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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 13, 2013 9:00am-9:30am PST

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more computers. we're always here at ktvu. thank you for joining us.
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman and we have great videos right this minute. a rogue motorcycle rider leads police on a wild chase that reaches speeds of 110 miles per hour. while his sudden surrender didn't win over the cops. >> a swedish free skier takes on the mother of all mountains. >> a little avalanche is not going to rank this guys style. a young girl singing for peace is hit by violence. one small miracle pulled from
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the rubble. get your chance at an ipad mini, and go behind the scenes of the "sports illustrated" swim suit issue. we're getting started with dash cam video. you see a 22-year-old here. he, in this moment, is eluding police. he was apparently being pulled over for a minor traffic infraction. this went on for about six miles and reached spaeds of 110 miles per hour. what you're going to see is him stopping his motorcycle and he gets off, and holds his hands in the air, but it doesn't end
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there. it appears the sheriff's deputies are punching him, and at this point in the video, you see one of them pull a taser, and it is used. he was arrested and charged with driving at high speeds, eluding an officer. he had 55.8 grams of marijuana on him at the time of the arrest and $480. >> they may explain why he was trying to get away from cops to quickly. >> what are you doing, are you stupid? >> this happened in october, but the young man and his attorney had this video released to the public because he is planning on
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filing a civil suit against the collier county sheriff deputies for excessive use of force. >> guess what, he would not have been beat, tased, or any of this if he stopped the first time. the news that shocked the catholic world. the pope is resigning. it has not happened in hundreds of years. the ukrainian women's protest were not happy about it, and they voiced their opinion about it. they were chanting pope no more. as you can see here they had jackets when they went in they had jackets on, and when they
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came out they said down with homophobia. >> if they think the church is going to change overnight, they're going to be disappointed. >> can you turn the lights off in a cathedral so people couldn't see them? >> that's right, at some point, they turned lights off so you can only see what's going on through flashes of photography. >> it looks like a rock video. >> or aance women gettingled and yanked or anything else because they're trying to get them out of the church because there were people there to worship and these women interrupted them. ♪ >> when you're skiing they have like a bunny slope, a green
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square, a blue triangle, a black diamond -- this is swedish free skier in the skier's competition. look at this, this guy has a ton of accomplishments, he is a pro, but this video is just getting started. keep watching. keep watching. suddenly there is a full-on avalanche. not only does he -- >> no way! >> that's what i said when i saw it the first time too, he does a back flip with this avalanche that looks like just feet behind him. i love in the comments everyone is saying it's like him saying
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f-you to nature. in the face of pure doom, he says screw it, i'm doing a back flip. >> and he won. >> that move, that flip made him my favorite person. >> did he know the avalanche was behind him? >> i hope he did. we're just a little while away from our wednesday ipad mini give away. stay with us, wednesday's buzz word in just a little bit. when we hear driving under the influence, we think of alcohol, but it also includes marijuana. our friends at channel 7 in washington decided to take some drivers and do a marijuana test.
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now marijuana is league in washington state. so they took three drivers, asked them to take a couple puffs and sent them out on a closed driving course. >> it's called blueberry train wreck. >> i can't believe they did this. >> i feel relaxed and buzzed -- >> throughout the course of this test, they have them smoke a little, go on the test track, smoke a little more, a little more. >> this girl here is 27 years old, and she showed up to the test already a little stoned. she's a medical marijuana patient. >> the one time in your life you get to do this, you should do it. >> they had her smoke a little more. >> that was awesome. >> in all, they did relatively okay. a couple of the officers said we
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would have pulled you over at this point. some said the legal limit was set way too low, because people are doing a pretty good job even eight times over the limit. each pot plant is different, each driver is different -- >> i would like to have been at the pitch meeting. i have an idea for a story -- who knows a good weed guy? >> you have a nice fire, and someone has to ruin that. it's a huge explosion. that girl is getting way, way too close. see what
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this video was captured in syria, this is believed to be an anti-government rally. and then the video cuts to the little girl that was on stage singing directly for the camera. what happens next is very disturbing. ♪ >> i was waiting for that. i felt the tension allhe way through this. all of a sudden, we're seeing what we believe is a lifeless body of a man, and everybody else trying to get up for cover. the poster of the video says this was a large mortar that was set off. >> did the girl make it out unharmed? >> it takes a few seconds, but then we believe we hear her
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talking to the man behind the camera. they are rushing for safety, and youee them pulling her in to safety. >> imagine her childhood, it's songs of protest instead of barbie dolls. >> they have to be so brave to want to continue to express themselves knowing their making themselves a rather large target. >> how do you live with that fear on a day today basis? >> they don't have a choice. what you do sense a lot of though, they hope for change. they hope that something happens that makes their life better than this. this is quite an experience in south africa. the first two i'm showing you
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are not cheetahs, they're lions -- >> i don't know they would stick my hands through that thing. they look like house cats, but they're big cats. they're nuzzling each other, and then her, and watch this -- a little kissy face. and the other one is like i want some kissy face too. >> she is kissing them right on the mouth. they look really docile, and they're lions. and there is nowhere to go. >> i feel like they could take a bite right out of that. that went the only life changing experience she had. >> is this woman a wild cat trainer, or just a visitor?
