tv Right This Minute FOX June 11, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman and it is time to take a look at the best videos from the web, "right this minute." it's the car flipped sun going crazy viral. >> what happened? >> he ended up hitting and breaking the windshield of the kcar car. >> meet the stuntman who tells us how it all went down. >> at the moment i knew i was hit i thought i was dead. dash cam video catches a scary exchange when a suspect has something unsuspected. >> it was a three-foot machete.
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>> but it is the officer's actions that are causing the controversy. plus, 7 weeks old and caught in a hole. >> how does that happen? >> find out how the rescuers set the sweet kitten free. >> and driving the jeep -- >> right intond pool. >> why? why? why? the story behind the big splash on "right this minute." we have seen a lot of really cool things on the show, and people are doing them all over the place and posting them on youtube and daniel jensen was doing his own and this is what he was attempting. yes, he is going to attempt to jump over a fast-moving car. this is how his stunt goes. wai? >> yes, he did not jump high enough and he ended up hitting and breaking the windshield of
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the car that he just jumped over. he ended up doing a side flip and landed on his feet. >> okay. wait. >> he broke the windshield, but he didn't break himself, and how do you get hit by a car and not break? >> apparently the damages were just a broken windshield and a bruised ankle. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> wow. >> i love it, because he thros s the arms in the air and starts cheering, probably, because he realizes, i could have just died. >> and i landed. >> and i'm thankful. >> to learn more we have a daniel via skype "right this minute," and are you amazed that you actually survived it? >> i jumped and when i got to it, didn't do it, i just heard it. at that moment i knew i had
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gotten hit and i thought i was dead. i just put my hands up and i went ah! and ran away. >> tell us about your friend, because she loseloher eyes, bec she didn't want to see it, and all she heard was pop, pop, and she said, i just filmed daniel. >> and daniel, this is incredibly stupid and what do you say to the people who are watching this video and may want to try it? >> definitely don't do it. i got lucky. i got very lucky and i should have died. >> and your parents see this and what do they say? >> don't do anymore stupid stunts. police dashcam just released from an incident in january in alto, texas, and this is, i have to warn you, pretty graphic footage. >> whoa, whoa, put that knife down. >> the moment happens really quickly and i will play it for you again.
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according to the reports the person in the middle of the screen was 48-year-old james eric griffin and as you can see, he is walking towards the police car, he is pulling something out of his pants and that is a three-foot machete and you hear the officer say -- >> whoa, whoa, whoa, put that knife down. >> and then according the reports officer brandon smith began firing. he fires eight rounds into griffin and these shots were fatal. again, this all happened in january and the reason that officer smith was on the scene, griffin was caught on surveillance camera in a convenience store, and according to a clerk, he was trying to steal a package of cigarettes and pulled out the same three-foot machete and threatened the clerk. the clerk call police and smith showed up on the scene, and as you can see, it all turned violent really, really quickly. some people in the community believe that the officer took it too far. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, put that knife down.
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>> ktre spoke to some people in the community. >> it was a murder. >> some people thought it happened too quickly and the officer fired too many rounds. >> this guy died because of a pack of cigarettes and he was walking around and threate peop >> and the officer was investigated by internal affairs as a result of the incident. talk about a roadside attraction. look at this little guy, a bear, jumping up on the window of the car that is pulled over on the side of the road. this stretch of road in russia is known to have bears looking for food. why is that? because so many passing trucker s share their food with the bears and it is a hot spot for the animals and the people who pass by look for the snacks and
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the bears know that it is an easy spot for free food. here it looks like the bear is about to rip off the side view mirror on this car, but they drive away before the bear sinks the teeth in. >> look at that paw! >> i get the sentiment behind it, but you also have bears right by a highway that has trucks, cars or anything that could have -- these bears could easily be hit. >> they are wild animals and they should not be given human food. >> that is right. people should not roll down window for wild bears and the bears can be aggressive especially if you don't give them a treat and you have the window rolled down. there are a lot of extreme stunt videos on the web, and we see a lot of them on the show, but they don't always go according the plan. this is one of those incidents, and who you are seeing is 22-year-old austrian player who is trying to volley off of a
