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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  January 30, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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y, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real.
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we are live in san francisco where investigators dig up a basement in a home looking for clues in the case of a missing boy. we will tell you why they focused on a home in the hate ashbury district. alarming wake up call. what was found on the front
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door of a south bay home hours ago. see those folks there? see what they are doing? they are taking tolls. that will not happen much longer. those days are coming to an end. we'll tell you what will happen instead. plus what the mayor of san francisco plans to do on super bowl sunday. ktvu channel 2 morning news. good morning, thank you for joining us on this wednesday morning january 30th i'm pam cook. >> and good morning, i'm dave clark. mark tamayo is in for steve. >> you just said january 30th. already one month is almost down. we could be tracking the storms this time of year but not for today. the dry weather pattern will continue over the next few days. this morning you definitely want to bundle up. mid 30s and 40s. there is the eventual temperature range. coming up we will take a look
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at the forecast highs in your neighborhood. sal has an update on traffic. we are looking at relatively uncrowded 880 freeway as you drive north to downtown. you can see traffic is moving. also this morning we are looking at the commute on san mateo bridge. that traffic moves well. let's go back to the desk. topping our news this morning his picture was among the first to appear on milk cartons across the country. now the search for a missing san francisco boy is back in the news. ktvu tara moriarty joins us now from san francisco with a new lead in the kevin collins case. >> reporter: good morning. local and federal agents were out here for 12 hours yesterday jackhammering the cement of the garage you see in the home behind me here. they were looking for human remains. it looks like they did not find any. but there are still important clues that could lead to a break. the last person kevin collins was seen talking to at a bus
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stop was a tall blond man with a black dog. he was a person of interest in this case. and a man matching that description used to live at the home here. he has since died but investigators revisiting the case realize that cadaver dogs were never used during the search of the home. they brought them in and discovered bones under the garage floor. but medical examiner believes they are those of an animal not a human. >> i'm thinking of his family, really. to not know for 30 years. >> reporter: now another neighbor says the school never recovered after his disappearance. >> the school did close shortly two or three years after that. i think it had a tremendous impact. >> reporter: we want to emphasize the people who live in the duplex here are not suspects. the man who was the person of interest who died was. he was questioned after kevin
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vanished. he had an alibi. police are still expected to release a photo of the man and release his identity perhaps later today. we'll of course keep you posted. live from san francisco i'm tara moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. new this morning san jose police are investigating a suspected case of arson in the willow glen area. firefighters were called to a home on glenwood avenue around 3:30 and say the front door was on fire. three people inside were not hurt. police say it does appear someone threw a flammable liquid on the door and then set it on fire. ktvu janine de la vega is there at the scene gathering information. she will have a live update coming up at 6:30. time is 6:03. the fbi at the scene of a hostage situation involving a little boy in alabama. a six-year-old boy is being held hostage by a man in an under ground bunker. this started yesterday afternoon in dale county alabama. authorities say a gunman boarded a school bus, shot the school bus driver several times
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and then kidnapped the boy. the bus driver died later while the other children on the bus escaped. >> school bus driver did everything he could. threw the bus in reverse. lowered the gas. that is when the bus alarm came on. >> cnn is reporting that kidnapped boy has special needs. authorities were able to get him medication over night and they determined he has not been harmed. again this is a fluid situation. classes by the way are canceled at all dale county schools. in just about an hour from right now the national rival association as well as gun control supporters are going to face off at the first congressional hearing on gun violence since the connecticut school shooting. we are now hearing former congresswoman gabby giffords will be one of the witnesses at the hearing. you will remember, she survived being shot in the head during
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an assassination attempt at a mass shooting that killed six other people. coming up at 6:15 during the hearing this morning the national rifle association is expected to get some pretty tough questions from one senator imparticular. state of california is expected to fine chevron today for that richmond refinery explosion last august. cal osha oversees workers safety. it's expected to release the results of its investigation and release fines. company hopes to return the refinery up to speed by march. your time is 6:05. new this morning the toll takers on the golden gate bridge will soon be replaced and today they are testing out a new automated system. claudine wong is out there. just talked to the officials on the district on why they are changing the system and how it's going. >> reporter: the changes are coming. take a look at what is
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happening right now. you can see toll takers in place. you've got your typical toll lanes your fast track lanes your car pool lanes. that is how it has been business as usual. what you can't see is the testing that is going under way for the changes that are coming in late march. i'm joined now by spokesperson mary curry. let's talk about this. big changes and obviously the big thing is the toll takers are going away. tell me what is happening today and when the changes will officially go into effect. >> today is a milestone day. because we started the testing of the tolling system. we are 60 days away now. what that means is that the collectors will then come out of the lanes in 60 days. so far we have 28 full-time collectors. about half have been placed in other jobs and continuing to work with the others. we're also negotiating with their union on the final separation package for those that remain. >> reporter: okay so that is in process. let's talk about how it will
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change. we see if we can pan over to the lights that are up here. so you can see the bright lights that are in place. how is this going to work? if you have fast track, that goes on as normal. >> fast trackup save a dollar here. it's a great way to go. you have options. you can register your plate and then only pay every time you cross. so that is the only difference. one is prepay, one is post pay. and you can go to a cash location and pay by cash. best of all you can get a toll invoice. >> reporter: if you do nothing. >> you get a bill in the mail. and with no penalties added. >> reporter: that is a big deal here. that is the kinder gentler way to charge people for toll. >> this is the new element that has been added and being tested right now. basically you're not a violator anymore. you get a bill in the mail. you get 21 days.
