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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  February 16, 2013 7:00am-10:00am PST

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. we are live where a two alarm fire took the life of a 10-year-old girl. i just spoke to her mother. what she had to say. >> an suv hands on its roof sending seven teens to the hospital. what contributed to the crash. >> and a streak of light spotted by people all over the bay area in the night sky. >> complete barry news coverage starts right now. this is k tvu mornings on two. >> good morning. welcome. it's saturday february 16th. >> get ready for a beautiful weekend. let's check in with rosemary for a peek at what to expect outside. >> reporter: good morning. another fair day across the bay
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area. waking up with sun and clouds on the cool side. 30s and 40s. we will continue with partly cloudy conditions, a bit cooler in most cases, a bigger drop near the coast. i will explain why coming up and we have winter returning. >> and we start with breaking news in the east bay. we are just getting word of what appears to be a fatal stabbing in oakland. police are now at scene and we have a photographer there. we are gathering more information. we will bring you pictures when we get them into the newsroom and we will have the latest on the investigation coming up. >> we are also following developing news out on treasure island. a 10-year-old was killed in an early morning apartment fire. we are live on the scene with more on this investigation. >> reporter: this is such a sad scene out here. i just spoke to the mother of the 10-year-old girl who died. she was to upset to speak but said her daughter was in the
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back of that second floor of that apartment and she just couldn't get to her. you can see fire engines are still on scene and a fire and a police investigator are trying to determine the cause. this is cell phone video from one of the witnesses, the deputy fire chief said when they arrived after midnight flames were shooting out of all the windows of it would have the units in the apartments. it took two hours to get the fire under control and two firefighters had minor injuries while trying to rescue the 10- year-old trapped inside. >> two of the firefighters, they were making aggressive attack from where the exposure. they tried to get to where the occupant was. two fell through the floor. >> reporter: you can hear how upsetting this is for them. the red cross is helping 22 displaced people this morning, 11 adults and 11 children. they have a counselor on hand
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out here to help the little girl's family deal with this incredible loss. ktv channel 2news. >> cause of a warehouse fire in san mateo sunday investigation. it was. >> reporter:ed around 1:00 a.m. in edison way. it appears the building was empty. >> a car crash sent seven to the hospital in east san jose. investigators say the driver of the suv lost control just after 10:00 last night. the vehicle as you can see flipped over. it rolled several times, firefighters had to use the jaws of life to rescue the driver. >> i heard a screech and like a boom and we came running over to make sure everything was all right. there was a guy pulling people out of the car. >> investigators believe the driver was going to fast for the conditions. the kids taken to three hospitals and some had significant injuries.
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>> last night's streak of light, that flashed in the sky over the bay area was not connected to a couple of earlier events. >> see that? >> what was that? >> that's the surprise reaction from a person on southbound 280 just before eight last night. they posted this dash cam video on youtube. the light is right there. others describe it as a flare. something very breathtaking and scary at the same time. >> and i was sitting on the chair in the backyard and i was looking in the sky and i seen like a blue -- a blue streak from the sky coming down. i thought it was a firework. >> some say they believe that the fire ball came from a passing meteor. the russian government is sizing up the damage caused by another meteor. it shook central russia,
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injuring nearly a thousand people. windows blew out and more than 4,000 homes and businesses in one city. russian sciencists say it was the size of a school bus and was traveling at 40,000 miles an hour. it created a blast similar to 300-tons of dynamite. pieces caused craters20 feet wide. damage is estimated to be $33 million. it happened hours before the close call with a large ast era," d. it came with in 17,000 miles of earth. the crowd gathered to catch a look at the space rock. the light shows up in the sky are peaking the public's interest as well as congress. they say they will hold a hearing on so-called killer asteroids to find better ways to identity and address potential dangers. we have posted more of the video from that explosion. look for the video player right
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there on the front page. >> san francisco police need your help as they search for a man suspected of multiple attacks on women. he is a suspect in two random attacks and they say both involved women walking alone early in the morning. both victims say a man approached them from the opposite direction. suddenly started punching them and then ran away. one happened last month and one this month. also two men are expected to live after being attacked with a hatchet. three suspects entered a home, late thursday night. the 68-year-old homeowner was attacked while sleeping. the second victim a 50-year-old man was attacked when he got back home. the suspects ransacked the house looking for jewelry. >> this is something that's very violent. it's something that is very disturbing, especially when you are in your own home. >> police say that the suspects are described as two
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latino men. the race of the third man is unknown. all three were wearing dark clothing, within own had a mask. >> the first lawsuit against carnival has been filed. it comes less than two days after the ship was towed back to shore after five-days on the carnival without power passengers docked back in states just two days ago. yesterday texas resident filed a suit against the suit. she is asking for compensation for physical and emotional harm, stress and the loss of enjoyment of life. others say this incident won't stop them from taking another cruise. >> i would go tomorrow. you fall off a bike you don't never ride it again. you fall off a horse you dot. you have a car accident you still drive a car. >> carnival is offering a full refund, $500 and a free cruise in the future. legal analysts say it'll be hard to win any lawsuits because passengers sign away most legal rights in the fine print of the ticket. the disabled vessel is at a
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repair facility in mobile alabama. the ship was taken there yesterday after it off loaded its passengers. work ealso try to determine what caused the fire that shut downpour to the ship. it's expected to be out of commission for a couple of months. >> happening now, an italian sailboat is wrapping up a record breaking trip in san francisco. the vessel should be making its way under the golden gate bridge completing what some say is the hardest trip in the world. the cruise started in new york city, made its way around cape horn and is expected to arrive at pier49 very soon. it'll have made the 13,000-mile trip in 47 days, previous record was 57 days. >> sailors calling the hardest trip in the world because in the southern ocean waves can get 50 feet.
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quite the feat. >> a beautiful day. >> a beautiful day. yeah. just going to say coming through the golden gate. >> he have high clouds overhead. the weak system but still beautiful out there. perhaps a few patches of fog but nothing widespread and the temperatures not bad right along the coastline. low 50s right now at half moon bay. san francisco reporting 53. the temperatures will stay on the mild side, not as warm as we have been the couple of days but still feeling pretty good. 40 degrees in napa, 39 areas around concord. these are some of the cooler spots but areas like santa rosa still warmer with the high clouds overhead. where the high died clouds are coming from. we have a weak disturbance that will continue north and east. for the afternoon partly cloudy, mostly sunny as the system move out of the way. a second system here going to also brush just the northern edge of california. the two combined will equal a minor cooldown and a return to
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the on shore flow that will happen later this afternoon. partly cloudy this morning, temperatures in the upper 30s to low to mid40s. a few low 40s as well as along the coastline. the on shore breeze will come back. that will lead to the low clouds, perhaps as early as tomorrow morning. temperatures today a few degrees cooler than yesterday and most cases, near the coastline with the on shore breeze we could see about five to ten degrees drop from yesterday afternoon. take a look here you can see the clouds moving through, probably about noontime, one, beginning to clear out and for your afternoon mostly sunny to partly cloudy, we do see a bit of fog develop tomorrow morning. afternoon highs for today. 69 santa rosa, 67 vallejo, upper 60's berkeley, oakland 66, upper 60's haywood, above average for this time of year, 70 degrees san jose. 70 degrees at santa cruz. for the afternoon, yesterday,
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santa cruz was warming -- warmed to 80 degrees. you will feel the difference there. still another nice day. the extended forecast, more of a notable cooldown on sunday and then turning cloudy on monday. take a look at that. winter returns on tuesday. cold rain in the forecast, snow down in to the foothills, afternoon highs, low 50s in the forecast. we will remain mostly cloudy and looks like another shot of rain thursday into friday. if you are going to the sierra i will have your forecast for snow coming up. >> new developments in the search to replace the pope. the rule the catholic church is trying to get around to speed up the process. >> and guns getting transformed after getting taken off the street. what a woman is doing with them and how much it would cost for you to get one. >> first we want to take you outside. there is a look at the golden gate bridge toll plaza. there is been a fatal accident on united states 101 north of
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the atherton on-ramp. it appears that a pickup truck may have hit a parked big rig on the side of the road. we do have emergency crews on the way to that scene. we will keep an eye out. this is mornings on 2. mom, i invited justin over for lunch. good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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. a live look, waking up with high clouds, temperatures ranging in the upper 30s to low 50s. >> new, the vatican is rushing to select a replacement for the pope. the 85-year-old announced he will step down at the end of the month. the vatican is now racing the possibility that cardinals from across the world could gather as soon as march 15th for the election. a date for the earliest possible under current rules
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would require a 15 to 20 day waiting period. >> one man sunday arrest and charged with the murders of two coast guard employees. james michael wells is a accused of killing the two men at the coast guard station. this is just off the coast of alaska. wells also from the island was arrested yesterday. no further details ability the investigation. two 5th graders facing charges for allegedly plotting to kill a classmate. court documents reveal they brought a gun and knife to school in washington. they reportedly targeted a girl who made fun of them. police say one of them planned to kill her with the knife while the other used the gun to keep people away. the boys due back in court next week. >> overnight lawmakers in colorado preliminary, approved a series of gun control measures. they call for a ban on concealed weapons on public
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college campuses. state house lawmakers debate it yesterday and eight hours in the vice president personally called four to try to move that discussion along. a new jersey woman has come up with a rather unique approach to taking guns off the streets. she melts down hundreds of guns and shell casings taken by police. she adds extra brass and steel and then turns them into bracelets and then engraves each item with a serial number from one of the guns. >> it's a real gun. it's never going to happen again. it's off the streets, it can never go back and that's pretty cool. >> the jewelry costs between 150 to $375. she donated $40,000 to fund a gun buy back program. >> the message of iran about its nuclear program could raise international concern. they said iran isn't seeking nuclear weapons but he stated that no country could stop them
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if it wanted to build an an atomic bomb. world leaders expected to offer a deal including shutting down a plant in exchange for letting up sanctions. the president is calling for a quick action on the economic proposals he made during tuesday's state the union. >> we need to launch man factsing across the country that will transform hard hit areas in to global centers of high tech jobs. >> the president talked about his visits this week to north carolina, georgia and chicago. he talked about the need to create more jobs by increasing research and technology investments, more school funding reforming the tax code, including ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. >> enrollment in the federal job corp program is frozen. lawmakers say it is at a stand still while they investigate a 100 million-dollar short fall.
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the budget problem will prevent about 30,000 young people from getting job training. they will stop taking anyone until at least june 30th. 23 you want a job you may find one at great america. they need to fill hundreds of jobs for the season. they need cash years, ticket takers and ride operators. there are about 2500 positions open. tryouts are also being held for performance positions. opening day is scheduled for march 29th. >> state budget cuts may be to blame for why a new jail is signature empty in placer county. officials say they don't have the money to staff it. if staffs were in place the jail would be able to open in a few weeks but it would cost about $6 million to open just a portion of the facility and that is money they just don't
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have. >> appalling. it's appalling with the crime rate escalating. >> we were a victim of the financial crisis just like everybody else. >> the new jail has a large medical wing, maximum security cells and a computer lab. since the sheriff department doesn't have the money it plans to open it in parts starting in 2014. >> bart police are searching for a teen suspected in a shooting that killed an innocent bystander. police say the 18-year-old should be considered armed and dangerous. they believe that he was involved in a gun battle last month in san leandro. police say that a 50-year-old died after getting caught in the crossfire. a teen girl was also hurt. two other suspects have been arrested. >> an effort is underway to ground google's plans to park jets at the san jose international airport. atlantic aviation is the chief competition to the proposed facility at the airport which would let google's co founders park their fleet next to other
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tech executive jets. yesterday the company filed an appeal with the city saying they were wrong when it decided they didn't fill requirements. atlantic had offered up to $290 million to ensure the airport's land would generate revenue. >> the chief of police in palo alto went on patrol and did it with anodynes. he patrolled the downtown area until about two this morning. his lieutenant was also along for that ride and took pictures and tweeted out what was happening to followers. they say that the ride along is a way to use technology to connect with a younger generation. >> the goal behind it is to give people who want to follow us insight into the life of a cop in palo alto and what policing the city is like. >> the night started a chief sending out a message about investigating a string of streets robberies. they included a car crash and
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helping a woman find her car. if you want to join that ride along follow them on twitter. >> road work that could slow you down. if you are out and about the bridge where you could expect those delays. >> and they are cute to look at but they are becoming a big nuisance. why travelers should beware. >> a cooldown for saturday afternoon. the cooling trend will continue and we will see rain. i will have a look at the extended forecast coming up. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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. we are following developing news out of marin. highway patrol investigating the deadly accident involving a big rig. it's on northbound 101 on the atherton avenue on-ramp. it appears that the big rig was struck by a truck. the rig parked on the side of the road. the truck then hitting it.
