tv Charlie Rose FOX May 27, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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products. the hottest new products to the test in our "good housekeeping" "anderson live" lab. then meet a woman who lost half her size. >> i feel great. >> the surprising way she did it. and the top three bad belly foods you never expect. >> plus melissa joan hart is my co-host. how one man's resolution to get more organized ended up making him a million dollars. and the vial vafd a baby having a conversation with a family dog and the surprising room in your home more americans are spending facebook and twitter messages from. today on an all new "anderson live."
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[applause] [cheering] [♪] >> anderson: welcome. hope are you having a great day. melissa joan hart from "melissa & joey" is my co-host today. nominated for a people's choice award. >> people's choice award. >> anderson: that is exciting. we have a great show today. we have the "anderson live" lab good house keep something here to test some products that we see on tv. you see the products late at night on info mesh smalls. which ones are good deals and which ones are duds.
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and a woman will reveal her weight loss secret. this is a woman who lost half her body weight. it is amazing. and best selling author jorge cruz is going to be here with the top fat belly foods. and congratulations you are a new mom. >> i am. three months old. my third one. >> anderson: wow. >> i'm exhausted. >> anderson: have you slept at all? >> no, i have not. not a solid night. two hours at a time. >> anderson: and so the tucker? >> tucker is the baby and brady is my four-year-old and mason is my six-year-old. it is a loud house, busy, busy house. that is tucker. there he is halloween. a pea in the pod. >> anderson: he looks like a little man. >> there i am with my bloody
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mary. that how mommy can do it all. >> anderson: how do the kids get along? >> they are great. they are boys for a minute they are best friends and 20 minutes and it's full out wrestling. and i have to pull them apart because the youngest one is always going to get hurt. >> anderson: and you put stuff on instagram. >> i love yours. >> there is funny college did a funny parody of instagram. nickelback's photograph. let's play some of this. ♪look at this instagram ♪it's been inside of ham ♪started out as a limit mon tart♪ ♪then my phone went and made it art♪ ♪and these are my finger nails ♪the beauty is in the details
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♪drinking on the cruise ♪it is also booze. >> i love that it's so true. >> anderson: i watched the whole thing was trying to see how many of the photographs i have taken and put up. that is amazing thing about instagram you take the pictures and because of the filters it turns all your pictures into amazing pictures. a sunset picture and with all the filters you make the clouds look amazing. >> i make my kids look better. you know or myself. i can make myself use tanner. put the border on. i love it. >> you can go on my instagram and see my niko. >> anderson: in a horrible costume. >> i'm one of those. >> the nails. >> anderson: i don't know why the people take pictures of food. >> it's gross. >> anderson: who cares? >> it's not like a big whopper. not like the pictures they do on
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television it's different instagram it looks disgusting. >> anderson: and there was a study that came out in the news one-third of people's time on social media is they are using social media when they are on the toilet inhe bathroom. which puts -- puts really a whole new spin now. like everytime i get a tweet or i think all right. this person is sitting on the toilet. >> i want to know from the doctors what is the rate of hemorrhoids, is it up because of this? do people hangout more on the bowl because they are not done looking through their feed. >> anderson: i did not go there in my mind and now that you have gone there. >> i would like to interview some doctors. >> anderson: no, i try to stay away from that. we had andy cohen on the show talking about how he had mariah carry gave him hemorrhoids. it is a long story. on facebook says never go in
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without it. got to lust multitasking. >> anderson: it's too much for me. >> it's replaced the back of the shampoo bottle and the magazine acks not in there anymore. >> we did a test on the show of germs and where germs are. and that's why there is -- we swabbed in the audience people's cellphones. and my cellphone as well. and everybody has poop on their cellphone. nobody realizes this. it's true. you think you don't but it's true which is why you should not be sharing cellphones with people. after they swabbed my phone, they swabbed women's purses. >> when i wear makeup on television my phone has this imprint of makeup on it. so you don't know anything on your skin is getting on there. and anything on there is getting on your skin. i am using alcohol wipes. >> anderson: now, i try to wipe stuff down more. and a vial video of a huskey and
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snapping turtle. my son named his dusty. >> anderson: and there is a funny video a picture on-line with a huskey also it is a huskey photo bombing a picture of another dog that has gone vial. take a look at this. >> is that real? i don't know if that is real. >> anderson: it's perfect. >> it's like so perfect the way the tongue is hanging out. i cannot believe that is real. it's too perfect. >> anderson: we did a photo on our backstage camera nancy grace was a co-host and we had the pig from honey boo-boo child. >> you said it is your favorite picture on instagram. >> anderson: we had the actual pig -- glitzy the pig. it is a male pig but honey boo-boo made it a female pig. they sent it away. long story short we had the pig and flew the pig up and there is