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if you don't pay it, then you become a violator. >> thank you for joining us. all this requires a loft computerization and testing. that is what is happening this morning. you don't see it happening but we're trying to make sure what happens in march it all goes smoothly. live at the golden gate bridge claudine wong. >> into our super bowl coverage san francisco police vowing to do everything possible to keep 49er fans in line on super bowl sunday. however, some business owners in the city's mission district are not taking any chances. they will be shutting down early so the 49ers win the big game. they remember the violent scene three months ago when vandals went on a rampage after the giants won the world series. san francisco mayor ed lee is a big 49er fan, of course. however, he won't be among the many politicians watching the super bowl. today's chronical reports mayor lee turned down a chance to buy a super bowl ticket for $950. he plans to stay in san
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francisco on super bowl sunday. jimmy matthews also turned down a chance to buy a ticket for the big day. stay with ktvu channel 2 for live coverage. ken and the rest of our ktvu team in the big easy will bring you live reports in every newscast leading up to super bowl sunday. then sunday after the game switch to channel 2 for live post game show. hopefully we will be talking about a victory then. >> i'm staying with channel 2. >> of course. time now 6:09. >> i want to hear sal talk about the toll plaza. it is getting busy. >> it is getting busy. westbound coming top the pay gates you will see more people. the metering lights have been switched on. it's a ten minute delay. maybe a little less than that. no problems on the upper deck. also this mornings commute san francisco northbound 101 traffic does look good as you
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drive through there. if you are driving farther down on 101 southbound 101 between 380 and 92 less than a ten minute drive there. let's go to mark. hi there, sal. good morning, to you. nice forecast. i know we could use the rain. that could be happening next week. but as far as temperatures for today, just a reference you can see a little bit warmer. santa rosa from 61 to 64. concord 58. we will warm you up to 68- degrees. that will be the key headline. as far as current numbers as you can see here still cold. upper 30s out toward napa and fairfield. concord at 37. oakland 43 degrees. and santa rosa dropping down into the upper 30s over the past hour or so. some cooling in santa rosa. 30s and 40s at 7:00. into the afternoon hours a nice recovery. here's that green contour.
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high pressure. storm track going way up to the north. no rain clouds for today and tomorrow. temperatures are trending up a little bit for your wednesday and also thursday. for today the readings on either side of 60 degrees. break it down beginning coast side. 8:00 will be a nice day for the beaches. readings in the upper 50s. inland we could have patchy fog develop. hazy sunshine this afternoon. reads maxing out in the lower 60s. these averages two to three degrees warmer. temperatures trending up a little bit for thursday and friday. partly cloudy skies for both saturday and also into sunday. coming up we will take a look at rain chances beyond sunday. we could be having a wet weather pattern. 6:12 is the time.
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big day for apple fans. the conference getting under way in san francisco to celebrate all things apple. also this week the city of oakland could lose the crime fighting help it has been getting from the chp. what the highway patrol says it will take to keep them there. a rocket launch into space this morning. what this means for the growing tensions between north and south korea. look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy
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u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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and ways to connect. when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters.
