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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  March 29, 2013 9:30am-10:00am PDT

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in my mouth. a quick pek on the lips, really quick and the card trick. >> no. >> and they switch. >> no way. >> go to the camera. >> how did he do that? >> no. >> i don't believe it. >> the kiss part i was trying to figure out where this was going to go and i thought the magic trick wasn't going to work, literally just a way to get the girl to kiss him. >> there is a power in kissing. >> there is real magic. impressive, and then you feel like, okay, i don't care. this is awesome. >> yeah. and all of the girls that he does this to are amazed. they love it. >> how did that happen? >> oh, my god. >> do you want to try this? >> okay. >> you meant try with it me, yeah, she wasn't asking you. you goof. >> i am so disappointed. >> the camera guys are disappointed, too. >> that's it for us here at rtm.
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we'll see you next time. [ female announcer ] safeway presents
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real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need for easter. we know you look around for the best deals, that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now a juicy smoked shank half ham is just 99 cents a pound. let's bake. safeway sugar is $1.97 for four pounds. and chobani greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. hi, everybody, i am beth troutman. we have all the videos you have been looking for "right this
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minute." ♪ the helicopter escalator move may be a trend, but this time it went -- >> horribly wrong. >> now meet the dude who is paying for a mega dollar mistake. >> i really did learn a strong lesson. >> it is an extreme obstacle course to test endurance, but the obstacle in this course -- >> is not what anybody saw coming. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> she is on her way home from the dentist. >> i am so sorry. >> the heartfelt apology to her wisdom teeth that's going viral. >> i just want my mouth. and the story behind a provocative music video that is blowing up the web. how a certain super model is stealing the show. >> i think she will be blowing up after this video. >> i would like to see her waist blow up. >> wow, girl. >> there is a hot new trend going around the internet called
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escalator helicopter. >> yeah. >> planked across the escalator bands one is going up and the other is going down and that sends you round and round like a helicopter propeller. this is what it looks like when it goes horribly horribly wrong. >> no. >> oh! >> that was joe, a colorado springs mall, and that was quite a costly fail. he did not run away thankfully. it cost him about $3700. >> whoa. >> what went wrong? >> let's find out. we'll talk to joe "right this minute" via skype. the question on the table is what went wrong? >> the two rails were too far apart and it was made with glass and i went back and looked at a lot of video and they had metal rails, so those were the two big things that i didn't calculate for. >> in short you didn't think it through. >> yeah.
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>> $3,700, that's a huge amount of money to pay. have you already paid it? did you raise money? how did you get the cash? >> i haven't paid it yet. i am working on just with selling ads on youtube to get some of the money back. i don't think that will do it all. the rest is just going to come out of college money and hopefully making a deal with the people that fix it. >> take me through what happened after you crushed the escalator. >> one of the mall employees told me to run. i really thought about it and thought what would a man do in this instance, and i just decided a man would own up to what he did and then i just decided to stay. >> what would have happened if you did take off? >> they actually said they probably would have pressed charges and since it is more than $1,000, i think in colorado that might be a felony. >> wow. so well done making a good decision. >> now, i know you don't want to try this again on glass. do you think if you ever saw a metal escalator you would actually want to try it again? >> i don't think i would because i really did learn a strong
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lesson. they're just not made for that. now i have had more time to think about it and just not a wise decision. >> these next videos should serve as a reminder to slow down and stop at red lights. they both come from china. this very first one is at a very busy intersection in the evening. the motorcycles are taking their green light and this car comes out of nowhere and speeding and hits one of the motorcyclists. >> goodness. >> it is an awful crash and even the car lost so much control it hit what looks like a post and it itself ends up on its side. >> it is so horrible. >> there are different angles of the same accident. the motorcyclist did not survive the injury and the driver of the vehicle was taken to the hospital with a concussion. >> no way he could have survived it. he was on a scooter. no way to survive an impact with a car going that fast and not paying attention to the signals which is what this other
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motorcyclist did in this other video. >> you see this van has a green light and out of nowhere the motorcycle comes, smashes into the van and from the impact the motorcycle explodes, amazingly everyone survived this accident. >> that's incredible that the motorcyclist survived that. that was quite an impact. then he survived the fire. >> surviving, but what condition? this is in a toronto grocery store. watch. there are five suspects approaching the store and they all have on jackets and masks and going in with mischief on their minds. >> this happened back in january, but toronto police have just released the video in hopes of finding these suspects. >> they make their way into the store. one of the suspects has a handgun. the rest of them have their fists. two of the suspects head over to the cashier and forcing her to work with it, get the cash out. >> five people, one of them at least is armed.
