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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  June 7, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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i'm beth troutman. we've got the great videos that you've been looking for "right this minute." >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> it's a school smackdown right in the middle of -- >> a talent show for second graders. >> what had two moms brawling in the aisle. >> i am really sorry. >> amazing videos don't just happen. >> they aren't just flinging themselves off the top of a mountain. >> now one pilot reveals the painstaking process behind the death-defying jump. >> one step the wrong way and
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they are a bug on a windshield. >> it's the experience of -- >> 1,000 life times. >> what happened when a sea lion boarded a ship and took a seat. >> he was on my lap over an hour. >> and just kicking back in the sink. >> yeah, that is a rabbit. >> find out what he's doing. >> this isn't a comedy show. >> i have a feeling this one might make you mad. let's go to lakeview elementary school. a talent show for second graders in st. cloud, florida. who you are seeing here in that spot shadow is 27-year-old jessica tyler. she's trying to take a picture of her niece but goes up to approach 39-year-old latesha james. a she said/she said about what was said during that little conversation. jessica tyler returns to her seat but then quickly gets back up and says something else. the second graders are dancing to "thrift shop." watch what happens here. tyler goes back to her seat for a second time and that's when
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james follows. gets in her face. and a fight ensues in the middle of this second grade talent show. now as i play it back, i want to point out when jessica tyler is returning to her seat after the second time, look. it does look as if she pushes over a small child. that is a 3-year-old daughter of latesha james. we don't know necessarily if that was on purpose to knock that child over but you see the child hit the ground. these two were strangers before the show. initially latesha james was arrested and charged with battery after this incident. police are also recommending battery charges for jessica tyler. >> this day was supposed to be about those children and then these two women acted like the re in secondlatesha james spoke about this incident. >> i am very remorseful. >> certainly adults shouldn't be fighting at a talent show. >> both have been banned from lakeview elementary school.
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light weight. tell me whatever. >> you may recognize this guy. this is cameron di ambroseio. he's been in the media quite a bit. he lives just obostuton. he's an amateur rapper. ♪ you know what it is kenny d. ♪ >> camid was arrested and thrown in jail on may 1st all over a facebook post. blank a boston bombing. wait until you see the blank i do. i'm going to be famous for rapping and beat every murder charge that comes across me. these lyrics were from a rap song he wrote when he was arrested. he was charged with making terrorist threats and was kept in jail without bail. the reason i'm telling you about this story today, a grand jury
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just refused to indict him, and a judge released him from jail yesterday. we have to remember, this kid is 18 years old. he probably doesn't know one thing from the other yet. it's a scary line to ride. >> he's getting a lot of attention online. there are facebook pages in support of cami d. even a crowd tilt fund-raising page for the fees he's incurred since being arrested. even though the grand jury refused to indict him, it doesn't mean he's no longer facing charges. he will have to appear in court on june 27th. when the town is recovering from a terrorist attack you just don't say this kind of stuff. >> an example of, be careful what you make public because lots of people see it. i have two insane videos. the first one, this is the moment an suv slams through the glass doors of a joann fabrics. goes right through the doors and
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through the store quite a distance. how did it not stop? >> a 78-year-old woman was driving that suv. was trying to park but instead of hitting the break, she ended up pressing the gas which sent her right through the store. unfortunately, she went quite far. and as you can see, there were other customers at the fabric store. she ended up running over three customers. one of those, an 89-year-old woman that was taken to the hospital with critical injuries. >> and apparently the driver of the suv was also taken to the hospital. >> people who were just there shopping and then ended up getting run down by an suv. >> this other video captures something insanely cool. this is dash cam on a vehicle. and you see the driver making a left-hand turn. look up ahead. that is an older woman right here. and that is a truck that apparently is spraying water in the direction of that old woman. the driver of the truck is getting closer to her.
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well, look at what this driver does. >> he blocked it. >> yes, he saw that it was coming. he actually stops the car right nox the old woman. >> that's like the modern day version of the man throwing the cape over the mud puddle. >> beautiful. i'm about to show you the experience of 1,000 lifetimes. this happened off the coast of newport beach, california. there are some people on a boat, and you see a young sea lion swimming nearby. this is where the incident of a lifetime happens. that sea lion decided to board ship. on its own. >> that's awesome. and it's a little pup. it looks like a sea lion pup. he gets on board and takes a seat. looks comfy. a lot more comfy than the rocks on the beach. he got on board just to see what's going on. it's a boat. i've seen a bunch of them. i'm out here by myself. why don't i just hang out with these people. he moseys on over to j.r.
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gillkinson. then the lure of j.r.'s laugh is too much. what? no. yes. it's a lap pup. it's a lap seal. he was there about an hour. >> that's the greatest thing ever. >> that's why this is the experience of 1,000 lifetimes. and to tell us all about this experience, we have j.r. gi gillkinson via skype. how did it feel and how did it smell? >> it actually didn't have any odor. i was asked that a couple of times. it felt very soft. he wiped up against my leg. >> j.r., it looks like you aren't reaching out to touch him in this video we're seeing. did you ever want to reach down and rub his belly. >> the whole time i wanted to reach down and touch him. i was restraining myself for the whole hour. we didn't lure him with any sardines or anything like that.
