tv Right This Minute FOX May 21, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, if you're looking for the best videos from the web, this is the place, "right this minute." a mall cop lays down the law. >> you have ten seconds before i make you go. >> so nervous to see what happens. >> keep watching. this gets worse. >> what led up to the butt kicking in the street. some buddies go out for nude fishing. the magic moment one has to reel
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in a shark. ♪ dualing banjo is a problem for one person. not if you are mark kroos. hear what forced him to master two guitars at once. >> it took a really, really long time. >> see what happens after a soccer star's young son steals it ball and scores big with the crowd. >> take all your cameras. >> guess what? >> what? >> you have no authority. >> yes, i do. you need to leave. >> this video has gone viral. this is a security guard at the ohio mall. she's dealing with a group of people that gathered on the property. a semitruck fell off the guardrail and rolled down the
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bank. mall shoppers gathered around and used their phones to take pictures of the accident. >> my name is officer adams and you are not allowed to take pictures on this property. >> you need to ask nicely. >> someone told her you are not allowed to take video on mall property. it usually goes for media. this is painting with a broad brush. >> watch, it gets worse. >> you have ten seconds. two, three -- >> i'm so nervous to see what happens when she gets to ten. >> i'm pressing charges. >> do it. >> no one is leaving. no one is putting cameras away. >> i'm telng you sothing! they s they are down on the ground. this woman in the tank top is throwing punches on the security guard whose feet are flailing up in the air. she got her on the ground
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quickly. >> the security officer gave the upper hand. boots in the face. then a dude from the parking lot, he comes to try to help. >> this girl jumped on me. >> she came over here, she's belligerent. >> over here. >> the security officer pulls out handcuffs and acts like she's going cuff this woman. >> don't attack someone with a helmet on. >> there was an investigation on the incident. so far, no charges have been filed. >> we reached out to the company that owns the mall. the national security consultant launched and investigation and fired the security guard because of her behavior. >> you need to go and you need to go. >> look out into the surf and you see the fin of a shark.
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that's tennessee o end of a fisherman's line on the edge of the beach. the guy caught a shark, but the man recording it caught something even more eye-popping. i didn't notice it the first time. there appears to be three guys out there, as they are fishing in the buff, and they have a shark. >> i'm going to let him go. >> his dorsal fin. >> one guy goes out to finish the job. ahhh! >> my eyes. >> his whole beanbag wiggling down. >> i want to let him go. >> what make this is weirder is that there are naked guys and there are fully clothed guys. how does that mixture occur. >> he hands his rod to someone else and says hold that. >> hold what, pal?
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>> it's weird. you forget there's a shark in the video because there's a lot of ball sack. >> maybe it's not weird. there are people who do this. there's nothing wrong with people going to nudist beaches. and they have no tan lines. >> they are super tan. >> this video prompts the question, what would you do? this happens in sydney, australia. a man is walking down the steps. watch. he falls. that commuter walks away, doesn't give assistance. somebody else comes along. what does that person do? nothing. >> it looks like he's sleeping. maybe it's a homeless person. the first person who saw him fall, you have to go help. >> a full two minutes later, somebody else comes to help assist the man. somebody who works for the train terminal is there as well to call the ambulance.
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people are upset because nobody stopped to help him. >> what's happening in this world if we can't stop to help people. >> i would shake him and see if i could wake him. >> the man may have been drinking, but only suffered a cut on his head and was on his way two minutes later. >> it's strange. itis hard to believe people didn't help. people did see it happen. you see people all the time offering assistance to people in need. >> the chelsea football club wrapped up their 2012-2013 season. this is a ceremony after the game on the field. attention kind of goes to this little guy you see here. that's josh. he's the son of the chelsea team's goaltender. the camera starts to follow him. pay attention to the crowd.
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when he scores, everybody goes crazy. watch what josh does. i love that he knew what to do. he knew to celebrate in typical soccer fashion. they have a chant to do. >> line 'em up is what they are chanting. this is going crazy. >> how can you not find him now? that kid has soccer in his blood. >> yep. >> there are kids on that roof on top of that incline.