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has to be terrifying. the woman probably couldn't open it if she wanted to because she is frozen with fear. >> she is. you notice they dragged her back to get her to open it. they're having trouble with it. she is messing with the cash register and he punches her in the head. she wasn't the only one punched in the head. police say all the victims were punched in the head by the suspects that got away. >> did they get away with anything? >> don't know how much cash they got out but they did get away with money. the sad thing, have you several cashiers punched in the head by these suspects after stuff they didn't work for. >> it is frustrating they're all so covered up. hopefully police can use some of the other pictures like the type of shoes they're wearing, the bag they're carrying so identify them. singer and song writer robin thicke released a new music video for his song blurred lines and it is blowing up the web. ♪ >> by the way, it features t.i.
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infrarell. ♪ pretty good song. catchy, gets in your head. remember, i said this is blowing up the web and h lots of people talking. yoree music videos anymore so what's the big deal? >> the video i showed you was released on march 20th. a newer more provocative if you will version was just released and i want to warn you all, not suitable for television or work. >> oh, smack. ♪ whoa, whoa, wow, wow. hold on a second. is this what you need to do to get views? oh, my goodness. >> i wonder what paula is thinking. she is married to mr. thicke here. >> i tell you what he is thinking, who is paula patten? >> the brunette here in the video, you might recognize her,
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she is a model and actress. she did like a carl's junior commercial. >> i think she will be blowing up after the video. >> i would like to see her waist blow up. >> wow, girl. >> the reason we're talking about this video, it has twitter blowing up and this thing has been popping up everywhere. people are saying this is the new hottest video, but robin thicke has been talking about this and he meant for this to be in your face. he meant for this to be tongue in cheek and to have like a sense of humor about it so people don't take nudity so incredibly seriously. >> this is not something i would watch every single day. >> lots of people have music video that is are sex and i they are insidious sexy. he is tongue in cheek and pretty funny about it. >> i get his point. if that is the truth, why aren't they naked, too. >> i agree. >> there are certain things you can get away with on youtube and the internet. movies maybe can pass but swinging men around, i don't know. >> the fact it is on youtube has people chatting. if they pull it down, robin thicke has the video too racy
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for youtube. if they don't pull it everybody is going to see it saying why and people think this was a brilliant marketing scheme. >> i couldn't agree more. noland learns a new word except -- >> he is still learning his sounds. when he is supposed to say truck, well, let's just say kue the bleep. >> guarantee have you never seen this. >> the video we can't explain next. you're on timeout leo! ♪ ♪ some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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you're o♪ ♪meout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. get ready. it is best of rtm time. that means a bonus video on our website. gayle has it. >> i found the cure for hunger, depression, and a whole lot of maladies. our friends from pleated jeans have the answer. >> it is time to ask your doctor about tacos. >> they say ask your doctor about tacos because they contain a substance that will help you with all kinds of stuff, broken relationships, hunger.
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>> i would like to say that's why i am always in a good mood. >> i suggest we get tacos right now. >> and you can head over to our website and click on best of rtm to see the video. >> if you really want to challenge yourself physically check out a reebok spartan race. they have them all across the country. it is an ab stack he will race challenge and includes crazy tasks. ♪ >> i think one of the reasons why these things are getting so popular is because of videos like this. in this particular challenge you see that these people are covered in mud and they're scarying sandbags. this is the sandbag challenge. the obstacle in this course turns out not to be the sandbag. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> you put a watch out for the tires? >> no, no, that's not part of the race.
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>> no, it is not part of the race. it was a random run away tire that flew down the hill and across the track narrowly missing two of the racers. >> that could have killed somebody. >> yes. >> that's a big tire. like two feet. two feet, my man. >> you see the guy up front, narrowly missed him. the guy with the blue thing around his neck, he turns around and looks and is like what, what, what. >> this thing blinking ? >> yeah. >> i got it on video. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> i like to think "right this minute" brings us the deep tracks, the deep cuts, things you haven't normally seen before like this. skiing behind a train. skiing behind a car, not manly enough for you? tie a rope to a train. how about that? these guys get going pretty quick behind this thing. still not challenging enough so he does it on one leg. one hand. >> didn't even bother giving him
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a nice tow rope. he has like a hook he has to hold onto. >> at least you know you're not going to be running into other traffic. you know exactly where you need to stay to stay within the oryou? think you have seen something like this? >> show us more of the b side of the internet, nick. >> guarantee you have never seen this, and i can pretty much guarantee you girls would have rather not seen this. >> oh. >> car surfing maybe. is that what you call it? she is dancing. >> what the heck are we looking at? >> i told you. these are the deep cuts today, troutman. this girl is -- >> hoping the back windshield of that car. >> no helmet either. wearing very little protection. >> no top and no pants and nothing else. >> i wish i had a picture of your faces right now. ♪ you are looking at a cat in
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a very uncomfortable position because he was curious about what was in the box, and curiosity definitely got the cat. don't worry. the cat got out of the box just fine. he is okay. >> i feel for this cat. it is allergy season. looking for a kleenex. kleenex all gone. i feel bad for ny to watch because he is trying to figure out what the heck is going on. ♪ i have another cute video that is just going to melt your heart it is. in this video stan, the precious little infant -- >> i want to squeeze his cheeks. >> thinks the most hilarious thing in the world is this squeaky toy. >> i want to go through the screen and just kiss his cheeks. >> that is a cute little kid.