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it happened just about 6:40 this morning. if we get more details on the accident we are bring them. if you plan to drive the bridge this weekday expect delays. crews will be shutting down one lane to work on the installation of a new automated toll taking system. the lane closure is set through monday morning at about 5:00 a.m. additional closures are scheduled for later this month. in if you are flying in or out of san francisco you may run into delays, construction project could cause a slow down for inbound and out bound flights. one of the main runways is shut down and will stay closed until eight monday morning. air traffic add go from 60 flights an hour to just 30. the temporary runway closure make itself possible for sfo to do upgrades. >> bunnies are attacking cars in denver. they have been hopping under cars at the airport, they enjoy the warmth and apparently like
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to chew on the wiring. local mechanics identity the suspects by the fur and the pellets left behind. >> normally if they get in all the electricals of the car it can run from several hundred up to a couple thousand dollars. > it's recommended you buy fox or coyote urine to spray the wires with. >> let's check in with rosemary. clouds at the last hit over parts of the bay area. >> yeah. a bit of a cooldown. for today we will shave off just a few degrees. let's go to tahoe if you have a president's day weekend and you are look at going that direction mostly sunny skies, upper who's to low 50s. in the afternoon a bit breeze write on monday and then the system that's going to bring us rain will bring snow to the
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sierra . all the way down to the foothills. highest elevations could pick up a foot of fresh new snow. here, temperatures in the upper 30s, 40s, a few low 50s. a cool one but not to bad. 69 santa rosa, 69 oakland. 69 fremont. 70 san jose, 69 redwood city, low -- low 60's to about 64 for pacifica. your extended forecast, the cooling trend continues for sunday. that cool, moist pacific air starting to pull in and by tomorrow morning we could see the low cloud and the fog return. we will be partly cloudly by the afternoon. then the big cooldown in addition to wet weather moving in late monday into tuesday. i will bring you that latest forecast model coming up. >> if your child has been waiting to tryout hockey today is their chance to do it for free. its part of hockey weekend
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across america. a try it for free hockey clinic is being offered for children ages four to nine at the shark's facility. the ice center is holding an event at 10:45 this morning for those four to 12 and at the ice skating center it'll be holing an event at 5:30 p.m. for children five to 12. >> all right. we have more information on what led to the end of the [inaudible] christopher dorner. what police are saying about their final decision and the battle underway for the reward money. >> live on treasure island where a fire and police investigator are still on scene here trying to determine the cause of the fire that took the life of a 10-year-old girl. we will have the latest information.
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[ whirring ] [ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx. the f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. anouncer ] ihop is in time new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich.
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. an early morning fire claims the life of a young girl. welcome back. >> fire crews are still at the scene of that deadly blaze. they are make sure the fire doesn't flair up again. the investigation is just beginning into how to first started. we are live now on the island
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and we have spoke tone the girl's family. >> reporter: yes. the mother was two upset to talk on camera but did say the little girl was carline and she did all she could to get her out of that apartment. the flames were just to big. this is cell phone video from one of the witnesses. the deputy fire chief said when they arrived flames were shooting out of all the windows. it took two hours to get the fire under control and two firefighters had minor injuries trying to rescue the girl. they are still in shock. >> i have an 8-year-old and i was just like -- i stood out here in shock for about an hour and a half, two hours until we went back inside. yeah, it was -- what i could see you couldn't do anything. it was so quick. >> reporter: the american red
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cross is helping 22 displaced people this morning. 11 adults and 11 children are getting help with food, shelter as well as clothes this morning. fire investigator and the police investigator are still on scene trying to determine the cause of the fire. reporting live. >> all right. we have new video to show you from the scene of the stabbing we first told you about at the top of the newscast. this is the video just coming into the newsroom. oakland police respond responded to an emergency call in the area of 7th avenue and east 11th. it happened just after six. when officers got there they found a man had been stabbed in the chest. he was pronounced dead at the scene. there are report that a suspect was scene running the area but so far no arrests have been made in the case. >> more information is coming up about the final hours of christopher dorner . he died from a single gun shot wound to the head.
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while they have not positively determined that dorner committed suicide, all evidence points to the wound as beingself inflicted. he barricaded himself in a cabin armed with a sniper rifle, a pile of ammunition and smoke bombs. >> they were formulating a plan on how to look for him, noticed shoe prints in the snow leading toward that cabin. before our deputies could finalize a plan they were ambushed. he started firing at them. both our officers went down. >> reporter: authorities said that swat teams did not intentionally burn down the cabin. they say that they first ordered dorner to give up and then fired less combustible tear gas. they say only as a last resort they fired tear gas canisters. people are lining up to claim the million dollar reward. the city of los angeles along
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with other jurisdictions put up the money last sunday. the reward was for information leading to the capture and conviction of dorner. a man who claimed dorn er car jacked him said he should get the money. >> my phone call put an end directly to the biggest manhunt in southern california history. now i -- i feel they need to stand by their word, pay out the reward, i need to get some money and i want to do good things with it. then a couple who ownos a condo and said dorner confronted them. they were able to call police while still bound. they say they should get the money. los angeles city officials say all the jurisdictions will have to sit down and discuss whether to pay out that reward. >> there will be more police patrolling san jose street this is weekend after a disturbing crime report. yesterday police released the violent crime numbers for 2012 and it showed a 10% increase from the year before.
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homicides increased by 15.4%. rape 23.9%, robbery 9.7% and assault is up 9.5%. >> any time you see a double digit increase in violent crime that's not a goodyear. >> that's life. i don't think there is a solution. >> police say nonviolent crimes going up even more. they say the city is on pace for 1,000 car thefts every month. home burglaries are expected to increase especially with the warmer weather. police say they will use overtime to put more officers on the street. >> a fundraising car wash will be held this weekend for the family of a teen who was killed outside of his hospital. the 17-year-old was stabbed during a fight on wednesday. the car wash is today and tomorrow at 160 east virginia street. the family said the money collected will help pay for his funeral. >> a popular art festival will have major changes after a
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deadly shooting. a teen was killed and three were hurt at the first friday art event earlier this month. the city is now banning all open bottles of alcohol. it'll also end an hour earlier and there will be fewer street closures on telegraph. alameda officials are thinking up new ways to help oakland fight crime. next month two supervisors plan to ask the board to double shiver deputy patrols in oakland. they want the county to help with object land's police academy's and crime lab services. >> walnut creek is suffering a shortage of police officers. the department said its funded to have 76 officers and is authorized to hire up to 80 but right now there are only 65 healthy officers on the roster. the chief said strong competition from nearby departments is part of the problem and he said that the city is actively recruiting qualified people. >> applications who want to work in law enforcement should
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look at us. we have a lot of great things to offer. >> despite the shortage they said they won't lower its hiring standards. they said there an idea of increasing police pay and benefits. this hasn't been proposed to the cubs ill. >> the fbi is working with facebook to september a serious hack attack . a handful of employees visited a mobile developer website that down loaded malware. they say those laptops have since been fixed. officials are calling the attack high end but say there is no evidence any user data was compromised. >> all right. it is going to be beautiful today but i look at that forecast and i don't -- i know we know we need to head that way. >> 70s nice in february. >> have been great. >> they will be a thing of the past as early as today. a slow cooldown to start
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saturday and then as we get into the week ahead we are looking at wet weather and temperatures will be struggling to get into the mid50s. i'm going to show you that coming up. let's talk about what is happening outside the door this morning. notice the mix of clouds. we he have high clouds, a few low clouds, the changes already happening. 53 right now san francisco, 54 in half moon bay. a nice start in some spots. it's a chilly one. santa rosa but warmer than yesterday. 39 in concord. 46 haywood, 46 mountain view. upper 30s, low 40s for the inland east bay. 41 palo alto. 50 degrees loss altos hills. if you are stepping out maybe for a run, to walk the dog it's still a good-looking start. still feels good but not as nice as we have seen. pacific satellite view we have a couple of systems moving through. this weak one, bring that southerly surge that's helping
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the low clouds form back along the coastline, we will continue to see this the on shore breeze will be back by the afternoon. that off shore breeze starting to weaken this morning. another system here through the pacific northwest will add to that possibility of some cooling for today. so for today we are looking at temperatures falling anywhere from three to six degrees. some of us may not notice, some of us may notice just a bit at the coast where the on shore breeze is coming back. five to ten degrees of cooling. that's where we will feel it first. sunday we are into the low to mid60's and then by tuesday dropping off into the 50s with rain and snow coming to the mountains and the foothills. take a look. picking it up tuesday morning. we are waking up with a little bit of drizzle but most of this starts to settle into the north bay by ten. then by tuesday it's pretty much wet by the afternoon dry, the rain is falling solid and then in to the evening we start to dry out.
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it's wednesday morning and we dry out but it looks like it may be temporary, may get another shot of rain thursday into friday and perhaps in to the weekend. afternoon highs for the day. 66 in san francisco, 69 in oakland. into the south bay 70 degrees san jose, 70 loss gatos. still expected to hit 70 for the second half of the day. the extended forecast, what we talked about. the cooling trend continues, bottoming out on tuesday with the rain, snow level down to about 2500 feet. i will talk about and show you how much rain i'm expecting. >> thank you. water may soon cost more in dublin, the services district is considering a rate increase. customers could see them go up a few dollars or hundreds of dollars. several public meet ings are planned. trash rates could go up in redwood later this month. the city council is considering
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a 3% hike. the extra revenue would go toward pay races and benefits for trash workers and help pay for rising fuel costs, a public hearing is planned for february 25th. this would be the third rate hike in redwood city in two years. > a man facing charges for embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> and take a look at this man. just arrested in a rape case. the religious website he used to target his victim and why police say they believe she was not the only one. >> and play ball. spring training for the world champion is underway. the team work out that is scheduled for today. >> first we want to look at our traffic map as we told you earlier there is a fatal crash investigation underway in marin on 101 northbound right now, no word on any lane closures, traffic in the area is slow, northbound 101 again at the
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atherton avenue off ramp. time now is 7:41.
