tv Right This Minute FOX April 23, 2013 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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. hi, everybody, i'm beth troutm troutman, and it's time for great videos and the stories behind them, "right this minute." two armed robbers storm a bank. but then -- >> you see a 54-year-old man tackle this bank robber. >> how a brave bystander goes in for a takedown and almost gets taken out. it's a huge gathering at hippie hill for -- >> an unofficial marijuana celebration. you would think everybody would be chill and cool, bro. >> there was no peace here. what happens when taking hits
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gets real heated. >> oh wow. plus, talk about getting a high. >> this guy has no safety harness on. >> why simple housework takes on a whole new meaning. and a girl gets a dirty surprise when explaining why her lizard won't mate. >> apparently he doesn't like when you talk about his sex life. >> oh! >> that's awful. two men storm into a toronto bank. at least one of them holding a weapon. they come in, hoods up and one of them leaps right over the bank counter and assaults the bank teller. then as he comes back over you see a 54-year-old man tackle this bank robber. and wrestle with him. >> that's what was happening? >> that's a 54-year-old customer just tacking this dude to the ground? >> you got it. watch what happens when the hustle goes down. you see the gun pointing right
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at the guy. the suspect does fire the weapon striking a female teller in the leg. that guy continued to follow these men out of the building. he was then shot in the stomach, both are expected to survive. >> they got away with money, these people? >> authorities say they got away with a little bit of money and even when what they got away with, may not be usable because the dye pack did explode when they escaped. the faces may be clear. now over to the united kingdom where manchester police released this video of three guys completely covered in black, storming into a convenience store. at least two of them have large knives, one, police describe as a small samurai sword, the other one a hunting knife and that guy is swinging that large samurai sword at the clerk. believe it or not, he nearly lost a finger in this attack. one of the other guys attacked in this video had a cut to his forearm.
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but as violent as that looked, they were able to reattach the finger and the other guy only got three stitches from this. >> i think you can see blood on the ground. >> that is blood on the floor. >> this is vicious, they're doing this for how many dollar bills are in the register. how much can be in there? it's not worth injuring someone so much. you think if you get a bunch of people in tie dye shirts, guitars, on a specific day, 4-20, on an unofficial marijuana celebration, you would think everybody would be chill and cool, bro. >> whoa! this is a huge fight at the golden gate park, otherwise known as hippie hill in san francisco, during this annual celebration. watch this thing, it gets out of control and fast.
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>> you see the one guy goes down in a heap. he gets up totally disoriented. i can't tell from this video who is fighting who, what started this. and it's a lot of people and there are some serious punches being thrown. >> this is the last thing you would expect to see, when you're out there enjoying yourself. >> would you expect to see this? >> i did say there were guitars out there. >> oh wow. >> the old rock star guitar smash. >> a good way to ruin your guitar. >> and the guy's head. that was a solid hit. >> the thing is, this is like an unsanctioned event in the city of san francisco and they spend $10,000 every year cleaning up. at the end of this, you do see a bumpl of people trying to break it up. the guys in the red hats are telling people to chill. >> it's all about the weed! >> why are you fighting? >>.
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some helmet cam footage is sparking quite a debate in tennessee. take a look at the footage we got from wrcb in chattanooga. this helmet cam is on a rider. cody realizes the car is going past him, they're in a funeral procession. so out of respect for the deceased, cody also pulls his motorcycle over. watch what happens. >> oh! >> first you hear the tires squealing from the truck. and then you see the truck narrowly miss cody. go past him and into the car in front of them. almost hitting the people in the funeral procession. >> what's even more heartbreaking about this accident. this funeral is for a victim of a crash. >> what are the chances of that. that's the worst sound. >> this is sparking a debate online. because people are discussing whether or not pulling over for
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a funeral procession on the road is an appropriate thing to do. this happened in marian county, tennessee, outside of chattanooga. had this happened in chattanooga, there's actually a city law that says if you are in the opposite side of the road. you have to keep traffic moving. you cannot pull over for a funeral procession. there's another most in the video that happened earlier that also has people discussing the procession itself. watch from earlier. you'll notice the funeral procession making a right. look at one of the drivers ma that's part of the procession. the person is clearly driving over the yellow line. reports say trying to get people to stop. >> you can't demand people pay respect to a funeral procession by going into the wrong side of traffic. you can't force people to have manners or follow customs that they may not know anything about. >> it's against the law and dangerous. >> we'd like you to tell us your thoughts on this issue. head over to our facebook page,
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facebook.comright this minute." a winwasher in manhattan. no surprise.g ten floors up, n surprise. seeing one ten floors up with no safety equipment, that's a little scary. this guy has no safety harness on and he's washing these windows like it's nothing. >> like this guy might live in that apartment. like i want clean windows, he hops out the window and starts going around like a squeegie. >> he looks like he's a window washer. >> it looks like somebody is working for a living and the person who filmed this said they almost couldn't watch because they were afraid of what would happen. if you notice he's only using his hands and using window frames in the walls to hold himself up. >> this angle gives you an angle of how far up this guy is and how far he has to fall. >> it's freaky, man. give this guy something. >> you can see here the whole show is over when he just says like, i'm done and climbs back in the window. >> you're putting a lot of trust into that windowsill that you're
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holding on to, those things come right out and you're ten floors up? >> there's a lot of horns in new york city, honking and you startle you and you fall ten stories. >> you're 100 feet up. you've got to have nerves of steel. face meets side mirror. >> he couldn't have been any closer. >> the side of his face says, objects in the mirror may be closer than you think. see the surprising reaction from a pedestrian and the mama bear bounds towards a boat.