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a picture that we'll put up of me and nancy grace with the pig and the pig is staring with its one eye directly at the camera and nancy grace looks horrified. >> but it looked like you were breast-feeding the pig a little bit. >> anderson: i did not think of that, either. there is a story that i just saw a headline of a woman in i guess china, her husband runs trains animals. and she in particular, trains monkeys. and she actually breast-feeds the monkeys. >> that is crazy. >> anderson: yeah, i know. this goes too far. and here is a picture. what i find odd about the picture there's many things i find odd about this picture. but the husband is there smoking. you know? >> i thought -- i thought it was an italian thing like hey. >> anderson: no, he is smoking just watching his wife
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breast-feed a monkey like it is the most normal thing in the world. >> that is bizarre. other animals would be more bizarre but she must have had a baby to have produced -- >> anderson: i think she has had several. i don't know. we got you a gift with our dog theme. this is a new toy out that all you do is you pet it -- wait. >> you turn it on? [laughter] my boys will love it. that is cute. thank you. >> anderson: that is for you. i will turn it off because it will bark for the rest of the day. we have to take a quick break and more of the "first 15" coming up. including one man's resolution to get more organized ended up making him a million dollarsment we will be right back. [applause] [cheering] [♪]
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an all new edition of our "good housekeeping" "anderson live" lab putting your favorite informercial products to the test. and revealing which ones are deals and which ones are plain duds. and if you are looking for help keeping your new year's resolutions you have come to the right place. we are blowing the lid off the to [ female announcer ] what if you had up to 28 days
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of beautiful, smooth skin? veet wax strips have hair coating technology and leaves your skin smooth for up to four weeks. try getting that with a razor. so put your best skin forward with veet. what beauty feels like. try new veet easywax electrical roll-on, our latest breakthrough in at-home waxing. go to to learn more and find a store near you.
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"taking in the scenery" and "hey, they're taking our stuff," no need to panic. walgreens has over 8,000 stores across the country with all your prescriptions on file and just about anything else you might need along the way. because you never know what the road will bring. so swing by walgreens today for all your summer must-haves like snacks and sunscreen, right here. at the corner of happy and healthy. and those people are what i like to call... wrong. take metamucil. sure it helps keep you regular but it doesn't stop there. metamucil has psyllium, which helps lower cholesterol, promotes digestive health, and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. it can multi-multitask... look at it, it's doing over a million different things right now. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits,
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1 super fiber. ♪ [applause] >> anderson: welcome back. i'm here with melissa joan hart. and welcome back to "the first 15". so i don't know if you have been to a coffee places where there's art in the latte. >> i go to a place in la that does a heart or hummingbird. >> anderson: it is amazing. we have photos of some of the things the viewers tweeted us. >> is it like a spout on the milk? or the coffee? >> they use a tool that they attach. >> like when you ice a cake. >> anderson: there is an amazing bear that we have. incredible. >> they burnt the tips. that is crazy. >> and a viewer tweeted us about a portrait that an artist did of
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me made out of coffee. >> we have it here. you have not seen this? >> anderson: i have not. the artist is kayte. and apparently she does coffee art. yeah. >> that is pretty good. that is really good. [applause] even like the hair and the detail in the hair there. i like it. >> anderson: i am tempted to lick it and see if it tastes like coffee. does it smell like coffee? >> not really, no. >> and funny because he does not drink coffee. that is right i've had coffee once. i don't like hot things. that is nice. >> hang that on your wall. >> we are sending it back she wants it back. it is only a loner. >> are you going to sign it? >> she did not ask me to. people put funny captions on their facebook pages about
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this. paula says i've bean captured in coffee sure looks like it took a latte work. all right. deborah says the best part of waking up is "anderson live." coffee references there. >> there you go. [applause] >> anderson: do you have a new year's resolution? >> i do. and i have to say last year was the first year i broke it. last year it was to cook. and it didn't take. i can't cook. >> anderson: how do your children get fed? >> um, that is burgers and we do a lot of i don't know chinese take out. this year it's my cellphone. look i have my cellphone. i want to put my phone down and spend more time with my kids. my four-year-old will be talking to me, mommy put your phone down and look at me and talk to me. >> anderson: that is sad. >> and when -- i know it is.