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. welcome back. a live look there at the golden gate bridge. low clouds, high clouds, afternoon highs slightly cooler than friday. >> the entire oakland a's rosser will report to spring training day. they arrived earlier this week. they are expecting a steadily stream of players to take physical exams today before hitting the field tomorrow. the team will be preparing for its first exhibition game against the brewers next saturday. the giants will play their
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first game next saturday. group of fans have already gone down to arizona to see the world champs. they are yearly one of the biggest cactus league draws. last year nearly 170 went. >> so much fun to watch. the guys are really hot. the giants are the greatest team in the world. >> they are also good. fans say it's relaxed and players willing to sign autographs. the giants will hold their first full squad work out today. >> a man who used to run a swim club allegedly took more than 22 5,000 dollars from the team. mark thorton was charged with eight counts of grand theft. he used to be president of the stingrays. that club sued him after he was charged. he has pled not guilty. investigation is now going on into the school drowning of
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a 12-year-old boy in massachusetts. the student was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon where he was pronounced dead. officials say he was swimming as part of a physical many indication class. the department isn't releasing specific details about the drowning. >> our deep felt sympathies go out to the family. we just can't imagine the size of this loss. >> the superintendent said the class was supervisorred and said this is an accident unlike any he has seen. >> a state senator wants to investigate a popular fitness center in northern california after a young boy was hurt at the gym's child care center. mark mcgee said it was two years ago when he took his son jacinto family fitness. an employee came up and said later that jack had been cut. >> his face and shirt had
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blood drenched down it. >> he said he didn't get details about what happened. jack who is now four was given ten stitches and still has a scar from the incident. they said their gym isn't a licensed daycare and all members are told of that. jake's parents say they weren't told and want to stop this from happening again. >> police are look for more victims of a man accused of rape. he could have used dating sites to target women. shaun banks was arrested monday. police say last november he raped a woman he met on the website christian he went by the name rarity by used other names including rilend and harbaugh. police say he could have been using more than one site. >> this individual traveled around a lot and we are concerned there are people
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outside of the area or outside of san diego county that could be a victim. >> the website said it's now reviewing all profiles and photographs submitted by members. it's telling members to use an alias and avoid giving out personal information. >> a bill in washington state could force divorcing couples to wait a year before they can part ways. under the family second chance act they would have to stay together and work on their relationship before divorce is granted. it's designed to lower poverty rates related to divorce and save the state money in social services. >> 90 days is a good cooling off period. >> i'm a child of divorce. my parents separated and for me if the process had been longer it would have been worse. >> the bill makes exception in cases of domestic violence. gay rights activists call it a major change in the
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military for the first time the veteran affairs department will allow the same sex spouse of a military vet to be buried at a national cemetery. they warned states in 2004 it would pull funding if they buried same sex spouses in a cemetery. they said they will consider every request on a case by case basis. the affairs department has 131 cemeteries nationwide. >> senate minority leader is trying to legalize hemp. he co sponsored a bill to down grade it. it's a variety of a plant species that produces marijuana. it can be made into fabrics. the senator hopes the bill will help create farming jobs. and jesse jackson junior and his wife have agreed to pled guilty to misuse of campaign funds. prosecutors say that jackson used $750,000 in campaign funds for personal exspences
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including a 43,000-dollar gold watch. he said he takes responsibilities for his mistakes. both he and his wife could face prison. he is the son of jesse jackson. >> the man expected of making death threats against a senator is due back in court. the 45-year-old made his first appearance yesterday. he is charged with ten felonies including making death threats and possession of explosives and assault weapons. he is scheduled to appear again on thursday to enter a plea. a nuclear site on the west coast is leaking radioactive waste. the government reported the tank in washington state is leaking up to 300-gallons of waste a year. officials say it's an extremely toxic substance but there is no immediate threat to public health. the >> tomorrow marks a quiet
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occasion for japanese americans. it's the yearly day of remembrance to mark the 71st anniversary of the internment of japanese americans. after the attack on pearl harbor 120,000 people, mostly american citizens were considered a threat to national security and forced into concentration camps. the bay area residents who survived say it was the worst experience of their lives. >> i would like to forget it but it's -- still in my head. >> i have never been able to escape that experience. it's colored my life. >> there is a monument at san francisco's japan town to remember it. san jose will hold a service at a church for it. >> graduates of berkeley are coming out on top of a new study when it comes to volunteering their time for the peace corp. they have 500alumni serving and out of those berkeley grads were the ones who volunteered
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the most. across the nation berkeley ranks 6th among large colleges with 85 volunteers. a ceremony is being held today to announce a tim boost for 3 state marin parks. last year china camp, and two others were in danger of being closed. to keep them open the parks association raised one million dollars. then last summer more than 50 million in state money was found in hidden accounts. that is now being used to match what the association raised and will expand park hours. >> a great white shark has been spotted in the waters at moss landing state beach. a retired high school teacher said he was getting ready to get in to the water when he saw the large splash. then he said he saw a large great white shark lift a sea lion out of the water and start shakingt. he said word spread and soon everybody was out of the water. in san francisco, a famous resident of the academy of
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sciences is celebrating a milestone birthday today. the african p enguin is turning 30. he is going to get a wrapped gift of fish during his feeding today and members of the san francisco girl's chorus will preform a song in his honor. >> happy birthday to him. furious over flowers, the valentine wishes that never made it. >> and getting rid of the penny. why the president wants to get rid of the coin and the bay area businesses who have already beat him to it. >> cooling trend creeping in. i'm tracking the dip in your numbers and some rain in the extended forecast coming um.
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it costs two and a cents to produce a penny. the president said it's obsolete but legislation is hard to pass. some are used to the coin and just aren't ready to see it go. >> i like the social aspect of it. you get to leave a penny for the next guy. >> you would miss it? >> i would. >> some businesses like mike's bike have banned it already. the owners said the coin has become more trouble than it's worth. >> two days after romance was in the air some are still waiting for their valentine's day flowers to be delivered. hundreds of customers say the online flower delivery company ftd failed templet their valentine's day orders. the company said it plans to finish delivering by monday, customers say this is not good enough and are demanding a full refund. >> i said i want my money back and she said i can give you
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ten. i said i don't want ten dollars off. i want to you cancel the order and put the money back on my credit card. >> some bay area flowerrists say people should order from them instead of online company. they say local businesses focus more on reputation and lesson money. probably some husbands in the dog house. >> wasn't me, it was ftd. >> let's go over to rosemary. >> slightly cooler today. still going to be a nice day. still above average for this time of year many we will have a mix of high clouds and some of us waking up with low clouds, signs of those changes that are coming. for today, temperatures will be a few degrees cooler in most cases along the coastline where the on shore breeze is working back there to the bay area. five to ten degrees cooler. santa cruz yesterday 80, expected to hit 70 today. tomorrow even cooler, low to mid60's in the forecast.
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tuesday bottoming out. low to mid50s and we are looking at rain, yeah, a quarter inch much to three quarters possible. we are looking at the -- perhaps an inch for some of the wettest spots, we will be cold. low to mid50s. snow levels will be dropping down to 2500 feet. the sierra going to pick up snow. about a foot of snow w for the highest elevation. the extended forecast there. the cooling trend in front of you. overnight won't budge. upper 30s to low 40s. a cold day on tuesday. mostly cloudy on wednesday. temperatures rebound slightly. mid50s in the forecast for the afternoon. back toes desk. >> new information on the blade runner murder case. the family shares their reaction.
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. we are live on treasure island where an overnight fire took the life of a 10-year-old girl. we talked to one of the neighbors who tried to save that little girl. hear his story ahead. >> and we are following breaking news of a deadly stabbing. when when he have learned about the suspect and victim. >> and what we know about the bright lights in over the bay area hours after a russian meteor and an asteroid shook up the world. >> complete bay area news
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coverage continues. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning. welcome. it's saturday february 16th. >> good morning. we should have nice weather for this holiday weekend before the rain moves in. let's get over to rosemary. good morning. >> yes. hello to you. fair weather in the forecast for today. we will be slightly cooler in some cases. we are looking at upper 60s for santa rosa yesterday, low 70s. anywhere from two to four, perhaps six degrees cooler than yesterday. some of us will feel it, some of us not so much. we will feel it at coast. a ten degree drop and some of us waking up slightishly warmer. i will explain why. >> there are several developing stories at this hour right now. oakland police at the scene of a fatal stabbing. officers received an emergency call just after 6:00 this morning. when they arrived they found a man had been stabbed in the chest and was unresponsive.
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paramedics were unable to revive him. he was pronounced dead at the scene. no arrests have been made. parts of the avenue is blocked off. we are also following two developing stories in marin. one person is dead after an accident on northbound 101. the chp reports a car slammed into a parked big rig near the atherton avenue exit. the vehicles are now on the right hand side and there are no lane closures at this time. >> we are continuing to follow developing news, fire on treasure island that killed a 10-year-old girl. two firefighters were also hurt as they tried to rescue her from the second story of the building. we are there where the investigation is now underway and 22 people have been forced from their homes. >> reporter: that's true. and i just spoke to one of the neighbors here who tried to rescue that little girl and put
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outl flames the second floor apartment. you see right there. he said he has been up all night crying at times because he couldn't get to her on time. this is cell phone video from one of the witnesses . they say it happened so fast. the deputy fire chief said when they arrived flames were shooting out of the windows of two of the units in the apartments on treasure island. it took two hours to get the fire under control and two firefighters suffered minor injuries while trying to rescue the girl. a neighbor, jeffrey chambers burned his arm trying to get the girl to safety. >> the baby was crying i yelling and i couldn't go back there because glass was blowing up. then when the -- the top blew up i couldn't hear her anymore. >> reporter: you are a very brave man. why did you go inside? >> i will do it for any kid. >> reporter: chambers described a horrible situation. he said he heard a loud boom
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and then no more crying. the mother of the girl said her name is charleen. the american red cross is helping 22 displaced people. a fire investigator and police investigator are still on scene trying to determine the cause. reporting live. ktvu channel 2news. >> last night's streak of light that flashed in the sky over the bay area was not connected to a couple of earlier events. >> see that? >> what was that? >> saw that on the right side of the screen. there it goes. surprise reaction from a person on southbound 280. he posted this video on youtube. the light is on top of the right of your screen. we will show you again. there it goes. others described that light as a flare, breath taking scary at the same time. >> i was sitting on the chair in the backyard and i was
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looking in the sky and i seen like a blue streak from the sky coming down. i thought it was a fire work but i didn't hear anything. >> some space experts say they believe it was a fire ball that came from a passing meteor. senate russian government has sizes up the damage caused by another meteor. it injured nearly a thousand people including more than 200 children. windows blew out of more than 4,000 homes and businesses in one city. sciencists say it was the size of a school bus and was traveling at 40,000 miles an hour and it created a blast similar to three hundred thousand tons of dynamite. pieces of it caused craters20 feet wide. damage from the explosion is estimated to be about $33 million. the russian meteor happened hours before a close call with a asteroid. the rock came with in 17,000
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miles of earth. a crowd gathered to catch a look at the space rock. these light shows -- up in the sky are peaking the public's interest as well as congress. lawmakers announced they will soon hold a hearing on so- called killer asteroids to find better ways to identity and better address them. may sound like a film but two california universities are working on a weapon against killer space rock. researchers are designing a system that will convert the sun's energy into laser blasts. one professor said it's not far out but may be a challenge with the basic elements are there and ready to go. we have posted more of the remarkable video from russia. >> new, the vatican may select a replacement for the pope
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earlier than initially thought. the 85 -year-old said he will step down at end of the month. the vatican is now racing the possibility that cardinals across the world could gather as soon as march 15th for the election. under current rules that is the earliest they could meet because of a required 15 to 20 day waiting period. >> a solo car crash sent seven teens to the hospital. the driver of the suv lost control just after ten last night. the vehicle did flip after rolling over several times. >> i heard a screech and like a boom and we came running over to make sure everybody was okay. there was a guy pulling some people out of the car. >> investigators believe that speed was a factor in the crash. the victims were taken to the hospital. some did suffer significant
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injury. watsonville police are asking for information about a fatal shooting at a high school. an 18-year-old was shot multiple times outside watsonville high school. they say he was taken to the hospital by friends and was able to give a statement to police before he died. police say they are looking for at least two suspects, the man's name hasn't been released. >> two days after making it back to shore a lawsuit has been filed against carnival after five days on the ship without power passengers made it back to land on thursday evening. yesterday texas resident cassie terry filed a suit. she was asking for compensation for physical, and emotional harm, stress, and the loss of enjoyment of life. others are just happy to be home. >> my gosh, we were so excited, so excited. i was jumping up and down. it was like when i saw land it was like no, i did not see land, i wanted to kiss the
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ground. >> carnival is offering passengers a full refund of their trip. $500 cash and a free cruise in the future. analysts say it'll be hard to win any lawsuits because passengers sign away most legal rights in that fine print of the ticket. >> starting out with a live look here over san jose, saw sunlight overhead. high clouds over a little bit of patchy fog, low clouds along the coastline. not widespread but changes are happening and it's going to lead to a cooling trend into the afternoon. you can see here storm tracker 2 showing you all the clouds overhead but again most of them high clouds, we are still seeing that nice sun, at least pull through. 39napa, 39 santa rosa with the clouds out there helping off set the cooling. some of us a few degrees warmer. around the bay 40s to low 50s.
