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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  April 29, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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. hello, everyone, i'm beth troutman. we have great videos and the stories behind them "right this minute." [ music playing ] it's a spectacular bird's eye view after a guy put a camera on a -- and set her free. >> no way! >> a cop pullings over a driver who is not happy about it. >> this is where as an officer i would be petriified. >> see the terrifying scare and how a tough cop survived. if you can snap a photo, then you could be eligible for
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these first modelling competition, the insta- gram revolution that's sure to be a game changer. >> ever want to sleep but you are really hungry. >> you have to do the both at e sameme. >> see the frequenttime flyer with the awesome time management skills. >> put on your jablths, boys, girls, this next video is a little chilly. we will take a flight with this video. the person says this is my mock shinta. over the winter, he occasionally put it on her head and set her free. >> no way? >> yes, this is a bird's eye view of thenetter lan in the winter time. >> oh, we went in for the attack. >> oh. >> watch out. >> that was a bunny. that's right. this hawk is a bird of prey. so they make it in this vchltd
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we don't see the results. we just know it's a doa. >> how do you train that hawk to come back? >> the owner has a glove on his arm. so this hawk has been trained. there is a tiny camera. >> i want a hawk now. >> how neat would that be? >> you can see how low it gets to the ground and look how high up it is, like way over these senses, though. you are really getting an amazing bird's eye view. it's chasing other birds. >> that's like air-to-air combat right there. [ music playing ] >> shinta thank you for giving us a bird's eye view of the netherlands in the wenter. amazing stuff. this next video just released might make you sick or mad, too. this is from port saint st. lucie in north florida. what you are about to see on
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this camera in the hallway is rodriguez wilson. he was attacked beaten. grade. he says some of the guys that attacked him he considered his friends. they are punching him, at one point hitting him with a belt. she a lot summarily than these guys. >> he is so much smaller, there is four guy, five guys? >> in all, six juveniles were arrests after this people are also talking about what happens later in the video. this is a teacher at north port. the group of teachers have him by the neck. they are leading him down the hallway and the teacher kind of walks by and doesn't do anything, which is why a lawyer for williams says it is very concerning the boys had
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you know, who didn't notice five or six kids out of their classrooms unaccounted for. >> take a look at some of these beautiful photos of some gorgeous women all insta- gram photos. the plus-size fashion magazine blink joined force tws a model agency model one for the first self beat modelling competition. they have issued social media. people post it to insta- gram. they've already gotten hundreds of entries. that's what you are looking at. >> they're looking for size
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12-models. 12-plus models. >> is there lighting or angles? it has to be a self beat with all the resoirss on insta- gram? >> there is a self guide. no duck faces allowed. have a youthful background, possible good natural lighting. they want to real photo. >> it's a really exciting way to get people involved because it's opening the doors to everyone. you don't have as to walk into a modelling agency. this is how it starts. >> now, if you are interested and you want to give it a shot. go to insta- gram hughesing #make me a mold one kirby. this competition closes at the beginning of june. this person could actually become the next plus-size model that's gracing the runway, magazine covers, modelling for clothing line. >> this is all about confidence, all about but years all about beauty of the real woman.
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what better way than to get a better image, a self portrait. >> i'm shocked neither one of these guys ended up dead after this video. take a look. this red car has just been pulled over by a police officer for speed. the guy immediately gets out of his car, approaches the officer. that man is matthew scott wheeler. you see him jerk his arm away from the officer. the officer follows him back to the car. this is where as an officer, i would be petriified. rod steps in front of the vehicle. >> oh! >> he takes off running down the officer. don't worry, a few second later, you see the officer run back, jump in his car, now, of course, there is a pursuit. no sight of wheeler, until this. >> oh. >> coming right at the officer. there's a small bump. he turns the car around, continues to chase until wheeler ditches the car in his own front yard. again, you see him getting out
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of his car. at the officejacket again c within i said i was surprised nobody was killed, i don't know how the officer didn't discharge the officer was not seriously injured in the case. >> do park in his front yard. it seems like a lot of rage for, what is simply been a speeden infraction. now, he faces charges of assault with a dangerous weapon, assaulting a police officer, third degree fleeing and eluding and malicious destructio of police property the car. >> i'm glad he's off the road. it's a scary moment when a car takes a hit that -- >> send them spinning running into other traffic. >> oh my god. >> the spinout that was one big freakout. and he's the little boy singing big hits.
