. while the gallery owner didn't
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think he was doing anything illegal and no one was hurt, he could face charges of reckless arson. this case will be presented to the san francisco district attorney's office sometime today. live in san francisco, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. not far away in hayes valley, fire investigators are looking into what caused an early-morning fire there. they believe it started in a blue bin in between two buildings on oak street just before 3:00 a.m. no one was all right in the fire. well, the gray clouds are here and there's rain falling in some parts of the bay area. rosemary is here with details on all of that green. hey, rosemary. >> yes, claudine. a dry start but most of us at the very least damp. we have light rain, a little bit of mist falling. from the northern california coastline to the bay area and southern california expected to pick um some rain as well. over the -- over the last three hours we've watched this pull in. you can see it from here.
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it's generally light. if i pop around, you can see presips of 1/100ths to even less than that. light rain, pockets of it will continue to fall throughout the day. i expect you'll be dodging it most of wednesday. there's what i'm talking about. this plume. we've got a system pulling in from the northeast in addition to mingling with some subtropical moisture. so the entire state looking at that possibility of getting wet and the sierra will pick up some snow. when income back, i will talk about how i expect snow levels to be dropping and how much rain will get here and when we'll be dry. alameda police are investigating the death of a person whose body was found this morning in the san francisco bay. the body was found near crown beach near shoreline drive at the south end of washington park. police say it's a man in his late 20s to mid-30s. >> out about 50 feet. by the time we got here, he was in about 20 feet from the shore. alameda fire department went
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in, retrieved the male and determined that he was deceased. >> alameda police and the east bay regional parks police share jurisdiction at crown beach. officers expect to be at that scene for several snowshowers thieves are expensive taste stole a number of pricey bottles of wi from a top- notch south bay restaurant. the sheriff's office is looking for the burglars who broke into the plum restaurant sometime between sunday and monday. the restaurant is on big basin way. it has an extensive wine collection encased in glass. >> i understand they have a million-dollar wine cellar. i mean -- anything up want there there is there. >> a wine list lists several extremely expensive boughtles, including some priced at several thousand dollars and a few that go for five figures. how easy should it be for the government to access details of yourom activities? it turns out those asks --
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requests are skyrocketing. new at noon, janine de la vega tell us why even google cannot do much to protect your information. >> reporter: if you are a google user, then this matters. a new report out by the search engine shows the government is increasingly requesting information about users. >> i don't like the fact that the government is coming in and requesting information about personal usage and certain things like that, you know, i don't think it is any -- none of their business, basically. >> reporter: today, google released its report and this shows that data requests have increased by more than 70% since 2009. this man says he's surprised the number is not higher and some should be concerned for their privacy. >> i think folks need to consider, particularly if they are searching at or in some other public venue where they are being actively monitored what they are doing could
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reflect them on -- on them poorly. >> reporter: 68% of the requests to google were from subpoenas which are easier to get because any don't involve judgeses and the rest were through the search warrants and the electronics privacy act. >> i'm not too pleased with it if they are asking for it, but on the other hand, i can understand why they would want it because it could lead to an investigation or crime. >> reporter: those in the tech industry say until privacy laws are strengthened, google's hands are essentially tied because it has to comply because of the patriot act. the widow of steve jobs has started a web-based project in support of the dream act. the website is called the dream is it involves young imlegal immigrants to upload videos telling their stories. this would offer a pathway to
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citizenship for minors brought to the united states. the investigation into the dream liner found that a battery in question was not overchunked. the lithium ion battery overheated last week. all dream liners have been grounded since then. the recent investigation was conict didded by the japanese. now the u.s. senate plans to investigate why the faa improved the batteries. secretary of state hillary clinton defended the u.s. response to the deadly attack on a consupe lit in. ben -- consulate in benghazi, libya. >> i stood next to president obama as the marines carried those caskets off of the plane at andrews. i put my arms -- >> secretary clinton told members of the committee that the department is implementing 29 recommendations to improve security at high-threat locations. at one point, there was a heated exchange about why the american public was led to
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believe it was a protest and not a terrorist attack. >> the american people could have known that within days and they didn't. >> with all due respect, the fact is we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or was it because guys out for a walk one night deciding they would go out and kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? it's our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to protect it from ever happening again, senator. >> secretary clinton is now answering more questions house a -- before a house committee. these appearances are two of her last before she leaves her post. the air force cheese of staff says an appalling number of sexual assaulting were reported last year. secretary, mark welsh said there were 796 reported cases in 2012. the figure is almost a 30% increase from 2011 when 614 cases were reported. he says the increase could be attributed to a rise in
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reporting incidents. the air force has created a special unit of lawyers to help the victims of sexual assaults. there's now word that rape allegations against michael crabtree are not holding up. according to the reports, the accuser was one of three women who joined crabtree for a party at san francisco's w hotel two weeks ago. after the niners beat the green bay packers. the woman claims crabtree assaulted her after the party but sources say the other two women there dispute the claim. police have not found any physical evidence of an attack. and the family of former pro football star junior seau has filed a lawsuit against the nfl saying his suicide was a result of head injuries he sustained as a football player. he shot himself back in may. earlier this month, the national institute of health released a report of his brain injury saying he had degenerative brain disease likely caused by repeated blows to the head. a bay area grocery chain
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giving customers a discount. we'll tell you why. >> reporter: an outside consultant coming in to help the oakland police department combat crime. the controversial vote by the city council overnight and what's being done to address community concerns.
