tv Right This Minute FOX June 5, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT
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. hello, everybody, i am beth troutman. this says the show with great videos and the stories behind them "right this minute." mid-air emergency as a sky diver frantically tries to fix his equipment while falling fast. >> still struggling and all of a sudden watch this. >> what happened to save him not a moment too soon. >> a florida cop has no warning when a car comes out of nowhere and -- >> slams into his patrol car. >> see the incredible video
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inside the rollover and the miracle that came out of the wreckage. a mom is mortified when a thief takes a bad of -- >> special goodies for a bachelorette party. >> i have been storing it in the trunk because i had two little ones. >> it was horrible. he started laughing. >> nine puppies rescued. >> poor baby. >> and two sharks steal a fisherman's catch out from under h him. >> time to get nervous. we have ourselves another sky diving mishap with a group of experienced looking sky divers doing a group jump. they have their legs locked and eventually he breaks off from the group. as he starts plummeting down you can see him checking his altimeter to figure out how high he is and when he should pull the chute and he keeps checking it, keeps checking it, when he checks looks like the third time
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notices what is that right there? that is his chest strap that is not connected. i don't know if it came undone during the fall or undone before he jumped. maybe he forgot to check. as he is falling he is trying to get his strap together and falling fast. still struggling with the strap and not getting it and all of a sudden watch this. you see the aa d go off, the automatic activation device, a lot of times connected to the reserve chute or the main chute that will open at a specific time or altitude. in this case it engaged at 600 feet above the ground. he still doesn't have the chest strap connected. not strapped in. messes with the chest strap again. you can hear when he hits the ground, he was a little shocked.
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>> it is not like it was kind of hooked. it was just hanging on him like a backpack. >> this video in just a few seconds will prove that seat belts really do save lives. sths in jupiter florida. >> and the police officer jason stark is driving down the i-95 in his marked car and doesn't look like there is much traffic on the road. suddenly he swerves quickly out of the lane he is in because -- >> whoa. >> a car comes out of nowhere, slams into his patrol car and sends him off the road and he starts rolling. >> look at that. >> where the heck did he come from? was he speeding up from behind. >> apparently the guy driving the car fell asleep at the wheel. he picked up speed and ended up slamming into the concrete wall
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and ricochetted into the way of the police officer sending him rolling. and clearly you can hear the officer asking the driver if he is okay. >> you all right? >> he did roll multiple times. beuse he was wearing his seat belt and the air bag he was fine. he was tan to the hospital andyr sores on his body. >> what about the other body? any idea what condition he is in. >> believe it or not he got away without a scratch but he was given a minor traffic citation. when are you in los angeles and you have a kitten fall between the walls of your home, who do you call? los angeles animal services. who do they call in? smart, the specialized mobile animal rescue team. you see them drilling a 1.5 inch
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hole in the wall because they are sticking in a camera to find out where the kitten is because once they cut a bigger hole they need to make sure they don't hurt the kitten. >> you see the little face in there. wow. he is really wedged in tight. >> the cat had been in the wall for four days by the time smart shows up. they bring the kitten out and it is an orange tabby. >> probably starving at this point four days stuck any awall. >> they came back two days later because another kitten was found in the attic. >> you can see it is a tight space and attics can get really warm so this rescue was executed with a little less technical equipment. as you can see this is a gray kitten and they are both available for adoption for anybody in the l.a. area. wait. have you two kittens. how about some puppies? these were found under a house in l.a. >> let's get you out of there, shall we? >> nine puppies.
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>> one baby. two baby, eight, nine, dude. they're little guys. they're barely opening their eyes. >> they reunite puppies with mom, of course they reunite mama. >> nine of them. wow. >> these puppies are also available for adoption from los angeles animal services. >> a thief has been breaking into multiple cars in one oregon neighborhood. it caused quite an embarrassing situation for one woman. the woman you are seeing is chelsea. chelsea's car was broken into and she had very special goodies for a bachelorette party. she had more than $500 worth of goodies. they're adult toys. >> you are probably wondering why did chelsea keep all of this
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stuff in her car trunk? >> i have been storing it in my trunk because i have two little ones and didn't want them to see the dirty things in there. >> she didn't want her young children to find these items and she had been collecting them over several months. that's not the really bad part. remember, i say this caused an embarrassing situation. of course when the people or this person started breaking into cars, the victims had to fill out extensive police reports. >> i thought she was putting like lost item posts up on the telephone pole. >> he asked me to describe everything, just in detail, and like colors and then he asked -- it was just horrible. >> and the thief still took it. like whoever it was opened it up and i don't know what i was going for but okay. >> this gets more fascinating. people in the community felt bad for chelsea and the bride to be so they started a facebook page and they got donations. not of money but of items. >> no way.