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[ musiplayg ] >> and, of course, it went viral. >> he has the voice of an angel. >> see the performance
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well come back to the show. you can see today's videos and more all day long. two russian dash-cam videos with a little bit of a different perspective, for the most part, they cap cured someone else's accident. well in this case. >> oh, my god! >> aahhh. >> the people in the car were involved in the accident, but it looks like someone hit them, sent them spinning, running into other traffic. they finally end up spinning. we get a shot of the other people in the accident. a woman is screaming.
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it also sounds like there is a child in the car and they narrowly missed that 18-wheeler. >> thankfully, it doesn't lk like ayet. it looked like it had a whole lot of force. >> here's another video in which we really are going to see something we never see this man driving this car pulls up, sees this kid trying to cross the street. so he actually uses good manners. he sees some cars coming. some cars going, around the car that actually stopped. >> so there's cars going around this guy who is stopped. that's really dangerous, because those cars can't see if somebody is walking. >> they're rude, so if you are there, the guy pulls his emergency brake, gets out of the car and motions with his hand and sed says, you know what, i'll help you across the street, little buddy. >> that is an incredible man right there. >> that's the first russian dash-cam video ever. the sea gull --
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>> you know, i feel sorry for justin bieber because this competition is getting younger . [ music playing ] >> yes, so those goose bumps were given to you by a boy in the phillipines. this video was posted of him accepting luther van dross' hit "dance with my father," he is singing with an acoustic guitar and it's been viral. his pitch is dead-on, his beautiful vobrado.
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he has an amazing voice ♪ i'll sing you a song that will never, ever -- ♪ how a man's love for ♪ a man's love for dancing with his father again ♪ >> i can't wait to go to his concert. >> i can't wait. it's going to be awesome. [ music playing ] ♪ this is the love >> arguably the most interesting character on a & e's popular show "duck dynasty." uncle cy robinson. >> people are running around, fix them all up. pop this guy out of the tree. >> so the bengal tiger drags him off. >> cy was recently doing a bit of a commercial shoot for the flex stone black rats, which are
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like fauxantlers to simulate two bucks fighting to attract other deer tmt folks from blackstone knew that cy was a pretty interesting dude, but they weren't ready for all the stuff that cy was going to say. >> for 2 buck, you get the gunner. they do this. then they wrestle them. okay. they're trying to take each other out. >> sometimes it's hard to pick up what he's actually saying. >> we got a serious fit going on here. >> but think, i think, is his gem. >> so far we got four laps. okay. that's pro found, okay. it's not gum. >> it's like gum, double your pleasure. >> hey, black lacks, jack. we're checking in for some real or fake videos. >> bring it on! >> first, dude opens his door 20 an angry swarm of bees.
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>> the bees look real. the sound is terrible. >> then it's a soda explosion that falls at. >> yes. we fainted. >> we are breaking it down, ream or attack? next. çó
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[ music playing ] time to check in with matt this time! whew! >> bring it on. thank you, guy, very much.
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>> the first video cong now. [ music playing ] >> it's warm out here. >> wow! . >> now, that sound terrible. >> that sound is the sound of race cars speeding past at a racetrack. >> these look real, the sound is terrible. >> if there is any fake elements in the video, then it's going to be a fake. >> fake. >> fake. >>let put it to you both, if you guys notice our new sweet voting wijt right here. >> i'm going to write fake. you are right, the people will agree. it's real. >> i love. all right. video number two... >> oh. >> all real. >> why not? >> almost got too high to be real. i say real. >> what do you say, matt? >> i'm going with real.
