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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 2, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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topping new information, they are raising concerns about the safety of the bay bridge. it involves the bridge which failed last month and here is more on those concerns, paul? >> reporter: good morning. caltrans said they have good and bad news, however it will cost about a million dollars to pull it off. the steel bolts are used to home town two bolts and they tested them and although it raised doubts how they would hold up in an earthquake, they owe kayed the installation -- okayed the install slayings anyway. -- installation anyway. they tried to see if it could stretch without breaking.
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9 of the 19 tested although five were slightly below standard making the bolts brittle. there is no standards for brittle. , but once brittlemen and however they are now testing a few rods. once again, the goods news is they plan to have it labor day weekend weekend and that's still something they want to see according to the issue they found on the bridge. ktvu channel 2 morning news. it was one year ago today a gunman killed seven people at oikos university. one goh walked on to campus and started shooting. he is currently in a psychiatric hospital after a
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judge found him mentally not well and a hearing is scheduled for saturday. they will discuss proposed regulation to regulation ammunition sales in california. that a bill to require did you -- acquire gun ammunition, the bill was offered by a woman named nancy skinner from berkeley and the organization will fight the measure calling it a back door attack on the second amendment. lawmakers in connecticut have come to an agreement on some of the toughest laws in the country. the legislation includes a ban on future sales of large capacity ammunition magazines and a registry for existing
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magazines. parents who lost children in this shooting want lawmakers to go further. >> we want a banning with no grandfathering clause. >> and the legislation calls for universal background checks in the state and it expands the state's existing ban on assault weapon. and they are announcing recommendations for preventing gun violence. the key to preventing school shootings is to arm guards at all schools. they reportedly include training armed guards for legislative proposals for congress. security is being stepped up as a precaution after the killings of two prosecutors in texas. the district attorney and his wife were shot to death on saturday.
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they were killed just two months after the deputy d.a. was gunned down the interim d.a. was killed a week before and one man is suspected if those killings. nancy o'malleyly said they have been adding extra security and it is not the first time they have tried to protect prosecutors and their family. >> the threats do come and we have had live bullets sent to them. .. >> o'malleyly said it happen ten times a year and that prosecutor has been hurt as a threat -- as a result of a threat. a navy guided missile
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destroyer. he would track missiles and shoot down must sills headed for land -- misses sills headed -- missiles headed to land. >> it is about showing south koreaians that we are ready to protect them in the face of any threat. and they were closed in 200p despite the talk the u.s. has not seen the north mobilize its mill tear. and sunday's bizarre rampage in east san jose is due back in court today. he faces several serious charges and assault with a deadly weapon. the man was on drugs when he deliberately crashed his car
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inside the store and then started attack being people with a blunt metal object. now you can get more information by going to our knew knew web paint and one of the customers helped to pin down that suspect before police arrived. it happened this morning on the off ramp to state route 13 and a drive left and the teen teen is not investigating whether they treated them a mile away. chp is investigating in mill bray was under the influence. the driver lost control and no passengers were in that cab at
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the time but the driver was taken into custody after being a breath test. let's check in with sal for a look at the complete early morning commute. right now we are morning traffic and traffic on 880 westbound look good headed out and also if you are at the bay bridge teleplay is a right now it is a nice looking 280 and roads are dry or moatly dry anyway and will make a dig dips for this mourn's commute, let's go to mark. we have some moisture that could produce some fog and we still have clear skies and we had some overcast out towards san francisco and san he sows
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at 52. as a result, no raindrops in the forecast for today. it will get hereby thursday and by thursday we will ramp up chances across the noon area in fact being temperatures compared to yesterday about the same will warp up those numbers just a little bit. increasing in coverage over the next two to three average. there is the conventional color range. san jose 69. and looking ahead at your forecast, we will notice we have some patch think fog and
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there is your rain shroud for friday and with your weekend always in view this is a slight chance of a sprinkle but still quite a foot clouds that does not move in thursday -- that moves in thursday morning. >> new this morning, firefighter contra costa district chief is retiring. will, will step town after three years on the job. he said he is leaving because of medical issues in his family and the course surrounding -- controversy surrounding a rainbow flag will show the city support for same-sex marriage. they are showing. court how to rule on it and they are looking into whether or not prop six 8 should be
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upheld. now people in palo alto want to prove it from the city at first what makes it more important, 76% of voters, a final ruling is expected in june. well if you missed it, they are if he canned to the final four in the school tis tri. >> that was the shot that they wanted for the bears but cal did not make it easy on themselves. despite shooting 34% they missed 12 of 24 free throw tries. it was their second overtime win and cal will now play the winner of today's game between tennessee and louisville. 4:30, the city of stockton
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is also on good footing. we will have more decisions to help them get out of financial trouble. we will introduce you to newborn baby chicks and tell you why their birthdays are so unique. good morning, we have more on your bay area weather, stay tuned. ñáçwçñ
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mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! don't stress. we can figure this out. [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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. welcome back, 4:44 is the time, three baby falcons have been born on top of san jose city hall, and the first that happened easter sunday. they hatched easter sunday last
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year. in the coming weeks they will attach identification on the chick's legs and the next few eggs will hatch in the next day or two. arizona's controversial u.s. citizen and immigration services law and sb1070 has been struck down by the courts. today's hearing is focusing on sb1070 saying they have the legal right to arrest anybody they know is in the country illegally. stockton is now the largest city to enter bankruptcy. they can rework their loans with creditors. they say their problems are partly of their own making and they are at their own risk if stockton cuts any further. >> i think it is a freight thing for the city.