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>> anderson: that a four-year-old knows. >> and they are on their ipads. >> anderson: and you tweet a lot. >> i do. i love to twitter and be in touch with fans and friends and i follow you and cnn and i get my news on twitter. it'sik my lifeline. i don't know what to do without it. >> anderson: and you came under criticism i read during the elections because you were tweeting support for mitt romney. >> all i said people were asking i got slammed for >> anderson: i don't you had why people slam. >> if you don't like it, don't follow me. the thing i could say, i'm drinking water today i will piss someone off. can you not make everyone happy. >> anderson: i've started for a longtime i never responded to the aggressively snide because you get really snide, aggressive responses. >> they are sitting behind their computer and they think they can say anything. >> anderson: that annoys me. the ones that are anonymus who
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do not have real names or photos. >> and numerous accounts. >> anderson: now, i've started responding. and i don't just respond i read their twitter history. so i actually read their history. you have to know if they are 12. >> anderson: i don't care how old they are. i are read their twitter history because i want to have informed insults that i can respond to them. that is what i like about twitter. i like the interaction positive and negative and you get that instant response. one of the people's new year's resolutions is get more organized in the new year. i read this story which is an example of why you should try to get it more organized and clear the clutter on your desk. ron cleaned off his desk and found old lottery tickets and he is here with us today. ron, thank you very much for being with us. i appreciate you and your wife being here. [applause]
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you are a minister at a hospice. >> i aim a deacon in the catholic church in illinois. >> anderson: you are doing incredible work in a hospice. it's stressful and you were retiring. >> i was changing jobs for a number of reasons and we were in the process. and i thought we have to get more organized low and behold kathleen was agreeable i had 10 weeks of vacation time i could quit my job with the idea that i do not have another job. monday night i write my letter of resignation. and tuesday night she goes to a meeting and i'm home alone thinking if i'm looking for a job i better have a clean desk and i bought a computer that i cannot put on because there's no room. i'm sitting there in my basement office. and i did not realize i kicked off five of the illinois powerball tickets but i did not have the powerball. darn. i should be happy i will get a couple hundred dollars maybe a
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thousand. and i'm checking on the internet and i go to the site where they show the pay-offs and i saw five numbers without the powerball and it said 1illion. >> anderson: you won a million dollars? [applause] >> amazing. >> that is great. >> anderson: i love that you had these tickets sitting around and are you like oh, clean up the clutter. >> it was august 22 is when i bought the tickets. i am not a regular player. the lottery people want me going everyday. and i would buy it and throw them in my dresser and i get around to checking them. >> how are you using the money? how do you plan to use it? >> i told kathy we owe god big time. so we know what tithing is about. the federal government and the state government are also helping us. [laughter] but then we got our charities all lined up and we've got a
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retirement package because i have been like self employed and everything else. i've had my share of not preparing. but what is wonderful now a friend of ours who is a pastor says this is interesting you can do any work that you want. so tt's. [applause] >> maybe you could come clear my desk. >> anderson: i have to say when you ask what you were going to do with the money i was afraid you would buy a red camaro or spend it out on -- >> all of our friends say you will always be the same people because will not buy a new car and stay in your house and you will use this as a comfortable retirement. and just keep helping people the way you have. >> that is amazing to have that happen. >> she nixed my idea to buy a fishing boat and trailer. >> not going to happen. >> anderson: i'm so happy for you both. congratulations. >> thank you.
