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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 23, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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dozens of police officers are surrounding an apartment complex where they think a shooting suspect is hold up. tara moriarty is out there in oakland with what is going out there and how it all started, tara? >> right now s.w.a.t. teams are surrounding around the apartment and they have been asking the suspect to come out with his hands up and he has not been cooperating and this has been going on for more than five hours according to neighbors. this all started at 10:30 a man said a -- police said a man was shot in the back and they have transported him to a nearby hospital and they did identify his shooter and they did zero in on the home where the suspect lives. since 11:00 last night, officers have been trying to get him to come out but he has not responded and an officer
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said s.w.a.t. teams would enter within the next hour to see how this unfolds. back out here live, there is an ambulance here waiting in the middle of this street with the tree and to the right there are dozens of squad cars and we have seen police just crawling all over the area. and they have told us to keep back and the action is on this corner so we were told we were in the line of fire so we will back away and let you know how this all turns out. power is returning to the nearly 9,000 people who lost power overnight. the outage happened at 12:50 this morning. areas in panola have been
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affected. one customers said there was a big flash prior to the outage but more is not known. they are experiencing major delays since a woman jumped in front of a train. it happened in san francisco last night. officials say the train went right over the woman while she was laying on the track but did not injure her. the woman was taken to the hospital for a medical evaluation. investigators say dzhokhar tsarnaev is still unable to speak due to a serious next wound. the 19-year-old is now claiming his older brother was the driving force and no international terrorist groups were involved in the bombing plot. >> i told them the two people committing these vicious attacks are either dead or
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arrested and i still believe that. >> now yesterday the 19-year- old was the federally charged with crimes that could bring the death penalty. prosecutors could add more to the list of long charges. tees are photos of the bombing suspects and they were taken just moments before the deadly explosion eight days ago. you can see the two brothers standing watching the marathon runners crossing the finish line and at most times they appear calm and relaxed. eventually they injured two people and killed two others. his former roommate said he seemed strange sometimes. >> he seemed training, usually he was in groups but usually
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kind of stuck to himself. >> dzhokhar tsarnaev's white hat and jacket are in his alleged dorm room. one woman had her foot amputated and she is a dancer who is determined to dance again and we will hear from her again. they are on high alert following the boston bombings and they have increased patrols. transit centers sporting events and other potential targets. as we reported, there could soon be security cameras on market street but one of the best tools is the ears and eyes of the public. officers are urging everyone to watch out for anybody and any suspicious activity. they are seeing an increase in the number of bomb threats. they found a suspicious box
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inside saying a bomb would be set off. the search served to be a hoax but officers say they take every report seriously. >> it is murphy's law, if you don't take that one report seriously that will be the timing is bad will happen. >> san francisco unified school district said it too has had unspecified threats and in antioch, deer valley high school claims there was a bomb on campus. two accused of a bomb in canada are planning to derail a train traveling from tore ron -- toronto to iran. they say al qaeda has had a
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presence since 1981 and they are operating within their borders. >> the individuals are receiving support from al qaeda elements located in iran. >> authorities do not say there seems to be a link between them and the boston marathon bomb -- bombings. they are now allowing small knives on passenger flights. they want some feedback and others say it makes travel more confusing when the rules keep changing. >> i don't know, a knife is a knife regardless of how small it is. >> they are not saying if it is temporary or if or not.
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the furloughs started as part of the suck quest terribled -- sequestered budget cuts. they had up to three hours of delays in los angeles. they have to take everyone unpaid day every week. we have learned san francisco has 38 control letters. oakland has 30 control letters and plans to furlough 30 to 4 a day. two to three will be furloughed daily. we have a chance to see a furloughed plane and they will take off mountain view and it is a practice run for across
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country trip that starts on may 1st. >> it is considers to be -- considered to be flying without any fuel. >> i wish i could drive to work without any fuel. i need to get an electric car, sal. >> they are becoming more popular as prices go up. >> if we get some more plug inns here. >> maybe we will. >> let's see what we have. put out the wish list. as we head out to the mcarthur maze, traffic looks good -- my wish would be for cooler weather. and when we get up to traffic here it is moving along nilesly, 580, let's go back to
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steve. >> oh, -- at 5:38 let's go back to steve. >> man, is it dark in here. the problem is in your set, not with me. mood lighting, let's get to it. good morning and welcome. we do have really strange temperatures, i mean as much as 15 degrees and high pressure is still here but fog is moving up the coast, for those of you suffering from allergies, it is all up there as well so it has been really tough. high pressure gave us record highs and there will be a fight as it continues to work its way up the toast, we had 200 feet around passive can and you and i know once that fog comes in and i would will drop 15
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degrees and walnut creek 54, livermore is almost 70, 57 san francisco and there are others and the temperatures shot up 10 degrees and they are within blocks of each other. there is that north wind, it is an east wind to livermore, not a west wind yet, but there is a southerly breeze going up the coast, some areas do not make much of 'impact. 34 sacramento. cooler -- well if you are anywhere near the coast you will get that cool down it will
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be cooler for all, we cool it off more a little later and warmup by sunday. we will look at the power of a pressure cooker bomb. what experts are saying as they test these powerful explosives is. andand we will have more on your bay area commute and bay area weather.
