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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  April 17, 2013 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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i'm beth troutman. we've got great videos and the stories behind them, "right this minute." >> you're trying to disarm me illegally. >> a master sergeant is arrested when a cop questions his assault-style rifle. >> in texas it is legal for had him to carry this type of weapon. >> hear how a hike with his son turned into battle of wills. >> i'm a combat veteran. you don't grab a guy's rifle without telling him. >> a man in the street needs some serious help so gets out tr aid to this guy. >> see why that was a big
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mistake. >> rescuers try to free a girl who got her head -- >> stuck in the crevice of a building. >> how a drill and some elbow grease got her unstuck. and, get ready to get -- >> nervous and paranoid and a little sweaty. >> the story behind the video that dares you to look down. >> he's barefoot. i would have shoes with some sticky. you're trying to disarm me illegally. >> i am going to disarm you. >> is you're looking at an incident between army master sergeant cj grisham and a member of the temple police department. >> am i doing something against the law? >> keep your hands away from the gun. >> i don't have my near the sghoon i'm holding my camera. >> according grisham, he was hiking with his 15-year-old son. >> let me give my camera to my son and i will do everything you ask. >> master sergeant grisham has an ar-15 assault-style rifle on his person. in texas, it is legal for him to
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carry this type of weapon as long as he's not doing it in any kind of threatening manner. a passerby called police. they were fearful. that is why officer steve irmis showed up. >> you can stop anybody in the world -- >> for rudely displaying yeah. >> i'm walking. >> as you can see the officer is detaining grisham. >> i've done nothing illegal but yet this guy is threatening [ inaudible ] when i've done nothing. >> disarm you. >> you have no right if i'm not breaking the law. >> the officer explains he was fearful for his own life. >> if you feel threatened. >> i felt threatened. >> then you're a sorry excuse for a police officer. >> ultimately this resulted in the arrest of grisham. >> you're under arrest and going to jail. >> he was charged initially with resisting arrest. to tell us about this incident we have army master sergeant cj grisham from texas. what happened before the camera
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started rolling? >> a police officer pulled up, asked us to approach him which we did. he looked at my gun and in a condescending ways he says what are you doing with a rifle? i told him well does it matter? am i breaking the law? when he grabbed my rifle he gave me no indication he was going to grab it. he gave me no warning, no request. so my instant reaction was to pull back. the officer pulled out a pistol and ordered me at gunpoint take my hands off the gun and move over to the car. i complied with him. >> why didn't you just prove to the cop that you were okay to carry this rifle. >> i'm a constitutionalist. i never have a conversation with a police officer i'm not required to have. that sounds confrontational but i think people need to understand they can stand up to these police officers who are trying to illegally disarm us. we have the law on our side. >> you were arrested. how does that affect you and your army career? >> if i'm convicted, i lose my job. >> the charge against grisham was reduced to interfering with
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a public official earlier this week. now temple police say that under texas state law, they have a right to take away a weapon when they believe that there's a threat to public safety. >> you can ask me for my weapon but you cannot take it from me. >> put your hands on it and shoot me. i hate to say it but this video may prove nice guys do actually finish last. it's security footage. watch this. you see a guy in a hoodie walking around on the sidewalk, eventually makes his way to the other side of the street. there he kind of sits and waits. he notices this vehicle approaching him in the right lane. watch what he does. as the vehicle gets closer he sort of stumbles out in front of it, sort of looking like maybe this guy is injured or out of breath or having a heart attack, drunk. you don't know. he kind of bends down in front of the car to really look like he's having some serious trouble. almost looks like the guy is going to collapse. watch what the driver does.
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the driver gets out to render aid to this guy. looks like he's having a tough time. as the driver comes out to the front of his car and says okay, buddy, we should get you off the road. >> oh, no. >> an apparently accomplice who comes out of the same area this guy started out in. the guy jumps in the vehicle, takes off, and as soon as this happens, the guy acting like he was hurt runs off leaving the driver no vehicle and only able to chase this guy down. >> that's awful. that's horrible. that was so thought out. >> and they were preying on the kindness and generosity of another human being. that's what's horrible about this. we can't stop helping people because somhikehit can't be afr people. >> it almost looks too perfect. i hope it is fake. if it isn't it sucks to be that guy. you were really trying to help somebody and this happens.
