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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  May 17, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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most helpful people in the village if anything. >> reporter: she was most recently a branch manager. but it was at this u.s. bank that she spent most of her career dating back to 1983. it is here where she started ripping off her most loyal customers for 1.3 million. >> 1.3 million. >> i thought we were starting to be good friends. >> reporter: not wanting to be identified, she says that she forged her name on multiple checks. >> how much money did she take from you. >> $43,000. >> reporter: in one case, according to investigators a cd totaling $972,000 dwindled down to $353,000. u.s. bank says it was tipped off by a wealth manager who noticed the client's statement appeared altered. she is now in custody charged with money laundering. her bail is set at 1.6 million. >> i took my mom out to dinner
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numerous times. looking back, that's the sick part because she was basically praying on my mom. >> the d.a.'s office says that she is in jail right now and set to enter a plea next week. >> developing news now out of south san jose where the bomb squad is responding to reports of a grenade inside of a home. news chopper 2 is over the scene. a robot has set up sand bags possibly to neutralize the grenade. bomb squad swat team people here in the picture, live pictures over the scene now. police are telling us that they're not sure if the grenade is live or inert. nearby homes are being evacuated as a precaution. we will continue to follow this developing story and bring you new information. there you can see a lot of police cars there on the screen live. this is in sat san jose.
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bomb squad reporting reports of a grenade found inside of a home. a deadly shooting on interstate 880 claimed the lives of two men 30 minutes after the warriors game last night. the two men were hit with bullets. investigators don't know why the men were targeted and their names have not been released. witnesses say a dark suv pulled up and opened fire at about 10:30 last night. it all happened on northbound interstate 880 near jackson street. investigators are looking at surveillance video recorded near the arena hoping to find clues. patty lee is live in oakland where lawmakers discussed strategies to tackle gun violence. >> reporter: the shooting deaths of those two young men focused the un olence is a goal
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that lawmakers say cannot be achieved without a plan. >> we had a shooting last night on the 880 freeway. the number one problem in the city of oakland is there are too many guns. >> reporter: that according to leslie brooks. for oakland mayor, too many guns is just part of the problem. the root of her frustration is at the laws of local government do not have enough teeth and that needs to change. >> maybe allow me to make it a huge fine to sell a gun illegally to a minor or dangerous person in the city. >> reporter: state officials are joining forces with local leaders in the east bay to turn years of tough talks of gun violence into focused action by changing state law. >> it's not as good as having a federal law, but it's taking state laws and making it tougher. >> reporter: residentshave taken on the responsibility of taking back their streets.
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today local leaders say they are behind them. >> until we start addressing where those guns come from, who has them, how they are transferring hands, we will not get a grip on this problem. >> reporter: this afternoon's hearing was organized by state assembly man bond who represents oakland and chairs the gun violence committee in the east bay. it is the first hearing of its kind and the first of several to be held across the street. patty lee, channel 2 news. >> the port of oakland is closed down tonight after the death of a veteran worker there. it happened about 1:30 this afternoon alongside a berth in the outer harbor when a pickup truck somehow fell into the water. the only person inside was the driver. friends say he was 79 years old and had worked at the port for 50 years. >> he was like a dad to all of us. it's a very, very sad thing that should not have happened. >> we ask that you can add this brother into your prayers this
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evening and his family and the a limit w family. this is a big loss to us. >> the victim's name has not been made public. no word yet on how the truck ended up in the water. police are trying to identify a man found dead and figure out how he died. the body was found near an apartment complex on hudson court near summersville and buchanan roads. officers spent the morning questioning people in the neighborhood. investigators haven't said anything about the race or age of the man or whether the death is connected to reports of gunshots heard in the area overnight. >> an elementary school teacher in campbell is in jail tonight accused of praying on teens for sex. blair contacted what he believed was a 13-year-old minor over the internet and arranged to meet for sex. but the teen was actually an undercover police officer. police arrested blair when he arrived at a san jose park to meet the teen.
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investigators say they haven't found any victims at old orchard school but they are reaching out to the previous employers of blair. >> we have new information tonight about the deadly limousine fire that claimed five lives. we have learned that it could be a week and a half before the chp releases its report on what caused the tragedy. it is prompting some companies to make safety changes. one company has ordered larger fire extinguishers and window hammers in case passengers get trapped. it has removed child safety locks from all of the lem owes. >> the italian team is taking the lead in asking for stepped up precautions for the america's cup on san francisco bay. ktvu noel walker joins us with a list of things that the testimony wants in place before they set sail. >> reporter: a security guard on the site asked if they were leaving. there were rumors that the team
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might be leaving the race. the answer is no. their ac72 boat is behind the doors of the hangar right there. the team is making some recommendations for this race. it's been a week since an accident on the bay killed british sailor andrew simpson. there have been a lot of questions since then about whether or not there would be changes made to the boats or whether teams would drop out. today the leader of the luna rosa came to say that yes the italians are still in the race for now. they want the america's cup review committee -- he was at the meeting of the review committee this morning and he says the committee said they would make some recommendations but they don't want any responsibility foreman dating any changes to this race. the history of the america's cup by the way is that the teams decide on race rules.