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visibility still good. san jose at the university 46, 45saratoga, down to morgan hill and gillroy, 40s right now. 42 what we are looking at for morgan hill and for gilroy. temperatures will be slightly cooler this afternoon. a look at where they are coming. they will continue north and east as they do we will see them through the morning hours and then through the afternoon they will start to thin out and we will have partly cloudy, mostly sunny skies, also a temperature that is aiding in the cooldown. not going to bring us rain but will impact us in wave the temperatures, going to help bring them back from two to four to six degrees below what we felt yesterday afternoon. the warmest days are behind us. way out here, looking at about 1600 miles out. that system will bring us some rain in time for tuesday. here is the forecast. we are up with the mostly
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cloudy skies, notice beginning to thin out and then for the afternoon mostly sunny for the second half of the day. another beautiful day. 69 sonoma, upper 60's for san rafael. 70 walnut creek. into the south bay 70 for you san jose 70 santa cruz. a big drop for the afternoon. 66 san francisco, low to mid60s for the coast. pacifica into half moon bay. patchy fog and the low clouds tomorrow with the on shore breeze back with us. turning cloudy for monday and by monday night into tuesday it looks like rain in the forecast and it's going to be a cold system. i will show you that future cast model coming up. >> nobody likes a crying baby on a plane but how one man reacted no excuse. more on his altercation. >> and what we have learned about a hit list and school shooting plot now that two boys
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have been arrested for conspiracy to commit murder. >> and what kind of food has been contaminated and where it was served. >> and a live look. highway 101 at the golden gate bridge. moving smoothly in both directions. time now 8:12. [ whirring ] [ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx. the f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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the f sport. the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier?
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at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. . a partly cloudy start to
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the day. a live look at san francisco and the bay bridge. a cooling trend is underway for your weekend. >> two florida students are in police custody on charges they plotted to blow up their high school. they planned to attack the timberlake high school in or orlando but deputies are tipped off by one of the mothers and some of the friends. they created a hit list and planned to steal a rifle and pistol from their father. the two said that voices in their heads told them to kill others. two 5th graders facing charges for allegedly plotting to kill a classmate. court documents reveal they brought a gun and knife to school in washington. they reportedly targeted a girl had made fun of them. one planned to kill her with the knife while the other used the gun to keep people away. they are due back in court next week. >> the investigation into horse meat in products labeled beef is spreading.
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yesterday the uk food standards agency announced results of tna tests on beef products. out of 2500 tests, 2472 found no horse meat content above 1%. more tests are still underway. the agency also raided three more uk food companies but wouldn't release the names. >> some oregon lawmakers want to ban teens from getting a golden tan. they are proposing a bill that anyone 17 and younger would need a doctor's note to use a tanning bed. oregon is 4th in the nation with reported skin cancer death. researchers say they believe it's because so many use tanning beds. california passed a similar ban last year. >> an idaho man has been charged with assaulting a minor after slapping a 2-year-old who cried on a plane. here is a picture of the suspect. according to court documents he
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sat beside a mother trying to soothe her crying 2-year-old on a delta flight from minneapolis to atlanta back on february 8th. he allegedly slapped the boy while using a racial slur. court papers say they charged him with a sentence of one year. >> police are asking for help finding a man suspected of attacking a woman. he could be responsible for two random attacks. they say both involved women walking alone early in the morning. both victims say a man approached them from the opposite direction suddenly started punching them and then ran away. one attack happened last month and one earlier this month. also two men are expected to survive after being attacked with a hatchet. three suspects entered a home on 27th and church street late thursday night. the 68-year-old homeowner was attacked while sleeping in his bed. the second was attacked when he arrived home. the suspects ransacked the house looking for jewelry. they are described as two
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latino men. >> it was a social flight for palo alto's chief of police. this morning the chief patrolled the downtown palo alto area until about two. along for the ride is his lieutenant. he was taking pictures and tweeting out what was happening to all the followers. they say this virtual ride along is a way to use technology to connect with a younger generation. >> the goal is to give some people who want to follow us insight into the life of a cop in palo alto and what policing the city really is like. >> the night started out with the chief sending a message about investigations into a string of street robberies in the north downtown area but others included a car crash and about helping a woman find her car. those can be seen on twitter if you just follow the police. >> the family of the blade runner is now speaking out. how his uncle is responding to
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murder allegations and how he described the couple's life together. >> tracking a cooldown for your bay area weekend. the temperatures expected for your neighborhood coming up.
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. new information in the murder case against olympic athlete. his uncle said he is shocked
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numb about the news. his uncle said the couple had plans together and oscar was happier than he had ever been. he is still being held at the police station. yesterday prosecutors said that they will pursue premeditated murder charges against him. >> starting today people with preexisting conditions won't be able to sign up for health coverage until further notice the preexisting condition insurance plan is suspending new enrollments in to the program. yesterday the obama administration cited budget concerns as the reason for scaling back. the program is currently serving more than 100,000 people. they will not loose their coverage during this suspension. enrollment in the federal job corp program has come to a halt. the program is at a stand still while they investigate 100 million-dollar short fall. the budget problem will prevent about 30,000 young people from getting job training this year. the program will stop taking any new enrollees until at
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least june 30th. >> if you are look for a job you may find one at great america. the park needs to fill thousands of jobs for this upcoming season. the park wants cashiers, parking attendants and more. about 2500 positions open and they are also looking for preformers for singers, dancer, costume characters and techs. opening day is scheduled for march 29th. >> bunnies are swarming cars in deposit very. they have been hopping under vehicles at the denver airport, they enjoy the warmth from newly parked cars and light to chew on the wiring. mechanics identity the suspects by the fur and pellets left behind. >> normally if they get in to the wiring all the electricals of the car, it can run from several hundred dollars up to a couple thousand. >> they recommend drivers buy fox or coyote urine and spray
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the car wires for protection. dia plans to install new fencing and build perches for hawks and eagles. >> if you are flying in or out of san francisco this weekend you may run in to delays. a construction project could cause a slow down for inbound and out bound flights. one of the reasons, a runway shut down -- air traffic could be reduce from 60 flights an hour to 30. the temporary closure make itself possible for sfo to do federally required upgrades. an effort is underway to ground google's plans to park jets at the airport. atlantic aviation is a chief competior to the facility that would let the google co founders park their fleet next to other tech executive jets. yesterday the company filmed an appeal saying it was wrong when
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that process. >> two fell through the floor. one through to the second shore, another firefighter fell through but caught himself. >> both firefighters were
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treated for minor injuries. it's not clear how many have been displaced while the investigation continued. the cause of a warehouse fire is under investigation. it was reported about one this morning on edson way. firefighters say nobody was hurt and it does appear that the building was empty. >> we just received new video about five minutes ago of the deadly crash we have been telling you about in marin. it all started around 6:40 when a car slammed into a parked big rig on northbound 101 in nevado. it happened near atherton. theres no word on the identity of the victim. there are no lane closures. >> more information about the final hours of christopher dorner. the report indicate that he died from a single gun shot to the head. the coroner hasn't positively determined that it was suicide
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all evidence points to the wound as selfish inflicted. investigators say he barricaded himself i a cabin armed a rifle, a pile of ammunition and smoke bombs. >> they were formulating a plan on how to look for him. noticed show prints in the snow leading toward that cabin. before they could finalize a plan they were ambushed by dorner. he started firing at them and both of them went down. >> authorities said that swat teams didn't intentionally burn down the cabin. they say they first ordered him to give up and then fired less combustible tear gas. they say only as a last resort did they fire tear gas canisters known as burners because the heat they emit often leads to fire. people are lining up to claim the million dollar reward. the city of los angeles and other jurisdictions and private donors put up the money. it was for information leading
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to the capture and conviction of dorner. a man who claims dorner car jacked him said he should receive the money. >> my phone call put an end, directly to the biggest manhunt in southern california history. now i think -- i feel they need to stand by their word, pay out that reward, i need to get some money. >> a couple who owns a condo in big bear said dorner confronted them and tied them up. they were able to call police while still being bound. they say they should receive the reward. los angeles city officials say that all the jurisdictions will have to sit down and discuss whether to pay out the million dollars. >> san jose police are increasing patrols after a disturbing crime report. yesterday police released the violent crime numbers for 2012 and they showed a 10% increase in the year before. homicides increased by 15.4%,
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rape by 23.9%, robbery 9.7% and assault is up 9.5%. police say that nonviolent crimes are rising even more, and they say that the city is on pace for one thousand car thefts every month. fundraising car wash being held for the family a teen who was killed outside of his high school. police say that the 17-year-old anthony santa cruz was stapped during a fight on wednesday. no arrests have been made. the car wash will be held today and tomorrow near south fifth street in san jose. the family said the money collected will help pay for his funeral. there is a shortage of police officers patrolling the streets. the department said its funded to have 76 officers and it's authorized to hire up to 80. right now there are only 65 officers on the active roster, others are on medical or military leave. the chief said that part of the problem is strong competition
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if nearby departments. he said the city is recruiting qualified people. >> applications who are interested should look at us. we have a lot of great things. >> despite the shortage the department said it'll not lower its hiring standards. leaders say there is an idea of increasing police pay but it's not been propose. >> a popular art festival will change after a deadly shooting. a teen was killed and three were hurt at the first friday art event earlier this month. the city is now banning all open bottles of alcohol. it'll also end an hour earlier. there will also be fewer street closures. the man suspected of making death threatts against a state senator is facing ten felony charges. charges include making a death threat and possession of
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explosives and assault weeps. he is scheduled to appear begin on thursday to enter a plea. >> north korea is reportedly getting ready to do more nuclear tests. they conducted it's third nuclear test this week despite a stern warning the united states. . iran's message about nuclear program its raise concerns. the leader announced that they are not seeking nuclear weapons but he said that no country could stop them if they wanted to. they will meet with western powers in ten days. world leaders expected to offer a deal to them which would include shutting down a plant in exchange for letting up trade sanctions on gold. >> a nuclear site on the west coast is leaking waste. the government reported a tank in washington state is leaking
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up to 300-gallons of waste a year. they say it's a very toxic subdance but there is no immediate threat. the site made the material for own one of the bombs dropped on japan. tomorrow is a quiet occasion for japanese americans, the yearly day of remembrance to mark the 71st anniversary of the internment of japanese americans. after the attack on pearl harbor 120,000 people mostly american citizens were considered a threat to national security and forced in to concentration camps. bay area americans who survive those camps say it was the worst experience of their life. >> boy like to forget it but it's in my head. >> i have never been able to escape that experience. it's colored my life. >> there is a monument at san francisco's japan town to remember the internment. san jose will hold a service at
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a buddhist church. >> the fbi is now working with facebook to investigate a serious hacker attack. officials say that last month a handful of employees visited a website that down loaded malwae. the laptops have been fixed. they are calling it high end but say there is no evidence any data was compromised. >> we have another nice day in store for you. not as warm as we have seen in the last couple days but still well above average and a live look over oakland. few patches of fog. high clouds outside. we have sun, soft sunlight across the bay area and we have a transition that will begin today. the major changes down the road. 41 right now fairfield . 39 santa rosa. some of us still off to a chilly start though with the
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clouds overhead helping to off settle cooling not as cold as yesterday morning. low 50s half moon bay, sfo, upper 40s redwood, mountain view in to the inland east bay. looking at 47 pittsburgh, 47 walnut creek. it should be a nice morning and by the afternoon we are looking at mostly sunny, partly cloudy, going to shave off a few degrees. let me show you the satellite view and what's happening. we have this weak system riding in from the suggestion. that's what is bringing us the high clouds and a bit of the southerly surge. the low clouds on their way back. the on shore breeze also slowly coming back. for the afternoon, that on shore breeze going to drop back along the coastline. we will fill it most for today. also this weak system helping break down the ridge that's brought us the very warm temperatures in recent days. let me show you what happens as we wake up. we have the mostly cloudy skies by lunchtime or so.