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new this morning south korea just launched that. a satellite into space following north korea's lead. south korea asia's fourth largest economy has been building the space program. two earlier launches failed, two others were aborted. last month north korea successfully launched a rocket as well. white house called the launch a cover. test ban to missile technology. next week back in this country the state department will hold a welcoming ceremony for john kerry. he has been confirmed as the next secretary of state. the vote was 94-3 and john kerry was there. he could be sworn in as early as friday. no official date has been set. the governor of massachusetts says he will appoint a temporary successor to fill kerry's u.s. senate seat. just about 45 minutes from now the senate will hold its first committee hearing on gun violence since the newtown
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school shooting. kyla campbell is live in our washington, d.c. newsroom. we are hearing gabrielle giffords will be a witness this morning. >> reporter: giffords is expected to give an opening statement but she won't be taking questions from the senate panel. several gun safety advocates are testifying today including giffords husband mark kelly. in the two years since she was shot in the head, the two have pushed for tighter gun controls and they are getting help from california senator dianne feinstein she just introduced an assault weapons ban last week and expected to have a lot to say to the nra executive director. wayne lapierre is testifying before the senate. >> he makes his claim that everybody is entitled to these weapons. my view everybody is seattleed to -- is entitled to be safe. >> reporter: what the group executive director is saying when i meet with you next.
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also this morning two conservative action groups are holding a news conference outside of senator dianne feinstein's san francisco office. to oppose her assault weapons ban. the western representation pack is teaming up with the women warriors pack. the news conference is scheduled for 10:00 this morning at one post street. your time is 6:17. this week oakland could lose the crime fighting help it has been getting from the california highway patrol if oakland doesn't start paying the chp for it crime fighting efforts. chp officers have been out there patrolling oakland for free. that deal will end this week. it's willing to help oakland for three more months. oakland mayor jean quan tells the tribune she hopes to use state grants to cover some of the costs. the recent attacks happened
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near the courtland avenue corridor. a community safety forum was held last night in response to the crime. police are reminding people to be aware of their surroundings. your time now 6:18. today mack world begins. the a yule display of all thing -- the annual display of all things apple are opened. the public can join the celebration of apple technology, art, and business culture beginning tomorrow. organizers say they will be tech talks, products, and special events for photographers, musicians, and artists as well as new apple fans and the long-time apple lovers. the mack world conference runs straight through saturday. >> a lot of people look forward to that. sal is here on traffic. what are you keeping an eye on? >> somehow my invitation must have gotten loss. >> it's in the mail. >> they is a over sight they need to correct that.
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>> i think so. i hope you're have ration a good morning. we are looking at san francisco northbound 101. if you are going to mac world world the best way to get there is taking bart. let's move along and take a look at westbound bay bridge coming up to the toll plaza. it's backed up for a ten minute wait at the toll. no problems on the peninsula. we're looking at the traffic time there. it's very nice. no major problems on northbound 101, 280 or 85. let's go to mark. hi there, sal. good morning, to you. we're taking a live look outside. weather pattern still pretty quiet. typically this time of year we could be talking about a series of strong storms not in the forecast just yet. today off to a cold start this morning. deaf netly -- definitely want to bundle up. the closer inspection santa rosa 38 degrees.
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napa at 37. fairfield in the upper 30s as well. for today this morning mostly clear and cool. mid 30s to mid 40s. key headline it will be a little warmer compared to yesterday. these are all minor changes. high pressure developing offshore. this continues to strengthen. as a result the storm track heading way up to the north. a little warmer for today and thursday. still warmest locations about 64-65 degrees. here's our forecast model showing you career skies this afternoon. maybe a patch of fog developing. your numbers this afternoon a little bit warm earn opinion the numbers about two to four degrees warmer than yesterday's highs. san jose 63. san mateo 61. a look ahead looks pretty good with sun, cloud mix by the weekend. thank you, mark. >> more than one million toyotas are being recalled. there are two separate recalls.
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first for 2003 and 2004 corolla sedans. a problem could cause it to deploy even when there has not been an accident. and 2006 through 2012 model year could be checked for a problem that could cause the windshield wipers to fail. owners of effected vehicles will get a letter from toyota. googles new maps of north korea are now live. google map shows photos and details of the capitol city. north korea was one of the few places on earth google had very little information. google warns the map is not perfect. it will work to improve the maps of north korea. time now 6:21. you like youtube? youtube may see big changes. we'll tell you what it is and why some people may not like it. what happened when oj simpson book showed up on e- bay.