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he wasn't hungry. he just wanted a place to rest. he jumped up and then walked through the open area. i didn't know if he was just going to be there for a second and then leave. he was on my lap over an hour before i finally had to ask him to leave. >> you think something was wrong with him or he was just tired looking for a comfy spot? >> i absolutely know he was tired. he looked tired in the water. he was well fed. no injuries. he looked like the only thing he wanted to do was catch a nap. i just didn't realize it would be on my lap. >> did you name him? >> i didn't name him. i didn't know if it was a he or she. i'm an animal lover. i appreciated the fact he was on my lap more than anything else. >> a city in spain turns a crappy situation into an undercover operation. because -- >> people are not picking up after their pets. >> imagine if humans did that. >> yeah. >> see how a special package is delivering a dirty message. plus -- pay this guy five bucks. >> he'll juggle sharp knives
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while saying your name. >> i think i'm the only one that for all those who sleep too hot or too cool, and struggle to sleep comfortably together, now there's a solution. the company that individualized your comfort with the sleep number bed is now introducing sleep number dual temp, the revolutionary temperature-balancing layer with active air technology that works on any mattress, including yours. whether you sleep hot or cool, sleep number dual temp
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allows each of you to select your ideal temperature. so you can both sleep exactly the way you like, at your own perfect temperature. and there's only one place in the world you'll find an entire collection of temperature-balancing solutions including the revolutionary new sleep number dual temp layer designed to give you the soundest sleep of your life: a sleep number store near you. sleep number. comfort individualized. visit to find one of our over 400 sleep number stores nationwide. what? that lovely girl, caught your eye? 20 piece mcnuggets are only $4.99. you offer to share them. that's pretty smart.
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[ male announcer ] 20 piece chicken mcnuggets now on mcdonald's new extra value menu. like us on stay in touch all day long. now back to the show. i have to warn you guys, this story is really crappy. this is in madrid. people are not picking up after their pets. >> imagine if humans did that. >> yeah. >> officials tried to address the problem with these fake moving poops chasing people that have dogs with a sign that says, hey, pick up after your dog. and it didn't really work. so they decided to try something very different. go on an undercover investigation to unveil the perpetrators of the poop left behind. they approached the offenders, strike up a conversation -- find
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out the dog's name and the owner's name and then they go back to the pet registry. they get the address of the pet owner. pick up the poop. they put it in a bag and put it in a box and it says lost item and then they get it delivered to their home. the campaign wased by mccann world group in spain. they partnered with the city and they have 20 volunteers participate. and this is that lady we saw earlier in the video getting her package. she's like, lost object? i don't remember losing an object. we don't get to see them open it. when they do open it they see a warning note that says don't do this again or else you'll get a $40 to $400 fine. they ended up delivering 147 packages and apparently it worked because poop left behind has dropped about 70% since they started this campaign. >> i just yell at the people.
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pick up your crap. i'm that guy. learn to jump to mama. >> wow. look at that. ♪ ♪ >> cool. >> we've seen a lot of videos on this show. most of the time we can sit and go ooh, ah, this one has a little bit more of the how to, the behind the scenes, what these guys go to to put these flights together. >> in wing suit terrain flying you will eventually reach a point where going in closer is not that much more fun. but really it just gets
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exponentially more dangerous. >> they want to do more and more spectacular things. mattias explains how it's done. >> we keep our flights open for new options. and i discovered a potentially very interesting line. >> now they are out there keeping their eyes open for new routes. when they find one -- >> that means going home and developing a flight plan. on google earth, the line looks very promising. >> so they're not just flinging themselves off the top of mountains. there's a lot of thought and process that goes into this. >> here's a look at their new line. it's spectacular! the prox imity to the mountain, the prox imity to each other. the height off the ground is incredible. >> they are just skimming these trees and these rocks and cliffs like one inch. >> the wrong way and they are a bug on a windshield. >> or on a rock. >> this is the most breathtaking angle. watch this view. >> i really enjoy this line.
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it's hydrodynamic and turning around sharp corners made me feel like racing in a formula one car in the air. >> i didn't realize they could turn and curve. >> it felt like a great achievement. florida the first try, the line worked out exactly as planned. it's furious pete and it's his lunchtime. >> can i get a break. >> you get smarter. >> see if he gets smarter. next "right this minute." still to come, we've got some simple live hacks to save you some cash. >> stick a couple of tacks on both sides and you've just created an amazing amplifier. >> does it work? we put this tip to the test, next. plus, it's a bear behaving like a human. because -- >> oh! >> wow. >> he opened your door. >> see the smooth break-in on "right this minute."