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[applause] >> anderson: we are going to take a quick break and when we come back a woman who lost half her size will reveal the secret that helped her and the top bad belly foods you need to avoid in the new year. we will be right back. [applause] [♪] next before you spend your hard-earned cash we are putting your favorite informercial products to the test. an all new "good housekeeping" "anderson live
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engineering lab rachel is here. thank you for joining us. so what is the first product? >> first up we have candace in the pajama jeans. they look like denim and meant to feel like feelingn me. [applause] looking good. looking good. [laughter] >> on the downside, i hate to break it to you, after it washes they will fade a little bit and shrink. >> anderson: i'm confused. are they pajamas or je jeans? >> they look like genes but feel like pajamas. >> anderson: would you sleep in those? >> no. >> anderson: but you would wear them out? >> i will wear them. deal. i say deal. >> anderson: what does "good housekeeping" say? >> how much are they? >> $40. >> anderson: that is expensive. >> ok. >> better off buying something a
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better fit for you. all right. >> you will like this this is called flex seal it is a liquid rubber sealant. spray it and open it up. >> anderson: what is the idea? >> it's meant to seal up whatever is broken. put your goggles and gloves on. >> watch your hair. >> put it on. >> wait on me, anderson. >> it's messy here. >> anderson: there is a crack and this should seal the crack. >> it should. after very messy. after lots of layers and coats it's still going to leak. candace we have one that is done. pour water on this. already sealed. pour the water. go for it. my guess is it's going to leak. >> don't be scared.
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>> you see it's leaking out. >> anderson: so it doesn't work. >> $20 what do you think? >> i don't to say anything but dud. dud. >> i like the idea. it's a good idea. we tried it on pots and pans and they coat a boat with it. and i don't think it will hold-up. >> anderson: a lot of questions on facebook my hubby said he woul i bought pajama jeans. and kathy griffin does a routine about pajama jeans and has given up. like nowadays a lot of people wearing pajamas outside. i see it all the time. at a certain point you are like let's make a little effort. i love candace she is full of life i wish her luck in her business. we will take a quick break and we have a product that "good housekeeping" says is one of the most innovative products.
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find out what it is and how you can get one for free. we will be right back. [applause] [♪] if you are looking to drop a dress size we have your 2013 resolution solutions and if you do that you will lose four to nine pounds of belly fat. do that you will lose four to nine pounds of belly fat. >> including how this woman
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[applause] >> welcome back to "anderson live." here here with candace brookes and rachel from "good housekeeping". we are testing informercial items. laura said it smoothed my feet. the ped egg was a dud. >> you have to test this. >> anderson: and swear by the perfect brownie pan got it years ago and use it today. i am not familiar. >> slightly better. i am familiar with it. >> not my area of expertise. >> anderson: i like the george foreman grill. >> i don't feel bad eating my
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steak. >> anderson: and this is the shamwow. >> this is like a shamie a towel. you saw that. >> anderson: it's supposed to absorb. >> you have wine. clearly -- [laughter] [applause] candace is like now i want to drink it. go ahead and try to pick it up. as you can see -- when you are doing it on a carpet it is more helpful. it can be wet or dry. for $20 -- >> anderson: you got to do it. >> it's picking it up well. for $20 you get two of these and two small once. it is not a miracle worker like the commercials claim but it's pretty good. >> anderson: but it does not clean it. >> it's absorbing it. >> anderson: with the red wine you will still get a stain.
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>> again, this is absorbing. >> a dud. a dud. all right. you are a tough critic. and this is one of my favorites. we love to do in the lab. so it's great if you want ice cream and do not want the calories. i'm lactose intolerant and i ha. >> anderson: this is frozen fruit? >> that's it. turn it on. turn it on first. and now put the banana through and push it down. keep going. or just take a sample of it. there you go. >> anderson: so it's like a custard. >> it comes out like ice cream or bananas. >> anderson: this is excellent. >> i am a big fan. >> anderson: it turns a banana into ice cream. >> i like to mix it up. banana keeps it creamy but any
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frozen fruit will work. turn it on first. and you are getting a nice workout for your arms. >> anderson i'm coming. i'm coming. >> anderson: wow. a strawberry banana treat. >> is this my favorite combination, strawberry and banana. >> anderson: this is great. how much is this? >> this is $50. i think this is worth it. >> anderson: and it is a healthy alternative to ice cream. so this one is a deal and that is why everyone will go home with one. [applause] [cheering] called yonanas. if you want to be my next lab partner or have a product you want us to test tweet the show. great, rachel thank you for being here.