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>> new? >> sealed, triple sealed. >> can't reuse that stuff. >> i don't know. i didn't get that detail. >> a horse back ride turns scary when the ground starts taking them down. >> suddenly you can see one of the people just really start sinking and going down really, really fast. >> why heke it out. and a service member gets a special welcome home. >> this is the moment that he is reuniting with his puppy sierra. >> why no amount of time can stand in the way of puppy love.
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her out of the quick sand. she was waist deep. apparently she was walking along the sands with friends and close to the shore and that is when she became trapped. the rnli came in for the rescue. we are seeing post rescue as they are taking her to safety. another video shows us how quick can cause serious problems, why it is called quick sand. watch this. this video back in april shows people on horse back riding along shallow watthis. suddenly you see one of the people on one of the horses really start sinking and going down really fast. you have to act quick in rescues like these. here it is again slow motion, the person on the horse starting to head back to the shore and all of a sudden really start going down and going down fast. >> whenever i think of quick sand, i think of somewhere in the jungle. i never thought right there on the ocean or right there on the shoreline of a lake. >> and if you do end up in quick sand you will end up sinking further and further the more you struggle. >> it is difficult on the back of a horse. a horse isn't going to sit still
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if it can't move its legs. it is amazing the man and the horse were able to get out on their own. it is true dogs are man's best friend and also the most excited to see you when you come back from an 11-month deployment to afghanistan. >> okay. >> see your puppy. >> this service member just came back from afghanistan and this is the moment that he is reuniting with his puppy sierra. >> is that daddy? is that daddy? >> you notice that there is snow outside. that's because the video was recorded back in march. the video was just now uploaded to the welcome home blog in may. >> got an american flag sweater on, too. i like that. >> get this. when he left to afghanistan she was less than a year old. they haven't seen each other and she is almost two years old, so
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the fact she still remembers him is pretty special. >> yeah. >> and you can see the love in her face. >> there is a brand newow premiering on tlc, the good buy gi stars two adorable ladies, brook roberts and tara gray. >> brook and i work together. we live together. we're best friends. >> they are both former beauty queens. they now work for dsn, direct shopping network. >> hello. >> they want better products. they want more product. >> if we're going to venture out and really sell new consumer products, we have to make sure they're good and they really are approved. >> they're testing products in their home. >> the enclosed shower tan instructions should be read completely before initial use. >> these ladies do seem pretty fearless when it comes to testing all kinds of products.
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>> stack the nozzle post -- >> this can't be good. >> what? >> face forward. when you hit the step i will five seconds. >> this. >> oh. >> that's tanner. >> she is wearing her clothes and now will have a weird tan. >> these are the risks you run if you are testing products to sell on dsn. >> it is in my mouth! >> to see more we have brook and tara "right this minute." >> tell us what the show is about. i am sure it is not just testing products. what are you hoping to accomplish with the show? >> i think it is an inside look at at home shopping and nobody sees how stressful it is. you are five minutes here, 30 second there is and trying to runaround. >> we have been on air for an hour and have not sold one thing. >> make it entertaining and show
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people the products and we believe in what we're sealing and that's what we want to convey. >> how many of the products you test actually work the way they are promised to work? >> i would say 8 times out of 10 it doesn't do what it promises wi infomercials, home up lem showing, just commercials in general. we're testing it. >> and then we don't sell it. >> so you are like consumer protectors out there. >> exactly. >> the good buy girls premieres wednesday june 5th on tlc. see the baby photos that have got the web going -- >> that's great. >> digitally incorporates her into various situations. >> i love that one. >> see all this baby can do next "right this minute." >> and still to come a high school football player shows off his long snapping skills with some trick shots. >> whoa.
