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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 18, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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under wayne wind is headed in that direction and the death toll is still very hard to determine, estimates putting it at 5 to 15, among those believed to be dead and the police officer who was on the scene when that massive explosion hit. this video was taken by a father watching the flames with his child. he was watching from a couple of hundred feet away. it goes to black and you can hear her daughter saying please, get out of here, i can't hear anything. >> another person started recordings. >> it was not just shrapnel, that blast was strong enough to
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level a four block area around that plant. 470 houses were damaged, 160 were taken to area hospitals with injuries. five blocks from this area they tried to get people out of the nursing home. >> we were standing in water, wires were hanging down, we evacuated one wing as far as i could get them out. >> they described homes that were leveled, right now they are going door to door and again at this point, they are still trying to assess the situation and we are watching the weather very closely and the sun is coming up, there is still a problem with access and we are going to monitor all of these developments from our
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newsroom, reporting live from the newsroom, claudine wong. >> as claudine mentioned, she will have updates throughout the day and you can get updates on our website we have a ceremony of 1976 earthquake anniversary is being evacuated due to a suspicious package. tell us how this could affect the ceremony which will happen in less than an hour. >> they said they were getting ready to detonate this suspense package and if you take a look behind me you can see they have the roadblocked off at this intersection. basically one block in each direction is closed as police
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up expect the suspicious package. we understand they need a bomb- sniffing dog but do not have one right now. as you know every year from san francisco, they all intercept. now the ceremony to commemorate them, to honor the survivors it happens every year in the morning but it looks like this will be the first time this may be will not happen and as you know the fountain is a meeting place for people after the earthquake struck. these are a lot of the people who participate in the ceremony each bay and we are waiting until we hear what is going on with the situation. he has also done across the
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street and he is also waiting and as you can see we are listening and waiting to hear when they will be detonating the suspicious package. i am more more news news. >> we are certainly starting with a lot of big news but we want to get a check on weather and traffic, what is it like this morning? >> welshing the wind is still northeast, sunny and a little bit warmer. forecast models have been shooting a forecast high, here is sal. it should look like a pretty good drive onto the willow pass grade and also northbound 101 approaching the
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880 split let's go back to the desk. the president and first lady will pay tribute to the boston marathon bombings -- victims of the boston marathon bombings to the 140 people injured and three people killed in that terroristic attack. law enforcement agencies across the country are circuiting pictures of two men with backpacks. also on boston television stations of a man running from the site. his clothing while it seemed ripped he moves quickly through the crowd, still no arrests in that case. we are still i am patient for
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an out. >> the agencies has scheduled several news conferences but for some reason all of those news conferences were caps selled. -- canceled. they led a prayer service for the people who were killed and wounded and it was held in the massachusetts town where the boston marathon went through the a run through the inner sunset district. the route they ran spelled the word boston. they did make it home safely. stay with us for complete information on the boston investigation and also again you can get updates by going to our website we have new information on the 11-year-old boy from
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martinez who was injured in the boston bombings. the mother of erin says he is recovering and his breathing tube has been removed. the next concern is possible infection. on monday erin was waiting for his mother to finish when the bombs went off a shot distance away. coming up, why a freemont company is learning to help bombing investigators,. we are learning about the hill neighborhood which happened last night and police responded after a man called to say he stabbed his brother-in- law. they responded and the man came at them with a hammer. >> he came at the officers with the hammer raised and the
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officer defended himself. >> the suspect later died at the hospital and meanwhile the man who was stabbed remains in serious condition. meanwhile, p.m. at the jewelry counterfled the scene in a and itnd tan camry, they to not have a description of that gunshots were fired. yesterday the commute was off to a rough start, i hope it is a little bit better today. it was a rough start but third and market are closed because of a suspicious package was found, so you are not
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getting through on market street there is not a lot going on. people are waiting to go to the fountain and that's not happening as they are waiting to be there and people are being kept away from that area and people are being asked to stay indoors and that includes people of this region of san francisco. let's move along and take a look the arrest bound and we are and the time, 4:39. temperatures were in the upper 40s getting lots of sunshine, not as bad as
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yesterday, the complaints are coming on the high wind, i hear you but it will not be as bad. a little cooler than yesterday. a lot more 040s so temperatures are a good 5 to 10 degrees cooler than it was yesterday however it is still northerly, easterly and predominantly it is a westerly breeze and in ukiah it is 5 degrees cooler and some of that cooler air filtered in. i just do my own forecast highs so i am easing into this. 70s around the coast and we are slowly getting there but there
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are some hints of fog, put it will be quiet and there is no rain in sight. for parents from the sandy hook elementary school victims and the nra has a statement. a district respond after a family claims anything generals in the death -- negligents in the death of their daughter.
