tv Right This Minute FOX April 23, 2013 9:00am-9:30am PDT
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, are you ready for great videos? we've got 'em, "right this minute"! dramatic video shows a man dangling from an eight-story balcony. but -- this is going to take a turn for the worse. >> oh no! >> oh, man, that's bad. >> how emergency workers rushed in to make this a scene of survival. a police officer hits the gas to stop the bad guys. >> pinning him up against the wall so they can't get away. >> see the brave risk he took to
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save the day. baby decides dad's bath time is play time. >> so he goes and starts dumping his toys in the bathroom with daddy. >> why baby might just win this game. >> oh, wow! plus, some paragliders perform circus acts in the sky. >> that's a circus you want to go to. >> it's crazy to see. and a wild turkey keeps a close eye on a turkey hunt err. >> oh! >> you got to be kidding me. >> we're getting things started with a video that's a little difficult to watch. it's coming out of russia, take a look at this. what you're seeing is a man walking on an eight-story balcony, according to reports. many reports say that this man was actually under the influence. some kind of drugs or alcohol. >> what does he have in his system that gives him a death wish like this? >> keep watching the video. this is going to take a turn for the worse. notice when the camera pans
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down, there are emergency workers already on the scene. >> oh no! >> oh, man, that's bad. >> you see people immediately run to his aid. reports say that he was alive and conscious after this fall. emergency responders did administer first aid on the scene and he was transported to an area hospital. and again -- according to reports, was conscious. >> i'm going to guess that he had to have broken both of his legs. went down feet first and there's bones. ouant that without >> is itclear in the video if he let go? or did he slip? >> it's hard to tell, but reports do say that this was an accidental fall. according to the reports that we translated from russian, this was not a suicide attempt. take that, bad guys! the swedish police officer not letting these burglars get away.
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one little tap from the police car and then -- a big old smash. >> oh! >> pins the car up against that building. apparently these guys were suspected pharmacy thieves, stealing drugs, they were also believed to be under the influence of some drugs as well. so this lone officer in his police car, using his car as like a battering ram. pinning them up against the wall so they can't get away. >> where do you think you're going, fool. >> super dangerous, i got to say -- a little bit of fun. >> i wonder if he gets that cleared from the supervisor. because here he is, pit maneuvers, that has to be approved. he has to get a green light. is that just something they can do in swede snn. >> sometimes you have to ask for forgiveness, rather than permission. and he got the bad guy, streets are a little bit cleaner, people are a little bit safer because of this cop. >> exactly, if these guys really were under the influence like the police believe they were, who knows? the cars could have been racing
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through the street with two dangerous guys at the wheel, you're right, troutman, the police getting the situation under control. nothing like good story of an unlikely friendship. namely, a friendship between a turkey and a turkey hunter. >> oh? >> this is on the youtube channel of bruce evans, he's got his iphone out there. he's filming this turkey, who is getting ever so close to bruce for quite some time. there's a series of videos on bruce's youtube channel. this is the first one. more than five minutes long. look at this turkey. getting very close, so close that bruce is even able to touch this thing. >> i don't know if it was bruce was so well camouflaged, but no, the turkey is like investigating this guy. bruce did call it in with his turkey call. you might be wondering, well this is a great day for a hunter if you're hunting turkeys.
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this is the hen. you got to have the gobbler. you can't shoot the turkey. watch this. >> this is the most incredible thing i've ever seen. >> it's following him. >> he has a male turkey caller and she's a female -- it's springtime. >> i bet she thinks she found a friend. >> as he's walking along the trail, when he stops, she stops. he keeps moving, the turkey keeps moving. now he's on his golf cart and look at this -- >> the turkey pops in on the shot! >> she's in love. >> she's hopping up on that thing saying don't, put it down. >> this is diplomatic relations, the turkey has been sent out into the wilderness to be an olive branch. hey -- you don't need us on your table. >> oh, my god. >> he pets the turkey. it doesn't go anywhere. eventually he starts up the golf cart and drives off and that's when the turkey goes, okay, i think i'm not comfortable with this. >> it looks like she may have realized i'm not a turkey.
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>> he posted a sort of wrap-up video where he's talking to the camera telling people what happened to the turkey. he said he did not try to take the turkey home. however -- >> i hope one day i get to go back and maybe she and i will meet again. >> turkeys and humans, best of friends. oh! >> is this naked grecco wrestling. >> this is a fight between two naked men. >> how do you get that naked but still have your sneakers on? >> how did they get their pants off over their shoes. >> these two men are stomping on each other. one is straight-up down on the street. people around them seem to be trying to break up the fight. >> how do you break this fight up, though? you're talking about two naked dudes, you can't really like, what do you grab? there are parts that are freely open for grabbing. >> if you do want to break this up, and you have a rubber glove, you know where you grab to stop this fight. >> dude.