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>> nailed that right in the garbage can and he is just getting started. >> see what other shots he has in store. >> plus a dog gets all domestic in this video. >> this is the dog i would like to have. family members except there is a surprise. >> find out what his clever cleanup is really about. (horn blowing)
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chum off the side of this boat. this fisherman got a huge tarpon on the line. he is quite proud of what he has on the other side that far fishing pole. >> shark. >> whoa. >> turned it into their dinner. >> a shark. >> two bull sharks identified by the guys on this boat just ripped this thing to shreds. there is the tarpon. before long it is like a blender. >> now you see it, now you don't kind of thing. >> you can see blood in the water. >> oh, yeah. it turns into a big bloody mess. this is now a tug of war between the bull shark and the fisherman. not going to win that one. the guys on the boat are like keep your hands away from the side of the boat. >> keep your hands away. >> look at the poor tarpon's face, his head comes up and staring at the fisherman like
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what is happening. >> i have never wanted to be in a fisherman's boat more than i do right now. >> i don't think he is saying or thinking much right now. those were lifeless eyes. >> look at that jump. >> that is what is known as a feeding frenzy for sure. >> the guys are like, okay, at do i do? keep your hands inside the boat. >> i turn the motor on and get the heck out of there. cut the line and run. you don't want something pulling you in there. >> darn it. as far as trick shot videos go, it takes a lot to impress me. we have seen a lot on this show. >> yeah. >> i love this. this is one of the under appreciated aspects of the football game long snapping, right, they're important members of the team and zach smith is one of the best of the best in high school right now. he is a senior in atherton, california, and this is a mix
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tape of crazy long snapping tricks. it is what he calls the library trash can shot. watch how far away he is doing this through his legs. >> whoa. >> nailed that right in the garbage can. he is just getting started. there is a lot of awesome tricks. >> here is a bottle off his friend's hand as his friend is moving on a skateboard. look how hard he throws it, too. ten yards. then 15 yards and then 0 yards right into that trash can and no surprise that zach is committed to usc next year to play football as a long snapper. obviously his skills have been noticed by a lot of people. this is awesome. watch this. >> no way. >> that was almost a jump shot. nailed it. zach has skills. >> that's impressive.
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>> a lead off first. >> he reminded her you have to touch the base and nowshe is st there. >> good girl. touch third base. that a girl. touch it. >> she puts her nose and lays right on there. >> all righ on home. >> after she went to third base he is satisfied. >> she made it all the way home. >> yeah. woo-hoo. >> that's a smart dog. border collies, they're fun dogs to train. this showcases what they are capable of. >> i love the fact he taught her so much stuff and he is like i have to find something else for her to do, okay, baseball. >> see if she can scoop grounders next. >> you know the user, the miami marlins. >> woo-hoo. >> to give you an idea of the scope of flooding, these heavy rains have affected much of central europe. >> what? >> this is parked right next to
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the residential areas. >> these cities are flooded all the way almost to the center of the city. >> tens of thousands of people have had to be evacuated. pretty bad. these people making the best of a bad situation in switzerland. lots of heavy rains have flooded this river. the guys don't seem to mind. it created a perfect rolling wave to enjoy surfing on. >> drew quite a crowd. >> a lot of people showed up to watch and to surf. there is tons of debris that is flowing through these heavy flood waters. i am thinking one of them is going to get taken out by a log or something. a couple jump in and don't have a great ride and some of them really, really pull this off. beautifully. >> you can tell how flooded this river is. look at how far it goes up on the banks. >> this guy is a pro. he stays up for a while and just looking like he has done this since the day he was born. >> actually like a surfing ninja. >> kayakers getting in on the action and see the guy with a short sport kayak and comes down and gets in position and, poof,
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sits there and also paddles and rides the wave like the surfers. >> bounced all over the place. >> he is doing some of this intentionally and pulling tricks. >> eric, you, and his wife decided to enter their dog into a funny puppy contest. they took a video. it is a gorgeous great dane. ♪ >> he is huge. >> yeah. >> he is bigger than the table. >> vacuuming. he is cleaning the wood surfaces. he is doing the dishes. >> this is the kind of dog i
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would like to have. >> good dog. >> we decided to share this video with the family members except there is a surprise. the video goes from the dog to saying this video shows that i can be a clean, responsible, big brother and then it shows a picture of an ultrasound. >> and that makes me cry. >> what an awesome way to make this announcement. >> isn't he cool? baby is due october 2013. >> i wonder how he feels? he was the star of this video. >> right. that's our show, everybody. we'll see you next time.
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hi, everybody, i am beth troutman. let's take a look at the best videos the web has to offer "right this minute." >> anybody else? >> a man helps a woman from a wrecked car. things take a turn for the weird when she -- >> starts to rundown the highway ramp. >> the story of how officers tracked her down under a tree. >> a bus rider gets mad at some school boys and -- >> listen to her language. >> see why she is just getting started. >> sit the [ bleep ] down. >> i think a whole bunch of
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