tv Right This Minute FOX June 8, 2013 10:30am-11:01am PDT
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i'm beth trautman. we have the videos everybody is looking for, "right this minute." mid air emergency as a skydiver frantically tries to fix equipment while falling fast. still struggling with that strap. and all of a sudden, watch this. >> what happens to save him, not a moment too soon. that's right. >> a nasty skucuffle, throwing by a -- >> flying kick. >> the street anyoninja, in act.
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a baby deer and a baby goat found out. >> pesky fences just get in the way. >> how raising a racket got them both rescued. and an nfl player pulls a fast one on his girlfriend. >> she has no idea what's about to happen. the romantic story behind the roof stop surprise. >> what are you doing? time to getnervous. we havendiving mishap. this starts with a group of experienced looking skydivers with a group jump. the guy with the camera breaks off from the group, as he starts plummeting down, is he checking his altimeter to figure out when he should pull his chute. keeps checking it, keeps checking it, checks the third time, notices what's that right there? his chest strap that is not connecting. i don't know if it came undone
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during the fall or undone before he jumped. maybe he forgot to check. as he is falling, he is trying to get his strap together, and he is falling fast. still struggling with that strap and all of a sudden, watch this. see some chute goes off. his aat. that's the automatic activation device, connected to the reserve chute or main chute, which will open up at a specific time or altitude. in this case, engaged the chute at 600 feet above the ground. he still doesn't have the chest strap connected. >> oh! >> not strapped in. the chest strap. >> when he hits the ground, a little shocked. >> wow. not even like it was kind of hooked. that whole thing wasn't looped through, strapped in, buckled up. it was hanging on him like a bat
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pack. >> [ bleep ]. >> a disturbing scene was captured on a city bus in sydney, australia. take a look at this. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> an altercation between a 50-year-old woman and two asian school boys. now according to reports, they are standing on the bus they are carrying equipment that is fragile. they have been sitting on this seat so they don't fall. >> are they able to stand in the bus? >> it's fine to stand on the city bus. this woman has a problem because they are blocking her view. >> sit down. >> first of all who died and made this lady commissioner of the bus. >> and then her words become racist.
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>> no one can see where they are going. [ bleep ]. >> her drinking problem is known to people not just in australia, but all over the world. >> no, they can't. [ bleep ]. >> the incident gets so disturbing the bus driver has to stop the bus, comes back and tries to quiet the woman. the one student who was most involved does start using some obscene gestures, and when he does, listen to her language. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> i think a whole bunch of sailors just closed their eyes and covered their ears. when are you in los angeles and have a kitten fall between the walls of your home, who do you call? los angeles animal services and who they call in? s.m.a.r.t., the specialized mobile animal rescue team. they are drilling a hole in the
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wall to stick in a camera and find out where the kitten actually is. once they cut a bigger hole in the wall, they need to make sure they don't hurt the kitten. >> wow, he's really wedged in tight. >> the cat has been in the wall for four days. by the time s.m.a.r.t. shows up. the kitten out, orange tabby. >> probably starving. four days stuck in the wall. >> guess twwhat? they came back two days later, another kitten found in the attic. this kitten rescue was executed with a little less technical equipment, but this is a little gray kitten and they are both available for adoption for anybody in the l.a. area, but wait. you have two kittens, how about -- some puppies? these were found under a house in l.a. >> let's get you out of there, huh? shall we? >> nine puppies. >> hi, baby.
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two baby, nine baby. nine, dude. they are barely opening their eyes. >> they reunite puppies with mom. >> of course they reunited mama. >> that's it. wow. >> these puppies are also available for adoption from los angeles animal services. this one left me shaking my head. looks like two women struggling, according to reports, the woman standing is trying to steal the purse of the woman in the wheelchair. the guy with the video camera is saying -- >> call the cops! >> nobody steps in right away during the struggle. eventually another woman does and tries to settle it. the woman in a black tank top step up and try to stop this attempted robbery. they start to fight. another guy tries to separate those two. watch what happens next.