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>> easy to do. get the rtm videos app, watch the videos anywhere and you could win an ipad mini. >> good luck, everyone. as a restaurant owner, i can't imagine having the food inspectors come by. that's a pretty scary moment. one of the inspectors came by to rodriguez grocery in texas. ended up giving them 34 demerits. right? >> i don't even want to know. >> according to the inspection report they had cross-contamination, foods were at the wrong temperatures, they had rodent droppings. and -- roaches. >> oh. >> well the food patrol went to talk to the owner, tony rodriguez and tony actually didn't agree with the report. >> i think he just thought that we had a problem. >> there you see the news crew going to the back with rodriguez to check it out and in the middle of this report, while rodriguez is claiming he has a clean kitchen -- >> oh!
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>> a cockroach controls up the wall. >> and then rodriguez with his bare hand squashes the thing. >> gross. >> he doesn't even wash his hand with soap. >> these are roaches, tony. >> he's coming out and stepping on them. finally rodriguez turns off the lights and makes the guys leave because he has really been caught red-handed. >> imagine if he's ever eating at this place and then you see this report -- oh. >> the crunchy thing may not have been lettuce. i think the next video really representing the phrase -- by the skin of your teeth. >> we have a dash cam here. we see this fellow going across the road. the car we're traveling in slows down. as he begins to cross, what doesn't slow down is this -- that is some sort of mini truck. the guy notices it, stops at the last second, but then it clips his nose. he couldn't have been any closer. the side of his face now says
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objects in the closer may appear closer than they actually are. it's wild because he takes a couple of steps back and he looks like he's actually not hurt so bad. he picks up his hat. the car we're traveling in actually stops, which is nice, to see if he's okay. from there we go to another point of view camera, this time from a guy on a motorcycle. the dude is a bit of a ham. >> all right. ride with grace. here he goes, ripping it up right off the bat. now at one point he goes through some intersection, goes to make a right. and runs into two cars. >> he just went into oncoming traffic. as he's screaming -- lovey lovey lovey. >> and he's singing a song, goes flying through the air, crashing down to the pavement. his tone changed after the crash. you don't hear him singing. >> ahhhh!
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>> animals being animals. we start with momma bear, this is in crescent lake, alaska, the video is posted back in september, but it's trending now. there are momma bear, there's the two cubs. mom stands up. >> this is awesome. >> the people are in a 14-foot aluminum skiff, about 30 to 40 feet away from momma bear. >> she is terrifying. >> watch what happens next. she dives in and comes out with a salmon for the babies. >> she's like a professional noodler. >> just with her mouth. >> that was quick, but it wasn't like the quickest. you would think the fish would -- >> she didn't even have to use her hand. >> it's amazing. >> also amazing. anna, the white rhino. anna was born on april 6th. here she is learning how to play in the mud with mommy at the lion country safari in florida. >> mom shows her, she's got to get out of the way. momma can't get all the way over, so baby says, i got to try
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it. this is how you roll in the mud. here's anna trying to give it a try. anna was named after anna mertz, who helped save lions in kenya. she was an activist, and in her memory, they named the rhino after her. she is a rare white endangered rhino. >> there are only 20,000 in the wild. she's a little girl, she's only 125 pounds. >> she did a perfect job. >> a-plus. a motocross riders takes on a cool and scary trick. >> i'm thinking he's landing on his head. >> see the slow-mo shot that will leave you speechless. and -- things get awkward when andrew hales stares at people. you kicked it up a couple notches. >> watch what happens 97
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>> you know what's crazy? watching him in slow motion. almost lakes it look like he's not going to make it right now i'm thinking he's landing on his head. >> he's got complete extension now with his legs through the handlebars, you can see his body contorted. >> you'd have to be a gymnast and a motorcyclist to do this gig. >> here he comes, he's got to pull his legs back through the handlebars, be careful not to hit the handlebars that will throw himself off. >> when i pull my face back without hitting the seat and to the foot or to land on the ground at the same time that the wheel touches is when i know it's a good trick. >> lands this one perfectly. comes down and presses all the way. >> is this part of it?