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italian owner felt that the other teams were sitting back and waiting for others to make changes. today luna rosa put recommendations on the table. >> the first thing is to improve the safety of the sailors and for that we are thinking of improving the helmets, introducing the body armors. we want weather ambulance. we want the professional divers to be ready. we want the paramedics to be on the water for the iser advices of all all the sailors. >> reporter: we got a look at some of that safety equipment today that includes body armor and a small oxygen tank that would give sailors a few minutes if they were submerged under the water. the italian team says they will be using those items during the race. they want to stay with the same class of boat. the ac72. they do not want to change the
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kind of boat. they would however like to change the wind limits and shift those down. to what, they don't know because they haven't had this ac72 out on the water yet to find out the limits it can take. noel walker, channel 2 news. >> state officials are reviewing their focus on water safety to improve water safety. in sacramento today the california department of boating and water ways urged boaters, passengers, even pets to wear life jackets. >> in a boat anybody under the age of 13 needs to wear a life jacket. anybody being towed behind a boat, whether it's waterski, knee boarding, they have to wear a life jacket. >> there were 53 boating fatalities last year. california's current tax surplus will amount to more money than the governor
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predicted. the analyst said today that the state will be able to hang on to 3.2 billion of a current 4.5 billion surplus. governor brown said he expected most of that money would be off set by future tax loss because of the shruggish economy. but analysts say he is wrong and that the state should sees the opportunity to put money away for a rainy day. >> a drop in california's unemployment rate. the jobless rate fell to 9% in april. it's also the lowest point since november 2008. the number of unemployed fell about 3,000 since april of 2012. but 1.7 million californians remain unemployed. here is the bay area, all nine counties reported unemployment rates considerably lower than the state average. they ranged from a high of 8.1 in solano county. >> this weather is only going
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to get better for the weekend. >> plus this bark and its findings is one of the reasons to remove trees from the area. >> right after the break -- >> he is cooperating, you guys. stop. >> the circumstances surrounding an on campus arrest that have students upset. >> they could have handled it better. you kids should count yourselves lucky.
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>> he's cooperating. stop. >> the students at san francisco state are reactingto a dorm room scuffle with police last night. dozens of activists rallied on campus saying that officers overreacted when they arrested six people in a dorm room. police say they had received a report of public drunkness. but a student living in the
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dorm says that she had invited the group to stay after they were removed from a church earlier this week. the university has not received any official complaints as yet. >> it's not a i don't know that you generally associate with fema but the agency has put tree cutting in berkeley and the oakland hills on its agenda. ktvu's john is live in the oakland hills with the danger that fema want to eliminate and the fight being waged to fight it. >> reporter: this is claremont county, an area filled with fire danger. but officials are looking to take out 85,000 of the most fire prone trees. the oakland hills are covered with trees, much of which are eucalyptus. city of oakland, the university of california and regional parks are trying to secure millions of dollars to cut down 85,000 trees to mitigate the fire danger. fire storm. are ripe for a
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the eucalyptus and fine trees are a major contributing factor. >> reporter: the 1991 fire propertied the project. 25 people were killed and thousands of homes destroyed. >> the berkeley hills and all the way to the oakland hills are probably the most extreme and dangerous place for fire in anyplace in the bay area. >> reporter: project supporters are especially concerned about eucalyptus. >> because of their fuel load and their behavior in a fire, casting embers, burning exclusively, burning vigorously. >> reporter: but opponents argue that removing the trees won't accomplish anything. >> what amounts to a strong personal viewpoint on what foliage should or shouldn't be in the area is in our view a terrible misuse of public funds. >> reporter: they're concerned about the proposed use of herbcide to make sure that the stumps are dead. >> the use of the chemical in a watershed area. >> reporter: the mayor wants
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the trees removed. >> particularly the eucalyptus, they're like bombs. they just explode. >> reporter: the last meeting for a public comment on the $7 million prong is set for tomorrow morning at 10:00. >> surveillance cameras, a ban on backpacks and extra police will all be in place for the beta breakers race. these are part of the security measures being put in place in wake of the boston marathon bombings. >> reporter: frank, one of the most noticeable aspects at this year's race won't just be the portable security cameras or the 20 percent more police officers along the route. what will be noticeable is what will be banned. organizers had already outlawed alcohol. backpacks bigger than 8 and a half by 11 inches are not
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allowed. this of course stems from the boston marathon bombing and fears that a dangerous did i vice could be smuggled on to the course. they will allow participants to at least carry the essentials in the fanny packs. >> they can't have the backpacks, this is an option for them. >> i'm a little disappointed that i can't bring a backpack because you need a change of shirt when you sweat a lot. >> reporter: homeland security happened to be attending an immigration conference today in the building next door to the registration. she declined to speak to us about security for this weekend's race. we know that atf and fbi agents will be in place to help police if there's a major incident along the race course. david stevenson, ktvu channel 2
