tv Right This Minute FOX April 17, 2013 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman. it's time for great videos, "right this minute." you've seen these videos but not like this as an elite flyer tries to pass through -- >> an itsy bitsy cave in the rock. >> see what he sees as he aims for the target at blazing speed. >> oh. >> a state official is suddenly distracted. >> why does this guy mess up his speech? it becomes pretty obvious. >> the story of the constits wept down to her last stitch of clothing.
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>> a jackknifed big rig is headed her way but this driver -- >> she's got some pretty amazing reaction time. >> what happens when the car does the snow plow. and "rtm" salutes buffalo wings. and two of buffalo's best wing makers. >> why not try them both. >> yes. >> see the finger licking taste test with all the fickin's. >> i could swim in a vat of this stuff. >> weird. >> this is a clencher and you're not going to believe the stunt we found. look at that tiny little itsy bitsy cave in that rock in spain. that is the target of master wing flyer alexander pulley. if you remember we've had alexander on the show before. he is going to attempt flying through that thing. >> the hole, small, but the way i've been flying and able to aim the only thing preventing me
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from doing something of this kind is my mind. >> he jumps out of the plane and attempts one heck of a feat. ♪ >> he goes flying down. the target is just up ahead. >> i think he's going to make it. oh! >> he makes it through, but notice how fast he is flying through that cave. >> yeah. you don't really get a second chance here. >> and he nailed it like right in the middle. >> he's moving so fast that you don't really have time to make an adjustment. you just got to make sure you nail it. >> that's incredible. >> hear his reaction when he makes it. >> yeah! >> he's happy to be alive, that he's not like a bug on the windshield across the top of the rack. >> it goes to show the skill level and how in control alexander is because i don't think every flyer out there could do this. you think this is an alexander
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pulley thing. >> ask yourself, why did this guy mess up his speech? then it becomes obvious. >> run into citations and problems. >> what? >> yo gotriapsizes, i can tell u right now. >> that would be quite a distraction. >> this is in columbia, south carolina, where there was a meeting at the state capitol about an anti-liter campaign. all of a sudden a woman disrobes and all she's got on is a bra, her panties and her shoes and so socks. >> was she protesting the idea of not littering so she littered her clothes on to the sidewalk. >> she littered her clothes on to the sidewalk but nobody knows why. the officers that happened to be there quietly escorted her away. >> most organizations utilize education, enforcement, awareness and pick-up.
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thank you, gentlemen. >> oh! >> projectile. >> i like how he goes -- a. someone should do something about that. >> i have to give it to speaker, he kept on going like a champ. >> joined together to take care of our forces. >> wow. she's walking away with pep in her step too. i'm not naked. >> like she accomplished what she wanted to do. all right. typical, got arrested, took care of that, no big deal. >> i hope she's okay. i'm worried about this lady. >> a fire broke out a residential apartment complex in beijing, china. it was caught on video. i have to warn you this video can be difficult to watch. as the video first picks up you see smoke billowing out of this apartment building and if you look up, you see a man climbing
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out of the window and hanging on for dear life on a very, very small ledge. but rescue workers, firemen, no one has arrived on scene yet. he's trying to move away from the smoke. he's trying to make his way to safety. but eventually he can hold on no longer. >> oh, wow. you see him fall five stories down to the ground. now the shocking thing about this video is the person behind the camera moves in to get a better shot of this man and everyone in this entire crowd, no one goes to this man's aid, including a man who looks like he's dressed in a police uniform. this man did survive the fall with nonlife threatening injurieses. but watch how much time passes with no one going to this man's aid. >> they're too busy with their camera phones taking picture of this and never occurred to them to run at him and help him. >> at the same time, you know,
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if you're not a medical professional you're not necessarily supposed to move somebody around who was just involved in a fall like this. >> even if it is running over to comfort him. he did survive this fall and probably very scared at this point. >> this video is nearly 20 minutes long. we see the moment that firefighters arrive on the scene. but even this moment is difficult to watch because once firefighters arrive on the scene they don't immediately go to this man's aid either. we see minutes pass by where still no one is treating this man. it's not until 16 minutes into the video that we actually see emergency workers helping this man out. it is so difficult to see so many people not helping. >> you feel like it shouldn't have taken that long. modest mouse, popular band, been around for a while. a lot of people know them from their song "float on."