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>> i think this is part of it. >> it's like, fixing a belt? >> get someone's attention stares at you, isn't it? >> that's what andrew hales did to his peeps at the university. just sat there and stared at them. >> this guys has more ways to be uncomfortable and walk awkward than i think i could have ever thought of. >> that was creepy. >> he kicked it up a couple notches with that. creepiness. >> it that he's peeping around a corner. >> you can see the change on her face. at first she's kind of ha ha, cute, funny and then you see her
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start to pull back. >> what's cool is like unlike most of the videos we do see him reveal that this is a social experiment. >> it's a social experiment, i'm sorry. >> you can't call this a social experiment, this is an anti-social experiment. >> what we're seeing in this video is nicky from the youtube channel, pranksteres in love. she does a channel with her man, john, in the hand, is rufio. >> i was told that rufio was a girl and his name actually is the calypso. and i, i thought all this stuff to breed them and everything and they weren't breeding. >> two lizards weren't doing it and she realized that rufio is actually a guy. that's not the story here. but apparently rudolph yoe doesn't like it when you talk about his sex life. watch this. >> why aren't they breeding? oh my gosh, he just -- ahhhh!
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>> oh! >> right there, it reminds me of a little someone we know. the thing just dumps in her lap. >> oh, my god, he just got fed the biggest meal ever. oh, my god. >> i believe that's probably john in the background. >> i would have been in the bathroom. >> they do a youtube channel, they film a lot of stuff. i think she's frozen in fear because of what her lap looks like. >> it's like a dog poop on my lap. >> i didn't know that lizards could poo that much. i thought like a little tootsie roll toured. >> m surprised you thought about that. >> i've never thought about their poo. >> oh, my gosh, he just -- ahhhh! jamie the bear, mcdonald, wants to break a food-eating record, so --
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they're constant waves, you could just static surf. >> he believes it's much more difficult, you don't have the forward momentum. helps keep you balanced. you have to ride it side to side. >> it requires a lot more strength to be able to see the board exactly where you want it. >> you can't do this all the time on the red cedar river. it's just because they have this kind of flooding. just the perfect amount of flow to keep the suf going and have fun with it. >> joe is 30 years old, a phys ed teacher. it's officially spring, so we, this is how you do it you use a few bobcats. you drive over the ice. and you just -- >> rush.
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>> this is at the duluth curling club. their season is over so now they have to clear out the ice, they use a bucket to crack the ice. and then when when they drive over it, it continues to break up the ice in tiny, tiny pieces. >> it almost looks like it's alive with a personality getting out its aggression on the ice. >> it's so much more fun. >> this is awesome, you go in and crash things with machinery. >> if this isn't an accessory, i don't know what is. >> you betcha. >> the last time we saw jamie, the bear, mcdonald, he was eating the entire hobbit menu at denny's, this time he went to i-hop. he wanted to breaknco pancakes hours. while in missouri, they put 70 pancakes in front of them and watch it go. this video is uploaded to the website of >> you eat some pancakes like one or two and you feel like you
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got a brick in your stomach. >> he's dipping and swigging and eating. >> he's struggling now. >> at one point he sits down and then he gets back up and keeps eating. >> he is at 43 minutes. >> is he done? >> no, he picks one up and that's the last one. >> he broke the i-hop record. >> this is less than an hour and he ate 67 pancakes? >> yes, and the last person took two hours to eat 66. >> that's it, ladies and gentlemen, he's done. >> not feeling very well right now. >> that's it for us at "rtm," we'll see you tomorrow! -- captions by vitac --
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