tv Right This Minute FOX June 8, 2013 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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hi, everyone. i'm beth trautman. it's time for best videos from the web, "right this minute." >> not that far. >> jumping into the summer with the viral hit of the week. as a flying leap, falls flat. >> oh! >> now the daredevil with two broken feet tells us the whole story. >> i hesitated and splat. >> don't do it. don't do it. >> a cop warned him, but a driver takes off anyway and that's when -- >> things take a traumatic turn.
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>> it came to a high-powered ending. fisherman are trying to reel in -- >> a trophy catch. >> how two bull sharks took it right out from under them. >> the food challenge that will make your stomach crawl. >> we have seen plenty of -- >> see the story behind it. >> a shocking lack of junk in her trunk. >> got to warn you guys. this one, cringe worthy. backyard scene. home with a pool and a group of young people up on the roof. guy take as a few steps back, he jumps, no problem. now we have two girls left, one of whom is nicole easton in the pink bathing suit. nervous, doesn't want to do this. >> just go. you better go, vicky. >> so the two girls start taking a few steps forward, and watch this. >> oh! >> no, no, no, no. >> not what they planned.
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land on both her feet. she did break both of her feet. >> what have you done? >> she is now confined to a wheelchair for six months. off her feet, out of work. she just moved into this house with her roommate. they are trying to raise $4,200 on a go fund me page. we have 19-year-old nicole easton joining us to watch this hard to watch accident. >> my boyfriend and my other roommates had done it before, it looks like fun. they always make it in the pool. i hesitated and splat. >> that moment when you fell, explain what it felt like? >> pretty much i saw the whole thing happened. i saw my feet stop at the edge of the roof and i jumped, and felt my body kind of compact. everyone's eyes get huge. it just was a tingling, a
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vibrate, pain. >> do you think people will give you money to help with your medicalñr costs? >> i honestly don't expect anything. we'll have a few months of major struggling, but i have my family who is here to help me. >> nicole, describe your injuries. >> my left foot is healing in a horseshoe shape, so they will probably rebreak that one so it heals straight. so i'm not duck feet forever. my right foot has an extremely huge crack in it. they have to push the crack together. >> are you embarrassed this video out there, people are watching it. >> i am extremely embarrassed. i didn't want my friends to know. so so many people were saying what happened, what happened? and then my mom wanted to get a fund-raiser going, so my mom made it viral. i was scared, i shouldn't have done it. it was a stupid decision to jump.
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the solon police department in ohio released video from an officer-involved shooting on st. patrick's day. i must warn you, this vieo may be disturbing to watch. thbegins as a traffic stop,offi and the driver of the car, 22-year-old kevin bailey. have a pleasant exchange. >> long drive, huh? >> two hours. >> and then the officer smells something. >> anything illegal in the car? any weed? >> i don't smoke. >> and then he calls. >> it smells like weed. and he has a bunch of weapons. >> the officer approaches the car a second time. >> any weapons in the car? >> okay. >> with both officers talking to the driver, things take a dramatic turn. >> you don't have to roll your window up, you are not going anywhere. don't do it, don't do it!
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>> the guy drives off, the srs g officers get in the car. the guy tries to execute a u-turn. a car in the way, he backs up, turns around a chase ensues. the driver runs over the curb and comes out firing. multiple shots fired in this incident. this was a deadly shooting. you can see in this image, there are at least eight bullet holes in the window. they were stuck in their cars, they had no time to unbuckle seat belts or do anything to get out of way. officer davis was hit in the chest and left arm. both of them taken to the hospital, but treated and released. >> i don't know how you could call this unjustified at all. the guy gets out, is firing close range at these officers. they had to defend themselves. >> sterecently state and local officials ruled the shooting was
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justified. it's true, dogs are man's best friend and also the most excited to see when you you come back from an 11-month deployment. >> go see your puppy. >> this service member just came back from afghanistan and the moment he's reuniting with his puppy, sierra. >> hi, hi! >> did you miss daddy? is that daddy? >> notice, there is snow outside. that's because the video was recorded back in march. the video was just not up loaded to the welcome home blog in may. >> got an american flag sweater on too. i like that. >> get this. when he left to afghanistan, she was less than a year old and they haven't seen each other and she's almost two years old so the fact that she still remembers him, pretty special. >> and you can see the love in her face. these really bad parkers you
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are seeing in surveillance video, they are about to do the unthinkable. this couple, they are about to walk into sticky lick pit barbecue. >> say it again. >> sticky lips pit barbecue in rochester, new york. as they are walking in, sticky lips pit barbecue, notice this lovely cast iron pig door stop. and he's looking down, like that's a cute door stop. get the takeout order, happy as can be, but watch. suddenly we see the door close behind them. the dude carrying his takeout bag, looks down at the pig and says i want that pig for myself. and he takes it. >> of all the things to get busted on camera stealing. >> this is the second time they have lost one of their cast iron piggy bank door stops. watch the woman.
