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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  May 10, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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only at safeway. ingredients for life. hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos of the day "right this minute." gun battle in miami as a suspect suddenly appears -- >> ambushes the officer. >> how the just released video could have somebody locked up for a long time. amazing new images as that carbon chopper ditches in the sea. >> now we have video from the helicopter. >> see the gut check moment the test flight went down. >> an art student endures a
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scathing review. but -- >> she seems to have heard enough of the class critique. >> i spend so much time on these [ bleep ] projects. >> now find out if teddy's freakout is real or fake. >> this is [ bleep ]. >> and one talented son creates -- >> a very special tribute to mom. >> how he put the dub step back in her day. ♪ surveillance video of an incident that happened in miami last july. i will warn you this is very graphic. this video released this week because it's part of an ongoing court case. you see a man come out of the house and get into this bmw in the driveway. shortly after he gets into that car, miami-dade narcotics debtives and fbi approach this house. as they come up the driveway another man comes out of the house. the discussion with this man escalates rather quickly and they move over to the side of the driveway. at that moment, the man who had
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initially gotten into the car in the driveway gerard delgado gets out and ambushes the officer. has a gun, starts firing. detectives return fire. delgado takes cover behind a tree but able to shoot several more times, striking that detective three times. that's detective john sevadra shot three times, runs around and takes cover behind the suv in the driveway. delgado is still armed, still hanging on to that tree but another officer in the back behind that red pick-up truck in the distance takes one final shot that drops delgado. >> wow. >> you can see he had already been wounded. there's blood soaking the side of his shirt. >> it seems by his actions that he was trying to hide something. >> detectives did get a tip that this house was a grow house. police later said they found 80 pounds of marijuana inside this house worth about $90,000.
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delgado did die in this incident. this video was released this week because it's used as a key piece of evidence against the first man. the detective did recover from his wounds. he's not back on the force but out of the hospital. earlier this week, nick brought us a video of the world's first carbon fiber helicopter making a test run in auckland, new zealand. it had to make an emergency landing in the sea. pretty terrifying. the pilot a co-piot were uni helicopter. this carbon fiber helicopter had two go pros attached to it during this first test run. you actually see the tail tilt downward as it goes in for that emergency landing. you see the water splash all around this helicopter. and then we watch this helicopter sink into the ocean.
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>> oh. >> hear the jet engines pulling down still. >> as the water sucks the helicopter down. the pilot was peter maloney. the co-pilot nina heatley. >> amazingly [ inaudible ]. >> everything went as it should do in condition like that and we both managed to get out of the aircraft without any injuries. >> how cool is this, that they were able to capture this moment because they thought about putting go pros on the helicopter. >> the reason we were over the water is because we are still in our flight evaluation phase if you like. up until now the helicopter has been flying really well. >> i love how we have new technology with new technology on it to tell us what happens when this kind of stuff goes down. >> hearing it and seeing it, it's terrifying. things have not been completely peaceful in bangladesh where protesters have been getting it into with police. this video is a parking lot where you don't want your car to be. these protesters are banging in the windows of these cars.
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that's not all they're going to do. you see right here, somebody takes something out of the car, but then you sees the flames start. >> what did these cars do? >> the group is very religious, against secularism, they went to the government to be more traditionally islamic and are protesting. this was precipitated by the death of a bus driver. a bus driver was in a bus. there were protests after 15 bombs went in. the police were using tear gas and rubber bullets and hit the bus driver. >> isn't that car on fire? this is dangerous to set a car on fire around the other cars and they're all staying within close proximity. >> that's not the only two cars that go up. keep watching this video there are more cars that catch fire. >> is this a government parking lot? >> like really? okay. these are protests but whose cars are these? >> this basically is shutting down the capital. there was a strike until noon because no bus drivers wanted to
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work. >> and now they're burning the cars. they're not going to be getting anywhere. >> people could be seen huddliig at bus stops or walking to work. protests going on at the same time. not the time you want to be out in the streets in bangladesh. >> survivor 2:00 begin the hoist. >> see coast guard swimmer chad watson and he is helping 72-year-old trevor wilson. he was about 70 miles east of the coast of north carolina. what he told the coast guard over the radio is he had been unconscious for seven hours and he believed that after hitting a series of storms he had fallen and hit his head. >> and hold. >> they put him in one of the baskets and load him up on to the helicopter where we see he is now safe. >> swimmer is doing well. >> turns out that he had started his boat trip in the east coast of europe. he crossed the ek ca torl currents, he came up to the
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caribbean. his last stop antigua and planning to head to little creek, north carolina. >> this man is in his 70s and sailing the world by himself. >> wtkr talked to chad and he says that mr. wilson is very much a survivor. >> he was a great survivor. all in all it with you a really good day. >> it's amazing he came to and had the wherewithal to call in for help and make sure he was rescued. after a head hit that causes you to be unconscious for seven hours i imagine there would be a great deal of confusion once you came to. >> he did end up activating his emergency beacon. when they finally communicated with him via radio that's when he shared with the coast guard what he had been through. man notices something parked on a draw bridge. >> when they start raising the thing up. >> see what comes crashing down. and some dudes show off their parkour skills by --
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>> flipping and flying all over this dream cruise ship. >> flipping and flying all over this dr[ female announcer ] the one for all. mcdonald's dollar menu, home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love... ♪ ...and other amazing tastes, for just a dollar each. ♪ like the bold hot n spicy mcchicken, and the new grilled onion cheddar burger topped with caramelized onions and melted white cheddar. everyday, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu.