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but there is a part here where it could have been set up and there is no way of knowing, but >> people with do amazing things like get i'm still saying real. >> here it comes. >> video number three... [ music playing ] >> oh. oh. oh. oh! kyle! >> i'm so sorry. >> terribling aing. fake. >> let's say she put her face in the stream of soda. >> yeah. attack. >> definitely fake. >> people out there making fake videos better kick it up a couple of notches. >> this is poor. we're like the moms of the internet. we always know what's going on. >> all right. >> nice new feature, too, by the way.
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>> i love. yeah. >> cats that actually like water. . residents in central london heard an explosion. one woman stuck her head out the woend to see what it was. you look at the corner of the this sidewalk, you see a man with a jacket. watch what he caught in his 3 seconds of video. >> oh! >> that guy was so close, too. >> she was standing right next to that hole, just narrowly missed getting injured from this health and safety officials say that's a faulty powerline, a high voltage power line under ground that had some sort of
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fault in it and triggered this explosion. there were three total explosionts. the first one that made the hole, that ppened before the video existed. the pla, one smaller one right after. listen. >> oh my god! >> wait, the explosion actually blew a whole through the sidewalk? it's not like it blew a manhole cover off? it made hole? >> i believe it made a hole. i'm not sure if there was some sort of utility cover there or not. in any case, you can see the damage the initial blast caused. if you listen it to, it has that sort of electrical zap to it, too. >> oh my god. >> this affected power to about 200 people, just for a brief time. i didn't knock out power very long. they got it back up. nobody was injured in this. >> remote control copters take flight. not for long. >> oh, man. .
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>> guys. i think this is, by far, the coolest musical instrument invented we've seen in a while. [ music playing ] >> what the heck is it? >> it's called a wheel hark. it gives the player the ability to orestrate a scale of 61 actual bow strings
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so you can sound like a string orchestra. it's one instrument. >> they had this a long time, it's called a keyboard. >> it sound better than a string-like sound, this is using the string. we are talking boeing on strings. -- bowing on strings. it's all happening like this. it also comes in a more linear traditional keyboard form. it will cost you anywhere around $9900 bucks. so around $12,000 bucks. a long flight from cancun, mexico to baltimore can be exhausting. it can leave you hungry. how do you deal with that? >> this little darling. >> you have to do both at the same time. >> sleeping and eating. >> we found this on juken video. this cute little munchkin is asleep on his seat. as you can see, his eyes are
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closed. he is probably dreaming about something awesome right now. he keeps struggling to eat the chicken. it's almost there. can you do it. k mon. he keeps trying and finally he gets it in there. he takes a bite and then watch this. >> man, this guy had too much fun. >> it was so wild, he can't even remember where he; what he's doing. >> he leave itself whole nugget hanging out of his mouth. >> when you wake up with a chicken finger hanging out of your mouth, you had a god night. >> toward the end of the video, a chunk finally falls, but, yeah. >> it's such a trip. this is the one you want next to you, behind you or in front of you on the flight. he's like, i'm out. he checked out. >> that's awesome. how not to mount a horse.
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>> you know, you think if you were having motor problems or engine problems, you wouldn't attempt flying. this guy's got his tricopter drone, meaning there are three propellers. you can hear the motors having a bit of trouble. you can't quite seem to get it to take off. he jostles around, jostles around, eventually, it jumps up in the air. my guess is this isn't coming in for a crash laning. >> oh, man. >> the one motor that was having trouble, it came tumbling down to the ground and sort of a pathetic loo little beep thing. >> thank goodness there were no passengers aboard. >> another drone video. this is the past spy drones.
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once it gets up to altitude what do you see? >> aah. >> the thing is getting attacked by bees. >> wow! >> look at this scene. >> are these killer bees? >> i don't know if they're killer bees or no. they're probably trying to attack the thing, what the heck is this giant bug out here let's get him. they're getting diced up in tho those rotors. >> that's our show, everybody, tune in for the next edition of "right this minute." [ music playing ]
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it's time for "the wendy williams show." the lovable tyler james williams joins us. 9 plus sandra lee cooks up a deliciously deck cant dessert. and wendy has the latest juicy celebrity "hot topics." and now, here's wen dip. [ cheers and applause ]


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