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it seems our angels stronger than ever angel soft®. with two softshield™ layers. it holds up better than ever. all wrapped up in a value you love. angel soft®. the softness you want, the strength you need. onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt.
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[applause] >> anderson: we have the ultimate inspiration. a viewer found a way to lose half her size. look at where she started. >> all my life, i struggled with my weight. i had a wonderful family and friends surrounding me so i did not notice it that much. don't get me wrong, with great family and friends did not come boys. i went to my prom alone. as time went on i was scared to go in public. a few times i went out to eat and could barely fit into the booth. i avoided traveling because i was nervous that i would not be able to sit on a seat on the plane. i was so embarrassed and ashamed
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at age 23, i weighed 324 pounds. >> anderson: 324 pounds. we have not seen shannon. we are seeing her for the first time as you are. her largest weight was 325 pounds. welcome shannon newhouse. [applause] wow. >> wow. >> anderson: wow. >> hi. nice to meet you. how are you? >> you look incredible. >> thank you. thank you. >> anderson: how do you feel? >> amazing. i feel like a new person for the betterment i feel great, absolutely great. >> anderson: you tried in the past to lose weight. what do you think made the difference. >> first, i was so sick of not fitting in the cute clothes. i went to the doctor and she de. i was embarrassed that she had to sit down and tell me, honey, you are overweight. so after that, i said game on time to do it. i'm sick of being held back and i'm doing it and i did it.
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[applause] >> i had a baby. i have 25 pounds to go. do you have tips? >> i can say that i understand now i understand 20 pounds is really hard to lose now i get it. so i just i drink -- my last 20 pounds i drank a lot of water. you don't have to go nuts. >> anderson: and you don't want to do it in a fad way. >> it's not reachable it is not a good theory. >> you want to be hydrated. my sister-in-law lost weight she was large in high school and lost in naturally. which is commendable, too that you took a pro-active stance in your life and wanted to change your lifestyle instead of having a quick fix and water is a big. >> it is. i remember my last five to 10 pounds what am i not doing? i'm not drinking a lot of water. >> anderson: what was food doing for you? there is an emotional component
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to this. >> for me it wasn't so much something going on in comfort food it was more of like i would go out and it was easy to eat bad and it just spiraled out of control. my early 20s is when it just went on and on and on. >> and our country makes it easy to get those foods. it's cheaper and easier and quick. and they are all terrible loaded with sodium and everything else. >> anderson: you wrote to us to tell your story. why is it important for you to share your story? >> because after i did it, if i knew how good i would have done i would have blogged about it. i want to tell people when you go to the doctor and they say lose 100 pounds where do you go? it was scary. i am a normal girl, 26, i have a normal girl. normal amount of money and you can do it the right way. do your research and you take your certain body type and what do i want to do and what is reachable. because it needs to be reachable
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for you to do it. >> anderson: and your story impressed and inspired "people" magazine and are you part of the half their size issue. cool. michelle is here from "people" magazine. what was it about her story that grabbed your attention? >> we hear so many weight loss stories and work with a lot of diet companies and trainers but the best stories are when our readers inspire other people who pick up the half their size issue. it was great to hear her transformation and how she inspired her mother to lose 55 pounds. >> she fluctuated her life but when i got on the band wagon she was like i want to do this, too. i was their tool to help them. >> how has your life changed? >> i just got engaged. >> congratulations. [applause] >> i'm so happy i remember before i was like gosh if i have kids i will be really big and now i want to have babies and get my career going.
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i want to live this healthy full life and i'm excited. >> great when you are inspired by it and you can change your life to not be obsessed with the foods and to actually make workout a part of your schedule. >> it is a lifestyle that is my point with the reachable thing. it is a lifestyle change. >> you have not seen the photographs that "people" magazine took. it will hit the newsstands tomorrow. the photos of you and your mom together. let's look right over there. wow. [applause] >> that is awesome! [applause] >> how about your legs. >> i love it. >> anderson: listen. and your fiancee is christopher? >> yes. >> nice to have you here. we wanted to give you a treat because you could not travel before you were intimidated about traveling because of your size. >> yes, i was nervous about it. >> anderson: we wanted to send you someplace nice our friends at caravan are senting you on an
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eight-day trip to panama for your honeymoon. >> thank you so much! thank you! >> anderson: "people" magazine half their size i hi stands tomorrow. fitness expert jorge cruz is here revealing sabotage secrets for weight loss. we will be right b [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked.
