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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  March 8, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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♪ and now... ♪ topless. ♪ the fiat 500 abarth cabrio. ♪ the fiat 500 abarth cabrio. you're o♪ ♪meout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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good evening everyone i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. police revealed the identity of a woman who investigators believe stabbed a man to death and hid his body inside his apartment for weeks. robert handa is live now in san jose with new information on the city's eighth homicide of the year and a very strange circumstances surrounding it. robert. >> very strange. we're at the victim's apartment complex. this management letter was posted on all the units expressing sorrow over stan jacobson's death. but it also says stan brought people here into his life dangerous to his own well being. that is what investigators also believe. >> reporter: people at the hilltop manor city apartment are still reeling over the bizarre circumstances surrounding the disappearance of their friend 69-year-old stan jacobson missing since february 5th but who's body was discovered stabbed to death in his apartment yesterday. today police revealed the
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person arrested yesterday is 46- year-old regina butler and acquaintance of jacobson and a person seen with him. he talked with butler just before the arrest and confronted her about jacobson's disappearance asking her -- >> what happened to him the night you stayed with him the last night. she says i don't remember. i was on drugs, too drunk i don't know what happened. >> reporter: police are not releasing any details but brought out evidence that jacobson was trying to scam -- that butler was trying to scam jacobson over insurance money. police had been inside the unit during the weeks jacobson was missing. >> usually it's an odor. in this case it was hidden underneath enough things that
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the odor did not stand enough. >> that lady she has to be contained some where. she did it. that's not good to have somebody running around doing stuff like that. >> reporter: police say they plan to turn the case over to the district attorney's office soon. regina butler turned down our request for an interview. live in san jose, robert handa. ktvu channel 2 news. emergency crews today retrieved a body from the bodies off a beach in san francisco. fire officials say the body was spotted about 12:45 this afternoon near baker beach. investigators at this point will only say that the body is male and at this hour there are no other details about his identity or the cause of death. a san jose man pleaded not guilty today to charges he plotted to blow up a bank in oakland. matthew llaneza was arraigned in federal court. prosecutors say last month he took what he believed was a real bomb to a bank of america on hagenburger road. they say the bomb was fake and
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given to llaneza as part of an undercover investigation. the driver charged in the death of a san francisco high school student also pleaded not guilty today. 28-year-old ke era n brewer faces charges of vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence. chang was killed saturday night as she crossed san francisco's sloat boulevard. prosecutors say chang was celebrating her 17th birthday that day. brewer's bail is set at $20,000. he is due to return to court march 27th. happening right now, collin kaepernick is wrapping up an autograph signing. 49ers faithful have been lined up for hours to get a glimpse of kaepernick. but here's what's happening now the crowd is so large that they're trying to shut the doors to the safe way and end
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this autograph signing session. it was supposed to go to 6:30 but we've been watching this crowd and some of this are now chanting let us in, let us in. this is going on at a safeway store in danville. gives you some idea of just how popular collin kaepernick is. arguably one of the most popular athletes in the country right now. happening in danville, there's a big situation there at the safeway. hundreds maybe 1,000 people all waiting in line to see collin kaepernick and get his autograph. but the problem is there are so many they are trying to end this early. oakland police touted the joint efforts of local and federal law enforcements in a massive crime sweep today. john sasaki is live in oakland where city leaders say these efforts must be paired with gun control laws. >> reporter: oakland police
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have been hitting the most violent gangs in the city hard. today they targeted one specific gang. oakland police released this survey listens video of a recent armed robbery near lake merit they say was committed by members of a relatively new gang. >> they were responsible for a numerous robberies of similar motives to this. we want the public we showed to ask them if they recognize the face of those who were victims. probably the most violent young group of people i've seen in my 25 years. >> repoer: police also released video showing a huge operation they conducted this morning in which they served 24 search warrants and busted 18 known gang members. >> we found out fairly quickly these groups were coming up with different ways every day
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to commit crimes around the city. >> reporter: at a news conference today, melinda hayes invoked the napes of the detectives who were recently killed. >> the risks our investigators take every day were starkly seen yesterday at the funeral. >> reporter: oakland police announced late this afternoon that in the raids they conducted this morning they recovered 11 different firearms. live in oakland, i'm john sasaki, ktvu channel 2 news. one lawmaker is -- leno introduced a bill that would require both the san mateo and san francisco board of supervisors to approve gun shows at the venue.