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>> and they are using it as a slide. >> what? >> where are they sliding to? >> see the dangerous playground high above the ground. >> and it's a sleepy situation on the subway. >> i, for one, would be furious. >> why this prank had passengers >> i, for one, would be furious. >> wh[ male announcer ]assengers citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for ann to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citi tablet apps. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. i hate to say this, but as kids, we wouldn't have done what these kids in china are doing. they are at the top of a roof with an incline and using it as slide. >> where are they sliding to? >> just to the bottom. there's no guardrail. one misstep or one slip and you are going all the way to the bottom. >> not even a slip, too much momentum. >> i can see myself getting in trouble over dinner saying what were you doing. >> kids don't have a sense of
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mortality. >> they don't know to be afraid. >> where are the parents? why is nobody stopping this. >> it might be time to upgrade the playground. >> put a slide in. >> what these kids did, brave. what this kid does, pretty amazing. >> oh! that's impressive. >> it is. they shot it from multiple angles to realize this is real. they practiced a lot to make this shot, which, i don't doubt. >> he did a back flip, then a front flip, that launched the ball. that's incredible. >> watch the slo-mo, nick. you can see how he does it. he hits the ball between his knees. how do you even aim? his face ant toward the goal. practice makes perfect. >> i like his reaction. he can't get out fast enough. >> right.
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>> i would never stop celebrating. >> you are about to watch a video of subway sandwiches, you are thinking $5 foot longs. no. these two are in a new york city subway. i'm talking about this. >> this is the third rendition of their youtube video subway sleepers. they are pretending to fall asleep on the new york city subway. this time, they are sandwiching people. a lot of reactions and weird stuff happens. i would be furious if that was me. i like this.
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they have another sleeping guy. why not three? this guy quickly wakes up. this dude, he actually, i give him credit. he stuck around for a long time. at one point, the dude on the right is on this guy's lap. watch this. the guy stays. he's like oh, boy. the guy in the suit is very verbal. >> he's cute. i wouldn't mind falling asleep on his shoulder. >> he's concerned about these guys. >> are you on drugs? >> if you want to see the entire video of these subway sandwich sleepers, or watch it on a mobile app. >> i am about to blow your minds. they are basically life sticks that show a series of graphics as you are playing with them. >> i'm more confused on what kind of thing he's wearing on
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his leg. is it a serong or hammer pants? >> i didn't know they were coming back. >> this is from a czech company. you can buy them. they are available for anyone to purchase. you can use the light sticks to protect images, logos. you can see different shapes. >> you used to be able to buy them at concerts, sticks you wave around. >> the difference is you can control them now. you can decide what you are going to display, how you are going to display it, how long, alter if you want strobe or full color. you can control a lot more with these. >> i feel like this will be the new thing they use at the olympics instead of the ribbon dance. >> if you want to do these gymnastics, it's going to cost you 1500 bucks.
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>> what? what? >> yeah. >> why? >> i will say this, if you try to order it, it is backlogged because so many people are trying to buy them. >> millions viewed his stunt. his latest adventure and what's next. >> it's going to be the narliest thing i have done. >> see how it turns from strange to scary quick. >> [ bleep ]. >> and a dude who -- >> as this ability to freak people out. >>
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yeah, they can give me a plan. - help me through the rough spots. - so you're ready to... quit? everyone wants me to quit-- my doctor, my wife, the dog. - not good for the dog. - anyone else? hmm? what? anyone else want you to quit? me! i want me to quit. tdd# 800-933-4833 - ( rings ) - woman: smokers' helpline. oh, hi, it's me.