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roof, but the chute opens the wrong way and you can see that maria starts to plummet. this is a 52-story building she is trying to jump off of. she gets hung up there, and then she starts to drop faster and then watch this, she swings out, and then swings back in, and she lands on the porch, and that is a 10th story balcony and lands on somebody's porch. the couple in the unit came to her rescue and heard her banging on the doors and treated maria for a broken nose and a few scrapes after this. >> she dropped 42 stories and lived to tell about it with with broken nose and few scrapes. >> do you base jump again and say, okay, i will jump once more even though you have barely made it out of this one alive? >> does a cowboy stop riding a horse when he is thrown off? well, maria was there for the
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b.a.s.e. jumping championships and you can see that she is an avid base jumper, and if i had to guess, i would think that maria is going to be back out there. a couple of brave guys decide to go umbrella hopping. >> they are going to try to hone in on people in new york in new york when it is raining. >> find out if they find it funny or get fed up. >> all right. man. you have three seconds. plus the itsy-bitsy spider jumping up to catch his prey. > 97
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by. don't stick your head in a hole, because you might not get it out. >> right. >> and in oregon, that got one 7-week-old kitten in trouble. >> look at him upside down. >> this poor kitten. >> how does that even happen? >> this poor kitten was hiding under a large hvac unit behind a store, and while it was trying to get out, it got the head out of the hole, but not the rest of the body, and then its head was stuck and couldn't pull it back in, and then he ended upside down trying to maneuver. >> oh, no. he is going cross-eyed, too. >> it is so sad, right? well, the humane society of oregon to the rescue. they in fact tranquilized little lennox, and once the kitten calmed down they were able to pull the kitten through a larger hole on the other side of the unit. and now this little kitten is in foster care. and you may remember maddie, the three-legged dog we had on the
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show, and he has taken this kitten under his paws, and is available for adoption. >> if you adopt this kitten, kitten-proof your house. >> this is a wheelchair-bound pet owner, and it is the dog pushing the wheelchair bound own e and you will see the dog behind the chair pushing the chair to safety. >> come on! i have never seen anything like this. this is amazing. >> it is incredible, and this is the new definition of rescue g dog. >> how did it know that the owner was stuck, and how did it know to push the wheelchair and how is it able in these floodwaters to push the wheelchair? >> so many questions. the dog loved the own sore much, that he wanted to make sure that his owner did not perish in the floodwaters. >> or, he is like, you are so stupid to go on the flood wwate
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and now we have to get to the trees on the other side, come on. what's up? >> we are back with chris albright, and they are going umbrella hopping. meaning they are going to try to hone in on people in new york while they are walking, and let's say sometimes they win and someti sometimes they lose. >> this is weird iing me out, t. i would like, they sell an umbrella every five feet. get one of your own. >> stop it, stop it. >> i can't get under? >> well, i don't blame her. he is a stranger. strange. >> and he is trying to get under her umbrella. >> this guy is not having it. >> you have three seconds. three [ bleep ] seconds. >> i just want a dry shirt.
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>> you have three [ bleep ] seconds. >> but leave it to a grandma to say, sure. >> thank you. i'm just going to try to get up he here. >> that is a nice granny. >> thank you so much. >> to see the whole thing go to our website rightthisminute and you will see it all. >> it is a plane. >> it is a dog. >> it is a bacon. >> find bacon the dog and what he did surprising next on "right this minute." and still to come, traveling across america by bike. >> in just six days. >> hear from one of the teams why they are pedalling for power. >> we wanted to raise $100,000. >> and got giggles? she cracks up, and cracks up
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that is participating in "race across america" to raise funds for research and awareness for the barrow neurological institute. they begin saturday june 15th in oceanside, california, and they will end up in annapolis, maryland, and they are hoping to do it in six day. we are talking about 350 to 500 miles per day as these cyclists race across our great country. >> is this a relay or are they riding all 3,000 miles? >> we will find out, because we have one of the racers and one of the crew members via skype right this minute. welcome to the show you guys. >> hi, guys. >> give us the logistics of the race. >> there are a couple of ways that people can race across america. there are 41 people doing it by themselves, considered a solo tour, but our team barrow is doing it as an eight-man team. >> with eight-person team, ten members of the crew, and one van and one rv and a relay and 24
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hours and once it starts we don't stop until we get to the finish line. each cyclist three hours on and then three-hour break, and then 15 hours off. so we will have a day crew and night crew. >> what are some of the cool things that you will see a along the way? >> the race is 75,000 vertical feet of climbing. with egothrough the colorado rockies and the appalachians and and so those are the two big areas of the hill climbing. we go through kansas, and illinois and missouri and ohio. and we are hoping that we get a window of good weather that we can cycle right through it. >> and in the years past we have heard up to 60-mile-an-hour winds. >> and we have on to team a 19-year-old cancer patient. >> tracy, why so important for you to be involved in this? >> my father passed away from a brain tumor 14 years ago and he went to barrow, too, and he thought we should invest our money for team barrow who turns around to invest money in a