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. gun control supporters are expressing outrage. somebody shouted when vice- president joseph biden read the results of the vote. >> order in the senate, the
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gallery will refrain... >> several from the sandy hook elementary school were in the senate for the vote and later they joined the president and former congresswoman gabrielle giffords at the white house. >> i am disappointed but not defeated. we return home with the determination that change will happen, maybe not today but it will happen and it will happen soon. >> meanwhile, president barack obama called it ashame full day for washington. >> the worry that the gun lobby would paint them as anti second amendment, but obviously a lot of republicans had that fear but democrats had that fear too so they caved under the pressure. >> the national rifle association released a statement praising the senate vote saying as we have noted previously at gun shows or
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elsewhere they would not reduce violent crime or keep kids safe in their schools. they are talking about the shooter quinn bauer, what police say was the motivation behind the crime and when they are due back in court. the fbi arrested a man for sending letters laced with rice. they intersented it at a sorting facility and the two other letters were traced to the same man. there is a clear link among all three letters. >> there are great consistencies and similarities to the two letters in the information we received from the letters that president barack obama and the senator received. >> he wrote online about a
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government conspiracy online to ruin his reputation. they are sad and appalled by a link between that and one of their products. one of the batteries was in one of those bombs and they sold thousands of those batteries and they are mainly in remote control cars. >> these are used for toy cars and to see it used in such a horrific way is terrible. >> they have contacted them to see if they can help out in the investigation in any way. they are looking into the cause of the fire that gutted a home overnight. it started just after 11:00. now firefighters say that home was being remodeled and that nobody was living inside. neighbors made sure everybody got out safely and fortunately nobody was in that home.
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audrie pott's parents are asking why the teens accused of sexually assaulting their daughter were not expelled. in a statement they said, school districts cannot expel somebody based on behavior outside of the school. the photo of the alleged incident caused their daughter to commit suicide. >> but the results of photographed and video graphed and somehow they are being disseminated on school property about one of their students -- >> they failed to document a meeting they had and bullying was not discussed at the meeting. a candle vigil will be held at saratoga high school. the man accused of
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kidnapping and killing sierra lamar was in court. sierra lamar was last seen walking from her home. how is it in montgomery? >> well, it's still closed between new montgomery and for more is still out there and -- more more -- tara is still out there and i know they are going on this date to celebrate the earthquake survivors and that has been put on hold. tara is on the scene. we will find out more about that coming up. let's go out and take a look at 880 westbound.
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if you are driving into san jose, it is a nice drive there for you and we are not quite awake as the freeways look good. >> we have clear skies, not as breezy, some fog on the coast and water temperatures are really cold and it is cooler this morning and we lose a lot of that warmth. north breeze still in place also for san jose and it is about cut in half. it will be sunny today and a little bill warmer. but nothing like we had with that crazy wind. the forecast products have been over projecting on the highs.
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they are still looking for survivors at that plant and there is new information on this story this morning.
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. we want to update you on a
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texas fertilizer plan. several people were killed and they are still searching the area and there was no evidence that fire was intentionally set but investigators at this time are calling it a crime scene as a precaution. health officials say air quality is not a problem, we are following but the rescue operation and police investigation, claudine wong will have a full wrong at the top of our newsroom. 34-year-old quinn bauer was shot and killed in an attempted carjacking in the oakland hills. five teens, ages 16 and under have been arrested. they attacked bauer because they thought it would be fun. >> this is tragic because they think robbing and shooting people is something fun to do.
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>> two of the suspects 14 years old, two are 15 and one is 16 and they were in court for a juvenile detention hearing and they will be back in court for june 4th. last night the team beat portland. the nba playoffs, warriors are returning and mayor jean quan will be at central city plaza and there will be banners saying warriors is oakland ground. they are planning to move the team to san francisco. carnival chris line, -- carnals will spend more than $43 million to overhaul all of its ships and that will include the
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big power capability, back up systems could not provide basic plumbing functions or air conditions. we should mention didn't stefan curry break the record yesterday? >> yes, and he also made the new record and had a couple of more 3s and he is a record holder. >> i got that on my twitter account. i have an update on the 1906 earthquake and at third and market they found a suspicious device and they have moved it out of london square and we are not sure what is happening with the area how the celebration has been moved to union square and this area on
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market street will remain closed until they clear it. 880 southbound, it looks like they have moved it for roadwork but it is not creating a big traffic jam. now let's if to steve. it is noticeably cooler and we have a decrease in the lower temperatures and still a lot of 40s here more so than yesterday, san rafael is in there 45 concord, 5 to 10 degrees cooler and there is still a north breeze in some higher elevations but it will be clear sunny and milder, bumping temperatures up, a we have a sense of a westerly breeze and everything says warmer weather sunday and monday. coming up, it is a story we have been following, a
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suspicious device marking the anniversary of the 1906 quake and fire and we just learned it led to a big change. devastation, a deadly fire near waco, we will be right back.
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. we are following a massive explosion that caused devastation and the mayor says it is their most important priority right now. live in san francisco to commemorate the earthquake victims, it will not be held at the original area and a bomb scare forced everybody to change plans. we will tell you what led up to last night's gunfire. and a break-in the marathon bombing case, it is all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning news. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> good morning, thank you for waking up with us, this thursday morning april 18thth, i am pam cook. >> and i am dave clark. we have developing news, beginning with a


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