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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  March 16, 2013 10:30am-11:00am PDT

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and tacos. >> i don't hate that idea. >> are you excited to move into the vatican and get nice, red shoes. >> spiderman posters all over that place, okay? we're going to have giant wide screens playing the hobbit 24 hours a day. strippers. i'm thinking strippers. >> wait a minute. talk about the sex thing. >> i'm going to do it the way the catholics always do it. no one is allowed to have sex but us. i'm pretty sure that's how it's been. >> of course this is all in good fun. >> "right this minute." around the world. >> all over the world. that's itor us here at "right this minute." see you next time.
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-- captions by vitac --
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hi, everybody! i'm beth troutman, we have been searching the web for great videos and we have them for you "right this minute."
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>> how the frightened passenger makes it back to dry land. >> a driver gets off his bus. what he big no no. >> a cop stops a driver because his wife was in labor -- >> and a lady panda refuses to breed. what the zoo did to get them over the hump. >> they played panda porn? >> eric loves to kayak, and this time he is a kayaker and a rescuer at the same time. he was out there thinking he thought the possum should not be in the water, and he notices
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something particular. he thinks it's in it's best interest to get this thing closer to shore. >> you can tell it's stoked about being on a raft. not far now. >> i guess i would do the same thing, but i would be more frightened than this guy is. >> i think the opossum knew this guy was trying to help him. >> he is probably exhausted at this point. she is pretty far from the shore. and probably exhausted. he puts her back in the water, and she climbs her way out. >> you made it! >> we see a lot of police dash
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cam footage on our show, but this might be a first. we're looking at footage of a patrol call of kevin wolf in iowa city iowa. he has been following this suv for agent eight blocks. it was speeding and sped past the patrol car. listen to what's going on when the driver gets out of the car. they were speeding to the hospital because his wife was in labor in the suv. you see officer wolf go to the passenger side of the car, the baby it crowning. the cop stays cool and calm, and
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collective. >> i have a woman delivering a baby. >> you hear the cries of t thro officers microphone. >> and you know exactly what is going to happen, now you have your baby in a van on the highway. >> did they name her after the turn off that was close by? >> mom and baby are doing fine, they continued on, and officer wolf did not give them a ticket. >> ladies they say that br breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and we're looking we see howard seymour get off his bus, leaves it
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running, and he goes to get something to eat. after several minutes, he comes back with a soda and a bag el. the district has been trying to fire him since then. moore has been fighting that, but just recently, he did lose his job, so he is no longer behind the wheel. >> it's not like he was gone for an hour. >> it is strange that he left the bus running and the doors open. >> you can't leave the students by themselves on the bus even if there were only two students on the bus. >> i have a update on a story i brought you a long time ago. you may remember william barry
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walking into the courthouse, and he bypassed security, the security guard tried to wave him down, but he is deaf, and also can't speak because he is a throat cancer survivor. he did not hear the security guard trying to stop him, and that security guard drags him out the door. william barry collapses because the breathing tube in his neck dislodges. at the time, no charges were brought against him, and since then william barry has been trying to get justice from this situation. >> he says i don't even want to leave the house for fear of
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wanting to get justice, justice delayed and justice denied. >> he found a small loophole that allows any citizen to prosecute another privately under a law. one judge has allowed that prosecution to move forward, and thomas bounds, no longer a sheriff could face charges of aggravated assault and assault. >> he is on the hunt for venomous snakes. crazy skills, or just crazy? and -- say hello to my little friend. >> why this could be the =dj
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what i'll do is i'll take
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this and try to scare him into like a log. >> we're going to see an unorthodox rabbit catching. he is going to use snakes to catch a rabbit, but first he has to catch a snake. >> just like all on the ground? >> these are red bellied black snakes, they are venomous. >> this guy is nuts. >> it looks nuts to us, but maybe he just has skill. >> we're going to catch some rabbits. >> he's not done.