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the healing has begun and hopefully we can get back on financial footing. >> the bankruptcy clear is the way for him to go forward with his plan. he wants to raise the city's tax rate and that will put more police on the streets. apple is putting more plans and apple posted its message in chinese on its website and it came after the government media attacked them for their arrogance and greed. china's biggest apple are far shorter than in any other markets. they want criminal prosecutors to pursue charges on the oral surgeon. they sent letters to 7,000 patients urging them to get screened for hepatitis and hiv.
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court documents reveal the doctor had been sued for medical malpractice, how is everything, pam. >> you have to tell us everything. everything looks good and we had a lot more crashes as a result. this morning it is dry and calm out there and as you look at the east shore freeway, it is looking good on 80 in vallejo all the way out to the mcarthur maze. fortunately we are off to a decent start here traffic looks good and it is a better commute and we had at least several crashes and it's 4:47 let's go to mark. in two more days we will be
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tracking more raindrops for the entire bay area. clearing skies and tomorrow we will increase the high clouds throughout the afternoon and look what happens as another system developing offshore and we have 44 degrees san francisco 51 and san jose current temperature is 52 degrees. yesterday's storm is moving way out to the east and we had that dry weather pattern and dry pressure is in command and is not wide pressed over the next two or three hours. as we head to thursday our next storm we may get two inches to a half inch and next rain could be targeting the thursday morning commute.
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it will be partly sunny skies this morning and it increases high clouds this morning and here we go with the rain marching on shore between 7 and 9. partly sunny skies for the coast. we have another deal that will bump up those temperatures to the warmer 60s and approaching the warm set of location. antioch 71 and san jose, there is that rain cloud especially for the morning commute and still quite a few clouds and we have a slight chance of a few sprinkles on sunday. >> and including the a's update we will have the forecast for that game in a few minutes. people on treasure island are bracing for a possible rate
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increase. they have a preliminary plan to raise rent for many intends. many are seeing it as an affordable alternative to the city and they will decide the exact increase in the coming months. and those with the san francisco symphony, in just a few hours they will end a week long strike in pay and benefits it is the first of a series for free concerts for 1st and 2nd graders and this week 10,000 will enter as part of an education program. baseball season is officially in full swing. we will have more on the a's and the giant season opener and special prizes for fans. plus people so affect your
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next visit with an increase, we will explain. stay tuned.
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. welcome back, starting this week the visitor center is closed and garbage collection
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is being ill eliminated at three camp tax eliminated at three campgrounds and congress was unable to agree on a plan to reduce the deficit. they are due back in court and phillip is formally charged with second degree burglary both are phillies. he stole 1,700 dollars from the bank in san francisco and court records show he was dealing with serious financial problems. and wrongful death filed the by the widow of oakland police. the judge ruled in favor of oakland police saying they did not use unreasonable force. in november 8th, police fatally shot the owner of a hair salon. officers said they mistook a
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silver colored scale for a gun he was holding. we are learning what claimed the life of a woman and left her son critically injured. the driver may have swerve to avoid a chair in the road near the stone cut railroad yesterday causing his car to go off the road and down an embankment. his mother was killed and the driver was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. i will check in with sal. hopefully there are no traffic problems this morning. >> certainly not like yesterday and we are looking at the commute and traffic is moving along relatively well. 880 northbound from the coliseum, you can see traffic is moving along well with no major issues and traffic looks good all the way to downtown oakland and the bay bridge looks good coming into the city
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with no major problems. if you are driving on 880 westbound between panola and richmond, it is a nice drive and remember, we already had a bunch of problems but this morning it is nice and quiet. let's go to mark tamayo. in the short-term we have some patchy dense fog which could impact your visibility. as far as current numbers they are ranging from 4 degrees in napa -- 46 degrees in napa and mountain view checking in at 52 degrees and partly cloudy skies. by lunchtime partly sunny skies 67 and 53 and we have 60 to 70s for the afternoon highs. these numbers are about the same as yesterday or a little
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warmer. livermore is 70 degrees san jose 69 oakland upper 60s and 67 degrees an amounts once again are -- a's one again are playing the mariners and we have w winds approaching 15 mil per hour looking ahead your five-day forecast after some fog will thicken up high clouds and by thursday another system is developing on shore with rain shlepping and by saturday -- rain developing and by saturday, we will have a chance of a few sprinkles as well as sunday. this season in oakland they are excited to see their team build on last year's championship. season ticket holders had high fives for the tickets being sold out a week ago and oakland lost to the team but they do
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get a rematch tonight at 7:05. >> bryan stow's family thanked them and fans at a viewing party were thinking of bryan stow who suffered a brain injury two years ago. his family posted an update saying in part, we look at brian and see how much he has overcome in two years. for him to be able to be with us this easter, truly is a miracle. coming up next in our 5:00 hour decision time at the white house. how one crisis in the middle east could have a huge impact on another. also a tragic thing in oakland, the entire incident that shocked the nation one year ago. we will explain.
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. we are live in oakland where many are remembering those killed at oikos university one year ago today. and new in the, the response from project engineers to the first signs of trouble. and we are live in palo alto where a significant decision was made involving gay marriage, we will tell you about the change being made amount. >> and the


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