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widespread 60's in the forecast and those clouds thinning out. and mostly sunny for the second half of the day. sunsetting about 5:50. slightly cooler by afternoon. partly cloudy, on shore breeze coming back. later today, tomorrow morning that's going to hope with the low clouds and the fog and temperatures today, a few degrees cooler. 67 for san rafael. 68 berkeley. 69 oakland. 66 san francisco, 64 pacific a. the inland east bay temperatures in the upper 60's for livermore, pleasanton, concord, 69 fremont. down in to the south bay. low 70s san jose. 71 morgan hill. redwood, loss gatos. about 70 today. 70 santa cruz, still another nice day. santa cruz hit 80 degrees yesterday. there is the extended forecast in the cooling trend that will continue. again with the moist pacific air pooling back in later today and by tomorrow morning.
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low clouds and fog, especially at the coastline, afternoon highs, low to mid60s. then into the 50 a by monday. upper 50s in the forecast turning cloudy. rain in our future. we are looking at low 50s for the afternoon on tuesday. rain moving in as early as tuesday morning and then snow levels dropping down to about 2500 feet. ly have more on this system and your lunchtime numbers coming up. >> thank you. we are live in arizona as the giants start spring training. fred in the desert. the latest. >> and a story that raises serious questions about child care . >> and another live look outside. we have a bit of a wreck in marin. you are now look at the san mateo bridge. no major problems. anouncer ] e square to compare
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new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. it doesn't seem like fast food. there's a lot of substance, it just seems really fresh. there's like a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop is building our best breakfast sandwiches ever. new griddle-melts made fresh and hot. hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. i love this crispy bread... ...the roasted red peppers. it's awesome. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99 at ihop. this is an epic breakfast sandwich. [ anouncer ] ihop. everything you love about breakfast. you want that don't you?
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. welcome back on this saturday morning, a live look at the estuary. low 50s outside. >> say state senator is launching an investigation into a popular fitness center in northern california. it comes after a boy was hurt
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at the child care center. mark took his son jack to the center at california family fitness. an hour in an employee came up and said that jack had gotten cut. >> his face and shirt had blood drenched down it. you could see where the wound was which was above his eye. >> mcgee said he got in details about what happened. jack who is now four was given ten stitches and still has a car. cal fit said they aren't a licensed daycare and all members are told that. jack's parents argue that they were not told and they want to prevent this from happening. a man who used to run a swim club allegedly took more than 22 5,000 dollars from the team. mark thornton was charged yesterday with eight counts of grand theft. he used to be president of the stingrays and they sued him after he was charged.
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he has pleaded not guilty. >> overnight lawmakers preliminary approved a series of gun control measures. they call for a ban on concealed weapons on public college campuses and other things. eight hours in to the debate session the vice president called four lawmakers to try to move the discussion along. >> a new jersey woman has come up with a rather unique approach to taking guns off the streets. she melts down hundreds of guns and shell casings taken by police. she adds extra brass and steel and then turns them into bracelets. she also engraves each item with a number from one of the guns. >> it's a real gun. it's never going to happen again. it's off the streets. it can never go back. that's pretty cool. >> the jewelry costs between 150 to $375.
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she donated $40,000 from her sales to fund a gun buy back program. >> water may soon cost more in the dublin san ramone area. the district is considering a rate increase, customers could see fixed water services, charges go up a few dollars or hundreds of dollars depending how the water they use. several public be meetings are planned before the board decides. trash rates could go up in redwood later this month. the council is considering a 3% hike. the extra revenue would go toward pay races and benefits for trash workers and help pay for rising fuel costs. a public hearing is planned for february 25th. this would be the third rate hike in redwood city in two years. sacramento mayor is kicking off nba all-star weekend with hopes of keeping the kings in sacramento. the mayor arrived in houston and started his lobbying right away to keep the team from relocating to seattle. he spent hours in a series of closed door meetings with key
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nba officials. he is hoping to lay the ground work to block the family's proposed sale of the kings which would move them next season. nba all-star weekend continues with the dunk contest for golden state warriors, participating in the allistar weekend. the forward is a reserve on the western conference all-star team. san francisco currie will compete and clay thompson and barnes competed in the rising stars game which was last night. the game tips off tomorrow night. >> a second chance at love. the new bill that requires couples to work harder on their relationship. >> and will your wallet get a little lighter? what the president is saying about the future of the penny. >> afternoon highs are winding down. i will have the temperatures expected for the area and rain in the extended forecast. @÷
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. the giants are back today, the first work out for the giants full squad. that means posey is sharing the field with minor leaguers dreaming of the majors. we are live at the scottsdale stadium. the spring training home of the giants. >> reporter: good morning. yes in about ten minutes we will see about 40 or 50 players come running out of the clubhouse on to the field taking this first full work out here in scottsdale. a sunny day, a little breezy,
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as you said only 25 will make the big club and there you can see all of the media that's in -- waiting for the presentation of the first full team work out of the spring, it's the giants, the world series giants. everybody is concerned. distraction factors, hangover of the world series like there was after the 2010 season. i think what you have 21 of the 25 returners from last year's world series championship team. i think they know what has to be done here. there will be a lot of opportunities for some of the younger guys to pick up like two or three positions. they are still looking for a back up utility player. a guy who can play a lot of different positions, they want a man who can play the 4th or 5th out field position and maybe one person in the relief, the bullpen if you will. this team is pretty well set. we are going to -- we are
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anxious to see what they will look like as we talk to a lot of them. we talked to sandoval who looks like he may have been into one or two -- maybe a -- one or two banquets. he have to get into baseball shape. he said i don't have to be in shape, i have to be in baseball shape. everybody else looks great. there are no concerns about injuries, off season or anything like that. the starting pitching staff looks great. timy looks great even with his new haircut. we talked to him and he seems to be on the fast track. he said his fast ball is back. we expect the tim of 2010 rather than perhaps the 2012 version. this is still just a feel good time of the year. it's -- it's spring. we will see a lot of giants fans here just watching the team work out today as we said it's the first full team work out, the first opportunity for us to see the players like
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angel pagan, pablo, posey has been here because the pitchers and catchers have been here for the last four or five days. we will see hunter pence take the field. he was talking about. he said he is ready to compete now. he is ready when he gets in, he is ready when he is starting to play cards, he competes and he will be here for the entire season. he came in the middle of the year. was just a spark plug guy. he will be here, we talked to torres. remember him? in 2010 he was one of the spark plugs for that world series championship. he was traded to the mets. he is back. pagan is back with a four year contract. everybody seems to be happy down here right now. it's happy place indeed. scottsdale. next hour we hope to hear from some of the players we talked to including scutaro. he will be back for the full season as well at second base. right now reporting live in
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scottsdale. ktvu channel 2news. >> police looking for more victims of a man accused of rape, he could have used dating sites to target women. the 37-year-old shaun banks was arrested monday. last november he raped a woman he met on the website christian they say he went by the online name rarity but used other names. police say they believe he could have been using more than one site to find victims. >> this individual traveled around a lot. we are concerned there are people obviously outside of the area or potentially outside of san diego county that could be victims. >> christian is reviewing all profiles and photographs, it's telling people to use a different name and avoid giving out personal information. >> a bill in washington state
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would force divorcing couples to wait a year. under the family second chance act couples and domestic partners would have to stay together and work on their relationship before divorce is granted. it's designed to lower poverty rates related to divorce and save money in social services. >> 90 days is a good cooling off period. anything longer is intrusion. >> i'm a child of divorce. my parents separated and for me if the process had been longer it would have just been worse. >> the bill does make exception in cases of domestic violence. >> the president is looking to pinch the penny out of circulation. it costs almost two and a half cents to produce one penny. the president said that the one cent coin has become obsolete and would like legislation to end its production. not everybody is ready to let go. >> i like the social aspect of it. you get to leave it for the
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next guy when the register is -- dispensing your change. >> you would miss it? >> yeah. >> some businesses such as mike's bikes have already banned the penny. the owner said the coin has become more trouble than it's worth. >> rosemary has been wishing for rain and for snow in the mountains. it looks like are you getting it. >> yeah. >> it's coming. eventually. today subtle changes inland, may not notice so much at the coast. we will start to feel that cooling trend. the minor changes will end with pretty drastic changes by about tuesday. for today we will shave off a few degrees, along the coastline even cooler, by five to ten degrees cooler today than yesterday. sunday a few more degrees cooling and then by tuesday, bottoming out in the low to mid50s with rain on the way, from a quarter inch much to an inch of rain. low snow levels down to about 2500 feet. let's enjoy the day. upper 30s to low 40s for the
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inland spots, 40s to low 50s around the bay. noontime low to mid60's and for the afternoon widespread low to mid to upper 60's nearing some of the warming areas. it'll take us into tuesday where the rain starts as early as the morning for areas near the north bay. ly bringing the latest forecast on that rain coming up. >> get ready fans, nascar is almost here. how you can watch pre-season racing today and the big change that could be on the way. >> and an amazing rescue caught on video. why they saved this dolphin in the nick of time.
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we're live on treasure island. where investigators are still working hard to try to determine the cause of an overnight fire that took the lives of this 10-year-old girl. we will have the latest often the investigation. >> a flash of light in the bay area skies. we will let you know what astronomers attribute to the light and why you should not be concerned. >> a new development in the search for a new pope. more on the rush for a replacement and what it could mean for the catholic church.