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we have a dashcam from ottawa, in canada. guy and girl in a car at a rest stop in the lot look k like they are ready to go. as they go down the lot here, pay attention up ahead. you are about to see two pick-up trucks in an unexplainable situation go down. >> there's a guy there, too. look, look, look. they are catching him [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> can you back up? [ bleep ]. >> they are dragging the guy. >> back up. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. i'm getting out of here. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> watch this again. there's somebody in the bed of the pick-up truck. he gets up and looks like he
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tries to pull the driver out of the truck. it speeds to the left. the other truck goes in the other direction. the guy in the bed is kind of being dragged by the pick-up truck. the other guy falls out. >> he rolled in front of the tire. >> it's hard to explain what's going on here. the dude's reaction, it's very peculiar. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, i'm getting out of here. >> it's a calm guy trying to stay calm t. woman is panicked. he's trying to stay in control. >> if you are on a road trip, doesn't that drive you crazy? i would have to go back and ask, what was that? i would would to know. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, i'm getting out of here. >> dualing banjo from the movie "deliverance." a very popular song. ♪
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>> it usually twaks two to dual. not if you are mark kroos. >> they can't make it tonight. how you going to play that banjo song by yourself? ♪ >> what? how is that possible? >> how awe this is this guy? he's one of the only people in the world that can do this. >> he's playing two guitars at once. how do your fingers not get confused? >> how does your brain not get confused. these are great questions for him. mark, welcome to the show. how in the world did you learn you could do this? >> five years ago, i got into the music, doing a lot of right
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hand stuff. i started writing my own pieces and i found i didn't have enough room on a regular guitar to do everything i wanted to do. i thought why not get a double neck guitar. >> how long did it take you to master the song from "deliverance"? >> a really long time. >> can you play something for us. >> i'm tuned for another one. it's called "flight attempt." >> play that one. >> all right, cool. ♪ ♪
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for his next stunt, he will do tricks on the pummel bourd. >> looks like a gymnast. wait a second. there's another guy. >> you are seeing two people as part of this performance. first person who looks like the gymnast. >> yeah. >> the second person playing the legs. >> you know, here's -- okay, if you look far away, it looks real. it looks very real. >> they have the whole routine down. the legs, the arms, the whole thing. >> it's impressive. you have two people. you have to know when to move your arms. >> this is from a tv show. it's popular in japan produced by mtv. it showcases people from all walks of life and their ability to perform.
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these two videos explain that saying to the victor goes to spoils. we start this with beagle puppy. it has a toy and wants to take it to bed. >> get it over the edge, it can't. >> it's trying to get the tire over the edge. itis trying and pulling. it's doing what puppy's do, tug and pull and play. >> doesn't make it. it's so sad. >> ahh. he does look sad. he puts his head down and gives up. keep trying, puppy. you'll never achieve anything if you give up. >> you'll get bigger and stronger and next thing you know, you will be throwing it through the window. >> this ostrich knows what it can do. this is in arizona. >> it stole the entire cup of treats. >> it drank them down. >> i love how this guy is trying
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to feed it one. he's got one in his mouth. watch. >> he knows you are going to tease me. i know there's a cup full. i'm going for the cup. >> this one was smart. there's one way to freak your co-workers out. >> ahh. >> it can't be real. >> he's popping them out. roll off his face. >> his connective tissue is keeping them together. >> this is john from the uk. he can freak people out with his eyes with a condition called voluntary. >> he must have a massive headache. when reading magazine, does he do that to get a better look? >> some people have this ability. their muscles are strong enough,
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they can push their eye, not out of the socket, but far forward. he did it for a year to freak out friends and family for fun. once he freaked them out, he went to youtube. >> it looks like a cartoon. it looks like roger rabbit or something. i have to show you his version of the harlem shake, even though we are over those videos. amusing. >> this is weird. i have never seen this. >> that's our show. see you next time.
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos from the web and the stories behind them, "right this minute." a base jumper gets more adventure than he bargained for after he takes the plunge. >> his huge malfunction. >> the moment he knew he was in deep chute. heart stopping video from oklahoma shows what it was like on the ground during this tornado. meet the storm chaser who watched it tear through his home turf. >> my heart was sinking knowing people were probabl
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