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>> stop that. [ bleep ]. >> my momma -- >> oh! >> some guy comes running into the screen and does some kin of flying kick, knocks that woman to the ground, takes the hand of the woman with the black tank top on, and they walk off. >> hey, what's up, dog. >> now get away from me. >> the woman in the wheelchair drives away, doesn't appear to be hurt and neither does the woman that was knocked down. >> clearly he didn't jackie chan her too hard. >> a weird one. >> not like the woman accused of being her mom and to stay out of the business. >> like the woman in the black shirt stepped in. >> the guy drop kicks a woman. >> if a woman ever is robbing me, i hope somebody jumps in and drop kicks her. >> a man makes a commando decision to strip down. >> daytime, there is a full moon. >> the story behind one nutty freeway chase.
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this video italy stars a car on the side of the road, a man standing next to the car. does he need help? no. he stops the car and there will be blurring involved here. he is removing his clothes. he takes all his stuff off, pant included, and tosses a few of the items. somebody caught the whole thing on camera from above, and after he is fully nude, pops over the guard rail, gives us a nice view, and even though it's daytime, there is a full moon.
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>> wow. >> he then begins running full speed down the highway, into oncoming traffic, getting his sprint on. >> how stunning for the driver, a naked man coming toward me. >> on video posted it to facebook. police able to apprehend the guy. caught up with him later. being reported he may have some sort of mental illness. naked guy on the side of the road. i'm somewhat impressed with his speed. >> barefoot running is the thing. not so long ago, i showed you this con vo with my 2-year-old. really cute. >> she's the princess. >> it wasn't actually a 2-year-old dad matt clark was actually talking to. his 2-year-old daughter, cocoa, played by a grown man.
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we have episode two, it's as hilarious and freaky. dad minding his own business, reading, 2-year-old coco walking up, opens the door and that's when the conversation begins. >> what are you doing out of about bed? >> i just think i need to read one more story. >> where is your pajamas. >> i just took them off. >> you have to go back to bed. >> no. because i'm naked, i'm the boss. >> i didn't know that rule. >> i'm going to start using that one at my house. >> the real boss is the one that does the tickling. >> something weird about a man in his tighties getting tickled. >> tell us more about these amazingly funny conversations, we have matt clark on "right this minute." >> hello. >> the conversations with your 2-year-old happen the way they were in the video? >> yeah, i try to be as true to the original conversation as i can. the beauty of the material is you don't need to punch it up. it's already out there.
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>> is coco as assertive as she seems? >> yeah, she takes after her mom, and she has a voice and isn't afraid to use it. >> that guy must be a friend of yours. >> it took a slight twist of the arm, and he saw the had yumor i. end one day i got a littl i thought if she was three feet taller, it would be completely unacceptable. maybe there is comedy in that. i start eed writing it down. >> have you shown the videos to coco? >> she's all over them. loves them. >> anybody give you parenting advice since you were arguing with a 2-year-old. >> those are my favorite youtube comments. why are you letting your child talk like that. there are moments you win, ones you don't. the ones that you don't are ripe for comedy. the interactions happen in any other form in your life, would
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you be fired from your job or arrested sometimes. it is kind of creepy. that's where a lot of humor comes from. >> go get your p.j.s on. >> okay. sometimes pesky fences get in the way. a guy walking through the field. you hear him say, stop now. >> what he's talking about. baby deer. >> do you have your head stuck this time? >> yes, you do. >> of course. who put a stupid fence there and hid it with vegetation. >> listen to the sounds of this deer. it will break your heart. >> hold on. >> it sounds like a baby, a child crying. >> easy, there you go, there you go. >> pretty easy. got his head unstuck, but then watch, the deer keeps trying to get on the other side of the fence, keeps running back into the fence. >> you can't go through the fence. >> this little baby figures it out. >> i just rescued a baby deer. >> zoom-in shot of the baby deer
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trotting into the forest. >> a couple of videos that show you sometimes pesky fences get the way. ts time, not a baby deut a >> oh. >> oh, man. >> sounds awful. >> you know what's going on here. the little baby horns got stuck. >> hear that snap? >> what was it? >> the little baby horn coming lose. >> he is doing just fine, runs back with the rest of the herd and nibbles elsewhere. >> whoever came up with that style of fence, should re-think things. >> do you have your head stuck? yes, do you. not the smartest driving move. what happens when the car comes up for air. and the new exercise that is
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>> you know, the days before the internet, you do something stupid, you were kind of asha d ashamed. now it seems like pint of pride. two guys racing along a dirt road next to a lake, when the driver decides to start fish tailing and sends the two plummeting off the side of the road into the lake. he tried to drift next it a lake. >> with no guard rail, nothing to keep him out of water obviously, because he ended up in the water and he doesn't feel ashamed of this? >> if you were ashamed, you probably wouldn't put it on the internet. here it is in real time. >> not the best place to wing your car around out of control when are you like three feet from a body of water. >> this leaves very little room for error.