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some very scary moments for two families in china. what you're seeing is the of the little girl stuck in the crevice of a building. you see there are two slabs of what looks like some sort of marble or concrete. her head is in the middle of it and she can't get it out. as you can tell she is exhausted. firefighters came. they tried using soap to try to slide her head out. you would think that might work but it didn't. >> i was going to say, maybe like butter or oil or something. >> nope. eventually they had to resort to cutting the stone around her head. >> one flip of that instrument could have been a huge wound to this small is child. >> this is a moment they pull her out. she is exhausted. almost looks like she's unconscious. we see the little girl crying, obviously relieved. >> glad to see they got her out. >> and this other individual this little boy, 2 years old, managed to get his poor little finger stuck in between a glass door. >> i can't put the door one way
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or the because either way you're going to hurt his little hand. >> these are firefighters that were also called to the scene to figure it out. eventually they did take the door off the hinges and were able to pull his little hand out. i'm going to tell you the story about how dodge the kitten got its name. dodge was spotted in the gutter of a tunnel in melbourne, australia. >> automatic detection saw movement in the tunnel and the operator zoomed in on that movement and found it was a kitten. >> city link, who operates the tunnel, came in and closed down two lanes of traffic. dodge runs under the truck so they had to get on the ground and coax dodge out. dodge dodged them. that's why they named him dodge. they were able to get the cat. as you can see here, dodge is a
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cute little orange tabby. >> good for dodge. rescued. like to see that. >> they think it was somebody's pet because it was well cared for but obviously cute. >> i hope the owners claim little dodge. >> if the owners don't claim the little cat it will be adopted. >> we have the new "star trek" trailer. >> notice anything different. >> those are action figures. >> and those are cardboard buildings. >> hear from the director who tells us all about this shot for shot parody. >> this is attention to detail to the max. what was the most difficult part? >> remember that breakfast sandwich maker we put to the test. >> didn't work for us and it was messy. >> one of our viewers decided to try it out for herself and let's just say, much different result. >> it looks nothing like ours.
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time to get nervous and paranoid and sweaty for the day. a little scared. because this is a guy named jard alden on what he and his buddies
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call the yosemite falls baseline. this is one of the tallest waterfalls in north america. you can see they're dangling above the waterfall. the waterfall it itself has a total drop of 2,425 feet. now jared is tethered in so if he falls he's not going to plummet to his death. >> i couldn't see that and i was nervous. >> you have to point out. it's not easy. imagine you're this close to rushing water so you have force, probably air from that water moving you around, too, while you're trying to balance on this thing. >> this is super human stuff right here. >> that looks like why am i wobbling this rope above a waterfall. >> he went across something like 130 feet throughout this video. >> wow. >> he's not wearing shoes. he's barefoot. i would shoes with some sticky -- it would have electrical tape. it would have some velcro. it would have some rubber bands. i mean there would be all kinds.
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instaglue. it would have multiple attachment stuff on the sole of that shoe so i didn't fall. >> basically be a completely different sport. >> he's not finished because he grabs on to that line and then pulls out his swiss army knife and watch what he's about to dop. he's about to cut the line that he just walked from. we spoke to jard. he told us he did this basically because it makes the detentioning easy and quicker. scary stuff when you're that high up. >> i thought we were done with the discussion about the breakfast sandwich >> i was hoping we were done. i never want to see that thing again. >> didn't work for us and it was messy but jessica serno, one of our viewers decided to try it herself and posted the video on our facebook page. there it is. she loads in the bread. the cheese and the meat. >> she went english muffin just like us.
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i think what she's about to do differently that we didn't do, she measured out her egg. >> bingo. >> we were putting in like four times the amount of proper egg into this thing and it was spewing out the side. it was not good. >> i also think we didn't let it heat up enough because this one starts cooking almost immediately. you can see it starting to solidify. she sets the timer to five minutes. waits patiently and here is the moment of truth. >> see, hers looks perfect. >> yeah. >> it looks nothing like ours. >> look at hers when she takes the sandwich out, the device is clean and nice. ours is a disaster. it sat in the kitchen. it might still be in the kitchen. >> it is. it's still there. and still dirty. no one cleaned it. >> jessica proving us wrong. i like that. >> apparently. if you' you remember a few s ago we showed you the "iron man
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3" trailer. i love it being a trekky. notice anything different? >> those are action figures. >> those are cardboard buildings. you are right. >> it is that way. >> think rules don't apply to you if you disagree with them. >> three, two, one. ♪ >> the music is acapella music. what's cool is this is done shot for shot. don't believe me? watch this side by side comparison. >> hold on. >> won't fit. >> won't fit. >> i told you we'd fit. >> i'm not sure that qualifies. >> we're going to do this together. do it now. >> this took a lot of creativity. what i love is that wig that's -- >> it's a slight difference but
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i think it does the job. the one scene where there's a fish or something weird going through the window i couldn't tell which was the real one and fake one. >> pretty good. >> to tell us all about this shot for shot trailer we have dustin mcclean right this minute via skype. i have to say, dustin, i'm glad you d it but why? >> i'm a lover of all movies and i love movie trailers. it's just something special about them i've always loved movie trailers. creating them, doing them homemade seemed like a natural fit for me. >> taking on "star trek" is risky. the fans are ravenous. have they been happy or said that ship is not accurate. >> for the most part people have been very happy and love the attention to detail. people love "star trek." i had a great response. >> this is attention to detail to the max. >> we need a huge fish for this one shot that's challenging. on the miniature stuff, i don't know, it was hard to pinpoint one thing. challenges throughout the whole thing. >> now is this a full-time thing for you, making trailers out of
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action figures or what do you do as a day job? >> i am happy to say this is what i do full time now. we do scenes and trailers every week. >> wow. >> awesome job. >> yeah, it is. >> what's next for you? >> we've got a cool scene coming out next week. i'm not going to say what movie it's fun but rhymes with "smatrix." >> thank you very much. live long and prosper, man. the music video with the really big news. >> i like that he laid down that beat using only baby toys. >> right. >> see it next "right this minute." and still to come -- it's a video that shows what it takes to get an aircraft carrier ready to go. >> cool to see these giant chunks of this ship put into place. >> like giant legos. >> see how it's done next. and grandma takes a little virtual reality trip. >> this is something else. >> this is hilarious. >> watch what happens when grandma gets into the game.