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>> not only do you lose the fight and have road rash all over your back side, you lost the fight naked. >> their pants are in the street. how do they get to this point. >> do they say, let's take our pants off. >> this is at 8:00 in the morning. according to the poster while people are getting ready to go to work. >> that must have been a wild night. i have a feeling that started the night before. >> how do you end up out on the street? >> how do you end up there? like if this is your life and this is what gets posted on youtube of your life, you might want to reconsider what's going on, in your life. >> have you hit bottom? >> well, they hit a couple bottoms. an elderly man trips and falls. >> oh! >> take it easy, take it easy, are you okay? >> watch the amazing compassion from both people who come to his aid. and an incredible underwater manatee ballet caught on camera. >> this is pretty spectacular.
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you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. i love bringing you guys videos that remind us there really are some kind and awesome people on this planet. this is from the royal jordanian youtube channel. as its helmet cam footage from biker. your kind of people, nick. >> it's the good guy, the biker. >> the good guy is the biker. in fact, this video is titled "who says bikers don't care?" oh no! >> it breaks your heart, he just didn't see that the curb sticks up there and he got tripped up. the buyinger springs into action. >> take it easy, take it easy, are you okay? >> the biker helps him back to his feet, and this amazing woman
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here, who is handing the cane back, she says he didn't need a walker, she'll take him somewhere. >> walk with the young lady. and are you okay, yeah? >> the biker is helping himg out, making sure that he's fine. kind of organizing the whole group of people, making sure that everybody gets ready to go. >> put your hand in her hand. look, what a nice lady you have here. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> very nice. >> it's really wonderful to see good people doing amazing things for you know, someone they didn't have to lift a finger for and they did. >> any chance he was able to coordinate a coffee date with the girl that also helped out? >> an enigmatic meeting. parlay it into something. >> how did you guys meet? >> we both helped an old man when he fell. >> what a nice lady you have here. some guys went swimming and they came up with today's moment
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of zen. >> this is in florida. >> those are manatees. and he got more than seven minutes of just these manatees just beautiful and serene in the water. >> that's really so beautiful. >> they're at least five of them that you can see here in this one shot. >> they're all just very casual and relaxed. >> you're right, great way to put it. total moment of zen. >> they should set this to really beautiful music and let it play on a loop. >> these guys are so lucky, we see people have amazing experiences in the sea all the time. but this is pretty spectacular. >> i can't believe how many, at one point i counted up to at least eight of these things. who knows how many are in this whole group of them. it's amazing, you go swimming with your blows and this happens. it's like you're on national geographic. >> things you probably loved as a kid -- tree houses and camping. bring them both together and you
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get -- the tensele. >> it's a tent you can anchor on three trees out in the woods and crank it, secure it off the ground, really at any level. as high as you wanted to go. >> that keeps you dry when it may get a little precipitation at night and you're on the ground. that's a great idea. >> a lot more comfy for sleeping than sleeping on the cold, hard ground in just like a thin sleeping bag. >> i feel like everybody would kind of slide down into the middle of the thing. >> well actually, no, because if you notice they do give us a little demonstration with four people inside this tensile, and there are bars that create individual little hammocks for everyone in the tent. the whole concept was created by tree house architect alex shirley smith and he does talk about how he came up with the idea. >> i knew there was something where you could create usable space out of pure tension. that's what the principle came from. making the maximum usable space
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out of minimum materials. >> what's it like laying in there? did they say it was like being on air? or being in a waterbed? >> like many in a hammock. >> kind of like laying in a trampoline, too. >> funny you should mention that, they do throw a bunch of kids in there and yeah, they do see an opportunity for a trampoline. >> they look like ufos, wouldn't it be cool to come across that. >> any three points, we put it up in london on lampposts. >> if you do want one of these, you're going to be forking out about $1300. it's a special engagement ring proposal delivery. >> you've heard about like drone warfare. this is drone romance. >> next, "right this minute"! . and still to come -- a prankster employ as pizza delivery guy to get out of a d.u.i. >> that's cheap genius. >> no other way to put it. >> see how genius turns into generosity, next. and a base jump that is
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have to be 18 dwreers or older to enter. >> easy to do, get the rtm videos app, watch great videos anywhere and you could win an ipad mini. >> enter every day until april 25th. our friend from the youtube channel dennis is back. you may remember this guy from the subway prank. this time, he's teaching us how to avoid d.u.i.s. watch what he does. >> feeling a little tipsy. don't want to get a d.u.i., so i'm going to order a pizza because i'm hungry and do a delivery and see if i can catch the driver to give me a ride home. >> i ordered that to go. delivery. i'm a little tipsy, came from a bar, so i was wondering if you could give me a ride home. >> that's cheap genius. >> the delivery guy is a little hesitant at first. >> no? >> i don't think i can do that. >> dude, i'll give you $10 on top of it. >> this is my life, dude. >> $10 real quick, you're going to my place, anyway. not too far. $10 extra? >> all right.