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cause we believe. >> we wanted to make sure that we could raise $100,000 to give back to barrow neurological institute. >> have you met the goal? >> well, 15 minutes ago i just picked up the check that just put us over. >> that is awesome! >> great. and now showing off tap dancing skills. . . ♪ what we have here is a table outside, and it is a wire table and a jumping spider, and it is creeping up on the prey. that fly has its wings and doing the things with the hind feet and rubbing them together and not paying attention to the fact that there is a jumping spider behind and move forward with the wings ready to take over. this is a national geographic moment and how did they capture
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this? somebody was out there eating a snack and had the camera and decided to roll on this, and see what was happening. he was having some brunch and so did the jumping spider. >> yes! >> takes it down instantly. i love the takedown. >> it is a cat and mouse stalking. >> the fly moves faster than the fly swatter. >> he had a friend and he got him. >> this is why you don't kill spiders in the house, because they kill all of the annoying flies. they are not interested in you, because you are not nearly as tasty. >> and the fly legs are still moving. what you have got here is a jeep headed straight for that backyard pool. >> this old rickety pool was
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it's tornado season on the sun. >> what this ? >> these are images caught by the dynamics observatory, and we are looking at what people call solar tornadoes. now, these are not like tornados on earth and not wind movement, but magnetic event involving super heated gases that are sucked up from the surface of the sun into the sun's atmosphe atmosphere, and it creates the images that look very much like tornados on earth except for some of these are the size of the earth. >> wow! that is huge.
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>> they are spinning at 190,000 miles per hour. this whole thing lasted for about 38 hours and the images were caught at the beginning of june, and people are mesmerized by it and as are scientists and they are trying to figure out and learn more about the solar tornadoes and the effect they have on earth, because they often occur with coronal mass impact that happens here on earth. it does not take much for a precious baby to make your day and make you smile and make you crack up. >> this is a little 4-month-old pennington, and she is doing the baby thing and she is just doing her thing. >> just happy to be alive and excited. >> but the best part of this video is what we don't see is her 6-year-old sister jaden is cracking up at whatever her little sister is doing, and it is precious.
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and an infectious laugh that is, and just very from the gut laughing with your whole body kind of laughter. >> and another precious kid video, this is russell, 19-months-old, and as expected when you are a kid, you want to be grown-up, and the easiest place to start is putting on your parent's shoes. >> yep. every kid does it. >> he does well to have feet twice the size of his legs. to navigate in ginormous shoes, he is ready for the snowshoes. >> and he kept walking, and walking and walking down the hall into the bedroom and finally he is like, i'm done. >> good boy. come on. >> and watching the first few seconds of this video, you know that something fun is about to happen. big thumb's up, and the guys are
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putting on the helmets, and so what is the big deal? the guys fire up the jeep, get a nice head of steam, and then in southern ontario at the mcclane house, boom, right into the backyard above-ground pool. watch that from all of the angles. they were wise enough to set up multiple cameras on this event. >> why? you are ruining the car. you are ruining the above-ground pool, and one-time deal. >> the why is because this is kenny mcclane's brother's house, and they had a brand new baby and the mcclane's were certain that this rickety above-ground pool would come falling down any moment and they were concerned it would happen when the baby was nearby, so they decided to take this $500 beater jeep to tear down the pool and the idea being that they would jump into the pool and drive out the other side crashing through the whole pool. >> it didn't work. >> it didn't work. most of the water is still in
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the pool. this old pool they thought would fall down at any moment hung in there. >> how did they get the car out? >> they had to fire up the grinder saw. >> i feet like there is a jeff foxworthy joke, you might be a >> and this is how they pump the rest of the water out, on a jet ski. >> oh, brother. >> does the jeep work afterwards? >> we talked to the mcclane family who shot the video, and they said, yes, they did get the jeep going again. they had to tow it out, but it did start. >> the car fax on that car is going to be the most interesting read on the planet. >> that's our show, folks. thanks for joining us, and we ♪ [ roars ] ♪
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i'm beth troutman. let's take a look at some great videos "right this minute." there is a struggle going on right now. >> an off duty officer takes down one sorry dude. >> you can see the officer tussling with the guy for about five minutes before other officers show up. >> why this piece of evidence is now sparking controversy. >> please let go. >> it is a race to the finish line as the cyclists come to the finish line -- >> racing around the corner coming fast -- >> and how they put
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