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time is 6:24. for a short time an original addition of oj simpson's book if i did it was auctioned on e- bay for a quarter of a million dollars. this was written as a hypothetical confession to the murder of his wife and friend. it was schedule for release
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back in 2006. but there was such a backlash that the release was canceled and the 400,000 copies of the book were destroyed. that listing for the book is no longer on the e-bay website. police in pittsburgh are searching for a person of interest at a fatal shooting at a gas station. within hours police traced the suspected getaway car to a house in bay point. they named 22-year-old brian fox as a person of interest. swat team surrounded the home but fox was not inside. watching videos on youtube may soon cost you money. ad age is reporting youtube plans to introduce paid prescriptions this spring. the first pay channels will cost between $1-$5 a month. still not clear which channels will be part of the paid prescriptions.
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youtube is also considering charging for access to live events as well as for the self- help or financial advice shows. time is 6:26. sal is back. how are we rolling this morning? >> i think we are rolling okay. i think that in san jose you will like what you see here. i will show you 280 northbound it looks very nice coming through. it hasn't had a big problem there. i'm look agent the chp list. we don't have a lot going. southbound 80 looks good as well heading down to the bottom of the hill. at 6:26 let's go to mark tamayo. hi there, sal. good morning, to you. off to a cold start this morning. but this afternoon a nice recovery under mostly sunny skies. temperatures warming up a little bit warmer than yesterday. upper 50s to the low to mid 60s. look ahead your five-day forecast. we will continue to warm things up a little bit for thursday and friday. partly cloudy skies on saturday and a sun cloud mix by sunday.
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time now 6:27. new orleans bustling right now. the city is getting ready for the super bowl this sunday. live pictures. yes, it's raining in the french quarter right now. ktvu ken wayne is right there in the middle of everything. look at the camera panning at the wet roads. ken will give us a live report from the big easy showing us the preparations. he was only ten years old when he disappeared 30 years ago. what the mother of kevin collin says about a new search for her son. we'll also take you live to new york for the opening bell next. amazon reports bad news but the reaction is good. pam will tell you why.
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right on time. the opening bell live in new york this morning. over there on the new york stock exchange they are
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celebrating a refinery ipo. a refining ipo out of texas this morning. we are talking about amazon. it was reporting disappointing numbers but profit margins really good. investors like the stock and future. amazon stock looks like it's opening up $23 a share. so we'll have all the business news coming up. we will smile and say good morning, to you. thank you for joining us here on ktvu channel 2 morning news. already the middle of the week. it's wednesday, january 30th i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. our top story this morning a new search for a san francisco boy has been missing from almost 30 years.
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cadaver dogs did detect remains on the home on masonic avenue. >> reporter: they did have a hit on remains that were underneath the garage. they believe it to be of animal origin. not human origin. >> however police do say they need to conduct more tests. the man that used to live in the home was a suspect at the time of kevin's disappearance. that man has since died. meanwhile despite the latest lead, the family of ken collins continues to hold out hope for answers in his disappearance. ktvu channel 2 brian flores is in the newsroom with why the family has guarded optimism. >> reporter: it's simply because they have been through this so many times before. you have a promising lead only to end up not being anything. the latest investigation is giving them a sense of hope. some family members tell us they let go of kevin years ago but they have always struggled with the question of what
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happened. since yesterday police and fbi agents are searching a home in san francisco hate ashbury neighborhood. that home is steps away from where they disappeared. for the family it stirred up renewed feelings. some type of closure can come of this. we spoke with kevin's aunt and uncle. they still hold the memorabilia of the search effort years ago. the jc dugard case renewed their hope. >> i accepted the fact that he is probably gone but then jc dugard was found right here in antioch. who is to say that kevin is not alive? >> on an emotional level, i don't know if we want this to turn out to be positive you know. >> kevin disappeared as he was on his way home from school in february of 1984. he was last seen at oak street and masonic avenue half a block from the school.
