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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  May 6, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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hello, everybody. i'm beth trautman. it's a new week and we have great new videos, "right this minute." >> a leopard and an impala, they are locked together and they are not dancing, my friends. see the epic battle that comes with a surprise ending. this is not a stunt man, but -- >> he went two miles on the hood of this car. >> stupid woman could kill a man. we've got the story behind the astounding video. it all started when a trash picker in a slum used garbage to make instruments for the kids in
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this community. now meet the woman determined to turn the beautiful story into a film. >> i was hoping to be the messaenger that could bring thi out to the world. >> and a mama raccoon is separated from her babies. how an expert finally found them in that big wall. >> oh, we have a winner. it's a boy. >> about to witness the animal kingdom at its fiercest. we've got ourselves a leopard and we've got ourselves an impala, and they are dancing, my friends. this is a wrestling match and a lot of times it ends with the leopard on top. but keep your eyes close to this one. because that impala is quite a bit bigger than the leopard. you can see the leopard has like his claws and his jaws around the impala's neck. the impala is still maintaining,
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but watch how this thing ends. they tussle around on the ground. roll around on the ground, the impala trying to get this thing off him. oh, takes off, and breaks up. a rare happy ending. a lot of times when we see these videos we have to say what you are about to see is graphic. the leopard usually takes the impala here, they take off in opposite directions. >> i think the leopard expended all its energy. >> the impala had a face full of claw and teeth. could not feel good. but that's one you tell your buddies about, go run back to your herd. you should see what i just did, bro. go back to the heard, ladies, who just kicked leopard ass! and the leopard, on the down low. nobody saw that. >> this is not a stuntman. he is a dry cleaner. call them yet?y to be alive.
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>> the person taping did you call the police? eldon is occupied. this happened in roswell, georgia. a woman in the parking lot hit his wife's suv. he told her to stop and instead she celebrate esel accelerated in front of the car. >> this stupid woman could kill a man because she doesn't want to face the reality of a small fender bender. >> she told wstb i'm lucky to be alive. the woman didn't mean to hurt her, but she didn't stop. >> did you call the police. yeah, buddy, i pulled out my cell phone. could you maybe do it for me? >> did you call them yet? did you call the police? >> amazing this guy was able to make it out okay. but he said "i am very, very
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lucky." and i say, yes, eldon, you are. >> is she now facing charges because of this? >> police say if they find her, they will charge her with aggravated assault. they did say her license plate was from alabama, and they know it's a woman, but they are looking for her. she has yet to be found. >> i will. a tornado hit northern italy, and the videos of the tornado are rolling in. this is one of them. you see the beautiful italian landscape. green trees, when the camera pans up, you see this massive cloud with a funnel forming right below it. >> this is another video that shows the tornado with a much thinner, longer funnel. now, according to some reports, the tornado was only about 30 miles an hour, but it did cause a lot of damage to buildings and it came with hail, which
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apparently also caused some injuries, but no fatalities. >> apparently in this part italy, tornadoes like this are very rare. >> i'm one of the people driving we saw in the first video, and i see that thing out my windshield, i'm just putting the pedal to the medal the other direction. >> another video that shows the funnel really close to a building. >> that is scary, looks like some sort of portal. >> i'm always glad somebody gets video of this, but i don't know if i would be brave enough to shooting the video. do you have a cellar here? getting caught in slow-moving traffic is frustrating for everybody. we all know that. a rider in atlanta, georgia, with a helmet cam, and you see him staying to the very left side of his lane. this guy is known as chase. likes to stay on the left. anybody on the right starts to move over, he's got room to protect himself, but a taxi cab sees his position and thinks
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it's an opportunity to pass him. in the same lane. >> hey! no! no, you're a [ bleep ] hole! >> the cabbie was riding right on his tail, back off. if i hit my brakes, are you going to plow right into me. that's where the cabbie decides i will try and pass this guy. chase speeds up and says no. >> that's where the problem rises. i get he's trying to send the message. that heightens the danger level here. >> tough call. as a rider, you have to try and give people a signal. you can't talk to them, you have a helmet on, you don't want somebody riding on your butt like that. we reached out to the yellow cab company, and the operations manager said this driver will be spoken to. didn't discuss if there were prior incidents involving this driver. >> you can also see the cab driver signaling with his hand, almost as if saying, sorry,
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dude, get out of my way. >> i understand the frustrations on the road, but keep in mind this guy is out there, not protected by a seat belt and a roll cage. frustrated or not, don't put someone's life in danger like that. >> no, no, no! >> his must attaache moves went viral. they thought this was cool. how they turned to indy go go to give him a big surprise. and a girl decides to go free diving with a great white shark. as soon as she got in the water, got closer than she expected. >> ay, ay, ay! >> see how [ female announcer ] the one for all.