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[applause] >> anderson: welcome back. the number one new year's resolution is to lose weight. did you know you might be sabotaging your weight loss and not know it. welcome fitness expert and best selling author jorge cruz. >> hi. >> anderson: are you not a calorie counter, you look for hidden sugar. >> my whole thing is that eating less and exercising more does not work because 65% of us are struggling with weight. how many want to lose belly fat. and we count calories. what my program is about, and we have 90,000 people on facebook
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that follow this all the time it's about eating 1 15 grams of sugar a day. and you will lose the belly fat each week. >> anderson: i was trying to cut down sugar. >> 15 grams in my tea. >> one packet is five grams. >> it ismazi how much hidden sugar there is in stuff. >> and if you stop counting calories and focus in on eating 15 grams of sugar total a day five grams a meal. you can lose without starving yourself. you can eat real food and not be hungry and you will lose the weight. >> anderson: we have foods two differential terne actives and we will try to guess which one has the least amount of sugar. what do we have. >> this one, i mean -- >> we have two omelets. eggs. this is egg white with salsa, and oj. and the other option is
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regular omelet, veggies and cheese and bacon and coffee. it could be tea or half and half. which one. >> that one because this has the yellows of the eggs and the yolk and the bacon and the coffee. so i would s that one. >> anderson: i know because i looked. i think that is the culprit, the juice. >> a glass of orange juice has as much sugar as soda. there's 30 grams in one class on my program you can only have 15 grams for one day. >> you cannot have juice. coffee? coffee or tea with half and half and guess how much sugar is in half and half? 0. but in milk it's 14 grams. all the science has shown that good fat from natural sources not high drone natured, but in portions will satiate your hunger. this is belly good and this has 40-60 grams of sugar and this
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has no sugar. >> two sandwiches this is chicken and this with chicken with cheese and this has. >> and mayo. >> but what else do you see? >> it has something very apples. apples i love fruit but even natural forms of sugar your body does not know the difference. and it spikes in inlynn. whether it is natural or fruit it will -- this is almost 40 grams of sugar here. if you do this with the right whole wheat bread can have two or three grams of sugar if you shop any store you will find bread with no sugar and chicken and cheese. cheese is awesome. the best snack at holiday parties. >> anderson: this is counter intuitive. i would avoid cheese and go for the apple. >> we are not eating a slab of cheese but instead of apples you will be less hungry and you will
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not have sugar and at no sugar, no sugar. and. >> anderson: here we have -- a veggie burger. >> ketchup and these are the healthy fries. if you've seen these. super healthy. >> but ketchup i know there is a lot of sugar in ketchup. and sesame seeds we are not going with fat. >> mustard is my favorite condiment, i use it on anythingo sugar and antioxidants. >> anderson: how much sugar in the ketchup? >> that alone is 0 grams. >> this has 9 grams and the key is 15 grams of sugar a day. say 15. >> nancy says i hear oatmeal fights belly fat. >> if you put walnuts it is a seal cut that is better and in portions. do not sit down and eat -- >> i know i put brown sugar on
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mine. >> white sugar and brown sugar i would avoi. the question is one question. what causes insulin to go up? if insulin levels go up you will never lose the belly fat. i use natural sweetener like steve yeah. it's natural. that sweetens stuff without any spike in insulin and honey. >> truvia is good. >> anderson: great advice. thank you for being here. you can learn more about belly bad food in the belly fat cure. everyone in the audience will go home with a copy of jorge's book today. we will be right back. [applause] [♪]
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>> it's free. and it's free for businesses to put on there as well. we have toys-r-us and sears. >> anderson: cool. thank you for being the co-host today. jorge thank you. we have a lot ahead. catch all the new episodes of "melissa & joey". thank you for watching everybody. see you next time. bye-bye. [applause] [♪]
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