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hi, good morning, everyone. welcome back to mornings on 2. it is saturday, february 16. >> we've been talking all morning about the changes in the weather. rose mary is here with us to tell us how quickly they're coming. >> good morning to you. another beautiful day around the bay area. but not as warm. minor changes in the forecast. already seeing that outside our doors. at this hour, partly cloudy skies. a little cool in some areas. but temperatures are starting to turn around a little bit. high clouds remain in the forecast for at least part of the afternoon. temperatures are going to be sliding back. i will show you where i expect the biggest drop in temperatures and what you can expect for your neighborhood coming up. well, we are still on the scene of developing news on treasure island. and we first brought it to you at 7:00 a.m. a 10-year-old girl is dead after an early morning fire at her apartment building. and kt tv is there with more on the cause of the deadly fire. lorraine? >> reporter: now that all of
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those displaced residents are getting counseling, and housing assistance, the focus right now is on the investigation. trying to determine the cause of this fire. the firefighters are still doing cleanup as we speak. nine hours after the fire started. and you can see two units are destroyed. another two units are unliveable. this is cell phone video we obtained from one of the witnesses. people here say it all happened so fast. residents were running from the fire, and screaming. and the deputy fire chief tells us when they got here after midnight, flames were shooting out of all of the win does -- window was two of the units and it took two hours to get the fire fully under control and two firefighters suffered minor injuries while trying to rescue the 10-year-old girl tranned inside. a neighbor, jeffrey chambers tried to get the 10-year-old to safety before firefighters arrived. >> i sprayed the fire extinguisher to make way for me to get upstairs. i got on the first flight of stairs and the fire melted down
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on me and i burnt my arm. and ran upstairs and more came down on me and i started crying because i couldn't get to the girl. >> reporter: the mother of the 10-year-old girm says her name is charlene. the american red cross is helping 22 displaced people. 11 adults and 11 children. reporting live on treasure island, lorraine blanco, ktvu channel 2 news. we are also following a couple of other developing stories for you at this hour. oakland police are investigating a fatal stabbing. they tell us they got a 911 call from someone in the area of seventh avenue and east 11th street. just after 6:00 this morning. when they got there, they found a man who had been stabbed in the chest. and he was pronounced dead at the scene. the suspect was reportedly seen running away. so far, no arrests have been made. and the chp is also investigating the circumstances surrounding a deadly crash this morning in marin county. it happened around 6:40. a pick-up truck slammed into a big rig that was parked on northbound highway 101 in
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novato. it all happened near the atherton avenue exit. there is no word on the identity of the victim. the vehicles though are on the side of the road. so there are no lane closures. astronomers say last night's streak of light, that flash in the sky over the bay area, was not connected to a couple of earlier celestial events. and that is the surprised reaction from a person driving southbound 280 in san francisco, just before 8:00 last night. he posted this dashboard camera video on youtube. and the light is on the top right there of your screen. we will roll it for you a couple of times. other viewers described the light as a flare. something they say was incredibly breath taking. while at the same time scary. >> and i was sitting on the chair in the backyard. and i was looking at the sky and i seen like a blue streak from the sky coming down. and i thought it was a firework but i didn't hear any sounds. >> well, some space experts say they believe the fireball came
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from a passing meteor. the russian government is now sizing up the damage caused by a meteor. it shook central russia, injuring nearly 1,000 people including more than 200 children. windows blew out. and more than 4,000 homes and businesses in one city, russian scientists say the meteor was the size of a school bus. and was traveling at 40,000 miles an hour. it created a blast equivalent to 300,000 tons of dynamite. frames of the meteor caused craters 0 feet wide. damage -- 30 feet wide. damage from the explosion is estimated to be about $33 million. the russian meteor happened hours before our planet's close call with a large asteroid. a 750-ton asteroid came within 150,000 miles of earth. the crowd gathered at the space and science center to catch a glimpse of the space rock. the light shows in the sky are piquing the public's interest as well as members of congress
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and lawmakers will hold a hearing on so-called killer asteroids to find better ways to identify and address potential dangers. at ktvu .com we have posted more video of the remarkable video. look for the video player on the front page. a solo car crash sent seven teenagers to the hospital in san jose. the driver of the car lost control after 10:00 last night. the vehicle flipped and it rolled over several times. firefighters had to use the jaws of life to pull out the driver. investigators believe the driver was going too fast and officials say the victims did suffer significant injuries. the first lawsuit against carnival cruise ships has been filed and it comes less than two days after the disabled ship was towed back to shore. after five days on the carnival triumph, without power, passengers made it back to dry land on thursday night. yesterday, texas resident cathy terry filed a suit against the
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company. she is asking for compensation for physical and emotional harm and anxiety and the loss of enjoyment of life. other passengers though say this is not going to stop them from taking another cruise. >> i would go tomorrow. if you fall off a bicycle, you don't never ride it again. you know, you fall off a horse, you do it. you have an automobile accident, you still drive a car. >> carnival is asking passengers that they will get a full refund of their trip, $500 cash and a cruise in the future. legal analysts say it will hard to win any lawsuits because passengers do sign away most legal rights in the fine print of their ticket. meanwhile, the disabled vessel is now at a repair facility in mobile, alabama. the ship was towed there yesterday after offleading its passengers. tech and engine workers will try to determine what caused the fire in the engine room that shut down power to the ship. it is expected to be out of commission for at least a couple of months. new this morning, the vatican may select a
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replacement for pope benedict xvi earlier than initially thought. the 85-year-old pope announced that he will step down at the end of the month. the vatican is now raising the possibility that cardinals from across the world could gather before march 15 for an election known as a conclave. under current rule, that is the earliest date they could meet. because there is a required 15 to 20-day waiting period after a vacancy. that wait is so that the catholic church can mourn the death of the pope but in this case there is no mourning because the pope is stepping down. a minor cooldown is in store for your sturld. giving you a live look at the bay bridge and into san francisco. a few changes associated with that cooldown. they can already be seen outside. we've got high clouds overhead. a few low clouds. and a little bit of patchy fog out there. and this is going to increase as we work our way into sunday. for today, outside our doors right now, most of us are dealing with the high clouds. the high clouds actually help to offset some of that cooling in the overnight hours.
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and many of us woke up a few degrees warmer than yesterday. and now, the temperatures are bouncing back pretty good. 48 in napa. 45 santa rosa. upper 40s in walnut creek. and widespread 40s to low to mid-50s around the bay. we are checking in 42 menlo park. a -- 52 palo alto. a mix of sunshine and high clouds out there. along the coast, patches of fog. and the low clouds. let me show you the changes that are taking place. we first have a weak system come in, you can see the high clouds from the south. and this is also increasing that southerly surge that brings us the moisture air into the bay area. and so i expect those clouds are going to be thickening up. and tomorrow morning, we could see the low clouds and the fog, a little thicker than what we're seeing at this hour. also we have a second weak system here that is riding through the pacific northwest. not bringing us any rain but the two together helping to break down the ridge of high pressure that has kept us well above average in the afternoon for the temperatures. and it will lead to a cooling
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trend. eventually this system, way back here near the allusion islands will bring some rain. it will happen on tuesday. here is the timing on it. it looks like it has moved up just a little bit. by tuesday morning, perhaps in time for the morning drive, the north bay may be wet. and by the evening drive, it looks like the entire bay area is getting soaked and the wind shield wipers are going with a slow drive by wednesday morning. notice at 6:00 a.m., we are drying out. we will remain with an unsettled weather pattern. we may get another shot at some rain thursday into friday. and perhaps into the weekend. for today, another nice day. we're going to shave off a few degrees off parts of the inland areas. 68 in berkeley today. upper 60s in concord. so a little change for you today. going to feel a lot like yesterday. and concord and as well as livermore and around the south bay, 70 degrees down in san jose. but again, along the coast, ha is where we will feel it first. 70 degrees for santa cruz today. and santa cruz warmed to 80 degrees yesterday and in and around half moon bay.
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low 70s yesterday and today, mid-60s. so this is what we can expect. as we get into sunday. and the morning clouds, the cooler temperatures, and then we really begin to see the cold air filter in. monday. turning cloudy by monday afternoon. monday night into tuesday, here comes the rain and the temperatures are going to be cool. pull out the winter gear. a chilly day on tuesday. a wet day. snow levels down to about 2500 feet in some cases. i will have a look at your saturday lunchtime numbers coming up. >> all right. 9:11. get ready to start your engines. nascar season is almost here. how you can watch some pre- season racing today. >> and the big changes that could be on the way for the sport. >> are you looking for work? how you could land one of thousands of jobs at great america theme park. >> a live look at scottsdale, arizona, where the giants are arriving for their first day of practice at spring training. >> it is going to be exciting. >> fred english will have a live report for us coming up in
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about 30 minutes.
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[ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again with the rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx and the next chapter for lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection. good morning to you, san francisco. a live look there at the tower. partly cloudy skies over the bay area this morning. mid-50s in the city of san francisco. iran's message this morning about the nuclear program could possibly heighten international
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concerns. iran's supreme leader the ayatollah announced on the web site that tehran is not seeking nuclear weapon but however also said no country could stop them if they wanted to build an atomic bomb. world leaders are expected to offer a deal to iran that includes shutting down a uranium enrichment plant in exchange for easing trade sanctions on gold. this morning, president obama is calling for quick action on the economic proposals he made during tuesday's state of the union. >> we need to launch manufacturing hubs across the country that will transform hard-hit regions into global centers of high-tech jobs in manufacturing. >> in the weekly address the president talked about the visits this week to north carolina, georgia, and chicago. he talked about the need to create more jobs by increasing research and technology investments, more school funding, and reforming the tax code. including ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. and enrollment in the federal job corps program has come to a
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halt. house and senate lawmakers say the program is at a standstill while they investigate a $100 million short fall. the budget problem will prevent about 130,000 people from getting training this year. the program will stop accepting any new enrollees until at least june 30. well, if are you looking for a job, you may find one at great america. the park needs to fill thousands of jobs for this upcoming season. the amusement park is looking for technician, cashier, ticket takers, parking attendants, and ride operators. about 2500 positions are open. auditions are also being held today, and tomorrow, for singers, dancers, cos tume characters and theater technicians. opening day for the park is scheduled for march 29. new this morning, organizers are working on the final details for a large rally being held tomorrow in san francisco. protesters with the group ford on climate have a usa department building, beginning about 2:00 p.m. they're going to be demonstrating opposition to the
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keystone excel pipeline project that extends a pipeline from canada to 35 u.s. cities. people are participating in protests across the country. lawmakers in colorado preliminarily approved a series of gun control measures, expanded background checks and ammunition limits and call for a ban on concealed weapons on public campuses and state lawmakers debated the measures all day yesterday. eight hours into that session, vice president joe biden personally called for lawmakers to try to move that discussion along. new information in a murder case against olympic athlete oscar pistorius. the blade runner's uncle now says he is shocked and numbed by the news surrounding the killing of the athlete's girlfriend in his south africa home earlier this week. his uncle said the two had plans together, and oscar was happier than ever in his life. pistorius is still being held at the pratoria police station.
