tv Right This Minute FOX February 1, 2013 9:30am-10:00am PST
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like jackson style. he's got the one glove. >> he's got two gloves. >> he's got two gloves. >> lonot michael jackson at all >> look at the bride. she looks mortified. >> she's like, at least they could have gotten me a part. i just have to stand here. that's it for "rtm." we'll see you next time. ao
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i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos of the day, "right this minute." flirting with danger. a driver goes drifting with -- >> a lot of spectators way too close. >> see an accident waiting to happen that did. >> it's the argument blowing up on the internet. as you see, a woman being tased. now, meet the security guard who wants the world to know what he's up against. >> i'm always outnumbered. that's the why i have the videocam ranchts we've seen extreme windsurfing before, but -- >> this is crazy. >> why no wind is too wicked for these guys. >> plus, the friday buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini, and the video rivalry among super bowl fans, from a 49ers family -- >> oh! >> to some ravens ladies who want to put a ring on it.
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♪ >> ladies good luck, but it's all about the niners! drifting, of course, is a popular pastime in a lot of countries. on the street, a lot of cars drifting with a lot of spectators way too close. >> oh, oh, oh -- oh! >> oh. >> oh, my gosh. he got launched into the air. >> yeah. that black car that's drifting came straight for the people that walked on to the road. it's very difficult to watch. >> oh, my -- and that guy did a bunch of flips in the air, too, before he landed. >> watch out! >> almost immediately, a bunch of the men that were there start rushing towards this guy, but what's even crazier, you almost see the same black car drive really fast towards the group of people that are running towards this guy. it's really weird.
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>> this is weird. >> watch. unfortunately we don't guest to see what happens after, because the video ends. >> it's nice to see all of these people rushing to this guy's aid, but the like, are they surprised that this happened? i mean, they're that close. and if you watch again, there's three or four other people who almost get hit as well. >> we're not exactly sure of the man's condition, but comments on the video suggest that he did survive. stealing, not a good thing. what's really bad, stealing puppies. >> oh. >> yeah, let's go las vegas, nevada. two guys break in to a pet store here, and steal a number of high-priced dogs. we're seeing this courtesy of surveillance video. in all, two white french bulldog puppi puppies, one gray schnauzer, the last things i would think being sold.
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>> high bred dogs. think about craig list, not chipped yet. could be an easy crime. at at 11:56 p.m. they weren't done. they went to exotic birds. >> where are they going to keep all this? >> here you see them breaking into another place stealing a cockatoo, a yellow and orange makah and green, orange and mu macaw. surprised the birds didn't fly away. >> funny they didn't squawk, hey, you're not my owner. >> if they're not planning on selling them, until they do, they have to take care of these animals and it's highly unliky. >> we reached out to the police department. they are still looking for these suspects, believing they're in their late teens, early 20s, and we get to see faces clearly. >> who steals a puppy, man? you're in thailand doing a
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little diving and you come across some scorpion fish and they're trapped. what do you do? you release them. that's what these people did while diving, and one thing you should know about scorpion fish, she have a sting. spines covered with mucous. that didn't stop these people from trying to free them from this netting. >> oh, geez. yeah. they're really tangled up. nowhere they can go. >> that just looks like sea trash, fishermen's nets. >> able to release them. i counted three. before it started or after it finished, fine with the venomous substance, once they do it, using a knife top push it away gently. don't have a special knife for cutting the fish free and they're able to do it. >> there he goes. >> i'm outta here, and they keep working. >> speaking of sea trash, some divers were out in thailand as well, and they came upon a big load of floating rubbish, and
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what do they find inside in the middle of it? a turtle. >> look at all that stuff. you can't even say what it is. it's just a bunch of junk. >> a reminder to pick up your trash. they put the turtle on the boat and boat it away a little bit because they didn't want to put it in the same area figuring he might get trapped again. >> they need garbage men of the sea to clean this junk up. that one guy was doing sign language for a sea turtle, which we can all do, and we can teach our fans what to sign language for sea turtlese. you guys might remember this video that i brought you a few days ago. a security guard with a lapel cam in downtown atlanta outside of the metro mall. a conflict starts happening with two women who have several children around them. it resulted in one of the women being tased.