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>> you're >> now he has his snakes in a bag, and he covers the holes -- >> what a nightmare for this poor rabbit. >> andrew waits and waits and waits. >> oh, he is a cute rabbit. >> he is so cute. >> i hope he lets him go. >> a puppy learning how to play ball. ♪
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guys, say hello to my little friend. this is the hamilton beach breakfast sandwich maker. it will toast everything and make the egg on the spot. >> you power the send in that compartment? >> yes, it melts the cheese, remove the separator -- >> and it's already a circle -- this is incredible. you can make your own egg mcmuffin, you can make your own whatever you want.
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>> all at once, you don't have to do it all separately. all of the different pots and pans for the ingredients, forget it. it's only $29.99. megan and jeff, two musicians have been on the road for a long time, so they wrote a song about what it's like. >> gas is like $4.53. megan is getting tired. in austin, things will be awesome you'll see. >> so they're on their way from san francisco to austin's south by southwest festival. on the way through, he stopped at my house to perform.
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♪ thank y they're joining us right now, can you tell us about the south by southwest. >> it's great mace for independent artists, and you get to meet them, and tour -- >> jeff, you just won a national competition, what does that mean for you? >> i get to make a record with him, i basically get a year of incredible promotions from some of the biggest music stores in the world. it's an amazing opportunity, and i'm so honored to be a part of this. >> you have some interesting stories from the road?
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>> outside of the castle, something happened, the border control. they tore through our car and let their dog have a sniffy. >> any chance you can sing for us? >> yeah, we have a ten second clip of something we wrote for you guys. >> megan wrote that while i was taking a nap. if you want to hear more, go to our website. >> it's the tuning fork, and the
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bullet. it's two for one slo-mo video time. and coming up, icecream meeting is put to the test. can he take down it this tall order. >> find out wha hello?
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the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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all right, time for the best of rtm on this friday where we tell you about a bonus video on our website. >> our friend jenna marbles. >> wait until you see what underwear i have on. >> it's a four minute video, you have to watch the whole thing. >> if you want to check it out, go to how much is too much? if we're talking about furious pete, he can take a lot. this time he is in japan, standing in front of an ice cream shop that offers this enormous ice cream cone.
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when they do hand it over to him, it stays together really well. look at the clerk in the background, too. >> she is laughing. >> he is using two hands? >> yeah, he is going on the side. >> he is getting all of the flavors before they get soggy. >> how is he not getting brain freeze. >> thank you, my teeth would hurt -- you can hear him complaining about how much it hurts. >> i think i could eat that. ice cream, i could down so much. >> i love it, but even for me that's a lot.
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>> the giant panda is an endangered species. they only have a three day cycle a year. but at the breeding base in china, there was problems because 5-year-old field, colin, was not feeling her male. the staff was worried, so they had an idea on how to make yongyong and colin get it on on. so what they did, is they played a video of other pandas doing it. from the san diego zoo, a successful mating process, they played the video. and guess what, the people at the panda breeding research
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center said now there's no stopping them. >> they just get right through the romantic dinner, flowers, and candles. >> do we think they learned from the video, or the video turned them on. >> i'm baffled that pandas watched tv. >> there was like a great plot. >> hopefully their looking around thinking there is a camera and they're going to get rich. it's a fun experiment that makes water look like this -- >> what? >> that is really cool. >> this is making my brain
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you might think all of those moves that spiderman does in the movies is trickery, but it is not. this is ging ninja trickster. >> these are spiderman moves. >> it's like he could go to a kids birthday party and do the real stunts. ♪
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>> he has some skeers skills. he looks like actual spiderman. the way he moves, he is spot on with everything we have seen in movies, and we know that's all pretty much fake. and he is doing it. i'm about to amaze you with a little bit of science, and a little illusion trickery, we just need a speaker, water hose, software, and a camera that drops at 24 frames her second. we have the hose attached to this speaker system. the speaker will produce a 24 hertz sound waive. >> the only reason we're able to see this is the camera that's
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doing it. so the programmery is synced with the -- >> it's straight, and then zigzag -- >> and then we change the hertz, this is 25 hertz, but you will be amazed by 23, this is because if the tone is dropped, the video is slightly out of sync with the frames, so it appears the water is flowing up. >> mesmerizing, isn't it? >> what is that in the oven?


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