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stanford scientists say they've developed a again ecically engineered gene of h.i.v. the technique involves a break in the gene dna and a stacking of resistance cells at that location. scientists say the technique could one day replace a lifetime of medication for people with h.i.v. infections. our state is experiencing a state income tax bump. we may finish the month $4 billion ahead of what forecasters expected. it could be the biggest one- month overage in recent memory. the state celt a record on the 16th when the franchise tax board received $2.2 billion in taxes. experts say the excess cash maying the combination of state and federal tax changes. officials at california state university says governor brown's budget falls $2 a million short of what -- $250
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million short of what they need. he said the figure is not realistic, pointing in particular to $86 million for a 3% raise for employees. he said it will be hard to get the legislature to approve that since other state employees have not had raises. a controversial consultant will come in to open the oakland police department combat a recent rise in crime. as ktvu eight alex savidge shows us, the plan was approved during a heated argument that stretched into the early- morning hours. >> shame on you! >> reporter: an angry reaction from the audience inside oakland's city hall as the council vote came down just after 2:00 this morning. members gave the go-ahead to hire bill bratton as a police consultant following four hours of emotional public comment. >> be quiet. >> reporter: one speaker was even escorted out. opponents of bratton are particularly concerned about an aggressive stop-and-frisk policy he's used in the past that some believe could lead to
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racial profiling. >> that will not add any real solutions. your fares are only gonna get worse. >> reporter: still with a 7-1 vote, the council approved a contract with strategic policy partnership. the firm will have bratton develop a plan to curb a recent rise in crime in oakland. >> we will make every effort to include as people as we can in this process so we have good representation. >> reporter: and the council also approved an amendment emphasizing racial profiling will not be tolerated. bratton, who has headed up both the nypd and theland has been widely praised for reducing crime and improving community relations with police. following the bratton vote, the city council approved several sore crime-fighting measures, includes the firing of 11 -- hiring of 11 sheriff deputies who will temporarily patrol the streets of oakland. the council green-lighted a new oakland police academy that will begin training new officers. in oakland, alex savidge, ktvu
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channel 2 news. chp drivers arrested a driver late last night after he led them on a chase from fremont to san francisco. [ sirens ] >> our cameras caught that pursuit as it made its way up 880 and across the bay bridge. this was all around 11:00 last night. the driver was arrested at 14th street and south va vanness. the chase was -- van necessary. the chase stopped with spike strips. a vehicle crashed into tree around 1:45 on hicks road in san jose. authorities drive the driver as a young male adult. a female passenger was also in the car. no word what caused the driver to lose control. police say a man who robbed a bank in mill valley last night play have also robbed a bank in green bay earlier this month. now, last night's robbery happened around 5:45 at the union bank. it is the 6th bank robbery in
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marin since december 12th. investigators say the same man may have robbed a union bank in green bay on january 9th. police describe the suspect in both cases as white, in his 40s or 50s around 6 feet tall with blue or green eyes and scrufffy facial hair. a san diego judge fined the fresh and easy store chain $850,000 for false advertising. prosecutors filed a complaint that customers were being charged more than the advertised prices. now, as part of the settlement, the store is going to give customers a $3 discount on items that overchurned at the register. the store says the mistakes were unintentional. there are 163 fresh and easy stores in california. it's a damp day across the bay area with drizzle and light rain now pretty widespread. we'll continue to see this through your wednesday. outside our door, it's a gloomy one, overcast skies. started out mainly dry. the last two hours, the