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you know what tomorrow is, everybody? >> the rtm top ten video weekend. >> this weekend? >> crazy, right? >> get over to "right this click on the top ten videos and enjoy. >> it's an rtm top ten weekend. don't miss it. you guys ready to have your life hacked? again. our friends from the household hacker are back and this time, it's all about saving you some cash. >> need to get some paint out of your clothes? get a bottle of olive oil and
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pour a little on the stain. >> olive oil gets paint out of clothes. >> dry paint? >> looks lix that was dry. >> save money next time by covering the top stem with some plastic wrap or just a plastic bag. >> what? they'll last longer. >> because you won't allow it to oxidize and that's an open wound to the inside of the banana. >> it's warming up and the ants are invading. grab some corn meal and sprink telearound the crevices around where they are. they can't digest it. >> this is a college trick. we did this in college. >> this one we should try. everyone has music on their iphones and smartphones. sometimes you want to listen to it not just through your headphones. >> grab an empty toilet paper roll. stick a couple tacks on both sides and you've just created an amazing amplifier. >> does it work? >> i want to do that now. you're right. >> so i have been given a paper
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towel roll. this is without the amplifier. so it does work. >> let's do this again. hold it. hold the thing. >> it does work. it's not much, but it definitely does work. >> so ways to save money and those were, i think, all pretty useful little life hacks. oh, the internet where you can pay a man, a stranger, $5 to do something like this. >> john tanner. john tanner. john tanner. john tanner. john tanner. john tanner. john tanner. john tanner. >> yep, just pay a guy 5 bucks and he'll juggle sharp knives
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while saying your name. that's the world we're living in right now. the dude really did do this. this is mr. marcus who is juggling these knives. he has a fiber page which you may have heard of where you can go and pay people five bucks to do all different things. he's a professional street performer and entertainer. you look on his page he has all sorts of options. i think it's pretty cool. for 5 bucks? can't get much for 5 bucks nowadays. >> that is true. >> maybe you can pay five bucks and have him do something even weirder. >> i think i'm the only one that thinks this is really weird. >> oh, it's weird. >> it's definitely weird. >> he's doing it. find your passion. see if you can make money at it. >> until someone offers to do it all for 4 bucks. >> capitalism. >> john tanner! rolling down the hill is about to get a little more
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rugged. >> keep your head, your hands and your feet inside the tire. >> if you're up for the ride "right this minute." >> that's what i want to see there.
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the rescuers from the rnli at it again. this time with an unconventional rescue. one we haven't seen before. check this out. there is a vehicle stuck out there in the sea. how it got there, i do not know.
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you see that white vehicle out there. people surround it. the thing is stuck. it raent move. the rnli called in this cool looking vehicle. i don't know what you call that. almost looks like a tractor that they take out there. it's able to just motor right through this water. pretty cool, right? they get out there. there's some people pushing but they also have a strap connected to the white car from a tractor. they start towing this thing out but they don't tow it the whole way to shore. eventually they get to the point where the car is able to kind of just go on its own. i guess to shallow waters where the car is able to then drive around and come back up the same ramp that the tractor thing went down. must be an exciting job. something new every day. how are we going to tackle this one? somewhere in a field in brazil, a homemade eticket ride is about to happen so keep your head, your hands and your feet inside the tire. >> at least they were smart enough to put helmets on.
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>> they put on helmets and not much else and down the hill they go. >> i'd already be puking right there. oh, boy. >> as you can see, the tire is out of control. nobody is stopping it. but look ahead. some bushes and some trees and they roll into the bushes and trees and finally stop. >> oh, man. >> i am puking just watching that. i feel like you. i feel like -- >> and this is a dangerous way to stop. this is like if you had a redneck theme park this would be like an eticket ride. as you can see, everybody was okay. these two ladies put on the helmets and go for a little roll down the hill. ♪ >> good, clean, cheap family fun. >> i don't think the girls had the same ending as the guys did. >> that's what i wanted to see there. >> as you can see, she's a
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little dizzy. but she's victorious, too. got a video for you guys that's going to make you ask, is that a man in a bear suit or is that actually a bear? you see a big black bear with his head poking out of the cab of a truck. >> man in a bear suit. >> you may be right when you see what this bear does next. oh! wow. he opened the door. watch it again because he opens the door like a human. there he goes. >> that's crazy. >> but the family behintd the camera, they are getting a kick out of this. >> you guys are going to get a kick out of this one. >> what is that? is that a rabbit? >> that is a rabbit.
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he lives in greece. his name is cloody. this is him chilling while he's getting a bath. >> this rabbit looks like he's at the spa getting the ultimate spa package. >> and these asleep. like this rabbit isn't just chilling. the poster of this video actually said he falls asleep and doesn't mind whatever happens while he's in the bath. you know, i totally get this. you know how we feel when you go to the salon and they do the head massage while washing your hair and you doze off. in this case, they are watching the whole "hare." >> they are watshing the hare's everyone.
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i'm beth troutman. let's take a look at the best videos the web has to offer, "right this minute." an adventure photographer dodges lava explosions up to -- >> 2200 degrees fahrenheit. >> the stunning results of getting this close to a volcano. some scientists are surprised when a whale -- >> nudges their boat. >> how it hit them right on the funny bone.


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