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>> he is one of those babies with like the grown man face, the chubby cheeks. >> i love this baby. so cute. you want to hold him and cuddle him and make him giggle. a man opens up about what it is like living with addiction. >> there is no stopping now. i am too far in. >> i feel inappropriate laughter coming on when maybe it is not appropriate. >> living with put pocketing, the good habit he just can't quit. >> wouldn't awe degree that -- >> everything is so much better with googl welcome back to the show,
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everybody. don't forget to check out you can see today's videos and more all day long. >> yo, this is a serious addiction and admitting you have this addiction is the first step. >> start out small, candy bars, suckers, and then i think i got to a point where i needed something a little more to give me a little rush. there is no stopping now. i am too far in, and there is no getting out now. >> you can see -- >> he is admitting that he has this addiction because i think it is becoming a problem. >> he is ready to accept help. >> right. >> except what is his addiction? >> i feel inappropriate laughter coming on when maybe it is not appropriate. >> just keep watching. he will tell you. again, admitting, first step. >> this pickpocketing is, look,
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just my way of giving back. like myself, constantly looking for loose pockets, cargo jeans, open bags. >> this man is addicted to put pocketing. >> you have to get their eyes off their pockets. that's when you make the drop. >> he goes around and puts things in people's pockets, anything that he thinks might make someone smile. >> i don't feel bad about laughing at his addiction now. >> is this real? >> no. >> sad that it is not real. i want there to be somebody out there like this. >> i am certain that there are people out there who do this. this is put together by the folks at flamingo films. you look at their website and you see the guys behind this productions company and it looks like cameron gould may not fellow with the put pocketing addiction. >> the reality, they had to shoot this so it was in the world for just a short time. for a moment the unicorn was alive. >> making that last drop of the
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day. that's nice. that's real nice. kids say the darnest things. >> what is it? >> [ bleep ]. >> what kind of truck is it? >> a fire [ bleep ]. >> apparently he is still learning his sounds and when he is supposed to say the truck, t-r sound, he is substituting the letter f. taking the word truck obviously is a little difficult and quite humor us to daddy. >> it is not a fire truck. it is a duck truck. >> duck. >> he has no idea. he thinks he is saying truck. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ blee ] [ bleep ]. >> but when daddy makes an appearance, that's probably the funniest part. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> i love the look on dad's
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face. >> how am i going to get over this speech impairment. >> [ bleep ]. >> trying to work out the t-r sound, it is difficult. >> this is a fantastic video. >> [ bleep ]. >> noland is a sweet boy, and i have a feeling that he will be fixing that soon. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> if you think you can handle the uncut version of noland, go to our website and click on best of rtm. just had her wisdom teeth pulled and now she is sorry. >> i don't know. i am so sorry. >> can you tell what she is saying? >> no. >> what she is talking about that makes this video go viral. >> i feel bad. [ female announcer ] safeway presents
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real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need for easter. we know you look around for the best deals, that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now a juicy smoked shank half ham is just 99 cents a pound. let's bake. safeway sugar is $1.97 for four pounds. and chobani greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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just because there is a big ferocious predator of the wild doesn't mean that big cats can't have a delicious nice easter, and the big cats, the tigers, the lions and the leopards over at the big cat rescue in tampa, florida r getting a very special easter of their own with beautiful, colorful, huge easter eggs placed around randomly in the enclosure giving them a lot of fun and nice treat to look forward to. >> you know what i love about big cat rescue? they always have some type of game for these cats to play to give them enrichment. this is nice they're doing this. >> love the black panther. that thing is cool.
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>> i love these big giant cats can be ferocious animals are playing and look like they are little kids like little kid that is do play with the toys and easter eggs when they find them. >> i like how the one took a basket into the den and growling and like don't come in here to take my eggs. my mouth. my mouth. >> this is a post wisdom teeth removal video. this girl is abbey and in the background you can hear daylight playing by maroon 5 and her post wisdom teeth removal video is going viral for one really awesome reason. >> i am so sorry. >> can you tell what she is saying? >> no. >> she is so sorry. >> i am so sorry. you realize she is apologizing to her teeth that had in her hand. >> i just want them back in my
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mouth. >> and listen to her. >> i love you from the moment on. >> it gets so much better. >> it is okay. >> but they're dead. just trying to help me chew. >> oh, my gosh. >> a tooth is not live. >> she posted it on her facebook page. people have been sharing it like crazy and saying, abbey, this makes me love you more. >> i deserve the pain. >> once they get her back home, she does talk directly to them. >> you can come back if you want. >> no. >> leave them there. >> they just want to be a part of my body. i said no. >> when she posted it on her facebook page she says she remembers nothing about any of this. >> those are powerful drugs. >> i just want to be happy. this video is just because everything is so much better with


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