tv Right This Minute FOX May 20, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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rimt "right this minute i'm beth troutman. lets get this week started with great videos "right this minute." a plane takes off but then -- >> no explanation. >> oh, no. >> how the pilot's quick thinking got everyone out alive. a family gets an emotional surprise when they see sweets from a late relative. >> because the account was hacked? >> we've got the story behind the mysterious twitter activity. >> what was your reaction when
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you saw the first tweet? >> i actually laughed. >> plus a lady on the golf course makes a wrong turn. >> there are no roadways nearby whatsoever. >> and the hackers show us how to make some home made silly string. >> are they expecting an explosion. >> see what you need to get your silly on "right this minute." >> take it off. >> he's taking off in his beechcraft bonanza from fairbanks, alaska. he has three cameras on board. two people on board, brand-new engine in this thing, too. once he hits 200 feet, no explanation. dale in the air thought he was going to pull to the left. you see the road to the left, realize there are power lines. then decided to veer to the
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right. this field here by this little stream is where he developed a go down and thing as softly as it's not very soft. we get to see this from all different angles. dale says he knew the landing gear would take 12 seconds to get down. he knew he didn't have that much time. he left it retracted to get this thing down as fast as possible. in all, 22 seconds from the engine failure to the impact on the ground. that's all the time he had to react. everybody survived withinjuries. the plane, however, did not survive. >> i think the rear camera gives an idea what the landing was like, cleared the grass, the water, able to slide on its belly. an ntsb report had no idea what caused it. there was no sign of any issues with the engine prior to takeoff. right now it's a mystery except
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we can see it through these three hd cameras. >> he's got to be frustrated, got this engine put in. it's not cheap, and it goes down first try. >> he did a great job essentially guiding the plane to safety. >> good job. >> good job. documentary makers were doing a story on easy going coffee shop in the netherlands but they ended up capturing something they definitely did not expect. there's a bit of commotion inside the coffee shop and right there in the plaid shirt to the right is the owner of easy going. he closed the door not letting someone in. he's clearly arguing, not happy about something. then there's a close-up of what he's holding in his hand. >> a knife. >> did he forget the foam on his cappuccino. >> in netherlands they do sell
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marijuana at coffee shops. the government looks the other way. the makers say that man is a street marijuana dealer and possibly because of that. >> he's mad because he's making less money because the folks at the coffee shop are selling the same item. >> it wasn't long until they end up calling the cops. once the cops arrive you see them running after him. they end up in a parking lot. they are able to corner him but not before pepper spraying him. >> good for the documentary maker. you think you're doing a documentary on a coffee shop that sells weed. >> once they have him under control they bring him back. this is him with the officers and the patrol car. something interesting happens here which we don't see very often. one of the officers brings what we believe to be water, some sort of cleaner, and starts helping the suspect watch some of the pepper spray off his face. >> the cops are chill because
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they happening out at the coffee shop. >> they end up putting him in the car and taking him away. you're looking at the twitter account of rick stillwell. his handle is rickcaffeinated. as you can see tweets come across this twitter account every five days. the most recent tweet just came in this past friday. the thing that's different about this twitter account, rick stillwell passed away unexpectedly on january 11th of this year. he was only 44 years old. he died of a heart condition. >> but tweets keep showing up on his account. >> because the account was hacked? >> the account was not hacked. rick was a web and social media enthusiast. in fact, he loved to talk to ia and get others involved. >> he actually prescheduled tweets to come across his account every five days. and this has been a remarkable thing for those who followed him
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and those members of his family. now, one thing that happened shortly after rick's passing, all of his friends, family, followers, they gathered at a place called jamestown cfee in columbia, south carolina. one of rick's favorite places. they joined together to have a memorial service to honor his life. that's when the first tweet after his passing came in on this account. and to tell us about how this feels, to see these tweets come across every few days, we have rick's wife vicki stillwell, via skype, from columbia, south carolina. >> first of all, we are so, so sorry for your loss. rick sounds like a remarkable human being. >> what have these tweets meant to you. >> when we see them, it's a comfort. >> what was your reaction when you saw the first tweet? >> i actually laughed because it came across just at the time that the memorial service for him was starting.
that first tweet was all about friends and family and the connections that we make through social media. >> so vickie, how long do you think this will go on? how long do you think rick planned ahead? >> i honestly have no idea. there are a couple of social media people here in columbia who have offered to look at his computer and pull up his account to see if we can figure out how far in advance he scheduled these, but honestly, i don't want to. i'd rather it just be a surprise when they stop coming. the most recent viral video that got worldwide outrage was that guy charging that elephant. >> run! run! >> i have a video that shows you how to respect an elephant's space. this is in the nature preserve in south africa. these people are in a tour vehicle. >> that elephant is not happy.