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i've always wanted to see this. what would happen if a car got stuck on a draw bridge when they start raising the thing up? it happened in rotterdam at the top on the left. and the draw bridge is slowly lifting up, u operator not see this? >> it's starting to slide. >> there he goes. >> oh, no! >> that was a quad or something, wasn't it? >> that was a quad. yes a four-wheel quad. >> i got to see what i've always wanted to see. >> where's the writer in all of this. >> it was just parked on that side of the bridge. no one was injured. >> here's the aftermath. these images were taken by jeff
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wardenberg in rotterdam when this happened and as you can see, the quad, i don't know if it's completely destroyed. the tires seem like they're still useful. >> the next thing i want to see is the opposite, a car be able to jump the draw bridge like "dukes of hazard" style. >> yesterday i brought you guys this video out of norwalk, connecticut. >> get lost. get lost. >> i will -- >> i tell you -- >> let me [ bleep ]. >> an argument between a ups driver and a woman. it got pretty heated at one point. you see the ups driver, it seems as though he physically slapped this woman and the fight ends up in the street. this is all recorded by a neighbor alerted to this event because of the ruckus being called because he could hear it. i have more on this story. >> hey! >> according to reports, this ups driver was out delivering his packages when he came upon a scene with the woman we see in
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this video and another woman. they were apparently in a car arguing with each other and that was disrupting the neighborhood. in fact, there were some children who were scared of the fight that was happening between these two, so the ups driver decided to take it upon himself to calm the situation down. that did not go over well with the woman in the video. 32-year-old tiffany will. police were notified about this situation. the ups driver was not arrested. was not charged. but 32-year-old tiffany wills was for misdemeanor breach of peace. >> i hope the ups driver doesn't get in trouble from ups for his actions. >> we did reach out to ups. they train their drivers to stay in the vehicle, close the doors and call the police when necessary. but ups determined this driver was defending himself in the situation and they say no further action will be taken. >> [ bleep ]. get the [ bleep ] out of here.
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get the [ bleep ] out of here. time for a brocation. they're headed off a cruise. the line is long. they want to get on board already. it's parkour time. past the security guards, flip and flying all over this thompson platinum dream cruise ship. >> is this an ad for the cruise? because they seem to be going over some of the most beautifully decorated areas of the cruise ship. >> it is a promotion for thompson cruises put together by 3run media. super cool ad because they're running through the lido deck, restaurants, over the rails, down the sides of the ship all the time being chased by a couple of security guards who can't seem to catch up with them. >> am i supposed to believe that if i go on one of these cruises, it's going to be full of gorgeous handsome men running all over. i'm totally in. >> if that's what you get from
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this, the ad worked. >> i like they went through the auditorium. >> i guess a cruise ship would provide them a lot of surfaces to parkour and keep it a little challenging. i'm in. >> at the end they pop the shirts off, and you get a good look there. >> yep, thank you very much. calderon. >> a few buddies head out to hook some. >> they weren't the only ones fishing. >> how killer whales come up for a tug of war. >> and a rapper shows off his ordering skills. >> ♪ with a philly chicken >> thinking of the poor person working there. i got footlong - ./ú =/v8s mçói
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sometimes hearing criticism isn't always the easit thing to get through. he weddy, up in front of the class showing off her recent painting. >> the way that kind of goes against everything i was taught. >> she continues to describe why she put the red band across the eyes. >> blinded like maybe someone dropped something -- >> after she's done describing her piece the floor opens up to critique. >> i feel like the line, it should be, i don't know, like a solid color. >> i think it looks like underworked art. >> like people are untrained. ultimate like inmate peop-- >> she seems to have heard
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enough critique and offers her own opinion. >> [ bleep ]. i'm sorry but like i spent so much time on these [ bleep ] projects. this is [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> and out the door she goes. >> was this real? >> looks like it to me. to ask a few questions we have the artist teddy joining us via skype. real or fake? >> this is fake. >> performance art. >> the whole idea behind this piece we were given an assignment on our senior critiques class and the assignment was do something and work in a medium you had never worked with before. for me that was performance art. i was thinking of culture today and what people really pay attention to and what draws in a viewer. a lot of times that's someone just acting crazy.