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>> she was some type of volunteer, and she had these experiences at the park, and she got pretty close to these animals. but that's not the only thing. that was just one cheetah, how about two cheetahs. >> i always wanted to hear a big cat purr. >> most guys use deodorant to knock the stink out, aparently one of these guys throws it into the fire, and you can guess what happens -- >> obviously you knew that was going to happen. it's like fire works all over. not what you want in your living
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room. and you can clearly see all of those embers now, this guy is quite mad. what was their goal here? the food eating video backwards and in slow motion. >> it's like a mother bird feeding a baby bird. still to come, what's the best line to get a valueen dine. >> you should kiss me. >> no. >> see if andrew can get a date before it's too late. [ female announcer ] safeway presents
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real big deals of the week. or how to keep from driving all over for the best deals. you don't need to run around. safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. right now, tide is $5.49 for 50 ounces. that's under 20 cents a load! skip the warehouse. charmin is $8.99 for 16 double rolls. and chobani greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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the ring onooking at a car the right side of your screen, do you see something coming out of that wing? it looks like exhaust. the poster says that is fuel coming out of that wing. the guy that shot the video believes the first attempt at take off was aborted because of the fuel. now it is going for take off number two, but you see the fuel
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is still spraying out of that plane. but it does take off -- >> did the pilot not know the fuel was leaking. >> the poster of the video doesn't know what the pilot knew, but as the plane takes off, you can still see the fuel trailing. but this could be dangerous for everyone if there was a spark that could ignite the fuel. >> it is rare for them to do this on a runway, because fuel on a runway like this can cause problems. it's valentines this week, and if you don't yet have a girlfriend or boyfriend, take a cue from andrew. but don't take a cue from this
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vid video. >> you look like my next girlfriend. >> sorry, married. i'm dating someone right now. >> oh yeah. >> what's his name? >> it's a girl. >> so you're single. you want to be my boyfriend? i mean girlfriend? >> i think he was thinking about it. >> be your girlfriend? >> for? >> happiness. >> you normally say date. >> i hope they do. >> then it's exclusive. >> am i what? >> single. >> oh you're not? >> why? >> you're hot, i was going to ask you to be my valentine. >> i'm not gay. >> you want to be my valentine? my girlfriends? we'll be dating, all of us.
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>> okay. >> he just needed to ask two, not one. >> i'm impressed by his ability to keep putting himself out there. >> it's because we keep putting him on the show. >> so you should kiss me. let's do a little wisconsin ipad mini dive away. >> you need the buzz word and you have to be 18 to enter. >> if you're using a tablet or mobile device, tap on the mobile link. the buzz word today is rescue. so go to our website and click on enter wednesday's buzz word, rescue, r rescue. one skateborder uses w
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so there is now what they call the border control system for your snowborder. it's basically a snowboard that has a break that will show you down and give you more control.
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>> how is it knew and they didn't think about it before. >> for everyone that try and was on their butt the whole time. >> it's barrassing. th coolest thing is it has a strap that attaches to the break to that you control with your hand, and it it gives you a sense of stability. >> it's like training wheels. >> before you crash into someone, or yourself, or a tree. the time when all men run out to their mailboxes like schoolboys. one of those models is katherine webb. and that may sound familiar. she is the girlfriend of alabama
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quarterback a.j. mckaren. and there was a lot of flak for her comments, but she should send him a thank you. >> this is enlightenning. >> little known fact, nearly 18 million women read the "sports illustrated" swim suit e dugs. >> kate upton is the cover model. >> i like how she has on a ski jacket and no top. here she is getting painted with body paint. it is based off another swim suit that was featured in --
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>> it could be hard to wash that off. >> i'm surprised that gayle knows how to get body paint off. >> the dude is going to use not one, not two, but three skateboards in one trick. here is adam miller. you're like where is the third skateboard. he hits into that top one there at the steps -- does a flip, and lands on another. they're calling it the first gator back flip from one skateboard to another and down six steps. >> wow,


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