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get in. >> but this is not just about the ride home. >> can you make me another stop. >> dude? >> i'll give you another $10 dude. >> where we going? >> downtown. i'll give you gas money on top of it. >> that's not in the original deal. >> but he's offering more cash and watch what he does. >> you want a ride home? i got pizza and a faster ride home. i got room for two. >> that's fine. >> got pizza? >>ia, not a bad deal. >> he's like serving up the pizza to these guys waiting for the bus in the pouring rain. and this guy in the back seat -- he's like you know what, man, this is awesome. >> you're crazy, man. >> there's something ended up really lovely about this. the guy wasn't driving drunk, he didn't put anybody in danger. in the process he totally made another guy's day, us plus the pizza delivery guy got a kick out of it and extra cash. >> when i go to church sunday i'll tell them about this.
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i'm a huge fan of videos that blebd things. this one blends paragliding with the unlikely pasttime of circus acts this one is a few months old. it's now trending. gilles schneider is a paraglider. he said it's a passion all he's ever wanted to do. he's very interested in the circus, he decided to bring the two things together. his father run as circus school. he decided to get the students from that circus school to come together. what kind of circus acts are we talking? >> it starts off with juggling. the guys are juggling through the lines of the parachute. you may think, okay. cool. just you know, nets. that's what i thought, too, meh. he ups the ante, he's juggling in air. he's handing it with gilles. let's take a trap eze artist.
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dangle it off the paraglider. her name is roxanne and she's all for normal acrobatics, trap eze. she's wearing a harness and some safety cords attaching her to the trapeze. let's move over to base jumping. we've seen tons of base jumping videos this, marries a moving car with a base jump. these guys climb on top of an suv, drive down the bridge. here they go. you got to time this right, too. the valley below is narrow. the first guy gets the timing just right. boom. beautiful, jump, bank, the parachute opens, flawless, no problem. his buddy, though, seems to hesitate a bit. >> oh, boy. >> you can't, you got to go! >> he jumps, he realizes, those
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trees are coming up really quick. he missed the deepest point of the valley. just barely misses the tops of those trees. they both land safely. he might have second thoughts, on top of the car, with your parachute, all ready to go. if you get hurt at a soccer match. this is one way to get carried off the field. >> the dude is loving that he's in the motorized wheelbarrow. >> why this wheelbarrow may be hazardous to his health, next. >> my so
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the latest trend on the interweb seems to be the humans doing things animals do. >> i don't know why it's so funny. but it's darn funny. >> as to not be left behind, the guys over at the wasabi youtube channel did their own and they're just called how animals jump. the first one is a dolphin. >> and it looks like they're doing all of these in a gym. off of trampolines. the next one is a bird. >> it looks a lot like the dolphin. >> and the monkey -- >> they have the frog, frog well done. the frog looked good. >> i think they're having a little fun with it. some of the versions look quite similar. >> here's a stick bug. >> the walrus, the penguin. >> that's how lice jump? >> a worm, a crab, a bear? and, okay, yeah. >> these guys were trying to be
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funny while going with the trend while making fun of the trend. >> they didn't quite pull off what i think they were setting out to do. >> i want you guys to guess what this baby is doing. he went and dropped one toy behind the baby gate. he comes with another one. >> he's got quite a system. he's got a plan. >> you guys are actually watching is a protest video from the mean streets of saskatoon saskatchewan. >> the father is in the bath in the room behind the kiddy gate. jacob starts dumping his toys in the bathroom with daddy. >> that's really cute. he wants to play with daddy. >> mommy gets closer to the action. you can analyze how many toys this baby has and how many he's put in the bathroom. >> what are you doing?
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>> we've seen him put a few toys in tre already. when you get a look in the bedroom, that kid has still got more toys to go. >> he's doing it one by one. >> and take a look at the bathroom. >> oh wow. >> my favorite part is the cat. the cat is like -- i told you not to bring that baby home. >> i like this guy's logic here, he's like if dad sees the toys, maybe he'll want it start playing with them. >> he knows when he sees toys, he'll want to start playing with them immediately. he thinks daddy just needs some play time. >> guys are about to witness an innovation in sports medicine. a romanian soccer game. apparently the guy was injured. no stretcher on hand. you wheel out the motorized wheelbarrow because there happens to be one of those just hanging around. there's the injured player there in the red. they pick him up, the medics in the green little vest here. the dude is loving that he's in the motorized wheelbarrow, he thought he would be injured, because now he's injured.
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he doesn't look so injured because he stands up. he's like, yeah, i'm the coolest. watch this. and he falls down. >> and now he's really injured. >> yeah. >> probably the best moment for this red team for the day, apparently they lost 9-0 in the soccer match. >> oh. i would love to have that motorized wheelbarrow. you could just like motor around your yard and neighborhood and -- yeah. >> did anybody notice grandma carrying her purse and running out to the injured player? >> my son, my son, are you okay? are you all right? >> i did notice that, it looks like she brought him some water. that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time, everyone.
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