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she looks at him like, dude, that is not yours. >> dude, leave the pig. >> watch how he mistreats the pig once he get back out to his poorly parked car. he dropped it. drops it. >> how do you show your face at sticky lips pit barbecue after you have stolen their door stop? >> they are wanting this pig back. >> so they have offered $100 in dinner gift certificates to the person who brings the pig back. leave it in the foyer, we won't press charges. we want the pig back. the owners posted the video, tons of calls about who this guy might be. they even think they have the phone number for this dude. but they'll wait and see if he does the right thing. a fed-up woman throws groceries at a man's head. an entire sack of potatoes, a carton of milk. >> see what happens, just when you think she's finally done. and a boy searches animal
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it goes to say a lot of people lost a lot of things during the tornadoes in oklahoma. especially a lot of pets. this is a scene from the central oklahoma humane society. on the wall, a photos of a bunch of dogs that the humane society has that are missing owners. >> this clip courtesy of the world animal society, a young boy in his hat and the grandfather in an orange shirt and trying to identify the two lost dogs, dexter is a chihuahua mix and ripo, a pitbull.
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>> there's ripo. >> he found his dog. watch how he react. immediately gets very emotional. apparently they had searched everywhere and this was the last place. >> i thought you were dead, buddy. i did. >> you see a picture that the grandfather shows of what is left on their house. they take the boy to the back to meet his dog. here is he going to see dexter. >> oh. >> a bunch of kisses, right off the bat from dexter and then the boy goes to see repo, an escape artist. >> they had to put her the separate container, because she kept escaping. >> you can see repo, very excited. she's like where is the door. i'm happy to see you, but let's get out of here. >> we have a trailer out here full of supplies. >> the central oklahoma humane
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society provided dog food, dog beds, medicine, supplies, all the things you need to take care of a dog, because the family lost everything in the storm. >> what a comfort to have your pet back every losing everything you had. >> you also hope all of the other dogs' owners get found. >> what was a lover's spat turned into a food fight on the side of the road. play close attention to the woman in the bright pink pants. she is the wife of this man. >> watch what's about to happen. >> where is that stuff coming from? the garbage? >> her bag. >> she is. one of the shopping trolley bags, popular in the uk. if you watch closely. she throws an entire sack of potatoes at this man, a carton of milk. >> he will be the first man that says i feel like i got hit by a sack of potatoes. >> at one point she looks like
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she is storming away with her shopping cart behind her, but swinging it at the pping cart guy. she starts hitting him with his own hat. thehere. and she starts picking up the stuff he threw. >> the people who shot this video says they heard a sound that sounded like a dog in pain. it turns out it was this woman and man. they found it quite humorous. >> good day for birds in the neighborhood. >> no word on what started this argument, but evidently a bad one. a trophy catch turned into chum off the side of this boat. a huge tarpon on the line. reeling the catch of the day in.
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whoa! sharks turn it into their dinner. >> shark and a tarpon. >> two bull sharks identified by the guys on this boat, rip this thing to shreds, mercilessly. there is the tarpon and before long, it looks like it's in a blender. >> like a now you see it, now you don't kind of thing. >> blood in the water. >> oh, yeah. this turns into a big, bloody mess. a tug of war between the bull sharks and fishermen. >> not going to win that one. >> the guys on the boat are like, keep your hands and feet away from the boat. >> oh. >> the tarpon, his heads come up at one point, like what is happening? >> i never wanted to be in a fisherman's boat so much. >> those are lifeless eyes. i don't think he's thinking or saying much. >> that guy is like -- what do i do? keep your hands inside the boat.