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prosecutors say they will pursue pre-meditated murder charges against him. one man is under arrest and charged with the murders of two coast guard employees. james michael wells is accused of killing the two men at the coast guard station on kodiak island. ha is just off the coast of alaska. wells also from kodiak island was arrested yesterday. no further details about the investigation have been released. two 5th graders are facing charges for allegedly plotting to kill a classmate. court documents reveal the boys brought a gun and a knife to school in coalville washington. they reportedly targeted a girl who made fun of them. police say one of the boys planned to kill the girl with a knife while the other used a gun to keep people away. the boys are due back in court next week. and overnight the chief of police in colorado went on patrol and he did it with an audience. chief dennis burns patrolled the downtown palo alto area, until about 2:00 this morning. his lieutenant was also there. for the ride. and he took pictures and tweeted out what was happening
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to followers. they say the virtual ride uses new technology to connect to the younger generation. >> the goal behind it is to give some people who want to follllow us insight into the li of a cop in palo alto and what policing the city of palo alto really is like. >> now, the night started out with the chief tweeting a message about investigating a string of street robberies in the north downtown area. other tweets included a car crash on el camino real and helping a woman find her car. if you want to join the virtual ride-along, follow palo alto police on twitter. the official nascar season does not kick off until next weekend but preseason action on ktvu. tonight is the sprint unlimited exhibition race and that means drivers will race for no points. drivers willing also unveil the new gen 6 car. tomorrow, the drivers will begin their qualifying event for the daytona 500 race next weekend. you can watch the sprint unlimited right here on ktvu
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tonight at 5:00. nascar driver michael waltrip will honor and raise money for sandy hook elementary at the daytona 500. the two-time daytona weber was set to drive the number 30 toyota but instead his number will be changed to 26. to honor the victims of the shooting. the black and green ribbon is also featured on the hood of the car. people will be able to donate during next weekend's race by texting newtown to 80888. nascar will likely make a baseline concussion test mandatory for all drivers next year. officials have also urged all drivers to get an impact test before this season. the test is used by many professional sports leagues including the nfl, to assess concussions and determine when an injured athlete can safely return to play. last season, dale earnhardt jr. missed two races for the race for the sprint cup championship because of a concussion. an amazing dolphin rescue caught on video. why marine biologists say they
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saved that dolphin just in the nick of time. a cooler weather pattern is settling into the bay area for your president's day weekend. i will have a look at what you can expect coming up.
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you are taking a look at an amazing dolphin rescue in san diego. this is video that we got from sea world, lifeguards, and sea world animal specialists. they actually had to cut a 50 to 100-foot line off of that dolphin. it was wrapped around its dorsal fin. and sea life experts, there they go, it didn't take very long, they say the dolphin may have gotten tangled up in the wire up to four weeks ago. the high five there because that dolphin is expected to do just fine. new this morning, if you bought your tiffany engagement ring at costco and thought you got a great deal you might want to think again. the jewelry company says its
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rings have never been sold at the wholesale club. they are now suing costco for counterfeiting and false advertisement. costco has not yet responded to the allegations. the sierra is expected to be packed this weekend for what is traditionally known as the last big holiday for ski resorts and despite a lack of new snow the last six weeks many resorts say they still have plenty of snow left over from the december and november storms. the resorts are preparing for bigger crowds than last year. because of the early powder they received this season. their conditions at the slopes will also be a little bit more spring like with the highs slated for 53 degrees in lake tahoe and if you are getting ready to head up to the sierra today, you may have a lot of company out there on the roadways. this is a live look at 80. and headed toward reno. a short time ago. not too crowded on this saturday morning. so maybe it won't be too backed for you guys getting up. there and coming home monday though is more likely probably going to be the bigger mess when it comes to traffic. >> i've been in that traffic on a holiday weekend.
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it is no fun. >> no fun at all. >> i have family members in tahoe this weekend. and i have family members cruising around napa. and i'm thinking napa might be the better bet today, rose mary. >> i don't know. it is going to be gorgeous in tahoe, too. no matter where you go. >> that's right. >> and whether you have just the weekend, maybe you have the extra day this weekend, and maybe you are one of those that your children are out for ski week and headed to tahoe. great weather. let's start there. and temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s under sunny conditions. by monday though, turning a little breezy, and that breeze will eventually lead to snow in the mountains. tuesday, perhaps into wednesday. and overnight lows in the teens. 15, 16, 17 degrees or so. so a chilly start followed by a nice day. meanwhile here at home, we're off to a great start as well. high clouds overhit. through the 10:00 hour. widespread 50s to near 60. and then for your lunch hour, low to mid to upper 60s in the forecast for today. and as we get into the afternoon, mid to upper 60s, a
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few isolated areas, we will hit about 70 degrees. and 71 expected for morgan hill. and there is your extended forecast today. slightly cooler than yesterday. and along the coastline, you will notice the difference there, anywhere from 5-10 degrees of cooling expected for the covelet and the rest of us -- the coast and the rest of us shaving off a few degrees and the cooling trend tomorrow will continue and expect to wake up with the morning clouds and mostly cloudy by monday afternoon. here comes the rain on tuesday and a cold one. dropping down from the gulf of alaska and temperatures in the low to mid-50s for the afternoon. and bundle up those kids. i will show you how much rain i expect with the system coming up. >> okay. we have more information on what led to the end of the hunt for that ex-los angeles police officer, christopher dorner and what police are saying about their final decisions, and the battle now under way for the reward money. >> a raging fire overnight. takes the life of a 10-year-old girl on treasure island. we will have the very latest on the investigation.
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an early morning fire takes the life of a 10-year-old girl. the firefighters heretic efforts to try to -- heroic efforts to try to save that girl's life. >> crews are still on the scene of that deadly fire on treasure island. fire officials say the 10-year- old girl was killed after being trapped on the second floor of her apartment building. ktvu tv lorraine blanco is there where two firefighters
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were injured trying to rescue the young girl. >> reporter: that's true, mike and those are only two of the injuries out here. there are other injuries. an arson investigators is on the scene right now. he has been examining the wreckage out here. by all accounts, this was a devastating scene overnight. the 10-year-old victim's mother told me she couldn't get to her daughter. and a neighbor who tried to help ended up with burns on his arm. trying to get that little girl screaming and crying inside. and now, this is cell phone video, we obtained from one of the witnesses. people here say it all happened so fast. residents were running from the fire, yelling for help. and the deputy fire chief tells us when they got here after midnight, flames were shooting out of all of the window, two of the units, in the mariner avenue apartments on treasure island. it took two hours to put the fire out. and two firefighters suffered minor injuries while trying to rescue the 10-year-old girl trapped inside. >> he fell through the floor, went through from the second floor to the first. another firefighter fell
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through the floor but caught himself. >> reporter: the mother of the 10-year-old girl said her name is charlene. the american red cross is helping 22 displaced people, 11 adult, and 11 children. and we were just told a few minutes ago, that the fire chief of the san francisco fire department is on his way here right now. and we're expecting to get another update within the hour. of course, we will update you on other newscasts throughout the day here with whatever information we can get. reporting live, on treasure island, lorraine blanco, ktvu channel 2 news. more information is surfacing about the final hours of accused killer christopher dorner. the coroner's report indicates dorner died from a single gunshot wound to the head. while the corner has not positively determined that dorner committed suicide, all evidence points to the wound as self inflicted. investigators say he barricaded himself in a cabin armed with a high powered sniper rifle. and a pile of ammo as well as smoke bombs. >> they were formulating a plan on how to look for him.
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noticed shoe prints in the snow. leading towards that cabin. before our deputies could finalize a plan, they were ambushed by christopher dorner. he began firing at them. both our officers went down. >> authorities reiterated that s.w.a.t. teams did not intentionally burn down the cabin. they say they first ordered dorner to surrender and then fired less combustible tear gas. they also say only as a last resort they fired the tear gas canisters known as burner because of the intense heat they often emit often leads to fire. there is a scramble over who should get a million dollar reward. the city of los angeles along with other jurisdictions and private donors put up the money last sunday. the reward was for information leading to the capture and conviction of dorner. a man who claims dorner carjacked him at big bear says he should get the money. >> my phone call put an end, directly put an end to the biggest man hunt in southern
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california history. now, i feel they need to stand by their word. pay out that reward. i need to get some money and i want to do some good things with it. >> but a couple who owned the condo in big bear says dorner confronted them and tied them up at gunpoint. they were able to call police while still being bound. and they say they should receive the award. los angeles city officials say all jurisdictions will have to sit down and discuss whether to pay out the million dollars. the solano county district attorney says it is seeking the death penalty for the man accused of killing a vallejo police officer. 39-year-old henry albert smith of fairfield re-entered a not guilty plea yesterday morning to murder with special circumstances. smith is charged with gunning down officer james kapu during a chase in 2011. smith's trial date is set for may 10. san francisco police need your help, as they search for a man suspected of multiple attacks on women. police are hoping you recognize the man in this sketch. police say he is a suspect in two random attacks in knowy
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valley. they say both attacks involve women walking alone early in the morning. both victims say a man approached them from the opposite direction, suddenly started punching them and then ran away. one attack happened last month. and one earlier this month. also two men are expected to survive after being attacked by a person with a hatchet. police say in all three suspects entered a home at 27th and church street late thursday night. a 68-year-old homeowner was attacked while sleeping in his bed. the second victim, a 58-year- old man was attacked when he arrived home. police say the suspects ransacked the house, looking for jewelry. >> this is something that is very vicious. it is something that is very disturbing. especially when you're in the sanctuary of your own home. >> police say the suspects are described as two latino men. the race of the third man is unknown. all three were wearing dark clothing. only one was wearing a mask. there will be more police patrolling san jose streets this weekend. after a disturbing crime report. yesterday, police released the violent crime numbers for 2012.
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and those numbers show a 10% increase from the year before. homicides increased by 15.4%. and rapes, 23.9%. robbery, 9.7%. and aggravated assault is up 9.5%. any time you see the double digit increase in violent crime, i don't think it is a good year. >> nonviolent crimes are rising more dramatically and the city is on pace for 1,000 car thefts every month and home burglaries are expected to increase. especially with the warmer weather. police say they will utilize overtime to put more officers on the streets. and a fundraising car wash is being held this weekend for the family of a teenager who was killed outside of his high school. police say 17-year-old anthony santa cruz was stabbed during a fight on wednesday. so far, no arrests have been made. the car wash is being held, both today and tomorrow. at 160 east virginia street. that's near south 5th street in
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san jose. the family says the money raised will help pay for his funeral. walnut creek has a shortage of police officers. the department says it is funded to have 76 officers and authorized to hire up to 80 but there are only 65 on the officer. strong competition from nearby departments is part of the problem and the city is actively recruiting qualified people. >> applicants who are looking into law enforcement ought to look at walnut creek. we have a great things to offer. >> despite the shortage, the department says it will not lower the hiring standard. the city leaders say there is an idea on the table of increasing police pay and benefits. this has not been formally proposed to the council. the fbi is now working with facebook to investigate a series attack by hackers against the social media giant. officials say last month, a handful of employees visited a mobile developer web site that downloaded mall ware on company laptops and those laptops have
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since been fixed and officials are calling this attack sophisticated. however they say will is -- there is any evidence any user data was compromised. an effort is under way to ground google's plans to park jets at the moneta san jose international airport. atlantic aviation is the chief opposition to the proposed $80 million facility at the airport which would let google co- founders park their fleet next to other executive jets. yesterday the aviation company filed an appeal with the city saying it was wrong when it decided atlanta's bid did not fulfill requirements. and atlantic says it offered up 295 million dollars over five years to ensure the vacant land would generate revenue. the dublin san ramon services district is considering a rate increase for water. customers could see fixed water service charges go up a few dollars or hundreds of dollars depending how much water they use. several meetings are planned before the district's board decides in mid april. garbage rates could go up
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in redwood city later this month. the city council is considering a 3% hike. the extra revenue would go toward pay raises and benefits for garbage workers and also help pay for rising fuel costs. a public hearing is planned for february 25. this would be the third garbage rate hike in redwood city in the past two years. well, if you plan on crossing the richmond san rafael bridge this weekend, expect delays. crews are shutting down one lane to work on the installation of a new automated toll-taking system. the lane closure is set to continue through monday morning at 5:00 a.m. and additional closures are scheduled for later this month. if you're flying in or out of san francisco, this weekend, you may also run into some delays. a construction project could cause a slowdown for inbound and outbound flights. one of the main runways shut down at 10:00 last night and will stay closed until 8:00 on monday morning. air traffic could be reduced from 60 flights an hour, to just 30 an hour. and that temporary runway closure makes it possible for sfo to do federally required
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upgrades. a cooler pattern is settling into the bay area for your weekend. a live look here. at the bay bridge. we have patches of fog out there. right around the bay. our relative humidity is up just a bit. and high clouds over most areas this morning. and again, those changes coming from a system that won't bring us any rain just yet. but it will bring us a little bit of cooling and bringing usion the clouds. you can see them, widespread over storm tracker 2. temperatures have begun to rebound nicely. 48 in napa. 45 in santa rosa. and 45 concord. and 54 already in walnut creek. some of the inner spots fell back into the upper 30s earlier this morning. so a nice rebound again taking place. and 54 redwood city, and 54sfo. i have to point out half moon bay, 60 degrees right now. with just a little bit of patchy fog. high clouds overhead. and ironically, a half moon bay area, areas like santa cruz and pacifica, with the biggest cooldown by the afternoon.