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this story caused a lot of chatter online and this video quickly went viral. this guy was a private security guard hired by the mall to curb guns, violence and drugs in this area. >> what's your name, dog? >> what? >> what's your -- write that down. that's not a problem. >> some of his videos have been uploaded showing exactly what he's up against on a day-to-day basis. >> if you walk in here again you're going to jam. >> and -- >> to find out more about exactly what happened in this video, we have the security guard via atlanta. his name is darren long. darren, welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> darren, what was going on right before this video started that started this whole argument? >> you hear the child shriek and i just said, hey -- it's what entailed from that. >> darren, describe in general the situation down there? what are you dealing on on a daily basis? >> i've had people try to sell
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drugs in here. sell stolen goods. when i first got there, i kicked them off. >> all you drug dealers are staying off this property. >> what is the city doing to curtail this? >> we are supposed to get ten more police officers in this area. >> do you ever fear for your safety? >> i'm always concerned. that's why i have the video. >> don't fwhauk here again or you're going to jail. >> everybody thinks the woman deserved to be tased. >> would you handle this situation the same way? >> oh, she was hitting me. so, yeah, i would tase them. i may have been wrong when i cam back into the mall and was kind of re-estimated the situation. >> what happened to these women? >> the woman that got tased, four misdemeanors, the one that didn't, two misdemeanors. >> what was going through your minds when the kids started doing what the grown-ups were doing in that video? >> that's my daddy! >> they were kids. all i wanted them to do, come get your children. >> get your children. >> do you think that people are watching this video, not because you tased the woman, but because
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lots of communities are experiencing what you're going through? >> no. i think they're watching it because the woman got tased. a crash tip with no crash. >> whoa! >> in that case, the driver really didn't do anything. >> find out how trucks are getting equipped to stop on their own. and -- >> get all the benefits of a great cardio and muscle-building workout, in just four minutes. now there's a workout that claims to do just that. >> it's kind of like circuit training except you're just doing it for four
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they think safety. volvo has taken safety another step and put it in their tractor trailers developing emergency brake system. watch this. >> whoa! >> in that case, the driver really didn't do anything. >> the truck is equipped with a camera and radar system. >> and if the driver doesn't react at all, the truck will automatically go into emergency brake mode and stop itself. >> i'm glad they're finally putting this technology in large vehicles like trucks, because we've seen it in smaller vehicles. ford has had it in their suvs for a couple of years. >> and volvo is not taking this out of the equation. here's how it actually works. >> if there is no reaction from the driver, the display started to flash. if still no reaction from the driver, the truck's brakes are applied with a low braking force. finally, if still no reaction from the drive sir detected, an emergency full braking is
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performed. >> the real world test at the volvo test track. you can see a car up ahead moving now. watch what happens when the truck behind does not respond to the vehicle slowing down. [ beeper ] >> what? that is amazing, though. in a real situation without that technology that core could have been a crushed can. >> in europe, emergency systems will be required by law by 2015. you'll see a lot of this stuff there and hopefully it will trickle in. best cat toy ever. ♪ ♪
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i think we can all agree the worst part of working out is working out. >> yeah. definitely. >> we should get all the benefits of a great cardio and muscle-building workout in just four minutes. >> sign me up. >> this is not an infomercial. this is actually called the four-minute miracle or the fouminute workout, or, taba. lots of videos of people doing tabata all over the internet. >> created in japan by a man and it's all about intense interval training for 20 seconds with a 10-second rest period in between. >> and then you're done for the day? >> then you're done for the day. >> so -- you get on a stationary bike. you'd pedal as hard as you can for eight intervals of 20 seconds with a 10-second down time period. >> for a total of four minutes.
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>> that's it. this is supposed to be a great aerobic workout. >> i do this every morning for an hour and i still look like this. so four minutes? i don't think it's going to cut it. >> you mix it up. maybe in the first day that you do the four minutes, you do some biking, and you do some squats. but every time you do it, you push yourself to the max. they say when you're done whip the four minutes, you might feel light-headed, dizzy, you might feel a little weak, but you also have to take proper care of yourself in the time that you're not working out. >> one of the biggest things people complain about, i don't have time to do it. you can make time for four minutes. >> go to the website and learn thousand it for yourself. one. web's biggest pranksters is out trying to get directions. >> but he keeps telling her she's wrong. >> this burns me up. you're like, no, i know for a fact, this is right. don't tell me i'm wrong. >> see how heated this one gets. and it's almost that time when we give you friday's
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bowl ring on it ♪ >> as you can see, they had a little fun with beyonce's "single lady." >> saying it's time to put a super bowl ring on it, obviously for the ravens. these ladies are not the ravens cheerleaders but the fierce five ravens ladies. basically, super fans. >> and they braved 20-degree temperatures putting only leotards on for which they deserve a gold medal, i think. >> i give them credit for that. ♪ oh, oh, oh-oh-oh oh-oh ♪ >> i will say this, i like it. i just don't like what they're singing for. >> here to tell us all about braving cold temperatures we have the fierce five with us. let me introduce them. we have lauren, crystal, dina and katie, fra. what mapd you do this parody? >> hi. >> it's our first time being in the super bowl for the past 12 years.