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county supervisors don't have input because the cal palace sits on state land. critics say it would lead gun owners to the market. the women of code pink opened their arms in san francisco today to bring more attention to the debate over guns. members stood outside a gun store on mission street with their message. they say arms are for hugs not for killing. the family of that 24-year- old intern killed by a lion is calling her death a tragic accident. family members say they believe the facility followed safety protocalls. investigators think that the lion escaped by using its paw to lift the door of a partially
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closed feeding cage. hanson's father says that his daughter died doing what she loved. >> why the loss isn't just about a business, allie. julie the stairs in front of the building lead up to the kitchen and cafe. the restaurant was untouched by the flames but the dining room downstairs right behind where they boarded up all the windows that had the most damage and that's what's going to take the longest to rebuild. as she surveyed the damage to her restaurant. alice waters had a message for long time fans of the restaurant. >> we are not going any where. we are not going any where. it's just a question of time. >> reporter: a fire broke out at the restaurant around 3:00 this morning. investigators say it started underneath the building. >> the location where the fire appeared to have originated. there's some electrical equipment there. >> the damage inside is minimal. mostly smoke and some broken windows. waters hopes to have the cafe
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open in a matter of weeks. >> we'll paint the whole interior. we'll make -- we'll make the repair that is we have wanted to make for a long time. >> reporter: for locals and long time loyalists a reopening can't come soon enough. >> and it's more than the restaurant that it's a whole food movement. >> reporter: waters is considered one of the leaders of the organic and local food movement. she is also credited with encouraging first lady michelle obama to plant an organic garden at the white house. waters says she is moved by the outpouring of support following the fire. >> it deeply touches me. i care about this neighborhood. >> reporter: now there's a fire back in 1982 and after that they installed a sprinkler system. well it kicked in during the fire last night. and firefighters say that
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likely saved this building from total destruction. a san jose man accused of a rental scam agreed to a deal. james troy wilson looked for foreclosures, he broke the lock and rended them without the knowledge of the owners. he's said to be sentenced next month and is facing one year in jail. another state agency is admitting it mishandled funds. the department of fish and wildlife says a land leasing program failed to report $1.7 million last year. an audit show that is was used not for land but for department bills and gift cards. >> our department is stretched thin and they don't always have the resources they need for the jobs. it's reasonable to think that this was a way to fund
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department work. >> similar funding issues have been reported with other state agencies including parks and rec and the department of forestry. after debate, the district has announced they will let people walk across the new bay bridge for free. a bridge toll panel considered charging a $5 fee to offset those costs for security, bathroom and other charges for the labor day event. but they have now decided to take donations instead. in contra costa county, officials are looking into linking two popular trails. city leaders in lafayette are working with the county to study the effects of linking the moraga trail with the the iron horse trail. the study will cost $200,000 and be paid for with county
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transportation funds. a san diego man faces fraud charges for allegedly taking millions of the dollars in cash and equipment from cisco. prosecutors say ruden created a website to pose as a representative for a company that also does business for cisco and asked for another $2 million. he now faces up to 42 years in prison. shares of internet radio firm pandora they soared on wall street today. the stock climbed after the oakland base company reported a better than expected forecast in the third quarter. it appears that investors shrugged off yesterday's news that the company's ceo plans to step down. shares of pandora media jumped by 17% today and climbed to $13.79. stds on the rise at a bay area high school. now you're being asked to pay
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to prevent them. the controversial solution that needs funding. >> yeah it's a good idea. >> the first guy that took me into the bathroom had me in the tub with a gun to my head. >> how the suspected violent thieves were tracked down miles from the scene. >> and what you should expect this weekend. mary gonzales had a cold, she also has asthma.
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so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan, who sees that she's due for a mammogram. mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive
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a san francisco man is recounting some frightening moments during a frightening home invasion robbery. it happened just after mid- night at his home on 23rd street near deharo street. the victim says he heard noises coming from the back of his house. the next thing he knew he woke up to see a gun in his face. >> the first guy took me into
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the bathroom had me in the tub. and held me there while his friend ransacked the house. >> reporter: the victim says he was pistol whipped and suffered bumps to his head. the men stole valuables including computers and an iphone. police then tracked the devices to oakland where they arrested two men and recovered some of those stolen items. in walnut creek, police are alerting the public about a deported exconvict who has returned to the bay area and is now wanted for making criminal threats. in 2007 rogelio owerta were convicted for killing a man. he was deported but has returned. he may be hiding in or around walnut creek or concord. a vigil is about to begin for a man shot and killed. friends and family of 20-year-
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old lincoln player are planning to gather at 6:30 at the city park where player was a volunteer. they say they will march to eighth street where he was gunned down on monday. no arrests have been made. new at 6:00 a school program to offer free protection to teens who are having sex is asking for help tonight. rob roth in daly city where the question is not should schools hand out condoms but who should pay for them. >> reporter: schools often seek donations from art supplies to musical instruments, but one district here daly city is seeking donations so students can get free condoms. many students here at westmoore high will soon be able to get free condoms the same is true at four other high schools. it's called the the condom availability program and could be up and running next month. it's aimed at preventing