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they were recently performing in phoen phoenix, arizona, at the crescent ballroom and there was a little break in the performance. >> [ bleep ]. [ inaudible ]. knock it off. >> that's the lead singer, i zach brock, upset with a guy in the audience. >> [ bleep ]. young lady. come on trying to watch a show. [ bleep ] dude. >> according to the lead singer on stage, isaac is making the ladies mad behind you, annoying the dude next to you, acting like a jerk. as you can see, security is moving their way over to this guy. >> i mean, how on earth can you be like this, dude. >> get him out of here. >> also point out some other people in the crowd yelling out -- >> like from "dumb and dumber". >> i would never do anything to offend a man of your size. >> kick his -- >> [ bleep ]. >> bunch of people not being like this and there you are.
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king of the [ bleep ]. right there. >> of all to blink, if you are the king of them, you're really bad. >> you don't want to be the king of that for sure. looks like they remove the guy and as security is taking this guy out isaac has one more thing to say. >> god i hope they [ bleep ] -- >> last comment taking it maybe too far. >> tracks spotted in the snow. go to the surveillance video. >> look who the midnight prowler was. >> what was it doing? >> see what the elk was up to next. and we're leaking -- >> 18 surprising facts about your own pee. >> why [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water...
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and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] ♪ ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it.
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bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, . welcome back to the show. don't forget to check out you can see today's videos and more all day long. >> one of the many new cities and markets that "right this minute" is moving on into,
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buffalo, new york. >> buffalo! >> shout out to buffalo. what up? we're airing on abc channel 7 at 3:00 p.m. monday through friday and hope everybody in buffalo is passionate about watching our show. people in buffalo are already passionate about buffalo wings. >> love them. >> the big argument in buffalo between two different establishments. here's the website from anchor bar, which is the home of the original buffalo chicken wings. they say these guys created it. they started it. they serve 2,000 pounds of wings every single day. their big -- >> wow. >> their big rival is duff's famous wings, they say they've been serving authentic buffalo wings since 1969. they're a little north of buffalo in amherst. some think theirs is better, some think anchor bar's is better. why not try them both. >> yes! >> we brought the wings here to
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the "right this minute" studio. >> yes! >> you might be wondering how they got the wings to our set. apparently you can go on-line, order, they'll cook them back at duffs or anchor bar and overnight them to wherever you are. they come to you frozen and you heat them up. we have to send thanks to mary for hooking these wings up for us here. heating them up and making them for us. time to try these things. >> yeah. >> we're going to go drumstick all the way around. anchor bar and this is duffs. they sent us all this stuff that goes with the wings of course. we do a wings cheer. >> oh. >> no big deal. don't wait for your friends. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> don't wait. >> these are good. >> these are really good. >> here's to buffalo. this is a genius creation. >> it's hard to pick one over the other because this is really, really really good. >> we're asking our viewers in buffalo, which wings do you like the best?
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duffs, anchor bar or is there some other wing place that you know about that is even better than both of these places? let us know on our facebook page, thanks for the wings. >> what do you do if you have video of a midnight prowler? you put it on my channel. kristi and her husband love the show and wanted to share what happened in their front yard last night. look who the midnight prowler was. >> an elk. >> what was it doing? >> on guard duty. neighborhood watch. a whole family, another little guy just running around in the background. >> two in the video, but christy says there were three. >> if you were a prowler or burglar and you saw a couple elks running up on you you would probably get out of there. >> this is more effective than a guard dog. >> i wouldn't mess with this house or that car. check out these two videos.
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first one from the roads of russia. >> this girl probably -- >> she's driving down an icy road. we see a big truck pass her and then right behind that truck, two others. one of them loses control. and -- i mean she dodged a bullet. >> that's a big bullet. >> oh. >> gigantic bullet. loses control. before you know it it's basically jackknifed on the road. >> she's got some pretty amazing reaction time. >> you're right. listen to her voice. >> [ inaudible ]. >> yeah. >> you would much rather hit into all that snow than that giant truck. >> yeah. >> according to the poster of the video sounds like they were able to drive away. >> this is just weird. it looks like there's a fender-bender between two cars. one of them appears to be a mercedes. it sounds like tires burning
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rubber, right? >> looks like the mercedes is trying to like nudge that cab or whatever out of the way. >> that's exactly what it's trying to do. watch this. >> what? >> you see a little boy get out of the car followed by another girl. and then look at that. >> that woman is pregnant. >> she is. >> you're right. the woman appears to be pregnant. the driver of the mercedes manages to move the cab out of the way and then this. >> wow. >> were they trying to make a getaway? >> looks like the guy was trying to get away, but in doing so, runs into the bus and then into the curb. you're right. that was a desperate attempt to get away. >> guy with the guitar tries to put on a performance. the guy in the hat ain't having that. >> in an act of defiance the older guy starts singing his own song. ♪
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your ipad, iphone or android device. >> click on win ipad and fill out the form and remember you have to be 18 years or older to enter. >> get the "rtm" app watch great videos anywhere and win a mini. >> enter every day until april 25th. the new york city subway a place you can find some interesti interesting goings on. >> you have this guy with a guitar who's trying to perform for the subway car. this gentleman is not having it. >> i pay for transportation --? >> in an act of defiance the older guy starts singing his song louder than the younger guy. >> it turns into a medley. >> now they're kind of performing a duet. ♪ >> it almost sounds like this guy is about to start laughing.