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place at his hospital bed. we are brought up to date on the investigation and we will have more on how victims are being remembered. >> reporter: well, pam, the suspect is recovering here in the hospital a week after the boston marathon bombing but at the same time the city is trying to remember those who lost their lives. grieving college community, the 22-year-old graduate student died last week in the boston marathon bombings. members of her family arrived from china for a memorial service. >> when i think about lu lingzi, the first thing that comes to mind is her smile. >> reporter: one victim, crystal campbell was laid to rest marking one week since the last taking a moment of
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silence... they took a flag and flew it half staff as a symbolic thoughtful way they handed over the flag. from his hospital bed, a few miles away, the 19-year-old is accused of unleashing the terror along with his older dead brother he had conspired to use weapons of mass destruction resulting in death and he could face the death penalty. dozens of his alleged victims remains hospitalized. >> i am angry, i am not angry 100% of the time but i am defiant and i want to come out
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stronger. >> a memorial service for officer shawn collier and we are hearing vice-president joseph biden will be in attendance but they are reopening boyleston street and they are opening it up in stages and this is just another sign things are returning to normal. >> torii, before you go, it is unusual to have a hearing at a hospital bed but he has been writing things down. any word on any clues, or things he said to the judge or during that hearing? >> no, during the hearing, you know, it is pretty unusual and we understand most of it was done by nodding and he was
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heavily sedated and the only time he responded verb wally was when he responded no to whether or not he could afford an attorney and he responded no. >> thank you very much for that update, we will check back in to the city for more information. the martinez boy who was injured had some special visitors in his hospital bed. brandon moss and batting coach visited aaron in his room at boston children's hospital. he and his family hope to return home at the end of the month and he suffered a serious leg injury when he was hit by shrapnel. we are getting an up close look at a pressure cooker explosion like the ones they used in the boston marathon.
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here is what the blast looks like using a high speed camera. there is obviously a lot of damage and the shrapnel easily appears through play would. >> you are hit before you each here it. their excerpt shows how -- their experiment shows how to blow up those deadly weapons. it is about $100 million more than anticipated. muni said the $84 million contract is within budget but it leaves little room for future costs. tunnel boring machines are expected to arrive from china
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this week. >> oh, boy, 449 is the time, let's check back in with sal for the time. sal? we don't have it but right now we are looking at wet bound as you drive from panola to berkeley and these are the lights while you are trying to get into the city and there are no problems on any of the major bay area bridges and looking right there after the downtown traffics its traffic does look good. let's go to steve. >> what is that? good morning. high pressure is here, we had record highs yesterday, almost
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60s and 70s, it will be significantly warmer, fog is warming up the coast, it is extremely challenging, they can be anywhere from 20 to 25- degree spread, 40s to almost 70s and the fog will win out coast and bay but inland if you get that north wind it will be much of cooler, 80s and far enough inland, it will be cooler friday and saturday, it looks good slightly warmer. firefighters if you can believe it have already started training for this year's fire season. what is pushing their prepare prepare racing to be ahead of sets, details on the movie and
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film being right now.
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. in one week the santa clara unit will be hiring and training several firefighters, they will start weeks ahead of schedule. last week they were training
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some new members on water drops and coordinating hand signals from the ground. mosquito fogging, here are the two areas being treated. the contra costa mosquito control district will be spraying to control adult mosquito. the areas will be fogged from 5:00 6:00 a.m. this morning. the man whose dog has been ordered to pay. he must split the money with san francisco and it is unclear if he will be able to pay. he received money for donations but he used the money for attorneys and vet bills. they allow the dog's life to be spared if he gave up custody.
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the warriors are facing a real uphill battle, david will not be in the lineup due to a serious hip injury he had in game one. they led 1-0 and today, one will be at the stock and trade restaurant on lumbard street and the other will be held at original joes. they had a 151 game wink streak and the coach behind it, that movie is being shot right now. the filming of when the game stands tall are filming in new orleans. he stepped down earlier this year and when the game stands tall is due out next fall. >> that is incredible. 45. >> well, thank you very much,
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brian. >> i would say traffic is incredible. it is doing well around the bay area and as a matter of fact we were doing well on all the freeways this is not causing a major delay but it is being picked up anyway. also there are no major delays coming through and if you are driving through the city it is a nice looking drive and we are also at the speed limit. let's go to steve. there are strange and unusual temperatures, i was just looking at the ocean beach area. 45 and 65, normally there is a 10 degrees spread napa is 68 and it is howling with a north wind and i got a nice tweet from brentwood and i had half- moon bay, 50 and everything is
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depending on the wind and if it is north, it is really warm and if it is a south wind, it is much cooler and we'll see dramatic conditions. fog is there and it is taking a turn heading towards the sonoma coast and from there look for temperatures to be as much as 20 to 25 difference. if the north wind holds it will be warmer, especially by the coast and some of that fog is very shallow. 50s to almost 80s and upper 90s. >> all right, we are used to those big temperature changes. developing use from oakland an overnight shooting led to a tense stuff off . plus new photos of the boston bombers, what they were doing just
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moments before the explosion.
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. we are live in oh lack where a- í in -- in oakland where a


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