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just five days ago they marked kevin's birthday. he would have been 39 years old. we spoke of kevin's mother she said she was notified of the progress and she still feels numb. new this morning san jose police are investigating a suspected case of arson at a home in willow glen area. janine de la vega is in san jose and just talked to the homeowners a short time ago. janine. >> reporter: they are completely rattled and they don't know why this is happening. the man who lives in here at this home behind me says he's been here 30 years. nothing like this has ever happened. this is the second time his house has been vandalized. it appears somebody it will his door on fire. this took place around 3:00 this morning on glenwood
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avenue. the family says that they were sleeping and they actually heard a commotion outside and found their front door was in flames. they called 911 but were able to put the fire out before firefighters arrived. the morning before that woke up to find their dodge ford focus vandalized. here's exclusive pictures on that shows yellow paint thrown on the car and the tires were punctured. the homeowner that didn't want to be identified shared his feelings. >> we had no idea what to think. this is not something you would expect anyone to do. and there doesn't appear to be any motivation for it. >> reporter: police canvassed the neighborhood. nobody saw anything. arson investigator also came out to the scene to collect evidence at this point authorities say it appears that flammable liquid was thrown on or near the front door and then it will.
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they are investigating and hope that somebody comes forward with information. back out here live you can actually see some left over yellow paint evidence of what happened here. not this morning but the morning before. so again the family that lives here was already on pins and needles. they were trying to be vigilant. coming up later on mornings on 2 we'll tell you what they plan on doing. reporting live janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. time now 6:35. happening right now pouring down rain in new orleans. in fact, we want to take a live look at our weather radar map of louisiana. they are getting slammed. a lot of rain in that louisiana area. but all the rain is not stopping the city from getting ready for this sunday's super bowl. ken wayne is in the middle of everything. ken joins us live to tell us how the businesses are repairing. >> reporter: good morning. we're in the french quarter along decater street. you are right.
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you remember our last report an hour ago it was dry and muggy and warm and in the 70s. we just had a dramatic drop in temperature. i've never felt anything like it. it went from about 70-degrees to about 60 degrees within a matter of seconds. and then the skies opened up. you can see the rain is coming down. but the good news, this rain is supposed to ease oppilatedder today. even the pigeons here in the french marketplace are not going outside. they are kind of hanging out trying to stay out of the elements. we will get out of the elements too and step inside. we are here at aunt sallies pray lean store. this is our good friend sharita. i say -- they are cooking up a batch right over here. tell us exactly what is in it? >> it's a confection of pecans, pure white sugar cane absorbed in milk and have hill that abstract and a lot of love. >> reporter: how long does it
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take to boil that up? >> it normally takes about a half hour. right now this is a 25-pounder she has on. it's about ready to come off in the next 10-15 minutes. >> reporter: when it's all done. we want to see what it looks like. you have sample plates out here. basically this is it with the pecans inside. it's just a nice little treat. >> oh yes. it's made with a lot of love. this is what we are known for since the early 1930s. and sallies is one of the famous that makes them. it's very delicious. >> reporter: thank you very much. this is how it looks here inside the french marketplace. let's take one more step outside for the super bowl weather coming up this weekend. the forecast say thicks will dry -- say things will dry out. by this weekend it will be warm again in the 70s in new orleans. of course the super dome is covered. so it doesn't matter for the
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teams and the fans going to the game what the weather is like. but for the city that is counting all the tourists that will be here, they would like to see nice weather so people can enjoy the city, have a good time, and spend a lot of money. live from new orleans ken wayne ktvu channel 2 news. >> stay dry. by the way l is a harbaugh family reunion days before the super bowl. coming up what the coaching brothers may talk about when they have dinner together. make sure you stay right here with us on channel 2 for all the coverage from new orleans. ken wayne will be live from the big easy on mornings on 2 for you. we have live reports on every ktvu newscast leading up to the super bowl. after the super bowl switch right back here for channel 2 for a special post game covering the bay area to new orleans. >> your plans are made for sunday. 6:39 is the time. unfortunately sal says a crash in livermore. >> that is right.
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this is a sig alert reported chp of 580 in livermore. this would be 580 eastbound at greenville road. they also reported westbound. we are investigating and we'll let you know which direction it is. it seems to me based on the traffic patterns it's in the westbound direction. chp first reported at eastbound. we'll let you know more about it where the crash is. news chopper 2 is on the way. let's go to live pictures now. bay bridge. that is back up to about a 20 minute deray. no major problems get into the city. if you are driving on oakland 880 north that traffic looks good. let's go to mark. hi there, sal. good morning, to you. look sat this beautiful shot. we have clerisies here. it is cold out there. but it's still a pretty nice day to step outside. contrast out to new orleans we
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saw ken's live shot. you can see the strong front moving through. he was talking about the temperature in there. there is a cold front right now it's 57 degrees. that much of a drop off in temperatures. sorry about the quick flight. but 74 to 57 within an hours period. right now we have this. temperatures in the cold side upper 30s. livermore 49. san jose reporting 40 degrows. forecast headline for today patchy morning fog. more sunshine this afternoon. tomorrow we will continue to warm things up slightly. this weekend a dry weather pattern. high pressure and full command of our weather pattern pushing the storm track up to the north. minor warming trend for wednesday into thursday. by thursday warmest locations around 53-64. a nice day at the beach for today with temperatures maxing out in the upper 50s. right around the bay 8:00 this morning mostly clear skies.