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>> i would turn the boat around and get the heck out of there. cut the line. you don't want something pulling you in there. all aboard the angry train. >> this guy in the red shirt sucker punch the guy in the blue. >> see how this train ride got off track and give this dog a tickle. >> sounds like an old man who has been smoking a pipe for a little whi
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yeah, ugly scene aboard a new jersey transit train at a hoboken trainstation. happened around 2:00 a.m. strange things can happen at that hour this guy in the red shirt sucker punches the guy in the blue. what we know about the incident comes from the guy who shot the video the guy in the red got in an argument. this girl here tried to step in and resolve the situation, that is when the guy in red got mad and punched that guy in blue, who apparently had nothing to do with it. just standing there. but is got to point out, as severe as the punch is, the guy in blue kind of unfazed. the guy doesn't go down. standing straight up. seconds later, transit police arrest this guy. and the guy in the blue starts
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talking smack to the guy that hit him. >> how do you feel? >> that big punch, which was a cheap shot, didn't phase him at all. >> such a strange interaction, after the punch you see this guy's female friend, girlfriend or not, comes in kinds of she has a huge smile on her face. >> the dude in red, all jacked up with his gold chains on and the guy that took the punch, flip-flops on. jersey shore meets the hill. we have a ton of tutorial videos on the show. some of the more shocking ones, the twirking videos this is eugenia, and she will teach you to twirk. >> she is very, very, very thin. >> this video getting a lot of attention, in part because she is very thin, and she's going to be twirking to "ratchet girl."
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>> first, wing down, put your hands on your hips, above your legs and then you start extending your back outward and go faster, or lower. this is the lower style and this is the higher style. >> she has a shocking lack of junk in her trunk. >> attempting to do a twirking video. amused by this. >> pretty ridiculous, but maybe that's her point. the twirking videos ridiculous. >> everybody, turn. there you go. >> trying to be funny, joking around. not real. >> bingo. not real. a lot of people think it's a real tutorial. it's not. trying to be funny. >> checked out the facebook page. makes it clear because of people who were talking about it, says it's a joke. she doesn't personally address her weight on her facebook page. but people who know her are commenting that they are surprised there is such a
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negative reaction to her weight. >> see? that's how you twirk. the internet full of screaming goat videos, nothing on this pooch. >> that's not real. that's not real. that's not really the dog, right? >> that is really the dog. >> they say when a dog is getting a rub. we'll have fun with the dog. >> it sounds like a human laugh. an old man who has been smoking a pipe for a little while and started laughing with some smoke phlegm in his throat. >> two humans in this video, obviously somebody shooting the video and the two hands of the person holding the dog and you distinttively hear two different laughs. if you watch the hand movements, and the sound of the laughter, they look like they are
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what the heck is going on here? >> talking about using the wrong tool for the job. apparently, the guy down at the end of the block are trying to tear down this entire tree. now, instead of using a chainsaw, they decided to tie up an old chunker and just start yanking. >> that is never going to work. >> it doesn't work. but quite entertaining for the neighbors to watch these guys try over and over again. >> they do this more than once? >> absolutely. and you hear the guys down the block go -- >> back up and do it again. >> back up and do it again. >> if they get it down, it will fall on top of the car. >> we don't actually see the limb coming down, but the uploader describes them eventually using a chainsaw and truck to bring down the tree. >> this is a bad idea, from so many different angles. in our time, we've seen the
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man known as l.a. beast eat all sorts of things. but this shows us two things from the l.a. beast we've never seen. one, him getting really nervous. and two -- >> today i have a hissing coke roach in my hands. >> we get a closeup and you can see this thing moving around, making noise. >> [ bleep ]. >> i think that is one of the grossest things one could ever eat. >> and i think l.a. beast thinks the same thing. >> this is the hardest thing i have probably ever done in my life. >> so fired up, talking smack on the cockroach. >> can't win, pal. are you about to [ bleep ]ing lose. oh! oh! >> attempt number one. lasted all about two seconds. no. attempt number two. >> oh, bull [ bleep ].
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>> i think the hissi ining cockroaches different than the ones we know. put a saddle on that and ride it home. >> beast, beast, beast, beast, beast, beast, beast! >> he puts this thing down. >> he keeps it all in, he keeps it all in. >> right now, go. just do it. bite him. >> and he starts chews and starts jumping and ckarate, shadowboxing and he made it harder on himself. it wasn't that bad. >> that's our show, everybody. we'll see you next time.
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i'm beth trautman. we have the videos everybody is looking for, "right this minute." mid air emergency as a skydiver frantically tries to fix equipment while falling fast. still struggling with that strap. and all of a sudden, watch this. >> what happens to save him, not a moment too soon. that's right. >> a nasty skucuffle, throwing by a -- >> flying kick. >> the street
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