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news. >> dozens of san francisco streets will be closed this weekend for the race. here is a look at a map showing 38 streets that will be closed to traffic starting tomorrow night. the restrictions will be lifted at various times on sunday. also if you park on those streets, make sure that you move your vehicle before the closures go into effect or your car could be towed. the race isn't the only event drawing crowds to the city on sunday. the tour of california leaves from marina green at 8:15 sunday morning. also the al cauteries shark fest swim begins at 7:50 in the morning. and the uncorked wine festival starts at 12:30 at the square. you can find all this information under hot topics and check out the traffic page for the latest on delays. >> it was a nice day out there today. the winds really going. wind gusts 20, 25 miles per hour in someplaces, especially
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along the coast. warmest spot was morgan hill. 80 degrees. look at vallejo, just 67 degrees. the windy conditions kept san rafael on the mild side as well. warmer day tomorrow. less wind, warmer day. temperatures tomorrow easily going to get into the 70s and even low 80s as we go into sunday, warmer still. a nice looking bay area weekend ahead. the winds right now at the oakland airport, 17 miles per hour. it's a west wind. it's pushing a lot of cool moist air in your direction. the winds continue and die down tomorrow for the most part. they switch direction on sunday and it gets warmer. bay area weekend will warm up both days. saturday warmer. maybe 5 to 10 degrees. it's going to warm up nicely. sunday we could see 90s. this cool system as it drops off into the plains this is the kind of system that gets you the tornadoes out in the
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plains. we're setting up with this high pressure that is going to give us a nice looking weekend. we have had a good run of bay area weekends that have turned out nice. the weekend, this one especially, hot on sunday. hot again on monday. so we're going to watch the fire danger tweak up there sunday night into monday. 79 in sonoma. these are forecast highs for saturday. forecast highs on sunday will be another five to ten degrees warmer. patchy coastal fog. just a little bit of it. i think there will be sunshine. if you're going down to davenport you will see the sun. that gets your numbers in the 60s. beta breakers on sunday. a lot of people coming to the city. the weather is as good as it gets. i have been watching this event for a lot of years and this weather pattern is as good as it gets. patchy fog in the morning at best.
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it's mostly sunny for the run. temperatures out at the beach in the mid-60s. it shakes out like this, a nice weekend for the bay area. the rest of the country, snow, ice, wind, tornadoes. you look at us and we're splitting hairs, it's going to be 79 and not 80. a nice looking weekend. >> splitting hairs. is it going to be 78 or 80? >> thank you, phil. >> coming up on bay area news at 7:00, we're following developing news tonight. an explosive scare in the south bay. we will have an update. nurses at five major hospitals walk off the job. why in this case they won't be coming back for a while and what hospitals are doing to backfill. >> it was an exciting run. a really exciting run. in three minutes the warrior reflect on their playoff run that unfortunately came to an end last night.
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>> south bay cycling fabs got a chance to cheer on their favorites in the tour of california as they kicked off 19 miles in individual time trials. this is the 8th year for the race and the first time that the competition started down in southern california and then
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ended in northern california. >> tomorrow stage 7 will begin in livermore and end with a grueling climb. the 8th and final stage is set for sunday. riders begin in san francisco and cross the golden gate bridge and wind up finishing the race in santa rosa. >> mark is here. it was time for the warriors to clean out the lockers. >> even though the season came to an end, this was the best feeling at the end of a year that they have had in a long time because you kind of feel like most of the guys will be back. and they have got a big future ahead of them. a young team. but you want to go all the way. they didn't. they went out in fine style though. very competitively against san antonio last night. made it close. they cut it o a two-point game in the fourth quarter. curry not totally on his game, not totally healthy but he hit that shot. five minutes left, down by two. tony parker hit three of 16 shots all night. but that one was the ice maker.
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curry little dejected as you might have imagined today. >> you fight to the end. i actually drove up the ramp today thinking we had practice. tough feeling. but, you know, we will have time to think about what a great season we had. just a starting point for next year. >> sadness. one of the finest golfers ever to come from the san francisco bay area has passed away at the age of 82. venturi, 1964 u.s. open winners. he has been hospitalized in rancho mirage for the last couple of months with a spinal infection, pneumonia and a intestinal infection. he was inducted into the hall of fame just a couple days ago. the giants are leading colorado 4-0 up in the land of
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the rockies. full highlights at 10:00. that's the sports headlights right now. >> thank you. >> coming up at 10:00, it takes two buses and a bart train but every day these twins travel from richmond to oakland for a program that put them on track for success. at 10:00, the program that got these once failing students through high school and into cal. >> thank you foretasting us. we're always here for you at and mobile ktvu. ♪
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all right, be careful with the car, babe. yeah, yeah. don't move the seat. i've got it where i like it. good-bye. 2 and 10, babe. ok. don't peel out. i won't. [tires squeal] [religious music plays] [changes stations] [religious preaching on all stations] man: jesus! jesus?


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