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43 degrees. by 3:00 mostly sunny and for the inland spots patchy fog and 8:00 this morning. hazy sunshine. on average about two to four degrees warmer than yesterday's readings. there is san francisco at 60. here's a look ahead your five- day forecast. a little warmer for thursday and friday with partly cloudy skies but the weekend will be dry. a terrifying robbery at a bay area jewelry store. what the robbers had in their hands when they stormed many. if you are driving across the golden gate bridge it may look like business as usual but there is is a lot happening behind the scenes this morning. we'll tell you what it will mean for your morning commute and when. we have a problem in livermore that is causing a lot of delay. right here on 880 it is not. traffic is moving well.
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good wednesday morning. time now 6:44. looking pretty good today. pretty cold this morning. temperatures in the mid 30s and 40s. lots of sunshine this afternoon. time now 6:44. here's a quick look at some of the top stories we're following for you right now. this morning in washington, d.c. the senate judiciary hearing holds a hearing about gun violence. the associate the press is
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reporting former congresswoman gabby giffords will be a surprise witness at that hearing. gabby giffords husband mark kelly already been scheduled to testify at that hearing. in san jose police are busy investigating a suspected case of arson in the willow grown area. it appears someone threw a flammable liquid on the door of a house and then set it on fire. police and fbi agents searched a home in san francisco hate ashbury neighborhood. that home is just steps away from where ten-year-old kevin collins disappeared back in 1984. it appears some animal remains were found at that house but authorities say much more testing needs to be done. toll takers at the golden gate bridge are being phased out. this morning the district is testing out a new electronic system. claudine wong is out there at the toll plaza to explain how it works and why the change. claudine. >> reporter: if you drive across the golden gate bridge
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this morning it may seem like business as usual. and it is. you have your toll takers in the first few booths. you have the car pool lanes open. you have fast track going. what you don't see is the testing going on behind the scenes and what they are doing is testing out technology. we pan over here. let me give you a look at the lights and cameras. they do take a shot of your license plate. that would be key to the new technology that would allow you to go through the golden gate bridge. it's a system that will go into effect to officially effect late march. and in the long run the district says it will save money. >> at the end of the day collection is more than twice the cost of fast track. it's a cost issue for the golden gate bridge district. we're trying to reduce our cost anoverhead. >> reporter: back here live at the golden gate bridge. toll takers are being phased out. they're trying to find new jobs.
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about 14 have found new positions. now how will this process work if you are coming across the bridge after late march? you will go through fast track. it will be business as usual. if you don't you can either sign up and register your plate and pay as you go or they will send you one of these in the mail. what they are calling an invoice. it will be for the same cost unless you don't pay it in 21 days then it becomes a toll invasion and then a delinquent notice. they want all this to go smoothly. live at the golden gate bridge claudine wong ktvu channel 2 news. police in walnut creek are searching for suspects in a terrifying jewelry store robbery. it happened yesterday afternoon right at broadway plaza. reportedly the robbers had sledge hammers and pepper spray. police say two men escaped with thousands of dollars worth of rolex watches after spraying the workers with pepper spray. the employees fortunately were
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not seriously hurt. your time 6:48. before the big super bowl game this sunday, a harbaugh family reunion is being planned. the head coaching brothers jim and john may meet tonight for dinner. now we're told they have been texting and calling each other about their hotels and about ticket requests. ravens head coach john harbaugh joked both men will have nothing to talk about at dinner. they don't want to give up any secrets about their team. back to the crash in livermore. what can you tell us? >> it's a pretty serious crash pam and dave. eastbound 580 at greenville road. it's effecting the westbound commute. it's right here. if you are driving in from tracy, getting into the livermore area you need extra time. even though the crash is not in your direction. it's causing a big enough traffic jam. you need to give yourself plenty of extra time. we're also hearing about another serious crash. the san mateo. 92 this may have been a wrong