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i better make a u-turn in the sand trap. >> now we're getting better. >> she drives up. you see her on the right. she's like oh, man. this isn't exactly where i thought i was going. makes a uturn full on in the sand trap. good thing it wasn't deep sand. >> she was looking for a house. she just took a wrong turn. sometimes cart paths are pretty darn wide. she may have thought it was a street into the neighborhood. >> wrong. according to real golf, here is a map of where the lady went. they point out in their article, there are no roadways nearby whatsoever. she did not make a wrong turn. the article said she had to have driven through at least one backyard in order to get where she was. >> i wonder where she is now. is she still driving around aimlessly in her car? >> she's on 18 now.
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typically just a food fight but not in the jail. according to the sheriff's department, this incident happened back in march. as you can see, there's one inmate that's getting into it. corrections officers were chexting lunch trays and one inmate decides to get into it with three corrections officers. he first punche a woman in the head. she falls to the ground unconscious. >> wow, she fell really hard, too. >> looked like he got her right in the temple. >> another male corrections officer trying to get him in control. he, too, got hit in the face by him. >> i'm surprised they didn't daze him. seems like an appropriate time to do that. >> he won't be getting out of jail soon. he was charged with two counts of battery and one count of aggravated battery.
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both of the officers are going to be okay, but a report came out after this incident. the report found that the jail was understaffed and unsafe, which this video clearly showed. >> you're already in jail, hope you like it there, because you probably just tacked on a few more years. >> not terribly long ago, i brought you guys this video. >> how old are you? >> five. >> are you strong? >> yeah. >> let me see. >> remember this five-year-old arianna could lift a car. >> super strong girl, superpower, super strength. >> if you recall, we did talk to arianna's father and he said no one was harmed in the making of this video. he did not want to reveal the secret. since dad didn't want to reveal the secret, one of our viewers saw the video and thought he could figure out how it was done. brandon from kansas city, missouri, watches our show on kmci. >> he and his buddies shot this
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video. brandon says you get two jack stands and find the center point of the car and lift the car up a bit so the back tire is on the ground. >> what they don't show you in the video is the front tire is off the ground. >> i guess it wouldn't take that much to lift the car if it's already off balance, right? >> brandon, the brilliant guy he is tests it out. the guy that lifted the car, that's his friend adam oddland. he had to use his buddy. >> i like to believe she's really pumped. >> thanks for solving this mystery for us. awesome job. >> easy as pie. >> passengers dealing with a sleepy situation. >> the reaction, a lot of weird stuff happened. >> next "right this minute." and still to come, this sidewalk just ain't big enough. >> i don't know you. >> it's stressing me out a little bit. kind of making my stomach hurt
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>> there's thousands of them. they are all in the way. they don't know how to walk through here. >> we are holed up on the phone. >> whoops. excuse me. >> uncle john is bugging me right now. >> i hate uncle john. i want to punch him right in the face. >> i'm impressed with the hedgehog being still in character while this is going down. >> i'm going to s nose. i'm on the phone. would you hold on for a second. >> andy on hollywood boulevard which is full of tourists. so many people walking one direction to another. the sidewalks are really large but they are crowded. 's. >> this is the sidewalk. i'm on the phone. >> no, you're not. >> i'm on the phone. wait a minute. i'm on the phone. hold on. hold on. i can't hear anything. i can't hear anything. >> he's getting in the way while talking to someone else. he's kind of the most annoying person who gets in your way. >> hold on. i'm on the phone. >> i don't know you. >> i know.