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hey, everybody it's ipad mini give away time. >> download the rtm videos. >> launch the app, click on win ipad and fill out the entry form and remember you have to be 18 years or older to enter. >> es autoey, get the rtm app watch great videos anywhere and win a mini. >> enter every day until april
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25th. >> you never know what you're going to get when you combine the latest and greatest technology with older folks, right? sometimes that can be bad, times good. this is hilarious. a youtuber named joey boots uploaded this video of his 90-year-old grandmother using the oculus rift. >> this is going on youtube. >> oh, man. >> what do you think? >> it's so real. >> the oculus rift is an immersive virtual reality system and headset to use for your video games. it was a kickstarter campaign that raised a ton of money. they have her going through the tuscany demo. she's walking around the fields and homes and see the ocean and just her reactions to some of these things are incredible. >> hey, man alive. oh. >> i love this part here. this is something else. >> yep. >> holy macha ral.
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>> does almost run into a post right here. >> >> oh. >> oh, man. >> can you -- >> in the window, the post. >> when she takes it off at the end. >> tell me how you feel when you take it off. >> i can't believe it. it's really beautiful! >> yeah, right? >> it's gorgeous. >> look like you stepped out of another world? >> oh, i -- like magic from tuscany here. >> probably disappointed she took those off. i'm just in the kitchen. >> bingo night is not as fun as tuscany. >> got to love her. >> i can't believe her. i went out to tuscany and back. >> yeah. i guess two really interesting time lapsed videos to show you both from the u.s. navy. we start with the "uss gerald r. ford" named after the former president.
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in this video we can see them putting the final touches on this aircraft carrier. the first redesign in 40 years, this is an all-electric ship and it requires fewer people to operate. whereas you would approximately have about 30,000 people running a ship, this only needs about 2500. >> it's cool to see these giant chunks of the ship get put into place. >> like giant legos. >> it was finally finished on april 9th. >> it's weird to see how tiny, tiny the people look that are working around it. >> this one is pretty interesting. this is the "uss kersarge." it's being replenished and watch how they do it. >> they're snaking lines over to refuel the ship. neither one stops. they both keep moving. like airplanes refuelling in midair. you see the helicopter picking up large boxes off the smaller ship and putting them on the bigger one.
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you don't have to go through all that much when you refill your car up. luckily you're standing still. >> it's a full-service fill up for sure. the stds show us how easy it is to make a hit song. ♪ >> and this has everything that a hit song needs. >> it sounds like a lot of the songs we do hear on the radio. >> the viral video that tests their method, next. mçó4+y?i
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a ton of excitement at any sports car race, right? this one is sponsored by the sports car club of america in jacksonville, florida. and the video we're watching gives us an idea of what the course looks like. it's on a runway. in this other vde at the same t getting ready to go on that same course look at what happens. and that is because a plane is about to make an emergency landing on to this runway. >> whoa. >> i see it coming. >> oh. >> apparently the pilot of the plane was new and the plane was new and flying through the stormy day gave the pilot issues and he had to make this unauthorized emergency landing. nobody really had any time to prepare or react.
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>> you know what the world needs? >> more love. >> a hit song. >> have to fight back with a powerful hit music. >> and we have a hit song to save the world thanks to the stds. the scandinavian techno dance society. ♪ ♪ we're going to make a hit song make people sing about ♪ >> you can tell this is tongue and cheek. this is a parody, put together by collective a tv show in norway and they do song parodies. they're famous for their parodies and a lot have hit youtube on their collective youtube channel and a lot have gone viral. this is the next one to make it big. ♪ hip song hip song a hip song to sing ♪ >> and this has everything that a hit song needs like a chorus.
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♪ so everyone can sing along ♪ oh, >> they said hit songs need a random appearance by a female artist. ♪ oh >> that's a guy. that's a man. >> and they say every hit song needs a simple dance that everyone can do together. ♪ >> if you want to hear the hit song to save the world, head over to our website and click on best of "rtm." >> that's it
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