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>> what a bunch of dummies. were they able to get the car out? >> both guys get out, no problem. the car a bit smashed up. >> if that was my kid, and i saw this on the internet, i would be like i'm not getting you a new car. a few months ago, a video was posted on youtube, called prancercising, a new fitness program by joanna rohrback. it started going viral. >> my ankle weights in place, and let's stop talking and do some walking. >> tight pants on. >> yep. she has the moves to go with it. >> that top not one you want to work out in, looks more like a church top. >> i think this might be the next internet means --
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>> we have the unicorn prancerci prancercising. >> pants could be tighter. >> even though people make fun of her, does she continue to exercise this way? >> of course. she is inspired by horses. >> power walking, boring, running, boring. you get to dress up, prance around town, have a little dancing fun. dancing like nobody watching, but moving. >> people are watching, are you in public. >> the unicorn prancercise was poef po posted to the youtube page of archie mcphee. >> looks real. a high school football player shows off snapping skills with this trick shot. >> nailed that right in the
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snow balls. >> the little packing peanuts. >> almost looks like it's organized, falling like a straight line, not too far off the beaten path, and the path is documented back to 1440, used by ere you were kere w going. >> doesn't it make you want to grab a sled? jump out on that thing. >> going slow, doesn't look too dangerous. probably inadvisable. looks fun. >> grab a saucer sled. >> float on down. >> as far as trick shot videos go, it takes a lot to impress me, we've seen a lot on the show. but i love this. >> this is one of the underappreciated aspects of the football game. long snapping, right? guys important members of the team, and zach smith is one of the best of the best.
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in high school right now, he is a senior at menlow school in california and this is basically a mix tape of all of the crazy long snapping tricks. what he calls the library trash can shot. watch how far away he is, and right through his legs. >> oh! oh! >> a water bottle off his friend's hand as his friend is moving on a skateboard. look how hard he is throwing it. 10 yards, 15 yards, 20 yards, right into the trash can. no surprise that zach has committed to usc next year to play football as a long snapper. his skills noticed by a lot of people. this one is awesome. watch this. >> oh! no way! >> and that was almost a jump shot too. nailed it. >> zach has got skills. >> pretty impressive.
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>> this is brandon and carla. brandon graham of the philadelphia eagles. a defensive end, and he is pulling the wool over carla's eyes. says fox sports wants to do a documentary on me. in the madison building in downtown detroit. she thinks they are going up for an interview, has no idea what is about to happen. looking at the view and watch what he does behind her. drops down on one knee. >> what are you doing? >> carla. >> what? >> like she's mad at him. >> her responses are pretty interesting and pretty funny. >> will you marry me? >> yes. >> good plan, though. because that explains all the cameras away, and he gets to record such a beautiful moment. >> and big tough football player
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guy got choked up there. crying doing his speech. >> way more emotional than she was. >> hits him one time and a few more times, because he tricked her. >> that was one gorgeous ring. >> that ring and nice and all, but i get this guy would like to have a super bowl ring more. but he doesn't. >> getting the love of your life to say yes is better than any super bowl ring. >> thank you. this is so amazing. >> brandon got help from the folks who created the video. that's our show, everybody. we'll see you next time. goodnight. thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell
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hello everyone, and welcome to sports stars of tomorrow, i'm charles davis, and i'm proud to be your new host. we'll continue to bring you the great stories you demand, going coast to coast telling you about the nation's top up-and-coming athletes. we'll also bring you special programs like today's show, which focuses on the heisman trophy. college football's most prestigous individual award will be handed out on december 8th in new york city... let's take a look at some the candidates to join college football's most elite fraternity.
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