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way driver on the freeway. injury crash. that is eastbound. chp and fire department are on the scene. avoid 92 right now between 280 and 101. you might want to use side roads. if you are far up enough on the peninsula, instead of using 92 you might want to use 380 instead. let's go to the 880 freeway right now traffic there looks good. at the toll plaza we have a delay. 6:49 let's go to mark. hi there, sal. we do have this. a lot of clear skies out there. a bit of haze. still lots of sunshine. the sun is still coming up. off to a cold start this morning. take a look at the current numbers. still in the upper 30s. santa rosa 38-degree. downtown san francisco 47. and oakland checking in 43. we're all cold this morning. at 7:00 30s and 40s. nice recovery with those
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readings back up in the upper 50s. lots of 60s across the bay area. high pressure continues to strengthen offshore. that insures the dry weather pattern and a little bit of a bump in the numbers for today and also right on into thursday and basically the warming trend will continue as we approach the weekend as well. here's our forecast model. maybe a patch or two of fog. we are in the clear throughout this afternoon. and then for tonight looking pretty good as well with mostly clear skies. for today we'll break it down beginning 8:00 this morning. chilly out there. upper 30s to the upper 40s. then by 12:00 mostly sunny skies. temperatures 53-58. and then as we wrap up around 63. forecast highs as i mentioned a little bit of bump in the numbers. san jose will go as high as 63. here's a look ahead. five-day forecast with your weekend always in view a little bit of a warmup.
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u.s. economy shrank during the final quarter of 2012. it is the first time since the recession ended. commerce department says the economy was hurt by fewer exports. some analysts worry the weakness could also raise concerns about the economy's ability to handle increased spending cuts and the tax increases that took effect this month. a new report from payroll processor adp says they added 192,000 jobs this month. it also could be a sign of growth in the labor market. the federal government releases its january jobs report that covers public and private sector employment on friday. time now 6:51. it's supposed to be a big celebration but the police are worried about thieves. the warning now for businesses in san francisco's china town. ahead of the lunar new year. bay area child who vanished
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in the 1980s. how family and friends are honoring her.
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welcome back to the ktvu morning news. talking about the economy shrinking the gdp numbers. the dow jones is down slightly this morning. a star on the nasdaq is amazon. investors like that stock.
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it's up about $17 a share. time is 6:55. police in brentwood just released two sketches in connection to a drive by shooting that injured four teenagers. investigators say the sketches resembled two of the four men. the driver described address a white man with blond hair between 18 and 25 years old. one of the passengers is believed to be a latino man also between 18 and 25 years old. take a look at the pictures. police say the four teenagers are standing in front of a house on ben ton drive when the suspects drove up. when teenager told ktvu someone inside said something about the nike cortez shoes worn by one of the boys saying and i'm quoting gang members like to wear those. moments later a man in the car started shooting. all of the victims are expected to recover. tonight family members and friends of a missing girl from the east bay will come together for an annual candle light march and vigil. it starts at 7:00 at wells and
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immediate school. the former school of aye lean. she was 13 years old when she vanished. she was walking going to an ice skating lesson. police in dublin are still looking for clues in this mysterious case. u.s. safety regulators are asking boeing for a complete history of the lithium ion batteries used in the dream liner jets. that is after the airways said it replaced batteries in the 787 it owns on ten separate occasions. the batteries failed to charge separately. all 50 oz. of the dream liners are -- all 50 of the dream liners are still grounded. later today police and volunteers will pass out crime prevention tips and resources to help wisconsin owners avoid scams. in the past criminals have taken advantage of businesses
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by asking money as part of the lunar new year tradition. time now 6:57. sal, i know you have the chopper working. what are you following? >> we have the breaking news from this chopper. from this crash. an injury crash at north greenville road. really on the exterior of livermore. news chopper 2 is getting on the scene now. we'll have more coming up. i'll put it up on the map. it's 580 eastbound at greenville road. we also have another serious crash this is worth mentioning. this could be a wrong way driver on the freeway. 92 eastbound. it turn into a wreck. the fire department is there. we will follow both of these crashes coming up. let's go to mark. hi there sal. good morning, to wow. we have clear skies across the bay area this morning. off to a cold start. 30s and 40s. look what happened this afternoon. mostly sunny skies. a little warmer for your thursday with a few clouds. especially by saturday


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