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teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. >> there's aids out there as well. if this could protect a student's life from disease or possible you know death, i mean the board recognizes this. >> reporter: the district consists of 4,000 students in five high schools in daly city, brisbane and pacifica. silar programs exist in san francisco and con ta costa county. some students say it's an excellent idea. >> so we won't have babies young and so i won't catch any diseases. >> others say they don't like the idea at all. >> people are going to have more sex and when you're young you're not supposed to have sex. >> reporter: students must first take a sex education class and speak with a counselor at the school. a daly youth clinic has seen an up tick of clamidia. but parents are opposed to the idea. >> it's a parent's nightmare. you're giving them condoms and
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then it's just telling people it's okay to do that. >> reporter: somebody said this is just promoting teenage sex. >> no not at all. the board doesn't see it this way at all. this is, it's protection it's the health of the students. >> reporter: district officials are adamant that no school money will be going toward buying condoms. the program will run on donations and the schools will need some 30,000 condoms for the next school year. reporting live in daly city, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. state lawmakers have voted to expand health care. the senate and assembly approved a pair of bills this week to expand medical coverage. both bills are part of the implementation of the federal afford care act. expansion will bring an additional 1.2 million new enrolees by 2014. a bit warmer out there
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today. a live picture now we're in san jose. you can barely see it but see it blowing pretty hard. the winds are gusting to 35 miles per hour at the san francisco airport. winds are clearing out though. we're going to have a warmer day tomorrow because of that. today's numbers not bad. 65 in santa rosa. look at santa rosa tomorrow. almost 70 degrees. we're in the upper 60s. maybe a few low 70s. this is the system that brought the snow to the grapevine. it's been a nuisance system for the most part. we did have a few showers. san jose they got a half inch of rain down there that helped. see some fog right along the coast here and you can see that fog it's going to be around tonight and tomorrow morning. as we look into tonight, look for some patchy coastal fog. then look for maybe a little patchy valley fog. but here's how it goes. nice weekend over all. we're looking for temperatures this weekend to be in the upper 60s, low 70s by sunday.
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maybe some, maybe some mid-70s, 73, 74 something like that. overnight lows kind of on the cool side. computer model has not a lot to show. maybe a little valley fog but not a lot of shower activity so we're getting a dry pattern. maybe not a dry pattern for a couple of days but a dry pattern through the next couple of weeks. here's how the warming trend goes. today has started. saturday and sunday keeps going on. monday, tuesday and wednesday growing. this type of pattern this weekend with a slight breeze will start spreading that around. if you have pollen issues allergy sufferer, tree pollen are going to give you a little bit of trouble. 67 in brentwood that's tomorrow and 67 in morgan hill. nice looking saturday. sunday is going to be even nicer. sunday is the warmest day on the weekend. it gets nicer monday and
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tuesday with temperatures in the 70s. it's really a neat looking pattern especially for saturday and sunday. >> sound good. >> thank you, bill. tonight on bay area news at 7:00, stocks had their six -- sixth straight day of gains. why analysts say stocks are performing well. >> i checked again and again and i thought i was dreaming. how a laid off worker now a multi millionaire plans to share the wealth. join us at 7:00 on tv 36. kap is drawing a crowd. we'll take you back live where 49ers fans have waited for hours with just a few seconds with the quarterback. the reason some people are getting upset tonight. ♪ roundup
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♪ i want a weed free season, that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ i just spray them weeds, then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control [ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ]
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crews in san jose this morning cleared out the city's largest homeless encampment. more than 120 people were living on this field right off of spring street very close to maneta international airport. earlier this week they were told they would have to move but some of the homeless people we spoke to said they're frustrated because they said the city isn't providing enough programs to help them get off
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the street. today's clean up will cost the city $20,000. mark joins us with more of all the excitement going on at the safeway store. >> the only thing you can say is if collin kaepernick had led the team to victory, what would have happened out there. they're heading out in big big numbers. around the block it was a charitable event sponsored by gatorade. meet collin kaepernick. it's supposed to go 4:30 to 6:30 and the line was so long when folks started wrapping up that line, well there were a lot of people that were a little upset when they were told they weren't going to get to meet him. that's live pictures right now. fans coming out. collin kaepernick we understand has allowed the event to continue a little longer to allow him to be able to meet with everybody. and here he is talking about
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his newfound success he appears to be loving it right now. >> it's a little bit crazy. i mean, it's great to see the support people have. just hopefully we can keep it going. keep making them happy. you have to do everything you can to make sure you're prepared to what's coming up next. you can't worry about what happened last season. >> they don't come more popular right now than mr. kaepernick. meantime with all the hammering tiger woods has taken in recent years you can kind of imagine that he's been a little unnoticed of late. but did you notice he's the number two golfer in the world right now. you don't really associate cows with doral in miami but they were all over the course. nice putting there from fellow golfer stricker. nails one on the 13th hole. two shot lead right now over
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mcdowell. striker looking really good and in the meantime the warriors man, on the home court most of the week. they need to continue that trend. jeremy lynn downtown. full highlights tonight at 10:00. but that is a sporting life. probably have more from collin kaepernick he is riding the wave. >> he sure is. we're going to show you another live picture from danville. this is by black hawk at safeway there. a big crowd coming there to greet the 49ers fans are wanting to see collin kaepernick and get his photograph. we're going to tell you how it all played tonight. and tell you if everybody got a chance or a few seconds with the popular qb. have a good night.


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