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the pacific satellite view and here is where the high clouds are drifting in from. from the south. we have a weak system. not going to bring us any rain. but helping to bring that -- those high clouds as well as the southerly surge. and the relative humidity coming um. onshore breeze expected by the afternoon. that is going to help cool down the coastline. anywhere from 5-10 degrees. inland areas, may feel just a subtle change from yesterday and a weak system right here. this is also helping to break down the ridge of high pressure that has kept us pretty high and dry for the last several days. a system dropping out of the gulf of alaska will finally bring us some rain. it doesn't come until tuesday morning. 7:00. we have that rain over parts of the north bay. into the afternoon. and it is spread south. and for the evening drive it looks like we will all be wet. by wednesday morning, we are drying out. we will remain locked in with an unsettled weather pattern through the rest of the week. we may get additional rain, it looks like thursday friday, maybe into the weekend but tuesday's system, anywhere from a quarter inch to an inch of rain and it is a cold storm and looking at temperatures in the afternoon, low to mid-50s, and
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it will feel like winter once again and it is winter after all. know levels will be dropping down to 2500 feet for snow levels tand looks like a foot of snow for the highest elevations. in a nutshell for today, slightly cooler especially near the coastline is where we will feel it most. farther inland you go. maybe a degree. maybe two to three degrees. maybe you won't even notice. the on-shore flow coming -- onshore breeze for the afternoon. 67 vallejo. 68 in berkeley. 66 for san francisco today. and upper 60s for the inland east bay. 68 for livermore. 70 degrees san jose. 70 degrees in santa cruz. still a beautiful day if you're going to the board walk. there is the extended forecast, the temperatures will continue to fall off with each passing day. low to mid-60s in time for your sunday afternoon. the morning clouds and the fog. and i do expect we will have it by tomorrow morning at least along the coastline perhaps inside the bay. and monday afternoon, turning mostly cloudy and here comes the rain. tuesday morning, and it stays all day long, and the temperatures a cool one, and then into tuesday night and
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wednesday we are mostly cloudy and temperatures in the mid-50s for the afternoon. back to you at the desk. >> a ceremony is held today to announce a financial boost for three state parks in marin county. last year, the three state parks were in danger of being closed. to keep them open, mat rin state parks association -- the marin state parks association raised $1 million and last summer, more than $50 million of state money was found in hidden accounts. that money is being used to match what the association raised and will help expand park hours. well, we have an update on that italian sailboat that is attempting to finish a record- breaking voyage in san francisco. we just got this picture, this is the mazz ratty and the team tells us the -- moz rote and the team tells us the boat is a bill delayed, and it is a few miles outside of the san francisco bay. the vessel started the voyage in new york city on new years day and check out the route. it went all the day around cape horn, the tip of south america and it is expected to arrive at
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pier 39 in a few hours. when they do that, that trip will be complete and the mazarati will have made a 13,000-mile voyage in 47 days. the previous record was 57 days. controversy surrounding a popular skating site. why christian mingle is now at the center of a criminal investigation. >> plus, spring training is officially under way in arizona. we will have a live report from scottsdale with a look at how teams are preparing for the upcoming season. >> that's a nice live look there. anyway, another live look. san mateo bridge. looking great in both directions on this first day of full practice. for both the oakland a's and san francisco giants. time now is 9:43. you're watching mornings on 2. mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪
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[ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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thank you for joining us this morning. a live look at the aquatic park in berkeley. we will have an enjoyable forecast for you. afternoon highs will be slightly cooler than friday. happening right now in the world champion san francisco giants, they have taken the field at scottsdale stadium in arizona. it is the team's first spring training workout with the full squad. ktvu fred english is hanging out with all of the champs on this sunny saturday in the desert and he joins us live from scottsdale. hey, fred. >> reporter: good morning, mike. well, this is it. the rite of spring. as you can see, we've got about 40 giants players out on the field here at scottsdale stadium. and i hope you can hear that pop. it is the ball hitting the glove. that is the official sign that baseball is here for the year 2013. again, this is the first full workout for all of the teams. so we get a chance to see some of the players like howard pens and brandon crawford. all of those guys.
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remember now, 21 of last year's 25 man roster is still here. that is an incredible success story. and bringing back the champions. of course nothing is guaranteed but everybody here is confident. you can check out the fans here. there is quite a number of people here, just watching the defending world champions here. this is a free day for them. the first season. the first game of the season. it begins one week from today. when the giants host the angels. right here at scottsdale stadium. and again, optimism seems to be the keynote here. and as we talked to a lot of players today. they talk about it being more of a family reunion than it is perhaps a spring training tryout situation. only three or four fringe positions are still open for somebody to come in and snag here. as the pitching staff is pretty much intact. the infield is pretty much intact. and of course, the outfield, the starting three, at least, they are still here as well.
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so again, if you like the 2012 giants you are going to love the 013 giants. and i've talked to a couple of people here, and in fact if i can, i will talk real quick to this woman, i understand are you from idaho but a long time giants fan. >> for our whole lives. >> born and raised in san francisco? >> born and raised in san francisco. my husband and i both. >> so when you leave, you don't really leave as a giants fan? >> no we get back to at least once a year a game. >> cheryl, thanks for your time. >> prediction this year? >> of course, world series. >> two of the last three. they belong to the san francisco giants. and as we said, this team is pretty much intact. everybody is healthy. and it just right now is a good time to be a giant. and most importantly to be a giants fan. well, of course, we will have a lot more all throughout this week. but right now, reporting live in scottsdale, fred english, ktvu channel news. >> thanks, fred. meanwhile the oakland a's
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roster will report to spring training at phoenix municipal stadium today. pitchers and catchers arisked earlier -- arrived earlier this week. a steady stream of players will take physical exams before hitting the field tomorrow for a full workout. the team will be preparing for the first exhibition game against the brewers one week from today. a man who used to run a swim club in danville allegedly took more than $225,000 from the team. mark thorten of danville was charged yesterday with eight counts of grand theft by embezzlement. he used to be the president of the sycamore sting rays. the swim club filed a lawsuit against him after he was charged yesterday. he has pleaded not guilty. the man suspected of making death threats against the state senator leeland gee made his first appearance yesterday, charged with ten felonies including a death threat and possession of assault weapons and explosion. he will appear in court again
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on thursday to enter a plea. a shooting killed an innocent bystander. 18-year-old debris bennet should be considered armed and dangerous. they believe he was involved in a gun battle last month at the bay fair station in san leandro. police say 50-year-old kenneth seeks died after getting caught in the cross fire. a teenaged girl was also wounded. two other suspects have already been arrested. gay rights activists call it a major change in the military. for the first time, the veteran affairs department will allow the same-sex spouse of a military vet to be buried in a national cemetery. the government warns back in 2004 it would pull funding if they buried same-sex spouses in a veteran cemetery but the council will consider each request on a case by case basis. police are looking for more victims of a man accused of rape and they say he could have used dating sites to target women. 37-year-old shawn banks was arrested monday, in la mesa. police say last november he
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raped a woman he met on the web site christian mingle .com. they say he went by the online name rarity. but used several aliases. those include ryeland, ryeland butterwood and ryeland harbo. police think he may have used more than one site to find his victims. >> this individual traveled around a lot. and we are concerned that there are people obviously outside of la mesa or potentially outside of san diego county that could be a victim. >> chris dan mingle .com is now -- christian ming .com is reviewing profiles and avoid giving out personal information like a phone number or address. tomorrow marks a somber occasion for japanese americans across the country. the annual day of remembrance to mark the 71st anniversary of the interment of japanese americans. after the japanese attack on pearl harbor 120,000 people, mostly american citizens, were considered a threat to national security. and forced into concentration
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camps. bay area japanese americans who survived the camps say it was the worst experience of their lives. >> i would like to forget it but it is still in my head. >> i've never been able to escape that experience. it has colored my life. >> there is a monument at san francisco's japan town to remember the interment. san jose will hold a service at a buddhist church tomorrow night to mark the day. a wear glimpse into the life of -- a rare glimpse into the life of former heavy weight champion mike tyson. how you can win a pair of ticks to a live stage performance of his story, in san francisco. >> we're on the path to cooler weather and eventually some rain. i will have a look at the extended forecast coming up. ♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪
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♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. it is time for our ticket saturday and today you have the chance to win a pair of tickets to see mike tyson's undisputed
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truth. the live stage event is happening on thursday, february 28 and it takes a rare look inside the life of one of the most feared men to wear the heavy weight crown. go to ktvu before midnight and put in the secret word knockout for your chance to win. a top story for this morning. a 10-year-old girl died after an early morning fire on treasure island. firefighters say her parents made out of the apartment building but the girl was trapped on the second floor. two firefighters suffered minor injuries trying to rescue her. the cause of that fire is under investigation. one person died after a pick-up truck slammed into a parked big rig this morning in novato. it happened on northbound 101 near the atherton avenue exit. and did you see it? many people in the bay area saw a flash of light streaking through the sky last night. astronomers say it was a passing meteor. not connected to a large asteroid that passed close to earth or the meteor that hit central russia. well, it has been a
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miserable month for the san jose sharks. they lost 4-1 to the blackhawks last night in chicago. and the sharks have dropped every game in february so far. and that is seven straight losses following seven straight wins in january to start the season. san jose has had a few days off before facing the blues on tuesday and the sharks have a rematch with chicago on friday. if your child has been wanting to try hockey, today is their chance to do it for free. it is part of hockey weekend across america. at 9:45, just about 10 minutes to go, that free hockey clinic, it started for the children, the ages 4-9 at the sharks facility. the oakland ice center wilt start their event at 10:45 for 4-12-year-olds and the yerba buena ice skating center will hold an event at 5:30 p.m. for children 5-12 years old. >> good time to get outside today. rose mary, you're talking 70s in some pockets of the bay area. >> yes, some of the warmer spots. hitting 70 again today. slightly cooler than yesterday. and a notable cooldown for the coast. as we get into the 10:00 hour,
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low 50s to low 60s. and with a high cloud overhead. partly cloudy skies. and low to mid-60s for lunchtime. and then for the afternoon, widespread low to mid-60s around the bay. a few spots warming to the upper 60s to low 70s. who? morgan hill. 71 for you. upper 60s concord livermore. 69 napa and santa rosa. and 64 for pacifica. and the onshore breeze is expected. a little bit later today. and that's why the coast will feel it first. some of our inland areas will feel a lot like yesterday. concord, livermore, hit about 68, 69 and you will do it again for the afternoon. tomorrow, a bit of a bigger cooldown. the morning clouds will be with us. at least along the coastline. and perhaps a little farther inland. and turning mostly cloudy on monday. and there comes that first storm in a while. >> i haven't seen that image in a while. >> yes, a lot of kids are starting baseball practice this week. it looks like maybe they will be rained out. >> tuesday, it looks like it is


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