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mcdonald's dollar menu, home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love... and now love two more tastes, the bold hot n spicy mcchicken, and the irresistible new grilled onion cheddar. each just a dollar.
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not so long ago, we showed this video on our show of a homeless gentleman who therew fm the whate r into. this guy's name is clydsedale.
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his real name isdale, he he has a great talent. >> i like to smile. i don't have no teeth. so i play the harmonica. you can't really tell. >> these guys from the whatever youtube channel thought he was really cool, so they set up an indy go go campaign with the goal of $1,000. they raised $3,000. they did an interview with him in april, he talks about when he met his wife on the dance floor, and, unfortunately, how he lost his wife. >> i just lost her. 8/17/11. had a bad accident, fatal accident. >> he talkeds about his kids. >> my kids, i haven't been in touch with any of them. >> in the interview, he said, hey, because you put me on the
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internet, people are stopping him on the street. >> hey, aren't you that? i certainly am. >> the latest video is presenting the money. >> hey, how are you? >> you got to be kidding me? wait a minute. >> $3,000. >> did you know he was doing this? >> there was a complete surprise to him. that is -- i don't know what to say, you guys. >> they gave him a whatever hat and a whatever t-shirt and a custom made t-shirt that says my mustache can boogie. >> love you guys. growing up on an island helps give you some appreciation of the ecosystem and the ocean and waters around you. kimi warner has spent her life spear fishing and getting a real appreciation for what goes on around her and how fish behave. that knowledge helped her truly understand her encounter on this
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day, when she was out studying great white sharks. she slipped into the water after asking the captain if she could free dive. >> i had my head out of water, fixing my marveg as my buddy morgan slipped in after me. >> she got closer than she expected. >> i knew what i was going to see before i even looked. >> ay, ay, ay! >> three feet away from me was the head of the biggest great white i had ever seen. >> all of us gasp, freak out, tense up, get scared. kimi does the exact opposite. >> i let out a squeal and leaned toward her. the way she was moving, her fins out, all of the showed me she wasn't looking at me as prey. >> i wonder if she ever saw "ja "jaws," though. >> she seems calm. i am pretty sure i would pee my pants. >> she started swimming tarred
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me. my hand reached out and connected and we both started to glide together. >> that thing is huge. could probably swallow her, just one bite. >> i know she could have eaten me at any second had she wanted to, but in this moment, we were just two animals, just swimming together. >> right there, you can see she very perfectly fits inside that shark. >> what a moment. >> especially if you were out there to study great whites. >> probably one of the greatest moments of your life. a great mystery solved this week, you guys. somebody heard something in the walls. it was a raccoon. the raccoon was found in the attic, they trapped it a couple of days later, which is i believe most raccoons -- >> not a raccoon. >> not a fan of this raccoon. i can understand her tension. you see she got into the wall of this home and had some babies.
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after she captured her, she wasn't happy. so they called a pest service, little rascals, and matt shows up to rescue these little munchkins in the wall along with mama, and mama is not happy. >> interestingly, he used an infrared scanner to find out exactly where the babies were at. >> that's cool. >> otherwise you have to tear the walls apart. >> she just literally laid them right on top of it. >> now he's got to get them out. >> oh, they still have to drill a hole, but they know exactly where to go. >> the homeowner with the camera, check out what's in there. >> oh, yeah. >> they look cozy. >> he really hit the nail on the head. found them exactly. >> he knew what he was doing. >> cute! >> a winner! it's a boy!
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oh! >> and there is mom. >> they woke them up from a precious, comfortable nap. >> mom and baby were reunited and they will be released away from home, and they can do what raccoons do, get in somebody else's attic and cause problems. a wild close encounter. >> that bear had a big old claw, and got really close to the camera. >> i don't think those things are bear proof. >> next on "right this minute." two race cars go head to head. instead of race cars, they are in giant dump trucks. >> see who comes out on top. >> the pool party where breaking the surface may be sexy. >> don't go, man! >> you got an eight-pack in one slash. >> why this party just is getting started.
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last year i brought you guys the beautiful story of the landfill harmonic. a community, a slum in paraguay, where a very creative garbage picker decided to take recycled items from the landfill and start making instruments for the kids, and they were able to create an orchestra of kids playing instruments made with all recycled materials. >> recycled. it's trash. >> let me remind you how absolutely beautiful the music is.