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>> he doesn't laugh because after they perform for a while he's still mad. >> shut up. >> they try another duet. ♪ i can do anything you can do better ♪ ♪ i can do faanything ♪ >> it did not work. you're all wrong. >> you had a good time. >> i had a good time. >> yes, he did. he's just saying that. >> maybe he wasn't that good of a guitarist and the music was bad. >> anything you can do i can do better. >> i can do anything better than you. >> where am i right now? [ applause ] >> give it up for this guy. [ applause ] >> all right. ladies, and gentleman, it's time to get liberated. ♪ selling diet drink from
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>> these are a series of cliches we see so much on television. ♪ prancing around with yogi size zero models ♪ >> there is always that one girl like constantly seeing the food she likes. ♪ muffin girl dressed and completely obsessed with cake ♪ >> they always show a pair of skinny jeans like she's trying to get into skinny jeans and at the end of the 30 or 60 seconds she's pulling them up without any -- ♪ eat crackers all day so she fits in her jeans okay ♪ ♪ selling diet drinks >> this ad, ladies and gentlemen, is to say, forget all of that. ♪ >> thank you, people that created this. the whole ad was created by a
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company in the uk and ireland. they're promoting just enjoying your food. don't think about what you're eating. >> everything in moderation. good thing to live by. >> check out the cat that can do all kinds of tricks. >> samadhi plays fetch. >> up the wall too. >> see samadhi show off, "right this minute."
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check this out. i found this video this girl can do a variety of spanish accents. most people are like how can you tell the difference between a mexican or dominican accent. let me know if you can tell the difference. [ speaking foreign language ] >> i can't put my finger on what sounds different but it sounds different. >> then she gets to spanish. they have a bit of a lisp. [ speaking foreign language ] >> this is impressive. i can't understand anything she's saying but i like watching it, it's entertaining. >> she doesn't miss a beat. >> it's insane. she breaks into italian, hebrew. [ speaking foreign language ] >> smart girl. >> we can always depend on our
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friends at buzz feed to come up with awesome and hilarious and education things. in today's edition you might not have wanted to -- wait. today we're going to learn 18 surprising facts about your own pee. >> i don't want to know that. >> the average person pees more than six cups per day spoo and that person doesn't drink enough water. >> i know. >> ancient romans used to use pee as mouth wash because the ammonia in stale urine will whiten your teeth. >> i prefer black teeth. >> your teeth are rather white. >> stale urine dude. >> i knew this. you pee to make your hands rough and tough. >> softens your hands. this is the most surprising the world record for peeing is 508 seconds. >> that's a long time. what in the world did they drink and how big was their bladder? >> more shocking the world record for distance for peeing.
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>> tell me it was by a woman and i'm out of here. >> 14 feet. a lot of force behind your stuff. urine was used in gun powder. >> i was okay with this until they showed me a toilet. >> yellow because of bile. >> rhubarb. >> vitamin b. >> supplements. >> beats. >> all kinds of crazy facts. to see them all head over to and click on best of "rtm." . >> you can train a dog to do tricks. but cats not as easy. samadhi the cat thinks he's a dog. samadhi plays fetch. >> oh. >> up the wall too. not just on the ground. >> goes places your dog can't go. that's not the only trick. this one can jump through the hula hoop. but do you notice the other cats in the house, that orange tabby is what are you doing this stuff for? she'll feed you anyway.
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>> making up for all the other cats. three times the energy. we go from samadhi to the hottest ticket in town. a live cat band in raleigh, north carolina. got a cat on guitar. cat on drums. you've even got more cow bells. they even have space for one chicken. you got a cat band why not have a chicken. that one does play the drums. well done, white cat. >> that's it for this edition of "right this minute." we'll see you tomorrow.
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