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so it's pretty exciting for us around here. >> how long did it take to do the video and who was behind it? >> kind of my crazy idea. i called christina, hey, we both like to sing. let's make a song about the ravens and seep if the other girls want to do it and they were immediately onboard. so we wrote the lyrics, created the song in fra's shower in a homemade studio sunday. >> sunday morning. >> then went all around baltimore and friends of friends and friends with cameras and a production crew and we filmed all of it on sunday. >> did you guys have, like, space heaters out there or something? >> i wish. >> it was mostly just adrenaline. >> i think i'm still thawing out. >> yeah. so i hear you are guys are encouraging some 49ers fans to make a parody video? >> oh, yeah. we want to see what they've got. we want to create some rivalry here. >> ladies, good luck, bust it's all about the niners! [ laughter ]
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what's wrong? >> and remember the little 49ers fan who was crushed last year when his team wasn't going to the super bowl? >> maybe next year they'll be in the super bowl. >> well, next year is here. and as you can see, johnny price and his family are ready to win, because they don't want anoth crying video this ye. >> whose t bettethan u >> nobody! >> whose got it better than us? >> nobody! if you sometimes feel like people are disagreeing with you, it might be on purpose. or it might be -- >> do you know what resort that is over there? >> where? >> over there. >> the resort. i think it's valley. >> no. deer valley's right there. >> no. that's over there. >> it's here. >> she's a local. she knows what she's talking about, but he keeps telling her she's wrong. >> i work at deer valley. >> deer valley's there. >> where do you want to go?
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>> dear valley. >> deer valley, it's around the circle. it's that way. >> it's over there. >> i live here and i work at deer valley. >> this burns me up. nothing's worse than you know something and they're telling you, no. it's like. no. i know for a fact. don't tell me i'm wrong. >> i've been here for 20 years. >> i know what i'm talking about! >> it's like don't ask for directions and then you are saying you know which way to go. >> go around the circle. >> i'm pretty sure that's deer valley, though. i'm just kidding. we're doing a video. disagreeing with people. >> you're driving me crazy! >> i love at the very end how she almost went for his neck. she settled for are the strings of his sweater. >> snap him in half if he did that to me. >> hey, i really like your red sweater today. >> yeah. how about a little friday buzzword and a "right this minute" ipad mini giveaway? >> absolutely. let's do the buzzword "right
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this minute." remember, you have to be 18 or older to enter. >> once we give you are the buds word if using a mobile phone or tablet, head to the first post on our facebook page and head to the mobile link. >> do it. the friday buzzword is gossip. got to love that gossip. get on over to facebook forward slash "right this minute" and click on the mini but. >> and enter the buzzword. gossip. that's g-o-s-s-i-p for your chance to win aipad mini. good luck, everybody! chasing storms to get big air. >> look at how how high up that guy is. >> are they normally supposed to get that kind of air? >> see how extreme surfing [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals
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if you're tired of skiing down the slope, just ski bike down. >> i want it. [ laughter ] >> i want it. >> that didn't take long. >> no. i want it. that thing's pretty smooth. that just saves your knees. if you haven't been skiing in years and your legs aren't up to par, you just sit down. that's like a mountain bike frame with skis on it. >> it doesn't stay straight. the back swivels which i imagine gives you a lot of control on the mountain. >> it's very tranquil and relaxes it looks like. just kindputsing through the for of the you know? ♪ the only thing missing is an engine.
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>> the last thing you need is an engine on a ski bike. >> i don't know about that. this would be nice to do, too, in between runs. if you're skiing, your legs getting tired. use it every ten runs to cool off, relax, whatever. >> or just go into the lodge and have yourself a cup of hot cocoa. >> or put a cup holder on this thing. one look at this storm off the coast of ireland and you're probably seeing, we're about to see a rescue video because this thing is nasty. look what these people are wearing. red bull gear. so know it's about to get extreme. this is a red bull storm chase. this is crazy. this is ten of the world's best windsurfers facing 20-foot waves. winds 74 knots, which equals out to 85 miles per hour. look how high up that guy is. >> are they normally needing that for that kind of air? >> amazing what they're pulling off in this individuvideo. though chase winds around the world to do these windsurfing
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competitions. one of seven events from japan, france, spain, here in the united states. red bull does an amazing job at giving us all the different angles in this competition, and they're going towards what everybody else is trying to get away from. that's hard imagine. >> all the support team,too, that has to go with these guys. >> watch this guy, get air and keeps going up and up and up. >> oh! >> 70 knots. i just don't know -- just unbelievable amount of force out there right now. >> these wacky, crazy storms are what these guys live for, that's for sure. from these ten athletes, they'll eliminate them over the course of seven events until there's one winner who is the wind master. >> one standing? >> one guy that doesn't get blown away? >> one guy still around. >> hey, congratulation pay heir, you made
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