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>> sounds like you are listening to the new york philharmonic. >> the original video was the trailer to a foreign documentary they have been working on. a kick starter project to try and help finish the filming of this documentary. the kick starter goal is to raise $175,000. they are very chess, and there is very little time left if they don't get to their goal, they won't get any of the money, they really need everyone's support. people have until may 15th. donate between $1 and $10,000. you will get a dvd, a t-shirt, a signed photograph, depending on how much you donate. one of the people behind the project, she is the former wife of steve nash, the nba star player and joining us via skype right this minute. welcome to the show, alejandra. >> thank you for having me. >> why was it such a big deal to
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work on this documentary? >> it was time for me to give back to my country. and it's much bigger than that. in 2009 we started research. in 2010, we started filming. >> tell us about the lessons your kids have learned? >> my kids have been rehearsal with these children, and this is an important lesson on resourcefulness and creativeity. they get excited about the story, they tell the kids in school. there is an amazing amount of awareness. we have been receiving instruments, tour plans and recently a scholarship for one of the kids. most people don't leave the city. when the film is finished, we have found creating chapters of the landfill harmonic in different countries and bringing school to these countries as well. i get so emotional every time i read all of the facebook or the twitter messages, to see that other people can feel the same
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way through the essence of the film and the essence of what the orchestra is doing, the power of the human spirit has no limits and music transsends everything. >> almost the time of the year that people have pool parties. brian and nick, first, just a party with the two of them. and they discover something. >> canon ball. >> oh! >> he discovers when you come out of the water, you break the surface, you always look better. >> try it. >> he goes down, comes up, and quite frankly, way more jacked and good looking. >> an eight-pack in one slash. >> they are like let's take this idea to the next level. a dog over here. >> a trick bradsh showed me.
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>> the dog turns into a sexy gal. >> i had the bright idea, what if the three of us go under the water and come up at the same time. what will happen? will it be too much sexy? >> dangerous. >> it will be worth it. hang on! >> i feel things changing. >> you are going to have to go to our website to find out. a big day for eva, because eva was sent into space. see her journey from l [ female announcer ] safeway presents
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real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. start the fiesta. 12 packs of corona are $11.97. a tasty deal is served. marie callender's meals are $2.00 each. and simply orange oj is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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spunky, cool, fun. but they can also be dangerous, like these people in seattle found out. as these people are crossing the street on their segways, keep an eye on this dude. >> oh, no, oh, no. oh, boy. oh, wow. i have never seen a segway accident like that. i was like, oh, this thing is so fast, please slow down! >> it's impossible to look like a cool guy when you are on a segway. because they are so cool and futuristic, but they -- >> they work when you nod. it looks like he went way too far forward, then way too far back, and then he fell off, and then he -- >> he wasn't paying attention during the lesson.
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>> fortunately, he was wearing a helmet. i think except for his ego, is he probably okay. it looks like it tipped over too. >> take two professional race car drivers, put them in high-powered machinery, what do you get? right. these two guys, craig rounds and jamie win cup, they are race car drivers in australia for the v-8 supercar series, sort of like our nascar, but instead of race cars, they were put in giant dump trucks and asked to race. they had to get in dump trucks, drive it to a pile of dirt, get out of dump truck and use an earth mover to load the dump truck, race over and dump the dump truck. >> trying to keep the bucket away from the dump truck. >> how anticlimactic, used to the speed, power, force and now
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here they are. >> they get the force and power, no speed. >> a little bit of smack talk. >> a little right and reverse left. >> in the end, stopwatch comes up and just by a nose, craig rounds wins this race. >> he had to much ground. >> when you are driving the giant trucks -- >> drive something you never have drove your life, quite amazing. one small step for man, one giant leap for bovines. in particular, a bovine known as eva the cow. eva was sent into space. there is eva on a weather balloon. she is an ambassador from eol, a new zealand internet provider. they launched her from the eastern sierra nevada desert and way up there, 120,000 feet up
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there, probably doing some -- i like that they gave her a nice pasture of grass. >> to snack on. >> and the big moment happens, pop! and now she's like moo! and she's yelling moves to all of the people down there. falls and falls and falls and falls. and she plummets to the earth's surface. >> she did okay. a good thing, she had a lot of padding to brace the fall. >> it took eva's team 18 hours to rescue her from where she was. they found her in the end and able to upload the video of eva's big travels. that
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hi, everybody. i'm beth trautman. we have the videos you have been looking for, "right this minute." cea can got him confronted by a cop. now the dude taken down in a parking lot tells us the whole story. >> have you had any run-ins with this officer before? do you have a record? >> no. i served over five years in the military. a hunter with a close encounter with a bear who is very casually strolling over and doesn't stop. how the two decide to part as


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