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by painting a painting that i knew would get bad critiques in my class, there was only one person who knew about it and that's the girl who's filming it. those are real opinions people have on the work. i was able to show the frustration of having people look at something that's so personal to you and then saying, it looks like an inmate did it. and then have a response on the outside that mirrors the internal response, which is to go crazy. >> did you come back into class and take a bow? >> that's literally what i did. i said, thank you for letting me perform for you. then the real critique started about the performance. a part of the art itself isn't necessarily the video, but it's the response that the masses have on this video, not knowing whether it's art, not knowing whether it's fake, not knowing whether it's real. and seeing all those opinions jumbled together creates a
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discussion. ♪ >> i'm dropping a beat. >> here we go. >> few buddies on a fishing trip off the coast of nur zeland. they weren'ts the only ones fishing. >> notice this guy's fishing pole is bentlm fishing for their fish. >> oh. >> look at them. there they are. >> these killer whales are coming up in pods. they're seeing the fish being reeled in by these fishermen. they're grabbing at the tails of these fish and playing a game of tug of war if you will. >> easy pickings for these or kas. >> grabbing at the fishtail. not getting near the hook. they're smart enough to know what they're doing. >> go. >> one of the best things about this video, the audio. listen to how they're reacting to this. >> i can see him. he's going down. oh. oh. >> oh! >> is that a line reeling out we're hearing.
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>> yes. >> that is the line being dragged out to sea in the mouth of a killer whale. >> expecting that thing to start smoking. >> watch how close they get to this boat. >> oh. >> here comes the fish and here comes the whale. >> look at this right here. off you [ bleep ]. >> thank goodness they had the camera running. nobody would have believed the story, i don't think. >> admit you suck at fishing. really it was a killer whale. >> they are jolly old chaps about it. >> look at that that's a big [ bleep ] that one. this mama's got moves. >> she's freaking cool. i like her. >> see how she does the dub step next.
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you guys know the song. ♪ i only got $20 in my pocket >> deejays bart and baker got ahold of it and remixed it. >> here we go. >> scott bradley in post modern jukebox need to make a individual to go with it. ♪ only got $20 in my pocket ♪ this is the remix >> he found these old videos featuring cab callaway and pot of gold and this is what you get. >> i love it.
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>> i think this is great. >> i like this better. >> the dancing clips they found like weirdly fit with the music. >> yeah. >> looks like these people are really dancing to this remix. >> i hope this brings big bands back. we need restaurants with big bands and dancing and tap dancing and dancing. it's like instagram for a hip-hop song. >> we've had videos on the show before, australian rapper bilal rapping his order at mcdonald's. ♪ no coke give me sprite and don't forget the big mac sauce on the side with the extra fries it's like i haven't eaten in days ♪ >> he raps his entire order. the video went viral. at it again at a subway, he is inside right in front of the counter and when they ask him what kind of bread? ♪ can i get a footlong because i love the taste ♪ ♪ can i get it toasted with the philly chicken ♪ ♪ everybody looking at me like i'm tripping ♪
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>> this guy is really good but thank the lord it's not required to order your subway sandwiches like this. >> i was thinking of the poor person working there. so i got foot long. what else did you want? >> repeat the core russ? ♪ hip-hop the way i'm feeling it ♪ ♪ even though it's a rap >> you're entertained while listening to this guy, wow this is cool. then you realize, oh, you wanted all that? ♪ i'm fresh >> that's the beauty of a rapper. they can freestyle anywhere at any time with any topic. >> when they present the sandwich to them, be you've been served. ♪ would like a cookie or two but i don't need the calories ♪ >> just in time for mother's day we have a special tribute to mom. that's mom laura song doing her
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mom thing as this mom is pretty darn awesome. ♪ >> oh. >> dub stepmom. ♪ >> she is the same mom that did the gangnam style with her son a long time ago, right? >> excellent memory. she is also the gangnam style mom. she's freakin' cool. >> i like her. she's awesome, sassy, one cool mama. >> she is. >> was she a dancer or does she just have moves? >> apparently she is not a trained dancer. the gangnam video was the first thing mike had taught his mom. >> i love this time she is sort of in costume. they thought about her wardrobe. got a cool funky hat. studs on her shirt. >> she's in the studio this time too. the backdrop, the dancers, they choreographed moves. i mean this whole thing, this is
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a big production put together by mike song. >> what will you get your mom this year? not going to get you anything. how about 8 million hits. >> what i love about her, even though she's fun she still has the mom look. >> this is a tribute to the best mom ever. >> i wonder after they were done shooting mike go clean your room. >> that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time.
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wendy williams show." today, hot talk with sharon carpenter, adam conover and ali fedotowsky. plus, must-have gifts more mom. and wendy's got the latest juicy "hot topics." now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ]


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