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but i'm on the phone. >> no, i'm not. i'm just saying i'm on the phone. >> you're in my phone. >> he's stressing me out. kind of making my stomach hurt for these people. >> i'm very anxious. >> you're keeping my reception. >> you want the entire prank, head to and click on best of rtm. >> girls, it's time to carve some wood. >> yeehaw. >> every third thursday is back, signal snowboard's founder dave lee gets creative with snowboards, part of network a on youtube. they are doing it old school pinewood derby-style race. >> three two-by-fours, one fiberglass, one base. the rest is up to the racer, the design, the race machine. >> he's making a couple of blanks out of pine two-by-fours not what you normally use for a snowboard.
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he's givingddie it's up to these guys to create their own snowboard, in effect, out of nonflexible pine wood. couple of guys come up with some pretty neat looking boards. >> is that hey? >> wood shaving glued to his board to give it that rad look. >> makes it look hairy. >> yeah. >> i didn't realize what a challenge it was until you see them on the snow. >> keep in mind, these guys are pro borders riding with razor edges to catch the snow. now planks of wood. >> my below hole. >> created a notch. >> straight out the back of my head and falling on my shirt. >> the skill these guys have to ride these crummy boards. you see them jumping, grinding rails just like you would do on a lightweight flexible snowboard. pretty neat stuff, pretty creative. monkeys are munching on some sweet tweets but mama is just
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they are having a conversation. maybe carlos should tie the rope there. we're trying to get the dock ready. then this happened. guy in yellow jacket goes over there. then all of a sudden carlos is all wet. took a dive, took a dip. lets watch that again and see how it happened. he had the rope over his head. it almost looks like -- did somebody yank that rope? >> i think he lost his balance. >> watch his hand here. i don't know what happened. looks like he lost his balance, lost the rope. his two buddies, mark and fred, members at the miramar yacht club were able to pull him out of there in a jiffy. carlos got all wet. hopefully got himself cleaned off, the dock itself. thank goodness. >> time for good old fun thanks to household hacker and crazy russian hacker. today they are going to make home made silly string. >> we're going to need 30 to 40 volume hydrogen peroxide, need
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some yeast. >> we both got a spoonful, about a tablespoon of yeast. we both got peroxide, food coloring, caps here. once we pour yeast in we're going to try desperately to put the caps back on and see what happens. >> first they act like they are going to be very careful but watch it in reality. >> one, two and a half, three. i think we're going to noticed to shake it up. >> we have enough time. >> they put the lids on, nothing happened. they didn't need to rush into that. >> were they expecting an explosion? >> mainly they didn't try this out before they shot the video. >> and crazy. >> dish soap. >> i feel like that addition made a huge difference. watch this.
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>> not really silly string. it is a nice foam. >> a giant russian fourth-grader. >> yeah. couple of wild animal videos to tell you about but this first one i really think this cat is a democrat. >> he's saying al gore. >> the cat is in the car. apparently the cat doesn't like to ride in the car. so it's, you know, a little disturbed. maybe it's worried about, i don't know, global warming, so it's saying al gore. >> maybe not so much a democrat as an environmentalist, to realize he's in the car, hate the car, car responsible for global warming, therefore al gore. it sounds like he's saying, a car, a car. >> are you saying he sounded like him? >> no. >> sounds like he's saying it. for a second i thought you were saying he sounded like al gore. i never thought al gore sounded like a cat. >> everybody says don't mess with an animal.
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right? watch this one. there's cookies on the ground in cambodia where people are vacationing, so the mama comes up and takes them. watch what they does. does she offer any to her baby? no. her baby picks up the crumbs. watch what mama does. she took her own kid's candy. >> it's almost like watching humans because their expressions are so readable. >> this is definitely not the first time this happened to them. that baby knew to grab the cookie and go behind mom so they could get a couple bites in. cookie and go behind mom so they couldsofa... desk...ites in. you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home.
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let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos from the web "right this minute." disturbing video shows children at an orphanage waiting in line. one by one they come out to this woman who physically hit these young boys. find out who shot the footage who could take down the care takers. >> student drivers get stuck in a situation. >> gets really dark. >> you can barely see the car froint of them. >> the tornado that took them b
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