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stormtracker showing you the rain has settled in. we'll continue to see the light rain throughout our day. i stopped it seer so you can see just how widespread north bay, east bay, south bay and along the peninsula. if you don't have a steady rain, you are feeling that drizzle, perhaps a little bit of mist. up over the sear, this system will work its way over the sierra. snow level is right around 5,000 feet right about 6,000 feet. at this point, no advisories other than a wind advisory for the lake area. but if you are traveling or need to be commuting maybe now through tomorrow morning, carry those chains. you never know when you will need them. take a look. the entire state here beginning to see that light rain move in. we have a system dropth out of the gulf of alaska and it's connecting with some subtropical moisture pulling from the south and this is why we're seeing a uniform line of rain move in along the coastline. as we get into the afternoon, it will continue and i expect the roads will be wet for the
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evening dry. gonna show you as we progress into 2:00, 3, into 6:00, it sort of sticks around. pockets of light rain doesn't really get heavy and the winds should remain generally light. a generally weak system but the first time we've seen this in two weeks. we'll be feeling it and the roads will be slick. tomorrow we make up -- we peak up with mostly cloudy skies. a few lingerleing hours. -- lingering showers. i expect anywhere from .10 to .410. the rest of us anywhere from .10 to .25 and the central bay. a little more than that for the north bay. right now temperatures are holding in the 50s. we're cooler than we were yesterday at this point. we started out warmer with the clouds but now because of the clouds we're actually cooler and then for the afternoon, it will be a cool day. upper 50s near 60 for the afternoon with wet conditions lasting throughout. as we get into the extended forecast, drying out by
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tomorrow and then we remain dry thursday, friday, saturday with your weekend in view. we have a chance for showers on sunday. pickup the models are beginning to trend a little drier on this. so we may escape the rain for the entire weekend. so the numbers will remain cool. >> but we could use some rain. >> yes. >> all right. thank you, rosemary. we have some breaking news receipt now. pentagon chief leon panetta is removing the military's ban on women serving in combat. what that does, that opens hundreds of thousands of front- line positions and potentially elite complain doe jobs after more than a decade at war. this is a grand-breaking movement roarked by the joint chiefs of staff and overturns the 1994 rule that banned women from being asignedded to ground units. military services have until january of 2016 to seek special exemptions if they believe any positions must remain closed to women. getting a little ink in honor of colin kaepernick. where you can get a kaeper-tat
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for the super bowl. and a hiring boom about to get underway. where thousands of seasonal hires are about to be made.
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there is a look at your big board. the dow is up 71 points. markets are happy today. google doing well after better- then-expected earnings. up almost 6%. in less than an hour, apple investors are gonna find out if their fears are founded. the bay area tech giant is set
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to report fourth-quarter earnings after the closing bell. the stock has already fallen about 30% from its all-time high. some analysts say the report is a fireworks display ready to ignite. that will probably move the stock as much as 7% either up or down, deep pending upon the announcement. taking a look at the stock now, it's up 2%. still in the green. great america in share has 2500 jobs to fill for the upcoming season. the park is accepting applications for a range of positions including retail, safety, and operations, lifeguard, emergency medical technician, ride operators and game april tendants. casting calls will be held between february 4th and the 17th. 49er fans can get inked up just like colin kaepernick for just one game. the so-called tattoos are temporary, similar to the ones on kaepernick's arms and shoulders and now cans can buy them on line.
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they cost $9 for individual tattoos and $20 for a set of three. the website is oakland has decided to spend $250,000 to help fight crime. the reaction plus what happens next in the city. that's at 5:00. well, thanks for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. be sure to join us again at 5:00. we're always here for you on and mobile thanks for watching. hope you stay dry today. 5xñóñmñz?cç?çñkñkñe
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